This chapter describes IEEE-488 common commands provided by the B&K 8500B series electronic load.
1.1 *CLS - Clear Status
This command clears the registers:
_ Standard Event Register
_ Operation Event Register
_ Questionable Event Register
_ Error Queue
Command syntax
Parameters None
1.2 *ESE <NRf> - Event Enable
This command programs the Standard Event Status Enable register bits. The programming determines which events of
the Standard Event Status Event register (see *ESR?) are allowed to set the ESB (Event Summary Bit) of the Status
Byte register. A "1" in the bit position enables the corresponding event. All of the enabled events of the Standard Event
Status Event Register are logically ORed to cause the Event Summary Bit (ESB) of the Status Byte Register to be set.
See chapter “Programming the Status Registers” for descriptions of the Standard Event Status registers.
The query reads the Standard Event Status Enable register.
Command Syntax *ESE <NRf>
Parameters 0 to 255
Powe-on Value
see *PSC
Example *ESE 129
Query Syntax *ESE?
Query Response <NR1> - 0 to 255
Related Commands *ESR? *PSC *STB?
1.3 *ESR?
This query reads the Standard Event Status Event register. Reading the register clears it. The bit conguration of this
register is the same as the Standard Event Status Enable register (see *ESE). See chapter “Programming the Status
Registers” for a detailed explanation of this register.
Query Syntax *ESR?
Parameters None
Query Response <NR1> (register value)
Related Commands *CLS *ESE *ESE? *OPC
1.4 *IDN?
This query requests the electronic load to identify itself. It returns the data in four elds separated by commos.
This command causes the interface to set the OPC bit (bit 0) of the Standard Event Status register when the electronic
load has completed all pending operations. (See *ESE for the bit conguration of the Standard Event Status registers.)
Pending operations are complete when:
• All commands sent before *OPC have been executed. This includes overlapped commands. Most commands are
sequential and are completed before the next command is executed. Overlapped commands are executed in parallel
with other commands. Commands that aect trigger actions are overlapped with subsequent commands sent to the
electronic load. The *OPC commandprovides notication that all overlapped commands have been completed.
• All triggered actions are completed and the trigger system returns to the Idle state.
*OPC does not prevent processing of subsequent commands but Bit 0 will not be set until all pending operations are
completed. The query causes the interface to place an ASCII "1" in the Output Queue when all pending operations are
Command Syntax *OPC
Parameters None
Query Syntax *OPC?
Query Response <NR1>
Related Commands *TRIG *WAI
1.6 *PSC
This command is used to control whether the electronic load will generate a service request when power on again.
1 OR ON: When the load power on, status byte enable register, operater event enable register, query event enable register
and standard event enable register will be cleared.
0 OR OFF: The value of status byte enable register, operater event enable register, query event enable register and
standard event enable register will be stored in the none-volatile storage, which will be recalled when power on.
Command Syntax *PSC <bool>
Parameters 0- 1- ON- OFF
Query Syntax *PSC?
Query Response 0- 1
1.7 *RCL
This command restores the electronic load to a state that was previously stored in memory with a *SAV command to the
specied location. All states are recalled with the following exceptions:
CAL:STATe is set to OFF
The trigger system is set to the Idle state by an implied ABORt command (this cancels any uncompleted trigger actions)
NOTE: The device state stored in location 0 is automatically recalled at power turn-on.
Command Syntax *RCL <NRf>
Parameters 0 to 9
Example *RCL 3
Related Commands *PSC *RST *SAV
1.8 *RST
This command reset the electronic load to the factory-dened states.
Command Syntax *RST
Parameters None
1.9 *SAV
This command stores the present state of the electronic load to a specied location in memory. Up to 100 states can be
stored. If a particular state is desired at power-on, it should be stored in location 0. It then will be recalled at power-on
if the power-on state is set to RCL0. Use *RCL to retrieve instrument states.
