All the screen shots in this documentation are only example images. The images may vary
depending on the product and software version. Information presented in this
documentation has been carefully checked for reliability; however, no responsibility is
assumed for inaccuracies. The information contained in this documentation is subject to
change without notice.
Thanks for purchasing AV er Media D arkCry st al HD Cap ture SDK . This high q uality
capture card is especially designed for professional players with high standards
towards image/ video quality.
AVer Media DarkCrystal HD Capture SDK also comes with a powerful application
AVer MediaCenter, allowing you to capture high resolution images, record HD
video clips, create your own slideshows with both the captured and images of other
sources, and even create your own music library for both audio and video luxury.
Each function of AVer MediaCenter goes further with detailed options for a more
professional taste. There is no more need to compromise yourself with all fixed
default settings using a capture card.
This Chapter will guide you through the essential information of AVer MediaCenter.
Please read this chapter before using AVer MediaCenter.
Device Introduction ........................... 6
System Requir ement ......................... 7
Activating AVer MediaCenter ............ 7
Overview of AVer MediaCenter ......... 8
Running AVer MediaCenter for the First
Time ................................................. 11
1.1 Device Introduction
What is video capture card and what can it do?
Video capture cards are a class of video capture devices designed to plug directly into expansion
slots in personal computers and servers.
A video capture card product typically includes a driver to get the device going and a bundled
software to bring out the best features of it. The bundled software usually further processes the video
for specific purposes. The functions of the video capture cards vary from one another. Some are
used to capture base band analog composite video, S-Video, some are equipped with tuners,
RF-modulated video, some others are specialized cards that support digital video via digital video
delivery standards including Serial Digital Interface (SDI) and some, with the emerging hi-tech HDMI
standard becoming more popular, support both standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD)
variants, and this AVer Media DarkCrystal HD Capture SDK
you just purchased belongs to the last
The functions of the supplied AVer MediaCenter for video capture cards include converting a live
analog source into some type of analog or digital media, (such as a VHS tape to a DVD), archiving,
video editing, scheduled recording (such as a DVR), etc.
System requirements are described in details below. Before using AVer MediaCenter, please verify
that your PC meets the requirements below.
For SD Video Capturing:
Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz (Hyper-Threading)
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
For HD Video Real-time Capturing (MPEG-2 Format):
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core 2.8 GHz
For HD Video Real-time Capturing (H.264 Format):
Intel Core i5 750 or AMD equivalent
VGA card with DirectiveX9.0c or above
512 MB RAM
PCI-E Slot
Sound card
Windows 7/ Vista/ XP (32/ 64-Bit)
Standalone graphics card is recommended for HD video capturing.
2GB RAM is recommended for HD video capturing
1.3 Activating AVer MediaCenter
To launch AVer MediaCenter, double-click shortcut on desktop, or go to Start -> Programs ->
AVerMedia. If AVer MediaCenter is launched, double-click AVer Quick “
of the system tray.
” icon on the lower right
1.4 Overview of AV er MediaCenter
The functions of AVer MediaCenter are categorized into five buttons on the main menu, including
“Capture”, “Video”, “Music”, “Images” and “Settings”. This section briefly introduces main menu,
sub menus and initial setups. For more information on advanced operations, please refer to contents
from Chapter 2.
AVer MediaCenter Console
Title bar: Control over AVerMedia Console
Main function menu: Capture, Video, Music, Images, Settings
Playback window: Display of the selected source/ file
Playback window control panel: Control over the Playback window
System time display: indication of current time
Control Buttons On Title Bar
Go back to the main menu
playback temporarily.
TimeShift, etc.
Play the selected file.
Record the current program.
Play the previous/next file on
in intervals.
sequence of images.
Enable the PIP function.
Click To …
Go back to a previous level
Bring out the user’s manual
Minimize AVerMedia Console to
system tray
Restore AVerMedia Console to
previous size
Exit AVerMedia Console
Control Buttons On Pla yback Window Contr ol P a ne l
Click To …
Switch from real-time video to
TimeShift mode. / Pause th e
Stop playback, recording,
the playlist.
Move backward or skip forward
Capture a single image or a
Switch to different aspect
Mute/ Unmute the audio
Increase or decrease the audio
Navigation Tree
This is an overview of the operati ons und er each mai n function. For specific
operation of each function, please refer to the table of contents and go to its
according page.
1.5 Running AVer MediaCenter for the First Time
When you run the AVer MediaCenter for the first time, the Setup Wizard will automatically pop up
and take you through all the necessary steps for a complete setup.
When Setup Wizard
dialog box appears,
click Yes.
Select AVerMedia
C727 HD Capture
Device under Primary
Device dropdown
menu and click Next to
Select from the
dropdown menu of
Country/ S-Video/
Composite Video/ HD
Input according to the
place you use this
device, the signals
provided in your region,
and the signals of the
equipment connected
to your PC. Then click
The wizard will guide
you through to
complete the setups for
the available signals.
Click Next to continue
or click Skip to ignore
the setups.
Click Finish to
complete the initial
settings or click Next to
set up other devices if
Note: To re-configure all the
settings, go to
“Settings” “General”
“Run Wizard Again.”
+ 26 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.