Getting Started
Changing the Broadcast Panel Network Settings
Because the broadcast panel is also on the network and communicating with the switcher processor chassis,
it also has network settings so it can connect to the network. These settings are different to the switcher IP
address, which is just where the panel is looking to find the switcher. The panel network settings can be
changed by following the steps below:
Step 1. On the broadcast panel system control menus, select the NETWRK SETUP menu button.
If the broadcast panel has already established connection to the switcher, you can access the
NETWRK SETUP menu from the HOME menu by pressing the SHIFT and CUT/FILL buttons
simultaneously. This will reveal the NETWRK SETUP menu button so you can select the network
Step 2. The broadcast panel's current IP address, net mask and gateway information is displayed.
Step 3. The next step is to decide if you want the panel to use a fixed IP address or to be automatically
assigned an IP address from a DHCP server. Select PANEL DHCP to set this using the soft keys on
the main display.
If you’re connecting direct to a switcher without a network, then you won't have a DHCP server
to assign an IP address automatically, so you will want to select fixed. ATEM Broadcast Panels are
delivered with a fixed IP address set to, for a direct connection.
However if your network has lots of computers that automatically assign IP addresses via DHCP,
then you can also select DHCP on the panel so the panel can get its network information
automatically. This is possible on the panel, and it's only the switcher chassis itself that always
requires a fixed IP, as the switcher needs to be found by the control panels at a known fixed
address on your network.
If you select DHCP, your network settings will be complete because the panel network settings
will be obtained from the network automatically.
Step 4. If you have elected to use a fixed IP address, you now need to set this IP address by selecting the
PANEL IP menu button and use the knobs or the numeric keypad to edit each field as required.
Changing this IP address may cause the panel to lose communication.
Step 5. If the subnet mask and gateway address need to be set, then select the relevant buttons on the
system control buttons to set and use knobs or the numeric keypad to edit.
Step 6. When any settings have been changed, SAVE and REVERT menu buttons will become available.
Select SAVE to save the changes to the new network settings, or REVERT to ignore the changes
and revert to the current network settings.
Change Network Settings from the System Control