Pro Tools | S3
Small format, big mix
Based on the award-winning Avid® Pro Tools® | S6, Pro Tools | S3 is a compact, EUCON™-enabled, ergonomic
desktop control surface that offers a streamlined yet versatile mixing solution for the modern sound engineer.
Like S6, S3 delivers intelligent control over every aspect of Pro Tools and other DAWs, but at a more affordable
price. While its small form factor makes it ideal for space-confined or on-the-go music and post mixing, it packs
enormous power and accelerated mixing efficiency for faster turnarounds, making it the perfect fit everywhere,
from project studios to the largest, most demanding facilities.
Take complete control of your studio
Experience the deep and versatile DAW
control that only Avid can deliver. With its
intelligent, ergonomic design and full EUCON
support, S3 puts tightly integrated recording,
editing, and mixing control at your fingertips,
enabling you to work smarter and faster—
with your choice of DAWs—to expand your
mixing capabilities and job opportunities.
And because S3 is application-aware, you
can switch between different DAW sessions
in seconds. Plus, its compact footprint fits
easily into any space, giving you full reign of
the “sweet spot.”
Work smarter and faster
S3 combines traditional console layout design
with the proven advancements of Pro Tools | S6,
ensuring highly intuitive operation, regardless of
your experience level. From record-enabling,
soloing, and muting tracks, to editing plug-ins,
recalling layouts, and automating mixes, you get
the tactile control you need to create great
sounding mixes faster—with much more
precision than working with a keyboard and
mouse alone. Plus, when paired with Pro Tools,
you gain the advantage of faster workflows and
unique features that accelerate your efficiency
every step of the way. If you know Pro Tools,
you’ll feel right at home with S3.
Experience exceptional integration,
ergonomics, and visual feedback
No other surface offers the level of DAW integration and versatility that Avid
control surfaces provide, and S3 is no different. Its intuitive controls feel like
an extension of your software, enabling you to mix with comfort, ease, and
speed, with plenty of rich visual feedback to guide you.
• 16 channel strips, each with a touch-sensitive, motorized
fader and 10-segment signal level meter
• 32 touch-sensitive, push-button rotary encoders for
panning, gain control, plug-in parameter adjustments,
and more (16 channel control, 16 assignable), each with
a tricolor LED function indicator
• 32 high-resolution OLED displays for viewing track
names/numbers, detailed metering data (from mono
to 5.1 surround), parameter names/values, current
automation mode, and more
• Solo, mute, channel select, and record/automationenable keys on every channel
• Touch strip provides easy access to transport controls;
S3 can also be used alongside Artist Transport if you need
full jog/shuttle wheel controls
• Dozens of dedicated buttons and switches for navigation,
automation, control assignment, and software control
• Built-in 4x6 AVB Core Audio interface includes 2 mic/line inputs,
2 line inputs, 4 line outputs, and a stereo headphone output
For more information, visit avid.com/S3

Pro Tools | S3—Small format, big mix
Create your mix, your way
With EUCON technology at its core, not only can you mix
sessions using Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Cubase, and other DAWs,
you can also customize the surface for your task at hand.
Create up to 12 custom mixer layouts and recall them from the
surface at any time—ideal for mixing drums, vocals, dialog,
sound effects, and other groupings. Plus, you can switch
between applications with ease, giving you the choice to work
with what you want—and the capability to take on any project
that comes your way.
Set up a studio in any size space
Whether you’re at home, tucked in a small suite, or on the go,
S3’s compact size, power, and extensive DAW control capabilities
put you in the driver’s seat of your studio—wherever you want it to
be. What’s more, S3 features a built-in 4x6 interface, enabling
you to record, mix, and monitor sessions with just the surface
and your laptop—or monitor audio using S3 standalone—no
additional audio interface required.
Proven and trusted technology
S3 delivers incredible workflow acceleration, highly responsive
handling, and deep DAW integration—all built on proven
technology, trusted by top audio professionals in the most
demanding production environments. The result: you get the
exceptional, dynamic performance you need to deliver the best
sounding mix possible—on time, every time.
What’s included
• Pro Tools | S3 control surface
• EuControl software activation (requires download)
S3 hardware specifications
Pro Tools | S3 control surface
Channel strips/faders
Analog inputs 4 total—2 XLR mic/line inputs, 2 TRS line inputs
Analog outputs 4 total—2 XLR line outputs, 2 TRS line outputs
Headphone output 1 (1/4-inch TRS) with level control
Ancillary I/O
Height (front, rear with knobs) 1.3 inches, 2.8 inches (3.2 cm, 7.2 cm)
Width x depth 28 x 14.3 inches (71 x 36.3 cm)
Weight 13.8 lbs (6.2 kg)
16 channel strips, each with a touch-sensitive,
motorized fader
32 touch-sensitive, push-button rotary encoders
(16 channel control, 16 assignable), each with a
tricolor LED function indicator
16 10-segment meters, with pre- and post-fade
metering options
2 Gigabit Ethernet AVB ports, 2 USB 2.0 ports,
1 footswitch port (1/4-inch TRS)
Software compatibility* (subject to change)
• Avid Pro Tools 11.2.1 or higher
• Avid Pro Tools | HD 11.2.1 or higher
• Avid Media Composer® 8.1 or higher
• Apple Logic Pro X
• Steinberg Cubase 7 or higher
• Steinberg Nuendo 6.5 or higher
* Visit the “Tech Specs” page at avid.com/S3 for the complete list of supported software.
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800 949 AVID (2843) + 65 6476 7666 + 44 1753 655999
For more information, visit avid.com/S3
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