BEBE CONFORT ISEOS TT Instructions For Use Manual

Инструкция по использованию
DOREL FRANCE S.A. - Z.I. - 9 - bd du Poitou - BP 905 - 49309 Cholet Cedex - FRANCE
Child safety in a car is paramount. More so than with any other product, a restraining device (carrycot or car seat) must be properly fitted. Facing or with its back to the road, a seat should support the child's body perfectly, be comfortable and simple for parents to install. From the very beginning, Bébé Confort has been concerned about child safety, and designs eminently suitable seats in accordance with the latest European regulations. This device should only be used on approved vehicles which are equipped with 3 point/static/inertia reel seat belts, approved in accordance with UN/EEC regulations N ° 16 or another equivalent standard. NOTES FOR THE USER:
1 - This is a “universal” child restraint. It has been approved in accordance with
regulations N° 44.04 for general use in vehicles, and can be adapted to fit most but not all vehicle seats.
2 - It is probable that the device can be correctly fitted in the vehicle if the
manufacturer’s vehicle handbook states that the vehicle is designed to take a “universal” child restraint for this age group.
3 - This child restraint has been classified as “universal” under more stringent
specifications than those applied to previous models not bearing this label.
4 - In case of doubt, consult the manufacturer or retailer of the child restraint.
Child safety in a car is paramount. More so than with any other product, a restraining device (carrycot or car seat) must be properly fitted. Facing or with its back to the road, a seat should support the child's body perfectly, be comfortable and simple for parents to install. From the very beginning, Bébé Confort has been concerned about child safety, and designs eminently suitable seats in accordance with the latest European regulations. This device should only be used on approved vehicles which are equipped with 3 point/static/inertia reel seat belts, approved in accordance with UN/EEC regulations N ° 16 or another equivalent standard. NOTES FOR THE USER:
1 - This is a “universal” child restraint. It has been approved in accordance with
regulations N° 44.04 for general use in vehicles, and can be adapted to fit most but not all vehicle seats.
2 - It is probable that the device can be correctly fitted in the vehicle if the
manufacturer’s vehicle handbook states that the vehicle is designed to take a “universal” child restraint for this age group.
3 - This child restraint has been classified as “universal” under more stringent
specifications than those applied to previous models not bearing this label.
4 - In case of doubt, consult the manufacturer or retailer of the child restraint.
Child safety in a car is paramount. More so than with any other product, a restraining device (carrycot or car seat) must be properly fitted. Facing or with its back to the road, a seat should support the child's body perfectly, be comfortable and simple for parents to install. From the very beginning, Bébé Confort has been concerned about child safety, and designs eminently suitable seats in accordance with the latest European regulations. This device should only be used on approved vehicles which are equipped with 3 point/static/inertia reel seat belts, approved in accordance with UN/EEC regulations N ° 16 or another equivalent standard. NOTES FOR THE USER:
1 - This is a “universal” child restraint. It has been approved in accordance with
regulations N° 44.04 for general use in vehicles, and can be adapted to fit most but not all vehicle seats.
2 - It is probable that the device can be correctly fitted in the vehicle if the
manufacturer’s vehicle handbook states that the vehicle is designed to take a “universal” child restraint for this age group.
3 - This child restraint has been classified as “universal” under more stringent
specifications than those applied to previous models not bearing this label.
4 - In case of doubt, consult the manufacturer or retailer of the child restraint.
Child safety in a car is paramount. More so than with any other product, a restraining device (carrycot or car seat) must be properly fitted. Facing or with its back to the road, a seat should support the child's body perfectly, be comfortable and simple for parents to install. From the very beginning, Bébé Confort has been concerned about child safety, and designs eminently suitable seats in accordance with the latest European regulations. This device should only be used on approved vehicles which are equipped with 3 point/static/inertia reel seat belts, approved in accordance with UN/EEC regulations N ° 16 or another equivalent standard. NOTES FOR THE USER:
1 - This is a “universal” child restraint. It has been approved in accordance with
regulations N° 44.04 for general use in vehicles, and can be adapted to fit most but not all vehicle seats.
2 - It is probable that the device can be correctly fitted in the vehicle if the
manufacturer’s vehicle handbook states that the vehicle is designed to take a “universal” child restraint for this age group.
3 - This child restraint has been classified as “universal” under more stringent
specifications than those applied to previous models not bearing this label.
4 - In case of doubt, consult the manufacturer or retailer of the child restraint.
