Avolites Sapphire Touch Users Manual

Sapphire Touch
Operator’s Manual
Version 9.0
TitanUniversal_Man_v9-0_ST.doc 09 March 2015
Useful Avolites phone numbers:­Avolites England Sales and service* (+44) (0) 20 8965 8522 Service out of hours* (+44) (0) 831 17 8888 Fax (+44) (0) 20 8965 0290 Email support@avolites.com Website http://www.avolites.com
Before contacting Avolites for service enquiry please ensure that you have the product serial number and the software version. The serial number can be found on the back of the desk; the software version is displayed on the menu prompt when
the Sapphire Touch is switched
to System mode. The latest version of this manual and console software can be
downloaded from the Avolites website.
The small print : No Liability for Consequential Damages
Avolites has a policy of continuous product and documentation improvement. As such the detail within this manual may not match the operation of the console.
In no event shall Avolites be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages or loss whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use the console even if Avolites Ltd. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
Avolites Ltd recognise that all trademarks within the manual are the property of their respective owners.
TitanUniversal_Man_v9-0_ST.doc 09 March 2015
Reprint and revision history:
Titan Universal Manual v9: March 2015
Written by Tim Mitchell, Sabre Technology Ltd
with examples by Nic Morris
TitanUniversal_Man_v9-0_ST.doc 09 March 2015
Reference Manual Contents - Page 5
7. CUES 144
8. CHASES 164
9. CUE LISTS 175
This icon shows important information which you sh ould know about to avoid damage to your console or loss of important data.
This icon shows information which is useful to kn ow.
This icon shows handy tips which will help you use t he console more efficiently.
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Page 6 – Reference Manual Contents
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Reference Manual Contents - Page 7
1. Quick Start 13
1.1 Patching fixtures ................................................................... 13
1.2 Controlling fixtures ................................................................ 13
1.3 Programming cues and chases.................................................14
1.4 Programming palettes ............................................................ 15
1.5 DMX / network setup ............................................................. 16
2. Setting up and using the console 17
2.1 Guide to the Sapphire Touch................................................... 17
2.2 Connecting up....................................................................... 21
2.2.1 Cautions............................................................................................ 21
2.2.2 Connecting mains power...................................................................... 21
2.2.3 Starting up and shutting down.............................................................. 22
2.2.4 Titan Healthcheck ............................................................................... 22
2.2.5 Connecting DMX lines.......................................................................... 23
2.2.6 Connecting the Sapphire Wing.............................................................. 24
2.2.7 Connecting the Titan Mobile Wing ......................................................... 24
2.3 Using the touch screens .........................................................25
2.3.1 Workspace windows............................................................................ 25
2.3.2 The menu area of the touch screen ....................................................... 30
2.3.3 The toolbar ........................................................................................ 31
2.3.4 Calibrating the touch screens ............................................................... 33
2.3.5 The Heads-Up Display (HUD)................................................................ 33
2.3.6 Visualiser........................................................................................... 34
2.3.7 Key profiles........................................................................................ 35
2.3.8 Undo/Redo......................................................................................... 35
2.3.9 Key macro buttons.............................................................................. 35
2.3.10 Keyboard shortcuts ........................................................................... 36
2.3.11 Locking the console........................................................................... 37
2.4 Multi-user operation............................................................... 37
2.4.1 Users ................................................................................................ 37
2.4.2 Handle Worlds.................................................................................... 38
2.4.3 Linking to other TitanNet sessions......................................................... 38
2.5 Titan Simulator .....................................................................40
2.5.1 Installing Titan Simulator..................................................................... 40
2.5.2 Running Titan Simulator ...................................................................... 41
2.5.3 Using Virtual Panel with a console......................................................... 41
2.6 Loading and saving shows ...................................................... 41
2.6.1 Saving the show................................................................................. 41
2.6.2 Loading a show .................................................................................. 42
2.6.3 Importing parts of other shows............................................................. 43
2.6.4 Autosave ........................................................................................... 44
2.6.5 Backing up existing show files to USB pen drive...................................... 45
2.7 Clearing the console............................................................... 45
2.8 Creating reports.................................................................... 45
3. Patching
3.1 Patching new fixtures or dimmers............................................ 48
3.1.1 Fixture select buttons and handles ........................................................ 48
3.1.2 Patching dimmers ............................................................................... 49
3.1.3 Patching moving light fixtures............................................................... 50
3.1.4 Visualiser Auto Patch........................................................................... 53
3.1.5 Patching fixtures with multiple cells (sub fixtures)................................... 53
3.1.6 Patching by RDM................................................................................. 53
3.1.7 Finding a lost fixture ........................................................................... 54
3.2 Changing the patch................................................................55
3.2.1 Patch View......................................................................................... 55
3.2.2 View detailed fixture information........................................................... 56
3.2.3 Changing DMX address using Patch menu.............................................. 57
3.2.4 Setting legends .................................................................................. 57
3.2.5 DMX view window............................................................................... 58
3.2.6 Fixture Exchange ................................................................................ 59
3.2.7 Exchange Mapping.............................................................................. 60
3.2.8 Update personalities............................................................................ 62
3.3 Copying, moving and deleting fixtures...................................... 62
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3.3.1 Copying or moving a patched fixture..................................................... 62
3.3.2 Using copied fixtures........................................................................... 63
3.3.3 Deleting a patched fixture.................................................................... 63
3.4 Advanced options.................................................................. 64
3.4.1 Swap pan and tilt................................................................................ 64
3.4.2 Invert attributes ................................................................................. 64
3.4.3 Attribute limits ................................................................................... 65
3.4.4 Fixture Offset ..................................................................................... 66
3.4.5 Fixture / Attribute curves..................................................................... 66
3.4.6 Freeze fixtures or attributes ................................................................. 67
3.4.7 Editing the personality......................................................................... 67
4. Controlling dimmers and fixtures 68
4.1 Using the select buttons and wheels......................................... 68
4.1.1 Selecting fixtures and dimmers for control ............................................. 68
4.1.2 Setting fixtures to a start position (Locate) ............................................ 69
4.1.3 Clearing selection................................................................................ 70
4.1.4 Fixtures with multiple cells/subfixtures .................................................. 71
