Avid, Pro Tools SE and M-Audio are either trademarks or
registered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. All other
trademarks contained herein are the property of their
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Product features, specifications, system requirements, and
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Welcome to Avid® Vocal Studio. Vocal Studio
turns your Mac or PC into a complete music production and recording environment, by combining an M Audio® Producer USB™ and
Pro Tools® SE from Avid®.
Your M-Audio Producer USB™ is a professional
quality microphone designed for a wide variety
of uses, such as music production, voice-overs,
and podcasting. Featuring a built-in pro recording soundcard, Producer USB integrates easily
with your computer via a standard USB connection.
Pro Tools is the industry standard platform in
music production software that is used in top recording facilities around the world. Whether
you're new to music production or a seasoned
professional wanting to take Pro Tools SE on the
road, this package includes what you need for a
professional-quality recording setup.
Vocal Studio Features
M-Audio Producer USB
• High-quality, USB powered, 16mm cardioid
• 1/8-inch headphone/line output jack
• Blue power LED indicator
Pro Tools SE music production
Please take the time to read this User Guide. It
will explain how to get the best performance out
of your Vocal Studio.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements can be found
on the Avid website at www.avid.com.
A qualified version of Adobe® Flash®
Player is required.
Hardware Registration
Please register your product online at
www.avid.com/support. By doing so, you become eligible to receive the following:
• Technical support information
• Software update and upgrade notices
• Hardware warranty information
Pro Tools SE Guide Set
Complete documentation can be accessed via
the Help Menu.
Conventions Used in This Guide
The following symbols are used to highlight important information:
User Tips are helpful hints for getting the
most from your system.
Important Notices include information that
could affect your data or the performance of
your system.
Cross References point to related sections in
this and other Avid guides.
Interactive Guides and Tutorials
Interactive guides and tutorials can be accessed
via the Pro Tools SE Quick Start dialog or the
Help Menu while the program is running.
Avid Vocal Studio User Guide2
chapter 2
Installing Vocal Studio
This chapter shows you how to install Avid Vocal Studio on Mac OS X and Windows.
Installation Overview
The Vocal Studio installation includes the following steps:
1 Installing Pro Tools SE.
2 Installing M-Audio Producer USB driver.
3 Connecting M-Audio Producer USB.
4 Software configuration.
5 System Configuration.
Mac OS X
The Pro Tools SE DVD runs a two-stage installation process. Stage 1 installs Pro Tool SE, and
Stage 2 installs the Producer USB driver.
It is important to carefully read and follow
all on-screen instructions.
To install Vocal Studio:
1 Make sure Producer USB is not connected to
your computer.
3 When the disc opens, double-click the in-
staller icon to launch the installation.
Vocal Studio Installer Icon
4 Click “Continue” on the Welcome screen, and
follow all on-screen instructions.
Pro Tools SE - Welcome Screen
2 Insert the installation DVD into your com-
Chapter 2: Installing Vocal Studio 3
5 When the following screen appears, click
“Continue” and follow the on-screen instructions.
Click Continue
The Pro Tools SE DVD runs a two-stage installation process. Stage 1 installs Pro Tool SE, and
Stage 2 installs the Producer USB driver.
It is important to carefully read and follow
all on-screen instructions.
To install Vocal Studio:
1 Make sure Producer USB is not connected to
your computer.
2 Insert the installation DVD into your com-
Software instrument content is very large
and may take up to 30 minutes to install.
During this time, the progress bar may not
appear to move but your software is still installing. Do not terminate your installation.
6 Choose the picture of Producer USB on the
next screen, click “Continue” and follow the onscreen instructions to install the Producer USB
Driver Selection - Producer USB
7 Once the installation is complete and your
computer has been restarted, connect Producer
USB to an available USB port on your computer.
In Windows 7, if the User Account Control
dialog appears, click “Allow.”
If the Welcome screen doesn’t appear, locate
and double-click Setup.exe.
Pro Tools SE - Welcome Screen
3 Click “Continue” to install Pro Tools SE.
Software instrument content is very large
and may take up to 30 minutes to install.
During this time, the progress bar may not
appear to move but your software is still installing. Do not terminate your installation.
Avid Vocal Studio User Guide4
+ 16 hidden pages
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