Child safety in a car is paramount. More so than with any other product, a restraining device (carrycot or car seat) must be properly fitted. Facing or with its back to the road, a seat should support the child's body perfectly, be comfortable and simple for parents to install. From the very beginning, Bébé Confort has been concerned about child safety, and designs eminently suitable seats in accordance with the latest European regulations. This device should only be used on approved vehicles which are equipped with 3 point/static/inertia reel seat belts, approved in accordance with UN/EEC regulations N ° 16 or another equivalent standard. NOTES FOR THE USER:
1 - This is a “universal” child restraint. It has been approved in accordance with
regulations N° 44.04 for general use in vehicles, and can be adapted to fit most but not all vehicle seats.
2 - It is probable that the device can be correctly fitted in the vehicle if the
manufacturer’s vehicle handbook states that the vehicle is designed to take a “universal” child restraint for this age group.
3 - This child restraint has been classified as “universal” under more stringent
specifications than those applied to previous models not bearing this label.
4 - In case of doubt, consult the manufacturer or retailer of the child restraint.
Child safety in a car is paramount. More so than with any other product, a restraining device (carrycot or car seat) must be properly fitted. Facing or with its back to the road, a seat should support the child's body perfectly, be comfortable and simple for parents to install. From the very beginning, Bébé Confort has been concerned about child safety, and designs eminently suitable seats in accordance with the latest European regulations. This device should only be used on approved vehicles which are equipped with 3 point/static/inertia reel seat belts, approved in accordance with UN/EEC regulations N ° 16 or another equivalent standard. NOTES FOR THE USER:
1 - This is a “universal” child restraint. It has been approved in accordance with
regulations N° 44.04 for general use in vehicles, and can be adapted to fit most but not all vehicle seats.
2 - It is probable that the device can be correctly fitted in the vehicle if the
manufacturer’s vehicle handbook states that the vehicle is designed to take a “universal” child restraint for this age group.
3 - This child restraint has been classified as “universal” under more stringent
specifications than those applied to previous models not bearing this label.
4 - In case of doubt, consult the manufacturer or retailer of the child restraint.
Gondosság Anyag:
• Mosás elŒtt tanulmányozza a bevarrt címkén lévŒ textilkreszt, amely mosási útmutatóként szolgál.
Váz :
A vázat nedves ruhával tisztítsa.
Mosási jelölések :
Gépi mosás 30 °- os vízben
Csak kézzel mossa
Ne használjon fehérítŒt (klórt)
Ne tisztítsa szárazon
Ne centrifugázza
Ne vasalja
Nega Tekstil :
• Pred ãi‰ãenjem preverite v‰ito nalepko na sedeÏni prevleki, kjer boste na‰li simbole, ki oznaãujejo postopek ãi‰ãenja posameznih delov sedeÏa.
SedeÏna ‰koljka :
• SedeÏno ‰koljko oãistite z vlaÏno krpo
Oznake za pranje
Pranje v pralnem stroju pri 30°
Samo roãno pranje
Ne uporabljajte belil (klor)
Prepovedano kemiãno ãi‰ãenje
Ne uporabljajte centrifuge
Ne likajte
Habülés huzat
Penasta sedeÏna prevleka
MelegítŒ üléshuzat
Za‰ãitna sedeÏna prevleka proti vroãini
1 - Instructions for use 2- Side 3 - Seat belt guide 4- Fabric 5 - Shoulder pads 6 - Harness support 7 - Adjusting latch for harness 8 - Adjusting strap for harness
9 - Seat recliner 10 - Width adjustment 11 - Seat base 12 - Tensioner control switches 13 - Tensioner 14 - Strap buckle 15 - Five-point harness
1 - Инструкция по использованию 2 - Боковая сторона 3 - Направляющая ремней 4 - Тканевые материалы 5 - Защитные накладки 6 - Суппорт ремней 7 - Регулировочная защелка ремней 8 - Регулировочная лямка ремней
