Bacharach True Spot Operating Manual

1. Bacharach, Inc. warrants to buyer that at the time of delivery this product will be free from defects in mate­rial and manufacture, and will conform substantially to Bacharach’s applicable specifi cations. Bacharach’s liabil- ity and Buyer’s remedy under this warranty are limited to the repair or replacement, at Bacharach’s option, of this Product or parts thereof returned to Seller at the fac­tory of manufacture and shown to Bacharach’s reasonable satisfaction to have been defective; provided that written notice of the defect shall have been given by Buyer to Bacharach within one (1) year after the date of delivery of this product by Bacharach.
2. Bacharach warrants to Buyer that it will convey good title to this product. Bacharach’s liability and Buyer’s remedy under this warranty of title are limited to the re­moval of any title defects or, at the election of Bacharach, to the replacement of this Product or parts thereof that are defective in title.
3. The warranty set forth in paragragh 1 does not apply to parts the Operating Instructions designate as having a limited shelf-life or as being expended in normal use.
4. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLU­SIVE AND ARE GIVEN AND ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF (i) ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL­ITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE: AND (ii) ANY OBLIGATION, LIABILITY, RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDY IN CONTRACT OR TORT, WHETHER OR NOT ARISING FROM BACHA­RACH’S NEGLIGENCE, ACTUAL OR IMPLIED. The remedies of the Buyer shall be limitied to those provided herein to the exclusion of any and all other remedies in­cluding, without limitation incidental or consequential damages. No agreement varying or extending the forego­ing warranties, remedies or this limitation will be binding upon Bacharach unless in writing, signed by a duly autho­rized offi cer of Bacharach.
NOTE: The Smoke Scale, Filter Paper, Valve Disc, and Pump Lubricant are expendable items and are excluded fron the terms of this warranty.
Parts List for TRUE-SPOT® Smoke T ester
Clip . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0021-0001
Sampling Tube . . 1 0021-0072
Spring . . . . . . . . . 1 0021-0013
Rubber Hose . . . . 1 0021-0071
Smoke Scale . . . . (not shown) 0021-0018
Filter Paper . . . . (not shown) 0021-0019
Check Valve Assembly (Includes
0021-0037) . . . . 1 0021-0075
(Valve Disc
only) . . . . . . . . 1 0021-0037
Cylinder . . . . . . . 1 0021-1013
Trap . . . . . . . . . . 1 0021-0074
Clamp Screw . . . 1 0021-1011
Cylinder Cap . . . 1 0021-0032
Handle . . . . . . . . 1 0021-0033
Rod . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0021-1012
Cup . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0021-0035
Pump Lubricant . 1 0021-0040 (1/4 Fl. Oz.)
Wrench . . . . . . . . (not shown) 0021-0078
Smoke Tester
Rev. 2 - June 2010
Bacharach, Inc.
621 Hunt Valley Circle New Kensington, PA 15068 Phone: 724-334-5000 Fax: 724-334-5001 Web:
®Registered Trademarks
for Testing Oil Burners
(1) Tear strip from perforated Filter Paper sheet (in SMOKE SCALE envelope); loosen Clamp Screw, insert end of paper strip in slot (Fig. 1) and tighten Clamp Screw; release Sampling Tube from rubber barrel Clip.
(2) Insert Sampling Tube at least 2 1/2 inches into fl ue through 9/32 inch diameter hole located between fur­nace/boiler fl ue outlet and draft regulator.
(3) Pull TRUE-SPOT Handle through TEN (10) full pump strokes (Fig. 2).
(4) Remove Sampling Tube from fl ue, loosen Clamp Screw and remove Filter Paper.
(a) Although TRUE-SPOT (0021-7012) has been modi­ ed by addition of condensation Trap and Check Valve Assembly, it is still good practice to warm a cold TRUE­SPOT to room temperature before testing begins. This will retard moisture buildup in condensate traps.
(b) About every 10th sample, tap Sampling Tube to loosen soot or rust, tighten Clamp Screw without Filter Paper in slot and purge with several rapid pump strokes (room air).
(c) During sampling be sure to pull piston through 10 full strokes and hold for several seconds at end of each pull stroke.
The design of Model 0021-7012 TRUE-SPOT makes routine maintenance and replacement of worn or dam­aged parts a simple matter. Maintenance includes emp­tying condensate traps if necessary, checking for leak­age, and periodic cleaning and lubrication. Replacement parts may be ordered from the Parts List while specifi c maintenance instructions are discussed in detail in the following sections.
1. 2. 4.3.
(5) Match color of smoke spot on Filter Paper strip to the clos­est spot on 10 spot OIL BURNER SMOKE SCALE (RR-
776). In comparing color of smoke spot to chart, slide Filter Paper strip between back of SMOKE SCALE and white plas­tic slide, viewing smoke spot on Filter Paper through window in center of color spots on SMOKE SCALE with smoke spot backed by white plastic slide (Fig. 3).
(6) Take additional samples required by clamping Filter Paper strip in slot so previous spot is visible outside the slot.
On pull stroke, use a steady pull motion such that a full stroke is obtained in 3 or 4 seconds.