4.1.5 Changing attributes using the wheels .................................................... 73
4.1.6 Setting attributes using the touch screen ............................................... 74
4.1.7 Setting attributes from the softkeys ...................................................... 77
4.1.8 Adjusting attributes with the @ buttons................................................. 77
4.1.9 Selecting fixtures and dimmers by number (Channel).............................. 78
4.1.10 Selecting using a pattern ................................................................... 79
4.1.11 Selecting fixtures which are in a palette or playback.............................. 79
4.1.12 Attribute groups – IPCGBES-FX........................................................... 80
4.1.13 Using fixture groups .......................................................................... 80
4.1.14 Fixture Order and Fixture Layout in groups........................................... 82
4.1.15 Stepping through selected fixtures one at a time................................... 83
4.1.16 Highlighting the selected fixture with Prev/Next .................................... 83
4.1.17 Flash selected fixtures to full .............................................................. 84
4.1.18 Turn off unselected fixtures................................................................ 84
4.1.19 Align fixtures.................................................................................... 84
4.1.20 Flip ................................................................................................. 85
4.1.21 Fan mode......................................................................................... 85
4.1.22 Setting fixture/attribute times............................................................. 88
4.2 Viewing and using numerical values ......................................... 89
4.2.1 The Channel Grid window..................................................................... 89
4.3 Advanced options.................................................................. 90
4.3.1 The ML Menu button........................................................................... 90
4.3.2 Lamping fixtures on and off.................................................................. 90
5. Palettes
5.1 Creating palettes................................................................... 93
5.1.1 Which attributes are stored in palettes................................................... 93
5.1.2 Storing a palette................................................................................. 93
5.1.3 Nested palettes .................................................................................. 96
5.1.4 Quick record ...................................................................................... 96
5.1.5 Setting legends for palettes.................................................................. 97
5.1.6 Creating an effects palette (shape or pixel mapper) ................................ 98
5.1.7 Creating a time palette........................................................................ 98
5.2 Recalling palettes .................................................................. 99
5.2.1 Recalling a palette value...................................................................... 99
5.2.2 Palette pages ..................................................................................... 99
5.2.3 Only showing relevant palettes............................................................100
5.2.4 Quick palettes with no fixtures selected ................................................100
5.2.5 Setting palettes to all fixtures in a playback ..........................................100
5.3 Editing palettes ................................................................... 100
5.3.1 Viewing and editing the content of palettes ...........................................100
5.3.2 Changing the content of palettes .........................................................101
5.3.3 Updating palettes used in a playback....................................................101
5.4 Copying, moving and deleting palettes ................................... 102
5.4.1 Copying or moving a palette................................................................102
5.4.2 Deleting palettes................................................................................102
5.5 Timing with palettes............................................................. 103
5.5.1 Palettes with saved times....................................................................103
5.5.2 Manually overriding palette times.........................................................103
5.5.3 Manual fixture overlap when recalling palettes.......................................103
5.5.4 Master Time for palettes.....................................................................104
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Reference Manual Contents - Page 9
6. Shapes and Pixel Mapper effects 106
6.1 Shape generator.................................................................. 106
6.1.1 Selecting a shape...............................................................................106
6.1.2 Changing size and speed of a shape.....................................................108
6.1.3 Changing the phase of a shape across multiple fixtures ..........................109
6.2 Key frame shapes................................................................ 110
6.2.1 Creating a key frame shape ................................................................110
6.2.2 Changing shape parameters in the Effect Editor.....................................111
6.2.3 Saving a key frame shape to a cue.......................................................115
6.3 Pixel mapper....................................................................... 116
6.3.1 Creating Pixel Mapper effects ..............................................................116
6.3.2 Pixel mapper Layer Masters.................................................................119
6.4 Editing shapes and effects .................................................... 119
6.4.1 Editing shapes and effects in cues........................................................ 119
6.4.2 Selecting a running shape to edit.........................................................120
6.4.3 Resynchronise shapes ........................................................................120
6.4.4 Changing fixture order in a shape ........................................................120
6.4.5 Removing or adding fixtures................................................................120
6.4.6 Reversing a shape..............................................................................120
6.4.7 Deleting shapes.................................................................................121
6.5 Advanced options................................................................ 121
6.5.1 Fading shape size and speed ...............................................................121
6.6 Pixel Mapper examples......................................................... 121
6.6.1 Randomising effects...........................................................................121
6.6.2 Overlaying effects..............................................................................125
6.6.3 Creative use of fixture layouts............................................................. 127
6.6.4 Other Layout Editor tools....................................................................131
6.6.5 Playback Order and Priorities...............................................................132
6.6.6 Displacement and Layer Properties.......................................................137
6.6.7 Spawn and Pre-Spool .........................................................................139
7. Cues 144
7.1 Creating a cue..................................................................... 144
7.1.1 How the Sapphire Touch works when programming................................144
7.1.2 Creating a cue...................................................................................145
7.1.3 Quick Build cues ................................................................................146
7.1.4 Using shapes/effects in cues................................................................146
7.1.5 Blind mode .......................................................................................146
7.1.6 Recording cue with a mask..................................................................146
7.1.7 Convert cue to chase or cue list...........................................................147
7.2 Using a cue......................................................................... 147
7.2.1 HTP and LTP......................................................................................147
7.2.2 Playing back a cue .............................................................................147
7.2.3 Changing playback pages....................................................................148
7.2.4 Viewing active playbacks ....................................................................148
7.2.5 Speed Masters...................................................................................149
7.2.6 Releasing running playbacks ...............................................................149
7.2.7 Release mask - releasing individual attributes........................................150
7.2.8 Programming the Release / Power On state...........................................150
7.2.9 Turning off individual fixtures ..............................................................151
7.3 Editing cues........................................................................ 151
7.3.1 Editing a cue by merging ....................................................................151