9 - Регулировка угла наклона сиденья 10 - Регулировка ширины сиденья 11 - Основание сиденья 12 - Ручки управления натяжителем 13 - Натяжитель 14 - Скоба натяжителя 15 - 5-точечный ремень
1 - Instrukce pro upevnûní 2 - Strana 3 - Úchytka pro pás 4 - Materiál 5 - Ochranné v˘plnû pásÛ 6 - Uchycení bezpeãnostích popruhÛ 7 - Nastavovací tlaãítko bezp. pásÛ 8 - Nastavovací popruh bezp. pásÛ
9 - Polohování opûrky 10 - Nastavení ‰írky sedaãky 11 - Spodní ãást autosedaãky 12 - Vypínací páãky 13 - Vypínací li‰ta 14 - Pfiezka pro zaji‰tûní pásÛ 15 - 5ti bodové bezpeãností pásy
1 - Navodila za uporabo
2 - Stran
3 - Vodilo za pas
4 - Tekstil
5 - Za‰ãitne blazinice za ramenske pasove
6 - Opora za varnostni pas
7 - Roãica za reguliranje pasu
8 - Pas za reguliranje varnostnih pasov
9 - Reguliranje nagiba sedeÏa 10 - Nastavitev ‰irine sedeÏa 11 - Podstavek sedeÏa 12 - Gumbi za kontrolo napetosti pasov 13 - Napenjalo pasu. 14 - Zaponka na pasu 15 - 5-toãkovni varnostni pas
1 - Használati utasítás
2 - Oldal
3 - Biztonsági öv bekötése
4 - Anyag
5 - VállvédŒk
6 - Öv alátámasztás
7 - A biztonsági zár beállítása
8 - Az öv szíjának beállítása
9 - Üléstámla állító 10 - Szélesség beállítás 11 - Az ülés alapja 12 - Övfeszesség ellenŒrzŒ kapcsoló 13 - ÖvfeszítŒ 14 - Övcsat. 15 - Ötpontos öv
1 - Instrukcja monta˝u 2- Bok 3 - Prowadnica pasa 4 - Tkanina 5 - Os∏onki ramion 6 - Wspornik szelek 7 - Regulowana blokada szelek 8 - Regulowany pas szelek
9 - Regulacja pochylenia siedziska 10 - Regulacja szerokoÊci 11 - Podstawa fotelika 12 - Prze∏àcznik napinacza 13 - Napinacz pasów 14 - Klamra pasów 15 - Uprzà˝ 5 punktowa
MielŒtt levenné a huzatot, kérjük, jegyezze meg alaposan a különbözŒ részek helyét. Ez nagyban megkönnyíti az összeszerelést. 1- Lazítsa meg a vállöveket és
kapcsolja ki a csatot, majd döntse az ülést fekvŒ pozícióba
Pred odstranitvijo si dobro oglejte poloÏaj posameznih sestavnih delov, saj vam bo to olaj‰alo ponovno montaÏo. 1- Zrahljajte ramenska pasova,
odpnite pasno zaponko in nagnite sedeÏ.
2- Fızze át a reteszlapokat az
ülés vázán (a jobb és bal oldalon az autó ülésének alján).
2- Potegnite za‰ãitni plo‰ãici za
medeniãna pasova skozi sedeÏno ‰koljko (na desni in levi strani pod sedeÏem).
3- Kapcsolja ki a hevedert, ahogy
a 36. és 37. oldalon látja.
3- Odpnite varnostni pas kot je
prikazano na straneh 36 in 37
5- A huzat eltávolítása
Kapcsolja ki az elasztikus hurkot (A és B), és lazítsa meg a huzatot (C és D).
5- Odstranitev sedeÏne prevleke
Snemite elastiãni zanki A in B, nato sprostite za‰ãito s C in D.
4- Kapcsolja ki a hevederzárt és
fızze át a reteszlapokat az ülés vázán.
4- Odpnite zaponko pri
varnostnem pasu in potegnite za‰ãitno plo‰ãico skozi sedeÏ.
5- Álljon az ülés háta mögé,
és húzza keresztül a vállpánt védŒlapját a háttámla nyílásán.
5- Na zadnji strani sedeÏa
napeljite za‰ãitni plo‰ãici za ramenska pasova skozi zarezi v opori za hrbet.
6- Válassza ki az öv megfelelŒ
hosszúságát (A, B vagy C), majd húzza keresztül a vállpánt védŒlapját a megfelelŒ nyíláson.
6- Izberite Ïeleno vi‰ino
varnostnih pasov (A, B ali C) in potegnite za‰ãitni plo‰ãici za ramenska pasova skozi ustrezni zarezi.
7 - Vezesse át az övszárakat az
övpárnákon és utána a megfelelŒ nyílásokon az ülés támláján. Rögzítse a az övcsatot a fém laphoz.
• Ahhoz, hogy könnyebben elérje az ülés felsŒ részét, állítsa függŒleges pozícióba.
• Ahhoz, hogy könnyebben elérje az ülés alsó részét, döntse azt le fekvŒ pozícióba.
7 - Napeljite ramenska pasova
skozi za‰ãitni blazinici in ju vtaknite skozi ustrezni zarezi na opori za hrbet pri sedeÏu. Pritrdite varnostni zaponki za pasova na kovinsko plo‰ãico.
• Za laÏji dostop do zgornjih zarez na opori za hrbet, namestite sedeÏ v pokonãen poloÏaj.