Command Syntax *SAV <NRf>
Parameters 0 - 99
Example *SAV 3
Related Commands *PSC *RST *RCL
1.10 *SRE
This command sets the condition of the Service Request Enable Register. This register determines which bits from the
Status Byte Register (see *STB for its bit conguration) are allowed to set the Master Status Summary (MSS) bit
and the Request for Service (RQS) summary bit. A 1 in any Service Request Enable Register bit position enables the
corresponding Status Byte Register bit and all such enabled bits then are logically ORed to cause Bit 6 of the Status
Byte Register to be set.
When the controller conducts a serial poll in response to SRQ, the RQS bit is cleared, but the MSS bit is not. When
*SRE is cleared (by programming it with 0), the electronic load cannot generate an SRQ to the controller. The query
returns the current state of *SRE.
This query reads the Status Byte register, which contains the status summary bits and the Output Queue MAV bit.
Reading the Status Byte register does not clear it. The input summary bits are cleared when the appropriate event
registers are read (see chapter “Programming the Status Registers” for more information). A serial poll also returns the
value of the Status Byte register, except that bit 6 returns Request for Service (RQS) instead of Master Status Summary
(MSS). A serial poll clears RQS, but not MSS. When MSS is set, it indicates that the electronic load has one or more
reasons for requesting service.
Query Syntax *STB?
Parameters None
Query Response <NR1> (register value)
Related Commands *SRE *ESR *ESE
1.12 *TST?
This command causes the electronic load to do a self-test and report any error.
Command Syntax TST?
Parameters None
Query Response <NR1> 0 indicates the electronic load has passed selftest. Non-zero indicates an error code(see
appendix C)
SCPI Status Register
SCPI protocol supports the following four groups of status registers:
• Questionable
• Event
• Operation
• Status Byte
2.1 Questionable Status Register Group
Questionable status register group includes three 16-bit registers: status register, event register and enable register. When
the corresponding status register bit is changed, the corresponding bit in the event register is set. If the corresponding
bit in the enable register bit is set, it will be generated once Event (status byte register QUES is set). After executing an
event register read operation, the event register will be automatically cleared. The status register is dened as follows:
BitSignal Description
Bit0 VFEither an over-voltage or a reverse voltage has occurred This bit reects the active state of the FLT pin
on the back of the unit. The bit remains set until the condition is removed and PROT:CLE is
Bit1 OCAn over-current condition has occurred.
Bit3 OPAn overpower condition has occurred.
Bit4 OTAn over-temperature condition has occurred.
Bit8 SVRemote measurement terminal is not connected.
Bit11 UNR The input is unregulated, when the input is regulated the bit is cleared.
Bit13 OVAn over voltage condition has occurred. Both this bit and VF bit0 are set and the loads are turned o.
Both bits remain set until the condition is removed and PROT:CLE is programmed.
2.2 Standard Event Status Register Group
The standard event register group consists of two 16-bit registers: the event register and the enable register. When an
event occurs, and if the corresponding bit in the enable register is set, an event occurs (the ESB in the Status Byte
register is set). After executing an event register read operation, the event register will be automatically cleared. The
event register is dened as follows:
Bit Signal Description
Bit0 OPC The load has completed all pending operations. *OPC must be programmed for this bit to be set when
pending operations are complete.
Bit2 QYE The output queue was read with no data present or the data was lost. Errors in the range of 499 through
400 can set this bit.
Bit3 DDE Device-Dependent Error. Memory was lost or self test failed. Errors in the range of 399 through 300 can
set this bit.
Bit4 EXEA command parameter was outside its legal range, inconsistent with the load’s operation, or prevented
from executing because of an operating condition. Errors in the range of 299 through 200 can set this bit.
Bit5 CME A syntax or semantic error has occurred or the load received a <get> within a program message. Errors
in the range of 199 through 100 can set this bit.
Bit7 PON The unit has been turned o and then on since this bit was last read.
2.3 Operation Status Register Group
The operational status register group consists of three 16-bit registers: status register, event register, and enable register.