7.3.2 Updating stored values and palettes used in a cue .................................151
7.3.3 Playback and Cue view .......................................................................152
7.3.4 Using parts of existing cues - the Include function..................................153
7.3.5 Removing attributes from cues using “Off”............................................154
7.4 Copying, moving, linking and deleting .................................... 155
7.4.1 Copying or moving a cue ....................................................................155
7.4.2 Deleting a cue ...................................................................................156
7.5 Cue timing.......................................................................... 156
7.5.1 Setting fade times and Overlap for a cue ..............................................156
7.5.2 Changing fixture order........................................................................158
7.5.3 Setting attribute fade times for a cue ...................................................159
7.5.4 Editing times in the programmer..........................................................160
7.6 Advanced options................................................................ 160
7.6.1 Release mask....................................................................................160
7.6.2 Shape size/speed on fader ..................................................................161
7.6.3 Curve...............................................................................................161
7.6.4 Locking a playback onto a handle.........................................................161
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Page 10 – Reference Manual Contents
7.6.5 Playback priority................................................................................161
7.6.6 Blind mode .......................................................................................162
7.6.7 Key Profile ........................................................................................162
8. Chases 164
8.1 Creating a chase ................................................................. 164
8.1.1 Programming a chase.........................................................................164
8.1.2 Creating a chase with Quick Build ........................................................165
8.2 Playback ............................................................................ 165
8.2.1 Playing back a chase ..........................................................................165
8.2.2 Connecting a chase for control.............................................................166
8.2.3 Setting speed and crossfade for a chase ...............................................166
8.2.4 Manually controlling the steps of a chase ..............................................167
8.2.5 Changing chase direction....................................................................167
8.2.6 Jumping to a step ..............................................................................167
8.3 Editing a chase.................................................................... 168
8.3.1 Opening a chase for editing.................................................................168
8.3.2 Editing a chase using Unfold................................................................168
8.4 Copying, moving, linking and deleting .................................... 169
8.4.1 Copying or moving a chase .................................................................169
8.4.2 Deleting a chase................................................................................169
8.4.3 Deleting a step from a chase...............................................................169
8.5 Chase timing....................................................................... 169
8.5.1 Global timings for chases....................................................................169
8.5.2 Individual cue times in chases .............................................................171
8.5.3 Setting attribute fade times for a cue in a chase ....................................172
8.6 Advanced options................................................................ 172
8.6.1 Loop/Stop on Final Cue.......................................................................172
8.6.2 Forwards/backwards/bounce/random ...................................................172
8.6.3 Cue linking........................................................................................173
8.6.4 Release between cues ........................................................................173
8.6.5 Renumber cues..................................................................................173
9. Cue Lists 175
9.1 Creating a cue list................................................................ 175
9.1.1 Programming a cue list.......................................................................175
9.1.2 Changing legends for cues in a cue list .................................................177
9.1.3 Autoloading a playback within a cue list................................................177
9.1.4 Running a key macro from a cue list.....................................................178
9.1.5 Keyboard shortcuts/syntax for cue lists ................................................178
9.2 Cue List playback ................................................................ 179
9.2.1 Running a cue list ..............................................................................179
9.2.2 Killing a cue list .................................................................................180
9.3 Editing cue lists................................................................... 180
9.3.1 Playback View window........................................................................180
9.3.2 Editing values in Cue View window.......................................................180
9.3.3 Moving and copying cues ....................................................................181
9.3.4 Editing a cue list using Unfold..............................................................182
9.3.5 Using Update to change tracked cues ...................................................182
9.3.6 Editing a cue list which is running ........................................................183
9.3.7 Editing a cue list while recording..........................................................183
9.3.8 Updating values in a range of cues.......................................................184
9.3.9 Disabling a cue..................................................................................184
9.4 Copying, moving, linking and deleting .................................... 184
9.4.1 Copying or moving a cue list ...............................................................185
9.4.2 Deleting a cue list ..............................................................................185
9.4.3 Deleting a cue from a cue list ..............................................................185
9.5 Cue list timing..................................................................... 185
9.5.1 Time and fade options for Cue Lists......................................................185
9.5.2 Cue linking & Link Offset.....................................................................186
9.5.3 Individual attribute fade times.............................................................187
9.5.4 Fixture overlap ..................................................................................187
9.5.5 Running a cue list to timecode.............................................................188
9.6 Advanced options................................................................ 189
9.6.1 Release mask....................................................................................189
9.6.2 Fader mode.......................................................................................190
9.6.3 Release between cues ........................................................................190
9.6.4 Handle Paging ...................................................................................190
9.6.5 Cue Options ......................................................................................190
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Reference Manual Contents - Page 11
9.6.6 Autoload...........................................................................................191
9.6.7 Macro Links.......................................................................................191
9.6.8 Key Profile ........................................................................................191
9.6.9 Shape Size/Shape Speed ....................................................................191
9.6.10 Tracking .........................................................................................191
9.6.11 Move In Dark (MID) functions............................................................191
9.6.12 Fire first cue option ..........................................................................192
10. Running the show 193
10.1 Playback controls................................................................. 193
10.1.1 Back up the show.............................................................................193
10.1.2 Label the console .............................................................................193
10.1.3 Master faders ..................................................................................193
10.1.4 Speed Masters.................................................................................193
10.1.5 Group Masters.................................................................................194
10.1.6 Flash and swop buttons ....................................................................195