• Za laÏji dostop do spodnjih zarez na opori za hrbet, nagnite sedeÏ.
8- A zseb eltávolítása elŒtt
rögzítse a vállpántokat úgy, hogy az állítható pántot húzza meg erŒsen. Ezután távolítsa el a használati utasítást tartalmazó zsebet, elrejtve a reteszt mögé (hajtsa fel az ujjat legmagasabbra)
FONTOS : Mindig legyen a helyén a zseb, akkor is, ha a használati utasítás nincs benne. Ha nincs a megfelelŒ helyen, az problémát okozhat. Használat elŒtt mindig ellenŒrizze, hogy a biztonsági öv megfelelŒen van rögzítve.
8- Preden ponovno namestite Ïep,
ãvrsto potegnite jermen za reguliranje, da zategnete ramenska pasova. Ponovno namestite Ïep z navodili in z njim prekrijte za‰ãitno plo‰ãico (zapognite zgornji rob)
POMEMBNO : Îep mora biti vedno na svojem mestu, ãeprav v njem ni navodil. Manjkajoãi Ïep lahko povzroãi probleme. Pred uporabo preverite, ãe varnostni pas pravilno deluje.
GB - Instructions for use pages 4 - 15
RUS - Инструкция по использованию стр. 4 - 15
POL - Instrukcja monta˝u strony 16 - 27
CZE - Návod k pouÏití strany 16 - 27 HUN - Használati utasítás 28 - 39 old
SVN - Navodila za uporabo strani 28 - 39
• Fitting in a forward-facing position GROUP 1, pages 8-9.
• Placing the child in the seat, pages 10-11.
Adjusting the seating angle, page 11.
Width adjustment, page 11.
• Adjusting the height of the shoulder straps of the harness, pages 12-13.
To remove the seat cover, pages 14-15
Accessories, page 15.
• ВАЖНО стр. 5-7
• Установка «лицом по ходу движения» ГРУППА 1, стр.8-9
• Усадите ребенка в автокресло стр.10-11
• Угол наклона стр.11
• Регулировка ширины сиденья стр.11
• Регулировка длины плечевых ремней по росту ребенка. стр.12-13
• Снятие обивки стр.14-15
• Аксессуары стр.стр.15
Инструкция по использованию
Állítsa be a belsŒ biztonsági öv hosszát
A heveder hosszúságát állítsa be a gyermek méretének megfelelŒen. Vegye ki az ülést az autóból mielŒtt beállítaná a vállöveket. GyŒzŒdjön meg arról, hogy nem csavarodik meg az öv, miközben beállítja azt és mindent úgy köt vissza, ahogy eredetileg is volt. A vállövek abban a magasságban legyenek, ahol a gyermek vállai vannak vagy annál csak egy kicsit magasabban.
Prilagoditev vi‰ine ramenskih pasov pri varnostnem pasu.
Z reguliranjem ramenskih pasov prilagodite varnostne pasove otrokovi velikosti.. Pred nastavitvijo ramenskih pasov vzemite sedeÏ iz vozila. Pazite, da varnostni pasovi med reguliranjem niso zasukani in da ponovno pravilno namestite vse elemente. Ramenska pasova morata potekati v vi‰ini otrokovih ramen ali malo nad njimi.
1- MielŒtt elkezdené a beállítást,
ellenŒrizze le, hogy a heveder
be van-e kapcsolva. Nyomja be az állító gombot, miközben teljesen kihúzza a biztonsági övet.
1- Pred reguliranjem preverite,
ãe so varnostni pasovi zapeti. Pritisnite regulator in povsem izvlecite ramenska pasova.
2- Döntse le az ülést és távolítsa
el a használati utasítást tartó zsebet.
2- Nagnite sedeÏ in odstranite
Ïep za shranjevanje navodil.
3- Távolítsa el a vállöveket
biztosító kapcsot és akassza ki a vállöveket.
3- Odstranite za‰ãitno plo‰ãico
za ramenska pasova in snemite
ramenska pasova.
4- Álljon szembe az autósüléssel
és húzza ki a vállöveket. Tegye vissza az ülést függŒleges pozícióba.
4- S sprednje strani sedeÏa
povlecite ramenska pasova
in ju potegnite iz za‰ãitnih
blazinic. Naravnajte sedeÏ spet
v pokonãen poloÏaj.