(d) Check TRUE-SPOT occasionally for leakage (SEE MAIN­TENANCE INSTRUCTIONS).
(e) For maximum accuracy, hold SMOKE SCALE at arm’s length from eyes when comparing smoke spot on Filter Paper.
(f) Keep SMOKE SCALE clean and store in envelope provided when not in use.
1. Wetting of Filter Paper
(a) TRUE-SPOT (0021-7012) virtually eliminates Fil­ter Paper wetting by trapping condensed moisture be­fore it can contact Filter Paper. A combination trap and check valve recessed in the pump’s cylinder head retards condensed moisture on the Cylinder from reaching Fil­ter Paper on exhaust strokes. The Trap threaded to
the Clamp Screw holds condensed moisture which would nor­mally wet Filter Paper on intake stroke. When Traps are fi lled with excess condensate as indicated by Filter Paper wetting, Traps should be removed for cleaning. Remove both Traps with the wrench provided.
(b) Traps should be shaken and/or blown out. The Valve Disc may be removed to facilitate this operation when cleaning Check Valve Assembly. When replacing Valve Disc, make sure stepped side of Disc faces inward.
(c) All surfaces adjoining Traps and Filter Paper should be dried with a clean cloth, or reassemble and tighten Clamp Screw without Filter Paper in slot and pull pump Handle through 10 or 15 full pump strokes (room air).
2. Leakage
To check TRUE-SPOT for leakage on Pump Cylinder side of Filter Paper, clamp piece of hard cardboard securely in slot. Pull Handle out about one inch and release. TRUE-SPOT Handle should return to approximately original position. Fail­ure to do so indicates TRUE-SPOT leak caused by rubber Cup or loose Check Valve Assembly.
3. If TRUE-SPOT Leaks
(a) To examine rubber Cup for damage, turn Cylinder Cap counterclockwise and pull plunger out of Cylinder. Plunger should be rotated slowly at end of stroke to prevent possible damage to rubber Cup due to burrs on Cylinder Cap retainer slots. If Cup shows suffi cient wear or damage to cause leak- age, replace as described under PARTS REPLACEMENT.
(b) If Cup shows only slight wear, relubrication as described in Section 6 will stop leakage.
(c) To examine Rubber Hose connecting pump to metal Sampling Tube, fi rst tighten Clamp Screw securely; then turn coiled guard Spring clockwise off connection at pump. Replace defective hose with Bacharach part no. 0021-0071.
4. Parts Replacement
The complete TRUE-SPOT Assembly can be disman­tled for cleaning or parts replacement with the excep­tion of the Handle (0021-0033) and Cup (0021-0035). Re­moval of either of these two parts from the Rod for any reason except replacement is not advised. Damage to the rubber parts will occur as a result of forced removal. If Handle or Cup must be replaced, cut the rubber part in need of replacement away from Rod. Install re­placement by pressing tapered end of rod through hole
5. Cleaning TRUE-SPOT
TRUE-SPOT should always receive a complete
cleaning prior to renewal of lubrication (see Section
6), but individual parts should be cleaned as required. To thoroughly clean TRUE-SPOT, instrument
should be completely torn down. Do not remove Han­dle or Cup except under conditions outlined in Section
4. An approved degreasing safety solvent may be used
to clean old lubricant fron Cup and Cylinder bore.
WARNING: Always take precautions and fol-
low manufacturer’s directions when using solvent. To clean Cylinder, saturate a swab with solvent and work into bore until free of encrusted lubricant.
Remove Valve Disc (0021-0037) from Check
Valve Assembly. Clean and make certain ports are clear. When replacing Valve Disc, make sure stepped side of Disc faces inward.
Condensed fl ue gas which has formed a deposit
on the Rod should be removed by scraping or sand­ing with emery cloth. This will prevent Cylinder Cap wear which results from Rod working against hole in Cylinder Cap.
6. Relubricating TRUE-SPOT
Tendency for TRUE-SPOT to “pull hard” at
a sampling speed of 3 to 4 seconds per stroke with Filter Paper in place is usually due to lack of lubrication. Clean TRUE-SPOT thor­oughly as described above before lubricating.
Bacharach Pump Lubricant (0021-0040)
has been selected for superior lubricat­ing qualities, viscosity, chemical inertness, and long life. Substitutes are not advised.
Best means of applying is to spread enough lu-
bricant around the outside of the Cup so that when Cup is wrapped with one layer of muslin cloth, lu­bricant is squeezed through fabric weave. Any thin, lint-free fabric including muslin is satisfactory.
Insert lubricated and fabric wrapped Cup
into Cylinder bore and work back and forth un­til a thin fi lm of lubricant remains on the bore. It will probably be necessary to apply more lubri­cant to the Cup, rewrap, and repeat the proce­dure several times before a satisfactory thin, even lm remains. Do not apply too much lubricant, or seepage will result when TRUE-SPOT is stored.
After Cylinder bore is lubricated, work lu-
bricant remaining on muslin cloth onto out­er rim of Cup and reassemble TRUE-SPOT.