Beckhoff TE3520 User guide

Manual | EN
TwinCAT 3 Analytics Service Tool
8/12/2020 | Version: 1.0

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................5
2 Overview.....................................................................................................................................................7
3 Installation..................................................................................................................................................8
3.3 Licensing .........................................................................................................................................11
4 Analytics Workflow - First Steps............................................................................................................14
4.1 Recording data from the machine ...................................................................................................14
4.2 Communication................................................................................................................................17
4.3 Historicize data ................................................................................................................................18
4.4 Analyse data....................................................................................................................................23
5 Technical introduction ............................................................................................................................28
5.1 Basic concept ..................................................................................................................................28
6 Configuration ...........................................................................................................................................30
6.1 Networks..........................................................................................................................................30
6.2 Algorithms........................................................................................................................................31
6.2.1 Analytics - Base ............................................................................................................... 33
6.2.2 Analytics - Classification .................................................................................................. 62
6.2.3 Analytics - Compare ........................................................................................................ 83
6.2.4 Analytics - Math ............................................................................................................... 95
6.2.5 Analytics - Training Base ............................................................................................... 100
6.2.6 Analytics - XTS .............................................................................................................. 102
6.2.7 Analytics - WT................................................................................................................ 106
6.2.8 Analytics - XY Path Analysis.......................................................................................... 108
6.3 Interaction with Scope ...................................................................................................................117
6.4 Working with Historical Data..........................................................................................................121
7 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................124
7.1 FAQ - frequently asked questions and answers............................................................................124
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Table of contents
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1 Foreword

1.1 Notes on the documentation

This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who are familiar with applicable national standards. It is essential that the documentation and the following notes and explanations are followed when installing and commissioning the components. It is the duty of the technical personnel to use the documentation published at the respective time of each installation and commissioning.
The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the requirements for safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.
The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under development. We reserve the right to revise and change the documentation at any time and without prior announcement. No claims for the modification of products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the data, diagrams and descriptions in this documentation.
Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, EtherCAT®, EtherCAT G®, EtherCAT G10®, EtherCAT P®, Safety over EtherCAT®, TwinSAFE®, XFC®, XTS® and XPlanar® are registered trademarks of and licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH. Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
Patent Pending
The EtherCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and patents: EP1590927, EP1789857, EP1456722, EP2137893, DE102015105702 with corresponding applications or registrations in various other countries.
EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany
© Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
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1.2 Safety instructions

Safety regulations
Please note the following safety instructions and explanations! Product-specific safety instructions can be found on following pages or in the areas mounting, wiring, commissioning etc.
Exclusion of liability
All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the application. Modifications to hardware or software configurations other than those described in the documentation are not permitted, and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG.
Personnel qualification
This description is only intended for trained specialists in control, automation and drive engineering who are familiar with the applicable national standards.
Description of symbols
In this documentation the following symbols are used with an accompanying safety instruction or note. The safety instructions must be read carefully and followed without fail!
Serious risk of injury!
Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol directly endangers the life and health of persons.
Risk of injury!
Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol endangers the life and health of per­sons.
Personal injuries!
Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol can lead to injuries to persons.
Damage to the environment or devices
Failure to follow the instructions associated with this symbol can lead to damage to the environment or equipment.
Tip or pointer
This symbol indicates information that contributes to better understanding.
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2 Overview

The TwinCAT3 Analytics Service Tool is used for commissioning the machine and for service engineers. Live and historical data can be retrieved for an analysis via the IoT connection or offline via file copy. The analysis is configured in Microsoft Visual Studio where the user has access to a toolbox of algorithms for implementing the relevant life time, cycle time, envelope or component counter analysis. The outputs of the algorithms can be used as inputs for other algorithms or can be output as a result directly in the graphical editor. Signal paths can be visualised with ease by means of parallel recording with the TwinCAT Scope. Analysis results can be dragged by the user from the analytics configurator and dropped in the charting tool so as to mark the significant positions in the data stream. The interaction between the product components offers advantages in particular for diagnosing machine behavior and can highlight optimisation potential. The user’s location is immaterial owing to the IoT technologies used, which means that service technicians can perform system and machine diagnostics from practically any location.
• Analytics configurator
• Base Analytics algorithm
• Analytics Storage Provider Recorder
• TwinCAT Scope (TE1300 and TF3300)
• IoT Connectivity
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3 Installation

3.1 System requirements

The following system requirements must be fulfilled for proper function of TwinCAT Analytics.
Supported operating systems
Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
Minimum is TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4022.29 for engineering with TwinCAT Analytics Service Tool and Workbench.
.NET Framework
For the engineering a .NET Framework 4.6.2 is required.
Visual Studio development environment
• Microsoft Visual Studio ® 2013 Update 5
• Visual Studio® 2015
• Visual Studio® 2017
• TwinCAT XAE Shell
In general, it is enough to use the Visual Studio® Shell. If you choose the “Full” setup it will install automatically the TwinCAT XAE Shell. The “Update” setup provides just an update of the Analytics sources and no Visual Studio® Shell.

