Grey TM: For those times when white is just too much, and on large banners.
All-in-One Professional Preamp, I/O, and
Monitoring Pro Tools HD Series Interface
Capture pristine, high-resolution audio through premium mic preamps and monitor your sessions in up to 7.1
surround with the all-in-one HD OMNI interface. Designed to completely integrate with Avid® Pro Tools|HD,
HD OMNI is an ideal choice for individual musicians, composers, post-production studios, and anyone else who
demands top sound quality and the convenience of an all-in-one interface. Experience best-in-class A/D and D/A
conversion, mic preamps, the lowest possible latency, and a full monitoring section—all in one compact interface.
Track, Mix, and Monitor in One
• Pristine audio clarity and ultra low
latency through state-of-the-art A/D
and D/A conversion
• High-quality, low-noise analog I/O:
- 2 premium, digitally-controlled
mic/DI preamps
- 4 line inputs
- 8 line outputs, with true analog gain
• Versatile digital I/O, with sample
rate conversion:
- 8 channels of ADAT I/O
(supports S/MUX II and IV)
- 2x8 channels of AES/EBU I/O
- 2 channels of S/PDIF I/O
• Supports 4x8 analog audio streams, or
8x8 including digital
• Route audio independently from Pro Tools®
with the 14-input persistent monitor mixer
• Completely integrates with Pro Tools|HD for
full routing, mixing, and monitoring control
• Track hotter signals and smooth out sounds
with Curv, a new built-in soft-knee limiter
• Hear your mixes in however many channels
you need, from stereo to 7.1 surround
• Improve communication while tracking
with dedicated cue path
• Keep things in sync with dedicated Word
Clock and Loop Sync I/O
• Compact 1U rack-mountable chassis
• Connects to Pro Tools|HD through a DigiLink™
Mini connection (cable and adaptor included)
No need to route signals through multiple interfaces—with HD OMNI, you can
do everything in one single-space rack, so you save money and space. As the hub
of any music studio, you can use HD OMNI to record high-quality instrument and
vocal performances, while providing dedicated cue mixes for artists, and monitor the
performance through a discrete mix. For post production, not only do you have overdub
and Foley recording capabilities at your disposal, you can use HD OMNI to monitor
mixes with up to 7.1 channels—and fold down mixes from 7.1 to almost any channel
configuration subset.
Hear What You’ve Been Missing
Raising the bar on audio performance, HD OMNI features premium A/D and
D/A converters, so you can achieve higher audio fidelity, extensive dynamic range,
super-low jitter, and the absolute lowest possible latency in your sessions. You also
get built-in sample rate conversion and a soft clip feature for worry-free performance.
And using Curv, a new built-in soft-knee limiter that catches even the fastest transients,
you can track hotter signals and be assured that any unexpected peaks in your input
won’t put you in the red.
Full Monitoring Flexibility
Whether you want to listen in stereo or surround, monitor sound personally or set
up a personal mix for someone else, or hear your work in headphones or on the big
speakers, you can do it all with HD OMNI. Mix and monitor up to 7.1 surround (with fold
down to stereo). Hear how your mix sounds on different speakers using the Main and
ALT speaker selections. Set up an integrated cue mix for artists to monitor. Or isolate
yourself with your own headphone mix. And if you don’t feel like launching Pro Tools—
or even turning on your computer—HD OMNI features a built-in, customizable,
14-input persistent monitor mixer, so you can continue to monitor external sources,
such as keyboards, drum machines, and digital music players, independently from
your recording setup.
For more information, visit www.avid.com/hdomni

HD OMNI—All-in-One Pro Tools HD Series Interface
Work with Pro Tools and More
HD OMNI and all other Pro Tools HD Series interfaces completely integrate with Pro Tools|HD, so you get maximum performance,
dependability, and control of your inputs, outputs, and routing right from your Pro Tools software interface. You’ll also get higher production
quality and greater workflow flexibility than with previous Pro Tools interfaces. And if you want to use your interface and Pro Tools|HD
hardware with other DAW software, you can do that too, as all Pro Tools|HD systems support Core Audio and ASIO drivers.
HD OMNI Specifications
Analog Inputs
Analog Outputs
Mic / Instrument Inputs
Mic Pre Gain
Headphone Output
Monitoring Formats
Speaker Selection
Persistent Mixer
AES Single-Wire (192 kHz)
Word Clock I/O
Loop Sync I/O
Soft Clip
Digital Interface
4 (2 simultaneous inputs at a time)
65 dB
7.1, 7.0, 6.1, 6.0, 5.1, 5.0, QUAD, LCRS, LCR, 2.1, Stereo, Mono
2 sets
14 input channels to 2 multichannel monitoring paths, each
with its own fold-down configuration
2 x 8
AES, S/PDIF (coax RCA and Optical inputs)
1 In + 1 Out
1 In + 1 Out
Ye s
Ye s
DigiLink Mini
1U rack-mountable chassis
Mic Inputs
Frequency Response
Gain Range
Line Inputs
Frequency Response
Dynamic Range
Line Outputs
Frequency Response
Dynamic Range
Line Output Level / Trim
Headphone Outputs
Frequency Response
Dynamic Range
20 Hz – 20 kHz (+/-.05 dB)
65 dB
-128 dB
-107 dB (0.00045%)
-93 dB
20 Hz – 20 kHz (+/-.03 dB)
118 dB (A-weighted)
-111 dB (0.00028%)
20 Hz – 20 kHz (+/-.03 dB)
120 dB (A-weighted)
-108 dB (0.00039%)
+10 dBu or +24 dBu/-40dB to +10dB (0.1dB steps)
20 Hz – 20 kHz (+/-.03 dB)
118 dB (A-weighted)
-107 dB (0.00045%)
HD OMNI front panel
HD OMNI back panel
For more information, visit www.avid.com/hdomni
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