10.1.7 Playback priority ..............................................................................195
10.1.8 Locking a playback onto the same handle on every page.......................195
10.1.9 Viewing active playbacks...................................................................196
10.1.10 Blind mode....................................................................................196
10.1.11 Busking with palettes ......................................................................196
10.2 Using multiple on-screen workspaces ..................................... 197
10.2.1 View menu......................................................................................197
10.3 Organising the console......................................................... 198
10.3.1 Using the Move function....................................................................198
10.4 Set List window................................................................... 198
10.5 MIDI, DMX or audio triggering............................................... 199
10.5.1 Connecting remote trigger sources.....................................................199
10.5.2 Setting up remote triggering .............................................................199
10.5.3 Classic Pearl MIDI triggers ................................................................201
10.5.4 MIDI show control............................................................................202
10.5.5 Audio control (sound to light) ............................................................202
10.6 Linking consoles for multi-user or backup................................ 203
10.6.1 Setting up consoles for multi-user......................................................203
10.6.2 Setting up consoles for backup ..........................................................203
11. Remote control 206
11.1 Setting up the remote.......................................................... 206
11.1.1 Using an existing network .................................................................207
11.1.2 Network setup using a dedicated access point......................................207
11.2 Operating the remote........................................................... 208
11.2.1 Keypad...........................................................................................208
11.2.2 Controlling fixtures...........................................................................209
11.2.3 Recording groups and palettes...........................................................210
12. User Settings and other options
12.1 Configuring the Workspace ................................................... 212
12.1.1 Opening workspace windows .............................................................212
12.1.2 Selecting and positioning workspace windows......................................212
12.1.3 Saving workspaces...........................................................................213
12.1.4 Compatibility windows for Pearl Expert shows......................................214
12.1.5 Configuring an external monitor.........................................................214
12.2 Key Profiles ........................................................................ 215
12.2.1 Creating and editing key profiles........................................................215
12.2.2 Selecting a Key Profile ......................................................................217
12.2.3 Individual Key profiles for playbacks...................................................217
12.3 The System menu ............................................................... 217
12.3.1 TitanNet Security .............................................................................217
12.3.2 Network Settings .............................................................................217
12.3.3 User Settings...................................................................................217
12.3.4 Key Profiles.....................................................................................219
12.3.5 Wipe ..............................................................................................219
12.3.6 DMX settings...................................................................................220
12.3.7 DMX Merge Settings.........................................................................220
12.3.8 Triggers..........................................................................................220
12.3.9 Display Setup ..................................................................................220
12.3.10 Assign mastering............................................................................220
12.4 DMX output mapping ........................................................... 220
12.4.1 Configuring DMX outputs ..................................................................220
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Page 12 – Reference Manual Contents
12.4.2 TitanNet Overview............................................................................222
12.4.3 DMX merge.....................................................................................222
12.5 Curves............................................................................... 223
12.6 Upgrading the software ........................................................ 227
12.7 Recovering/reinstalling the system......................................... 227
12.7.1 Booting from USB recovery stick........................................................228
12.7.2 Installation Instructions ....................................................................228
12.7.3 Software licensing............................................................................229
13. Working with Fixture Personalities 230
13.1.1 Downloading fixture personalities from Avolites ...................................230
13.1.2 Updating the personality library on the console....................................231
13.1.3 User/custom personalities .................................................................231
13.1.4 Requesting a new fixture personality ..................................................232
13.1.5 Reporting a personality bug to Avolites...............................................232
13.1.6 In an emergency..............................................................................232
14. Networking the console 234
14.1 Controlling fixtures over a network......................................... 234
14.1.1 Setting IP address............................................................................234
14.1.2 Setting up DMX outputs....................................................................235
14.1.3 A simple Art-Net system ...................................................................235
14.1.4 Setting up an Art-Net system ............................................................236
14.1.5 Additional Art-Net Resources .............................................................238
14.2 Connecting to a simulator with ACDI ...................................... 238
14.2.1 ACDI ..............................................................................................238
14.3 Module Setup...................................................................... 239
14.4 Using Active Fixtures with CITP ............................................. 239
14.4.1 Example CITP setup .........................................................................240
14.5 All about IP addressing......................................................... 240
14.5.1 Setting your IP address ....................................................................240
14.5.2 Subnet Masks..................................................................................241
14.5.3 Choosing an IP address and Subnet Mask............................................241
14.5.4 Automatically assigning IP addresses (DHCP) ......................................242
14.5.5 Private IP address ranges..................................................................242
15. Using different Avolites consoles 244
15.1 The console controls ............................................................ 244
15.2 Programming features in Titan .............................................. 244
16. Release notes
16.1 Version 9.0......................................................................... 246
16.1.1 Upgrade Procedure...........................................................................246
16.1.2 Version 9 New Features ....................................................................246
16.1.3 Improvements.................................................................................257
16.1.4 Changes .........................................................................................258
16.1.5 Bugs Fixed ......................................................................................258
17. Titan Commands quick reference
17.1.1 Fixtures ..........................................................................................262
17.1.2 Select If..........................................................................................263
17.1.3 Record............................................................................................263
17.1.4 Copy, Move.....................................................................................264
17.1.5 Delete ............................................................................................264
17.1.6 Include...........................................................................................264
17.1.7 Times.............................................................................................264
17.1.8 Cue Lists.........................................................................................265
18. Glossary of words 266
TitanUniversal_Man_v9-0_ST.doc 09 March 2015