3.2 Installation and licensing

The TwinCAT Analytics setup is part of the TwinCAT Measurement Suite setup. You will be able to choose the Analytics option only by a click on Custom setup.
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You can enable the option “Beckhoff TE35xx Analytics Engineering”. Depending on the license it provides later the function of the Analytics Workbench or Service Tool.
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The Analytics setup will check during the process if your system provides the necessary licenses. If not, then a demo can be activated. This demo can be extended as often as desired, however, no update of the software/setup on this system is possible. For this purpose, a license must be acquired.
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Setup needs license
Updates of TwinCAT Analytics engineering tools are only possible with a valid maintenance license!
TwinCAT 3 licenses for non-Beckhoff devices
If you use an IPC from a manufacturer other than Beckhoff (TwinCAT 3 plattform level >= 90), aTwinCAT 3 licencse dongle is highly recommended, if not a prerequisite for successful licensing of TwinCAT Analytics!

3.3 Licensing

The TwinCAT3function can be activated as a full version or as a 7-day test version. Both license types can be activated via the TwinCAT 3 development environment (XAE).
Licensing the full version of a TwinCAT3Function
A description of the procedure to license a full version can be found in the Beckhoff Information System in the documentation "TwinCAT3Licensing".
Licensing the 7-day test version of a TwinCAT3Function
Note: A 7-day test version cannot be enabled for a TwinCAT 3 license dongle.
1. Start the TwinCAT 3 development environment (XAE).
2. Open an existing TwinCAT 3 project or create a new project.
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3. If you want to activate the license for a remote device, set the desired target system. To do this, select the target system from the Choose Target System drop-down list in the toolbar.
ð The licensing settings always refer to the selected target system. When the project is activated on
the target system, the corresponding TwinCAT 3 licenses are automatically copied to this system.
4. In the Solution Explorer, double-click License in the SYSTEM subtree.
ð The TwinCAT 3 license manager opens.
5. Open the Manage Licenses tab. In the AddLicense column, check the check box for the license you want to add to your project (e.g."TF6420:TC3DatabaseServer").
6. Open the Order Information (Runtime) tab.
ð In the tabular overview of licenses, the previously selected license is displayed with the status
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7. Click7-DayTrialLicense... to activate the 7-day trial license.
ð A dialog box opens, prompting you to enter the security code displayed in the dialog.
8. Enter the code exactly as it appears, confirm it and acknowledge the subsequent dialog indicating successful activation.
ð In the tabular overview of licenses, the license status now indicates the expiry date of the license.
9. Restart the TwinCAT system.
ð The 7-day trial version is enabled.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps

4 Analytics Workflow - First Steps

This step by step documentation presents the complete TwinCAT Analytics workflow. From the data acquisition over the communication and historizing up to the evaluation and analysis of the data and to the presentation of the data in web-based dashboard.

4.1 Recording data from the machine

On the machine side is the Analytics Logger the recorder of process data from the machine image, PLC, NC and so on. The Logger is working in the real-time context of TwinCAT.
The TwinCAT Analytics Logger is installed with TwinCAT XAE and XAR. The Logger can act as MQTT Client to communicate the recorded data to a native MQTT Message Broker or store the data in the same data format in a local binary file. By the usage as MQTT Client the Logger is able to bypass short disconnects to the Message Broker with a ring buffer functionality. You can configure a ring buffer as well for the local binary file storage.
• To configure the Analytics Logger you have to navigate in your existing TwinCAT Project to the Analytics tree node
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
• Right click on this node and click on “Add Data Logger” to add one new instance to your configuration
• For configuring the base settings, please double click on the new tree item
You can make your specific Analytics Logger settings
-Data Format: Binary file or MQTT stream
-FILE format: Analytics Logger stores the data in local binary files and all other settings are not necessary anymore. The files will be stored in C:\TwinCAT\3.1\Boot\Analytics.
-BINARY: Data will be sent to the configured MQTT Message Broker. You can have multiple Logger in one TwinCAT project to communicate data to different MQTT Message Broker.
-Data Compression: on (default) or off
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
-Max Compression: mode of the compression
-MQTT host name
-MQTT Tcp port
-MQTT main topic for own hierarchical levels to keep the identification easy
-MQTT Client ID should be unique in the network
-MQTT username
-MQTT password to make authentication at the message broker
-At the TLS (Transport Layer Security) tab, security settings can be configured. TLS is a secure communication channel between client and server. By the usage of certificates, the TCP port 8883 is exclusively reserved for MQTT over TLS. Analytics Logger is supporting the modes CA Certificates, CA Certificates & Client Certificate and Preshared Key (PSK) mode.
• If variables in your PLC application are marked in the declaration with the attribute {attribute 'TcAnalytics'} they will be shown automatically as a stream below the Data Logger tree node.
An additional device stream will be shown if your configuration provides an EtherCAT Process Image.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
• In the stream a Selection tab is available to choose the variables that should be recorded
• Finally it is possible to change the package size for the frames or to configure the ring buffer for disconnects and file in the Data Handling tab.