Direction Position Group 1
Facing forward Rear seats * 9 to18 kg
Направление Установка Группа 1
«Лицом по ходу
На заднем сиденье* От 9 до 18 кг
* Автокресло должно устанавливаться на заднем сиденье
автомобиля или исключительно на переднем, согласно действующему законодательству страны использования
* The child seat must be fitted on the rear seat of the vehicle or
exceptionally on the front seat depending on the current legislation in the country of use
This device should be used only on approved vehicles equipped with 3 point/static/inertia reel seat-belts that are approved in accordance with EEC/UN regulation N° 16 or other equivalent standard.
Move the front passenger seat forward so that the child does not bump into it.
Check that the child car seat is stable
Данное изделие можно использовать только в сертифицированных автомобилях, оснащенных 3­точечными ремнями безопасности (статичными) с автоматическим натяжителем, соответствующими евростандарту CEE N°16 / ONU или аналогичному.
Выдвиньте переднее пассажирское сиденье вперед, чтобы ребенок не ударился о него.
Проверяйте устойчивость.
• Ahhoz, hogy függŒleges helyzetbe hozza a háttámlát, fordítsa el a gombot jobbra
• Fordítsa el a gombot balra, így lehajthatja az ülés háttámláját.
• Za namestitev sedeÏa v pokonãen poloÏaj obrnite gumb v desno.
• Za nagib sedeÏa obrnite gumb v levo.
• Ahhoz, hogy leszıkítse az ülés oldalfalait, fordítsa el a gombot balra.
• az ülés oldalfalainak szélesítésére fordítsa a gombot jobbra.
• Za zoÏitev stranic sedeÏa obrnite gumb v levo..
• Za raz‰iritev stranic sedeÏa obrnite gumb v desno.
7- Akassza be a hevedert és az
övpárna alatt található fémcsatot.
7- Ramenska pasova in za‰ãito
zaponke obesite na posebne opore.
6- Nyomja be az állító gombot,
miközben meghúzza a biztonsági övet (a vállövet tartsa, ne a mellvédŒt). Nyomja meg a piros gombot az ülés belsŒ biztonsági övrendszerén, hogy kioldja azt.
6- Pritisnite regulator in istoãasno
potegnite ramenska pasova. (Ne vlecite za za‰ãitni blazinici, ampak potegnite ramenska pasova.) Pritisnite rdeãi gumb na pasni zaponki, da jo odpnete.
• All Bébé Confort products have been carefully designed and tested for your baby's safety and comfort. Do not use accessories other than those supplied or approved by the manufacturer .
• Using other accessories may prove to be dangerous.
• Please read these instructions carefully and familiarise yourself with the product before use
• Always keep the instructions for future reference. There is a storage pocket specifically provided on the child seat.
• Approved model
• For Group 1 (babies from 9 to 18kg) ): the seat must be fitted in a forward-facing position on the rear seats of the vehicle.
The child safety seat must be fitted facing forwards Never install
this child car seat facing backwards.
• The manufacturer's liability extends only to what is contained in European Regulation (R44). This approval does not preclude due care and observation of the highway code.
• After putting your child into the seat make sure the belt is tight enough by pulling on the strap. Also ensure that the belt is not twisted
• Never leave your child unattended in the seat
Even minor shocks can turn a child into a projectile.
• For your own safety and that of your child, always put the child in the child car seat, however short your journey may be.
• Ensure that the straps under the stomach lie as low as possible, to properly support the pelvis.
Ensure that no part of the seat is in direct sunlight because otherwise it could become too hot (in particular the metal parts) and burn your child
• This child restraint is effective only if the fitting instructions are respected.
• The seat must always be secured with a seat belt, even when not in use
• Ensure that all luggage/object likely to cause injury in the event of an accident are properly secured.
• Never place heavy objects on the rear parcel shelf to avoid them being thrown during an accident
• The rigid parts and the plastic sections of a child restraint device should be positioned and installed in such a way that they cannot, when the vehicle is being used under normal conditions, become trapped under a moving seat or in the vehicle door.
• Always check that no part of the seat or the harness is trapped under a seat or in the vehicle door.
The car seat MUST be changed after an accident
• Never modify the construction or materials of the seat or belt without consulting the manufacturer.
Do not use the child restraint device without the cover. Never replace the cover with any other than that recommended by the manufacturer because the cover constitutes an integral part of the restraint’s performance
• Folding seats must always be locked in place
• After purchasing, install the seat in your vehicle. If you encounter any installation problems due to the length of the vehicle seat belt, contact your distributor immediately.
If in any doubt about the correct installation or use of the system, contact your distributor or the manufacturer immediately (prior to use).
To place your child correctly in the ISEOS seat, you must refer to the instructions on pages 10-11.
The harness should be adjusted to the size of the child by adjusting the shoulder straps.(pages 12-13)
+ 14 hidden pages