1. Quick Start

This section is a quick guide on how to do most things on the Sapphire Touch. Each section has a link to take you to the appropriate manual section for more details.
Softkeys are shown in square brackets like [This]. The trackball can be used to control the mouse pointer on the screens
or to control fixtures. For mouse mode, hold Assign and click the 'Left' mouse button (the ring will scroll windows up and dow n). For pan-tilt fixture control, press the Assign button on its own (the ring will control fine tilt).

1.1 Patching fixtures

Press Patch, [Dimmers] or [Fixtures]. For Fixtures, from the softkeys choose fixture manufacturer (type on
keyboard to filter the list) then fixture type, then fixture mode.
1. Quick Start - Page 13
Set [DMX Line] and [Address]. Console will automatically set these if you don’t change them.
Press buttons in the Fixtures window to patch the fixture. You can also patch fixtures on the top preset playbacks using the blue select buttons. (Section
To patch a number of dimmers or fixtures at once, drag over buttons to draw a selection box on the screen. On the preset playbacks hold first select button and press last in range. Or, set [Quantity] in the patch menu.
To change DMX address or line, use [Repatch Fixtures]. (Section
View fixture patch
To see an overview screen of how the console is patched, press then Patch (Section
Setting fixture options
Press Patch, [Edit Fixtures], or use the Patch View screen.
3.1.3, p50).
3.2.1 , p55).

1.2 Controlling fixtures

Select fixtures for control by pressing select buttons.
Press Locate to “home” selected fixtures with lamp on. If fixture is on a preset playback, the fader controls the dimmer. . (Section
69). Hold locate and press attribute button to remove that attribute
p from the locate (e.g. to locate without changing pan/tilt, hold Locate and press Pan/Tilt).
Select attribute to control using attribute bank buttons (below the wheels, or right hand edge of console for Tiger Touch mk1) , then turn the wheels to set fixture. Display shows which attribute each wheel is controlling. (Section
Open Attribute window onscreen ( attributes from buttons. (Section
TitanUniversal_Man_v9-0_ST.doc 09 March 2015
4.1.5, p73). View, Attribute Options) to select
4.1.6, p74).
Page 14 – 1. Quick Start
Use Palettes to store often-used colours, positions etc. for instant recall, see next page.
Fixture Groups
Fixtures may be grouped for quick selection, press Group, [Record Group], select fixtures for group, set legend using [Provide a legend], press a handle to store. If the handle has a fader it becomes a master fader for the group. Order of fixture selection is remembered for use with shapes. (Section
Shapes / effects
Titan can use preset shapes, patterns you create yourself (key frame shapes) or pixel mapped patterns.
Select fixtures. The order of fixture selection is used by shapes. At top menu press [Shapes and Effects], [Shape Generator],
[Create]. Select attribute of shape then select a shape to run. (Section
4.1.13, p80).
6.1.1, p106).
Or from the Shape Library window (
View, [Open Workspace Window], [Shape Library]) you can select a shape directly. Filter the list of shapes using the attribute buttons.
Use the wheels and [Adjust Speed, Size and Phase]/[Adjust Phase, Spread and Offset] to configure the shape. Spread distributes the shape across a number of fixtures.
Key frame shapes are similar but you can program the sequence of effects in the shape (Section
6.2, p110).
To use Pixel Mapper, save fixtures to a group, select the group. Use Layout Editor to set the real-world layout of the fixtures. Then use Effects Editor to create effects on the pixels. (Section