When the status register corresponding bit is changed, the corresponding event register bit will be set. If the corresponding
bit in the enable register bit is set, it will be generated once Event (status byte register OPER is set). After executing an
event register read operation, the event register will be automatically cleared. The status register is dened as follows:
Bit Signal Description
Bit0 CALThe electronic load is calculated a new calibration constant.
Bit5 WTG The electronic load is waiting for a trigger.
2.4 Status Byte Register Group
The status byte register group consists of two 8-bit registers: event register and enable register. If the corresponding bit
in the enable register bit is set, it will be generated once Event (status byte register RQS is set). The status byte register
will be automatically cleared when an event register read is executed. The status register is dened as follows:
Bit Signal Description
Bit3 QUES Indicates if an enabled questionable event has occurred.
Bit4 MAV Indicates if the Output Queue contains data.
Bit5 ESBIndicates if an enabled standard event has occurred.
Bit6 RQSDuring a serial poll, RQS is returned and cleared.
Bit7 OPER Indicates if an operation event has occurred.
Status Commands
3.3STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <NRf+>12
3.6STATus:OPERation:ENABle <NRf+>13
Those commands congure the status registers of the electronic load.
3.1 SSTATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?
This query returns the value of event register. Event register is read only register, it keeps all events sent to it. Read the
quest event register will clear it.
Query Syntax STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?
Parameters None
Query Response <NR1>
Related Commands *CLS
3.2 STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition?
This command can read the parameter from quest condition register. It is a read only register, keep the real-time(not
locked) query status of the load.
Query Syntax STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition?
Parameters None
Parameters <NR1>
Related Commands STAT:OPER:COND?
3.3 STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <NRf+>
This command is used to set the value of the enable register.
Command Syntax STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <NRf+>
Parameters 0 to 32767
Query Syntax STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle?
Query Response <NR1>
3.4 STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]?
This command query the query operation event register values. The event register is read-only register, which holds
(latches) all value passed by the NTR and, or PTR lter. Read channel operation event register will clear it.
Query Syntax STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]?
Parameters None
Query Response <NR1>
Related Commands *CLS
3.5 STATus:OPERation:CONDition?
This query returns the value of operation condition register. That is a read-only register that holds the real-time
(unlatched) operational status of the electronic load.
Query Syntax STATus:OPERation:CONDition?
Parameters None
Query Response <NR1>
Related Commands STAT:QUES:COND?
3.6 STATus:OPERation:ENABle <NRf+>
The command is used to set the value of operations enable register. This register is a mask for enabling specic bits
from the Operation Event register to set the operation summary bit (OPER) of the Status Byte register. The operation
summary bit is the logical OR of all enabled Operation Event register bits.
Command Syntax STATus:OPERation:ENABle <NRf+>
Parameters 0 to 65535
Default Value 0
Query Syntax STATus:OPERation:ENABle?
Query Response <NR1>
Related Commands STAT:OPER?
Default Value 0
Measure Commands
This signal measure command is used to get the read back value. You can use this command to control the measurement
4.1 MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]?
This command is used to query the average voltage of the electronic load.
Command Syntax MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]?
Parameters None
Example MEAS:VOLT?
Query Response <NR2>
4.2 MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage:MAXimum?
This command is used to query the peak voltage of the electronic load.
Command Syntax MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage:MAXimum?
Parameters None
Query Response <NR2>
4.3 MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage:MINimum?
This command is used to query the minimum voltage of the electronic load.
4.4 MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage:PTPeak?
This command is used to query the voltage peak-to-peak value.
Command Syntax MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage:PTPeak?
Parameters None
Query Response <NR2>
4.5 MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]?
This command is used to query the current average of the electronic load.
Command Syntax MEASure [:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]?
Parameters None
Example MEAS:CURR?
Query Response <NR2>
4.6 MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent:MAXimum?
This command is used to query the peak current of the electronic load.
4.7 MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent:MINimum?
This command is used to query the minimum current of the electronic load.
Command Syntax MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent:MINimum?
Parameters None
Query Response <NR2>
4.8 MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent:PTPeak?
This command is used to query the current peak-to-peak value.