4.2 Communication

Currently, the Analytics workflow is fully mappable via MQTT. The engineering tools can also access the data of the machines via ADS and carry out analyzes.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
If you choose for the IoT communication protocol MQTT you have to setup a native MQTT Message Broker somewhere in the network (VM in a cloud system is also possible). This Message Broker provides a decoupling of the different applications in the Analytics Workflow.

4.3 Historicize data

After installation of the TwinCAT Analytics Storage Provider you are able to configure the service running in the background. You will find therefore the TcAnalyticsStorageProvider_Config application in the folder C: \TwinCAT\Functions\TF3520-Analytics-StorageProvider\WinService.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
The main part of the topic can be set in the configuration as well as the comment which will be used for identification if more than one Storage Provider is registered at the Message Broker.
You are able to provide the Message Broker settings and to decide for storage type:
• Analytics File (binary file)
• Microsoft SQL
• Microsoft Azure Blob (Azure Cloud necessary)
Finally, you can save the config and start the service. The next step is the configuration of the specific record. Therefore you should choose in your development environment the Storage Provider Recorder.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
The recorder has also to connect to the Message Broker. So you have to provide the same settings as for the background service.
After this you can click to icon with the small cloud to search Storage Providers at the configured Message Broker. Here you will find also the comment you gave already by the service configuration to identify your Storage Provider.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
The configuration of the record is very easy. You have just to choose your target in the Target Browser. Click on Live data and choose one or more variables by multiselect and put them by drag and drop to the recorder window.
The recorder will ask you if you like to add just the chose variables or the complete source process image of the variables.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
You can also configure record names and a duration (otherwise endless until manual stop). A ringbuffer can be set by memory or time.
Click the Start button to start the record. After this you can also disconnect the recorder, because the background service do the work. It is also possible that someone else connect to this Storage Provider service and control the running record.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
After and also during the record you can choose the historical data as input for your analysis in the Target Browser. In the Target Browser you will find for historical data a new control on the right hand site. There you can choose the time span for your data.

4.4 Analyse data

Open your TwinCAT engineering environment to start the analysis of the data.
Open Visual Studio® >> File >> New >> Project… Choose from TwinCAT Measurement the Analytics project template.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
The new project will be shown in the Solution Explorer. After a click on the Analytics Project tree node item a start window opens where you can select your first action. From here, you can add a Network, open the Toolbox, open the Target Browser or open the Analytics Storage Provider Recorder. You will do all these actions in the following steps.
It makes sense to open in a first step the Toolbox of Visual Studio®. There you will find all the supported algorithm of TwinCAT Analytics. Algorithm must be organized and grouped into networks. Right click on the Analytics Project to add a new Network or add a Network using the start page. The first Network is always generated by default.
If you click on the Network an editor will be open. Now you can take the algorithm you like by drag and drop into the editor surface. After choosing the algorithm you need to connect input variables to the modules (algorithm). Therefor open the Target Browser.
TwinCAT >> Target Browser >> Target Browser
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
Choose now the TcAnalytics or TcAnalyticsFile tab in the Target Browser. We go ahead with the TcAnalytics tab (MQTT). Click on the green marked icon in the toolbar of this Analytics extension. A window will be open where you can provide your Message Broker connectivity data.
Choose your MQTT Analytics client (TwinCAT Analytics Logger, TwinCAT IoT Data Agent or Beckhoff EK9160). For each controller you have a unique ID. This ID is shown in the Target Browser. Not very legible, of course. Therefore, click on the icon with the gear to get to the machine administration page. Here you can provide a System Alias name which is shown in the Target Browser instead of the GUID.
In the next step you can choose between Live Data and Historical Data for each MQTT Analytics client. Historical Data are only provided by the TwinCAT Analytics Storage Provider.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
You can take the variables by drag and drop into the inputs of the specific algorithm. For the most algorithm it is possible to set conditions like thresholds, time intervals, logic operators and so on. You can do these settings in the middle of each module.
Finally, your first Analytics Project is finished. To start the analysis, click on “Start Analytics”. To stop the analysis, click on “Stop Analytics”.
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Analytics Workflow - First Steps
Before starting Analytics or also during the runtime you can click on the button “Add Reference Scope”. A Scope configuration is automatically built to fit your Analytics project.
Results of the analysis can be show in the Scope View charts by drag and drop. For example, an average value can be shown as new channel in the view. Timestamps as Marker at the x-axes to show significant values.
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Technical introduction