1.3 Programming cues and chases

Set up the look to be recorded. Press Record. Set [Record Mode] to Channel (saves only modified attributes),
Fixture (saves all attributes of fixtures which have been modified or are selected), Stage (saves all attributes of all fixtures with nonzero dimmer), or Quick Build (merges palettes and playbacks into the cue when you select them).
6.6,p121 ).
To store, press blue Select button on playback fader, or press button in Playbacks window. (Section
Press Record twice (or Record then [Create Chase]) . Press blue Select button on a playback fader, or press button in
Playbacks window. Set up the look for the first step, press playback select button to
store. Repeat until all steps stored. Quick Build mode can be used to merge palettes and cues into chase steps.
TitanUniversal_Man_v9-0_ST.doc 09 March 2015
7.1.2, 145).
1. Quick Start - Page 15
Press Exit to finish storing chase steps. (Section 8.1.1, 164).
All times (cue times and fixture attribute times) are stored in the programmer and are saved when you store a cue.
To edit times in the programmer before saving, press the Times button (previously labelled “Set” on Quartz/Tit an Mobile/Sapphire Touch/Tiger Touch and “Next Time” on Pearl Expert/Tiger Touch mk1).
For chases, speed and fade can be set with wheels A and B when the chase is running.
To edit times in a saved cue, at top level menu press [Edit Times] then the select button for the playback. Timing options are set from softkeys.
[Fixture Overlap] sets each fixture to fade in sequence (100%=all together, 0%=fixture waits for previous one to complete).
[Attribute times] sets individual fade times for different attributes. [Fixture order] changes sequence for shapes and Overlap. (Section
8.5, p169).
Cue Lists
Cues may be stored in a Cue List which allows a full show to be run from a Go button. Chases can be included using Autoload. Cue lists can run in tracking or non-tracking mode.

1.4 Programming palettes

Set up the attributes to be recorded. If attribute is the same for all fixtures of one type (e.g. colour), only one fixture need be set up and palette will be “shared”.
Press Record, Palette. Use [Set Mask] to choose attributes to record/exclude. Press a grey palette button to store, or press a button in one of the
Colours/Positions/Gobos windows. (Section To recall palette, select fixtures, select recall mask using Attribute
Bank buttons, press palette button. To set a legend, press [Set Legend] then the palette’s button. Press
[Picture] to draw a picture legend.
Quick Record
Press an unused button in one of the windows – the button turns red with a +. Press again to save the palette. The mask is automatically set to match the window (e.g. Positions window is masked for only position attributes).
5.1.2, p93).
Busking with palettes
To fade palettes when busking a show, select fixtures, type fade time on the keypad then recall the palette (you have to do this each time). If no fixtures selected, palette will recall to all applicable fixtures.
To set fixture overlap, type 0-100 then press [Set Overlap], then recall the palette.
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Page 16 – 1. Quick Start
To set a fade time for all palettes, press Palette then [Master Time]. (Section
5.5, p103). Faded palettes do not go into the programmer so
don’t use fades when programming.

1.5 DMX / network setup

The console can output up to 16 universes of DMX (called DMX Lines) which may be routed to the 8 XLR sockets or over Ethernet. The Pro versions of Pearl Expert and Tiger Touch can output 16 Universes. The Titan One dongle is limited to a single universe. By conn ecting further DMX processing nodes to the network using TitanNet, you can control up to 64 universes.
Multiple consoles can be linked by Ethernet to provide a mu lti-user system, or to provide tracking backup (Section
Switch to System mode by holding Avo and pressing Disk, press [DMX Settings].
Select a Node on the left (where the DMX is going to), click the blue arrow. On the right, select the DMX line it will be fed by. The ‘i’ buttons set properties for Nodes/Lines. (Section
5.5, p220).
To change the IP address of the console, press [Network Settings] in System mode (Section
14.1.1, p234).
To change User Settings which let you personalise how the console works, hold down Avo and select [User Settings] (Section.
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2. Setting up and using the console

Welcome to the Sapphire Touch from Avolites. This manual is a reference guide to all the functions of the console.
We explain things in the order you’re most likely to use them, so we start with how to set up the console, then look at patching lights, controlling lights and how to program cues.

