DJ Headphones
HPX6000 Professional
DJ Headphones
Professional DJ Headphones
Superior sound quality with
wide frequency response and
enhanced bass
Ultra-high dynamic range
50mm high output
neodymium drivers
Single sided removable cable with
1/8" jack and ¼" gold plated adapter
Adjustable headband with foldable,
swiveling earcups
High-quality components and
exceptionally rugged construction
ensure long life
Conceived and designed by
What Do DJs Need From
Their Headphones?
who relies on their ears for a living. Above
all else, they need clean, accurate audio
reproduction. BEHRINGER HPX6000
Professional DJ Headphones deliver on
this with massive 50 mm neodymium
drivers. That means when you wear
these headphones, you not only get
loud, clean sound – you also get deep,
powerful bass. So, no matter what
kind of music you listen to, you’ll hear
everything from the gut-shaking lows
to the lip-smacking highs.
All Work and No Play Makes
Jack a Dull Boy!
but being a DJ is also about style.
You don’t just have to sound good—
you have to look good, too. The HPX6000
takes style and comfort to a whole new
level! On top of their rugged construction,
we made sure to choose the right
materials to give these headphones
a classic look and feel. From the soft
DJs are just like any other professional
Having great sound is one thing,
touch rubberized coating to the leather
ear cushions and headband pad, these
phones feel fantastic on your head or in
your hands. And we include a carrying
bag in the package to make sure they stay
that way.
Comfort is Key
So even though they look and sound
amazing, if they aren’t comfortable that’s
a deal breaker. We know you wear your
headphones all night long, so we made
sure you could adjust everything about
the HPX6000s. The headband and ear
cups are fully articulated and adjustable,
and can be worn on the head or around
the neck single cup style. They are also
foldable, allowing for easy carrying and
storage. To top it all o, the detachable
cable makes it even easier to store
them away.
BEHRINGER HPX6000 Professional DJ
Headphones provide all of this at a price
that will surprise you. Now you CAN have
it all—amazing sound, stylish comfort and
real value.

Professional DJ
DRIVER 50 mm Neodymium
CABLE LENG TH 3 meters (ex tended)
ACCESSORIES Gold plate d 3.5 mm to 6.35 mm
plug adapter, Carrying Pouch
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For service, support or more information contact the BEHRINGER location nearest you:
MUSIC Group Services UK
Tel: +44 156 273 2290
Email: CARE@music-group.com
Technical specifications and appearances are subject to change without notice and accuracy is not guaranteed. BEHRINGER is part of the MUSIC Group (music-group.com). All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. MUSIC Group accepts no liability for any loss
which may be suffered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained herein. Colors and specifications may vary from actual product. MUSIC Group products are sold through authorized fullfillers and resellers only.
Fullfillers and resellers are not agents of MUSIC Group and have absolutely no authority to bind MUSIC Group by any express or implied undertaking or representation. This manual is copyrighted. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording of any kind, for any purpose, without the express written permission of MUSIC Group IP Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2012 MUSIC Group IP Ltd. Trident Chambers, Wickhams Cay, P.O. Box 146, Road Town,
Tortola, British Virgin Islands. 985-10000-00291
MUSIC Group Services NV Inc.
Tel: +1 702 800 8290
Email: CARE@music-group.com
MUSIC Group Services JP K.K .
Tel.: +81 3 6231 0454
Email: CARE@music-group.com