(Applicable for MAC OS version 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5)
1. Obtain a copy of the drivers package, Aztech WL230USB-L (RTUSB D71w- UI-, from the FTP folder.
2. When you download the drivers, you will see a DMG file. Double click the file, Aztech
WL230USB-L (RTUSB D71w- UI- to
load the drivers.
3. Open the file RT71W_Ralink_Installer, you will see three files for the different versions of
MAC OS. Choose the corresponding version for your MAC. We’ll take version 10.4 for
the instructions.
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4. Open the file RT71W_Ralink-10.4, you will see two files, RT71W-Ralink-Tiger.pkg (for
installation) and uninstall.command (for uninstallation). Double click the file RT71WRalink-Tiger.pkg to install the drivers.
Click on Continue to proceed with the installation.
Aztech does not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the Material which is provided "AS IS" without any warranty whatsoever,
whether express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement or any other breach of rights. In addition Aztech shall not be liable to you for any losses or damages you may incur
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