2.1 Guide to the Sapphire Touch

Preset playbacks
Touch screens
Playback faders
Programming and setup
The Sapphire Touch has four main control areas: The two Touch screens contains fixture, palette and group select
buttons. They also shows legends for the playback faders and shows the current menu page and softkey buttons on the top right of the right hand screen.
The Playback faders select and control cues and programs The Preset playbacks are used for patching fixtures or for additional
playbacks. The Programming and setup controls configure and program the
console and the macro/executor buttons allow storage of frequent key sequences, screen layouts, groups or programs.
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Workspace windows
Playback faders
System display
Wrist rest (lift for
ower switch
Macro buttons
The main controls
The Workspace windows on the touch screens contain touch buttons for fixtures, palettes, groups, playbacks, macros and more. You can also set fixture attributes and show information windows.
The System display area of the touch screen is the nerve centre of the console and shows you what is going on. This part of the display shows various screens of information depending on what you are currently doing.
The Menu Softkeys (labelled A – G) are used to select control options. The options for each key change depending on what the console is doing. Softkey commands are shown in the manual with square brackets like this: [Edit Times]
The Preset Playbacks at the top are used to patch fixtures, and store and play back cues or chases. The Preset Page Select buttons in the centre of the faders let you change to a different page.
Menu softkeys
The Macro Buttons store frequently used sequences of keypresses which can be replayed with a single button press. Playbacks can also be stored here. The display immediately above the buttons shows legends for the buttons
The Playback faders are used to store and play back cues or chases. The Playback Page Select buttons let you change to a different page of playbacks. The touch screen above the faders shows information about each playback.
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Control wheels Attribute information Attribute select buttons
Function buttons
Numeric keypad
The Control wheels are used to set control values (attributes) for the fixtures, and to set chase speeds and fades. The touch screen above the wheels shows information about the attributes being controlled.
The trackball controls pan and tilt of fixtures, and can also be used to control the mouse pointer for the screens.
The Numeric keypad and other control buttons are used to enter values and change controls on the console.
The Function buttons are used to carry out functions such as storing cues, copying, patching, saving to disk, etc.
The Attribute select buttons are used to select which attributes of a fixture (e.g. colour, gobo, pan, focus) are going to be controlled using the Control wheels. The buttons have lights on to show you which attributes are active. The bottom (red) button allows you to locate fixtures, which sets them to a known start position while programming.
The Wrist Rest across the front of the console lifts to reveal a handy storage tray. On the left hand end is a USB socket for saving shows and power/disk indicator lights. Near the right hand side is the power switch.
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The back panel
All the connections required for the console are found on the back panel.
On the left hand side are connectors for eight DMX512 outputs, MIDI, ethernet, and a DVI/USB connection for an external touch screen.
On the right hand side are DVI/USB connections for another external touch screen (screen 3) and a general purpose USB connector.
Power is connected in the middle of the rear panel
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2.2 Connecting up

2.2.1 Cautions

Radio transmitters may affect the operation of the console and we recommend that they are not placed on, above or behind the console. If you are wearing one it is best placed in a back pocket or behind you when attached to a belt.

2.2.2 Connecting mains power

You can safely connect the Sapphire Touch to any voltage from 80 to 260V.
The Sapphire Touch has an internal UPS (uninterruptible power supply) to protect the console from unexpected loss of power or the sound engineer pulling the wrong plug out. Th e UPS will protect you from most power problems and give you chance to shut down the console normally.
2. Setting up and using the console - Page 21
In case of power loss, the toolbars in the centre of the console will turn orange and display how long you've got before the console shuts down.
When the UPS battery runs low and the console is about to shut down, the toolbars turn red.
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If there is a problem with the UPS it can be disabled/bypassed using a switch under the wrist rest on the left hand side.

2.2.3 Starting up and shutting down

The console runs a Windows-based operating system internally, so you need to make sure it is shut down properly rather than just turning off its power.
Start up the console by pressing and releasing the Power switch on the right under the wrist rest at the front of the console. The console displays should come alive. The console takes about 1 min 30 seconds to start up.
Shut down the console by pressing and releasing the Power switch again. The console will perform a controlled shutdown. Wait until the Power light has gone off (about 30 seconds) before you disconnect power from the console.
To carry out a Forced Shutdown of the console, if the normal shut down does not work, hold down the power switch for 5 seconds. You will lose any changes to your show since the last save.
Do not use the power switch on the rear of the console to switch off the console as this would not close down the console properly and you will lose any changes to your show.

2.2.4 Titan Healthcheck

When the Titan software starts up, it runs a small utility called Titan Healthcheck which checks the file system and the installed firmware and software for anything that might cause you problems. If any problems are found, a warning screen is displayed which offers the option to fix the problems.
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Only run fixes if you have plenty of time as some fixes can take up to an hour to complete.

2.2.5 Connecting DMX lines

The console communicates with lighting fixtures using the DMX512 system. The console itself can output 16 universes of DMX (each 512 control channels). If you need to output more universes, it is recommended to network the console to one or more Avolites TitanNet processing nodes. This off-loads the DMX processing, allowing the console to control up to 64 universes of DMX in total (see section
The console has 8 DMX outputs on 5-pin XLR for direct connection to fixtures and dimmers, and can send DMX over Ethernet and wireless Ethernet systems to allow connection to remote DMX Ethernet nodes, media servers, and so on.
When you patch a dimmer or fixture you tell which of the 16 (or 64 with TitanNet) DMX universes it is on. Each universe can be configured to come out of one or more of the standard DMX outputs on the back of the console, or over an Ethernet protocol (see section
By default, DMX Lines 1-8 are connected to the eight XLRs on the console.
12.4.1 on page 220 for more details).
the Sapphire Touch
14 on page 234.)
The 5-pin XLR sockets on the console are wired like this:
Pin 1 Earth Pin 2 Data ­Pin 3 Data + Pin 4 Not used
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Pin 5 Not used
Each DMX line should pass through all the fixtures to be connected on that line one after the other and have a DMX terminator fitted at the end (120 ohm resistor between pins 2 and 3). You should not split the DMX lines using passive splitters (Y-splits) as this can corrupt the data.

