BenQ RS232 Code
Model: SP920
1. Connection :
The below shows the illustration of connection between control terminal and Projector.
<Pin assignment >
Pin Description Pin Description
1 RX 2 CTS
3 NC 4 GND
5 RTS 6 NC
7 TX 8 GND
Make sure that your computer and projector are turned off before connection.
Power on the computer first, and then plug the power cord of the projector.
8 7 6
5 4 3
(It may cause Com port incorrect function, if you do not follow this instruction)
Adapters may be necessary depending on the PC connected to this projector. Please contact with
your dealer for further details.
2. Interface Setting :
Baud Rate 115200 bps (default)
Setting in OSD menu
Data Length 8 bit
Parity Check None
Stop Bit 1 bit
Flow Control None
3. RS232 Commands
Function Type Operation ASCII
Write Power On <CR>*pow=on#<CR>
Source Selection
Write Power off <CR>*pow=off#<CR>
Read Power Status <CR>*pow=?#<CR>
Write Analog RGB <CR>*sour=RGB#<CR>
Write DVI-D <CR>*sour=dvid#<CR>
Write HDMI <CR>*sour=hdmi#<CR>
Write Composite <CR>*sour=vid#<CR>
Write S-Video <CR>*sour=svid#<CR>
Write Component <CR>*sour=ypbr#<CR>
Read Current source <CR>*sour=?#<CR>
Write Mute On <CR>*mute=on#<CR>
Write Mute Off <CR>*mute=off#<CR>
Read Mute Status <CR>*mute=?#<CR>
Write Volume + <CR>*vol=+#<CR>
Write Volume - <CR>*vol=-#<CR>
Read Volume Status <CR>*vol=?#<CR>
Write Contrast + <CR>*con=+#<CR>
Picture Setting
Write Contrast - <CR>*con=-#<CR>
Read Contrast value <CR>*con=?#<CR>
Write Brightness + <CR>*bri=+#<CR>
Write Brightness - <CR>*bri=-#<CR>
Read Brightness value <CR>*bri=?#<CR>
Write Aspect 4:3 <CR>*asp=4:3#<CR>
Write Aspect 16:9 <CR>*asp=16:9#<CR>
Write Aspect Auto <CR>*asp=AUTO#<CR>
Write Aspect Real <CR>*asp=REAL#<CR>
Write Blank On <CR>*blank=on#<CR>
Write Blank Off <CR>*blank=off#<CR>
Read Blank Status <CR>*blank=?#<CR>
Write Freeze On <CR>*freeze=on#<CR>
Write Freeze Off <CR>*freeze=off#<CR>
Read Freeze Status <CR>*freeze=?#<CR>
Write Zoom In <CR>*zoomI#<CR>