5 Technical introduction

5.1 Basic concept

The following picture shows the basic concept of TwinCAT Analytics from the data source up to the Analytics dashboard based on TwinCAT 3 HMI. The communication in an Analytics scenario is realized by the IoT communication protocol MQTT.
Data sources:
Currently there are three different data sources for TwinCAT Analytics. All these sources are able to communicate with TwinCAT Analytics specific binary data format. This format is necessary to reach this high performance.
• TwinCAT 3 controller with TF3500 TwinCAT Analytics Logger
• TwinCAT 2, TwinCAT 3 and third party controller together with a gateway of TF6720 TwinCAT IoT Data Agent
• All EK9160 IoT Coupler devices
With TwinCAT Analytics it is possible to analyze live and historical data. The TwinCAT Analytics Storage Provider is the interface between native MQTT Message Broker to different stores. As storage TwinCAT Analytics is supporting an Azure Blob store and a Microsoft SQL database. The configuration of the stores is done automatically by the Storage Provider. Thus, it is not necessary to use classic SQL commandos to realize the communication. The user also does not need to setup a special table structure.
For service technicians and machine commissioning
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Technical introduction
The TE3520 TwinCAT Analytics Service Tool is the perfect tool for experts who like to analyze TwinCAT Analytics data sources. It is integrated into the Microsoft Visual Studio®. The user is able to make his analytics configuration in a graphical configurator choosing from a wide pool of different algorithms. A parallel interaction with the Scope View is also possible. The user is able to find significant values easily by drag and drop from the configurator into the data stream of our Scope View.
For continues 24/7 machine analysis
The TE3500 TwinCAT Analytics Workbench has the same functionality as the Service Tool. In addition, it is possible to make an automatic PLC code generation based on the realized analytics configuration in the configurator. The PLC code is ready to use. So you can start the data analysis immediately like in the configurator. But now for 24 hours 7 days per week if necessary. The auto generated code can be downloaded into the TF3550 TwinCAT Analytics Runtime. This runtime can be on a classic IPC or Embedded-PC, but also in a virtual machine. In the generated PLC project, the user is also able to realize his Analytics Dashboard by the TwinCAT 3 HMI.
We have different single products in the TwinCAT Analytics Workflow. See therefore the following list with all products
Product Number Product Name
TE3500 Analytics Workbench
TE3520 Analytics Service Tool
TF3500 Analytics Logger
TF3510 Analytics Library
TF3520 Analytics Storage Provider
TF3550 Analytics Runtime
TF3560 Analytics Controller Pack 4
TF3561 Analytics Controller Pack 8
TF3562 Analytics Controller Pack 16
TF3563 Analytics Controller Pack 32
TF3564 Analytics Controller Pack 64
TF3565 Analytics Controller Pack 128
TF6720 IoT Data Agent
EK9160 IoT Coupler
The minimal meaningful configuration is the usage of TF3500/TF6720/EK9160 together with TE3520 Analytics Service Tool. Also possible is just to use the TF3510 Analytics Library in a TwinCAT system.
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6 Configuration

6.1 Networks

The networks serve as containers of the analytics algorithms. Thereby an analytics configuration can be structured easily into different areas to allow greater clarity.
You can add a network directly from the analytics project start page or via the context menu.
Each network is represented in a single tab page. This allows you to view the networks separately, stacked horizontally or stacked vertically.
Furthermore, you have the possibility to rename the networks (F2 on selected network element in solution explorer). For example because you want to create networks for different machines, machine parts or other content-based connections.
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