2.2.6 Connecting the Sapphire Wing

The Sapphire Wing gives you another touch screen and 30 additional motorised playback faders. It connects to the USB and DVI ports for the left or right external monitor.
You can also connect the Tiger Touch Wing to the Sapphire Touch.

2.2.7 Connecting the Titan Mobile Wing

The Titan Mobile Wing adds 20 additional playback faders and 30 macro/executor buttons to the main console. It connects by a single USB cable to the console.
It is designed to match the size of the Titan Mobile panel, but it can also be used with the Tiger Touch, Quartz and Sapphire Touch consoles.
If you want to see the legends and function information for the wing controls, you can open the Wing View workspace window.
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2.3 Using the touch screens

The heart of the Sapphire Touch is its two large touch screens.

2.3.1 Workspace windows

The main area of the screens contain the workspace windows. These contain buttons for selecting fixtures, groups, palettes, playbacks and so on. Information windows such as Playback View and the integrated Visualiser application can also appear as a workspace window.
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Left touch screen
Workspace buttons
Workspace windows
Legends for playbacks
Legends for preset faders
Right touch screen
Legends for preset faders
Workspace windows
Menu buttons
Attribute roller Attribute banks Legends for macro/executor buttons
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2. Setting up and using the console - Page 27
Up to 4 windows can be shown on each screen in a 2x2 grid making eight in total, but if you need a larger view, you can make a window twice as big, or maximise it to take up the whole screen. You can also move windows to an external screen each of which can show a further 4 windows. Some possible window sizes/positions are shown below.
Quarter size
Double wide
Double height
A drop down context menu is available at the top right of each window which contains additional functions relating to that window.
Selecting and positioning workspace windows
You select which workspace windows you want to see using the [Open Workspace Window] menu command on the root menu
You can also press the Window] option while in another menu.
You can change the positions and sizes of the windows by using the Window Control buttons above the trackball. The min/max button swaps the active window between full screen and quarter size. The size/position button moves the active window around the possible positions. You make a window active by clicking/touching its header bar.
You can move the active window to a different monitor by pressing Avo and the Size/Position button, or then [Move Screen].
Window shortcuts
View then an Attribute Bank button to open the Palette window
for that attribute. Press Press
View then Patch to open the Patch View window. View then a fixture select button to open the Fixture View
window showing patch details for that fixture.
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View button to access the [Open Workspace
View then [Window Options]
Page 28 – 2. Setting up and using the console
Press View then Connect to open the View Cue window. Press Press
View then Off to open the Active Playbacks window. View then Macro to open the Macro window.
Workspace window options
You can change the window sizes and positions by clicking the Cog/Setup button in the top right corner of the window. These options also allow you to set the button size and the text size of the window. The Screen options may vary depending on the setup of the console and if you have any external monitors.
Saving workspaces
You can save different workspace setups to the Workspaces touch buttons (down the left side of the left hand touch screen by pressing View then [Record Workspace], then touching one of the Workspaces buttons. This allows you to reconfigure the workspace at the touch of a button.
Workspaces are saved with the show. Setting up and recording workspaces is described in more detail in
12.1 on page 212.
Quick record
Some windows – Groups, Workspaces, Playbacks, and all the Palette windows - have a Quick Record function. Set up what you want to record, then touch or click the button once. The button will light up red with a + sign. At this point you can enter a legend. Touch or click again to store the item.
The Quick Record function can be disabled using Key Profiles (see section
12.2.1 on page 215).
Legends and picture legends
All touch buttons can have legends set to remind you what they do. In addition, you can draw picture legends on the buttons. To do this, select [Set Legend] then press [Picture]. A drawing space will open
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on the touch screen for you to draw the legend. There is also a library of pictures to choose from including popular gobo designs.
The trackball on the right of the console can be used either to control the mouse pointer on the touch screens and external monitors, or to control fixtures.
To use in mouse mode, hold the Assign button below the trackball and click the 'Left' mouse button. The trackball will then control the mouse pointer and the ring will scroll windows up and down.
To use in console mode for controlling fixtures, press the Assign button on its own. The trackball will control pan and tilt of selected fixtures, and the ring controls fine tilt.
Touch Keyboard
At the bottom of each toolbar is the keyboard popup button wh ich will open the touch keyboard.
Keyboard button
The touch keyboard can be switched between large and small size using the Max/Min button and you close it using the large X button in the top right hand corner. It can be set to pop up automatically when text input is required, using the Man/Auto button. You can also move it on the screen by touching and dragging the blank area of the keyboard at the top.
The small version of the keyboard (pictured) does not have some of the less frequently used buttons.
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Manual/Auto Change size Close

2.3.2 The menu area of the touch screen

The right hand side of the right touch screen is used for the operating menu display.
Down the right hand side of the screen, the functions of the A-G menu softkeys are listed. If there are more functions than will fit on one screen, [Previous] and [Next] buttons are provided to page through the functions.
The vertical bar to the left of the softkeys shows you which menu you are currently in. You can 'latch' the menu (so that you don’t have to keep reselecting it) by pressing the Menu Latch button. The menu bar turns red when latched.
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