Command Syntax MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent:PTPeak?
Parameters None
Query Response <NR2>
4.9 MEASure[:SCALar]:POWer[:DC]?
This command is used to query the power average.
MEASure [:SCALar]:POWer[:DC]?
4.10 MEAS[:SCALar]:RESistance[:DC]?
This command is used to query the equivalent impedance.
Command Syntax MEAS[:SCALar]:RESistance[:DC]?
Parameters None
Example MEAS: RESistance?
Query Response <NR2>
CR-LED Commands
5.5OCP[:STATe] <bool>18
5.6OCP:ISTart <NRf+>18
5.7OCP:IEND <NRf+>18
5.9OCP:DWELl <NRf+>19
5.10OCP:VTRig <NRf+>19
This chapter describes the LED analog function related commands. The user needs to set three parameters: Vo, Io, and
Rd Coe.. Where Io is the rated output current of the LED power supply under test; Vo is the forward working voltage
of the LED when the forward working current is Io, and it can be obtained from the VI curve in the LED specication.
The real load is the series connection of n LEDs, then Vo should be set to n times of the single-section parameter, or it
can be set to any value within the LED power supply output voltage range; Rd Coe. is the ratio of the series equivalent
resistance (Rd) to the total equivalent resistance (Vo/Io) of the LED load, that is, Rd Coe.= Rd/(Vo/Io). In series
applications, the Rd Coe. is only related to the selected LED’s VI curve, regardless of the number of series nodes.
5.1 LED:VOLTage
This command is used to set LED Vo.
Command Syntax LED:VOLTage <Nrf+>
Parameters 0.001 MAX
Example LED:VOLT 18
Query Syntax LED:VOLT?
Returned Parameters <NR2>
5.2 LED:CURRent
This command is used to set LED Io.
Command Syntax LED:CURRent <Nrf+>
Parameters 0 MAX
Example LED:CURR 0.35
Query Syntax LED:CURR?
Query Response <NR2>
5.3 LED:RCOe
This command is used to set LED Rd Coe..
Command Syntax LED:RCOe <Nrf+>
Parameters 0.001 1
Example LED:RCO 0.2
Query Syntax LED:RCO?
Query Response <NR2>
OCP Testing Commands
5.5 OCP[:STATe] <bool>
This command is used to set the OCP test status.
Command Syntax OCP[:STATe] <bool>
Parameters 0- 1- OFF- ON
Example OCP:ON
Query Syntax OCP[:STATe]?
Query Response 0- 1
5.6 OCP:ISTart <NRf+>
This command is used to set the start current of the OCP test.
Command Syntax OCP:ISTart <NRf+>
Parameters MIN MAX
Example OCP:IST 3
Query Syntax OCP:ISTart?
Query Response <NR2>
5.7 OCP:IEND <NRf+>
This command is used to set the OCP cut-o current.
Command Syntax OCP:IEND <NRf+>
Parameters MIN MAX
Example OCP:IEND 6
Query Syntax OCP:IEND?
Query Response <NR2>
This command is used to set the current step of OCP test.
Command Syntax OCP:STEP<NR1>
Parameters 1 1000
Example OCP:STEP 500
Query Syntax OCP:STEP?
Query Response <NR2>
5.9 OCP:DWELl <NRf+>
This command is used to set the single-step dwell time of OCP test.
Command Syntax OCP:DWELl <NRf+>
Parameters 0.00001 0.99999
Example OCP:DWEL 0.01 or OCP:DWEL 10ms
Query Syntax OCP:DWELl?
Query Response <NR2>
5.10 OCP:VTRig <NRf+>
This command is used to set the OCP trigger level.
Command Syntax OCP:VTRig <NRf+>
Parameters MIN MAX
Example OCP:VTR 11.8
Query Syntax OCP:VTRig?
Query Response <NR2>
5.11 OCP:RESult[:OCP]?
This command is used to query the current value of OCP.
Command Syntax OCP:RESult[:OCP]?
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