AVer H300 User Manual

User Manual
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
Introduction Package Contents Get Familiar with the H300/H100
Main System .................................................................................................................................... 2
Table Hub ......................................................................................................................................... 3
MIC................................................................................................................................................... 4
Camera ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Remote Control ................................................................................................................................ 5
Table Hub Control Panel .................................................................................................................. 7
Making the Connections
Connecting a VGA display device output......................................................................................... 8
Connecting a TV display output ....................................................................................................... 9
Connecting the camera to main system .......................................................................................... 9
Connecting the Table Hub and Main System................................................................................. 10
Connecting the MIC ....................................................................................................................... 10
Connecting the LAN ........................................................................................................................ 11
........................................................................................................................................... 1
.................................................................................................................................. 1
............................................................................................................. 2
......................................................................................................................... 8
Connecting a Computer .................................................................................................................. 11
Connecting the Power..................................................................................................................... 11
Connecting a DVD player or Camcorder ....................................................................................... 12
Setting Up H300/H100
Camera .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Infrared Sensor .............................................................................................................................. 13
Running the H300/H100
Navigating the Menus and Settings ............................................................................................... 13
Using the On-screen keyboard and numeric pad .......................................................................... 13
Home Menu Screen
Cam Ctrl ......................................................................................................................................... 14
To Adjust the H300/H100 Camera ............................................................................................ 14
Dial ................................................................................................................................................. 15
To Make a Call Using Dial ......................................................................................................... 15
Phonebook ..................................................................................................................................... 15
To Add Group ............................................................................................................................ 16
To Edit Group ............................................................................................................................ 17
........................................................................................................................... 12
........................................................................................................................ 13
.............................................................................................................................. 14
To Delete Group ........................................................................................................................ 18
To Add Phonebook Entries ....................................................................................................... 20
To Edit Phonebook Entries ....................................................................................................... 22
To Delete Phonebook Entries ................................................................................................... 23
Call History ..................................................................................................................................... 24
To Check the IN/OUT Calls ....................................................................................................... 24
To Make a Call in Call History ................................................................................................... 25
Setting ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Administrator .................................................................................................................................. 26
Enable/ Disable Administrator Setting ...................................................................................... 26
Quick Start ..................................................................................................................................... 28
To Setup the H300/H100 .......................................................................................................... 28
To Setup the Language ............................................................................................................. 29
To Setup the System Name ...................................................................................................... 29
LAN configuration ..................................................................................................................... 30
To Setup the Network ............................................................................................................... 31
To Setup the Date and Time ..................................................................................................... 31
General Setting .............................................................................................................................. 32
To Enable/Disable Far Control of Near Camera: ...................................................................... 32
To Set the Monitor Aspect Ratio ............................................................................................... 33
To Set the Screen Saver Timer ................................................................................................. 34
To Set the Auto Turn Off Timer ................................................................................................. 34
Call Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 35
To Set the Auto Answer Setting ................................................................................................ 35
To Setup the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) .......................................................................... 36
To Enable/Disable Advanced Encryption Standard .................................................................. 37
Network .......................................................................................................................................... 38
To Set the Gatekeeper ........................................................................................................... 38
To Set the Firewall ................................................................................................................. 39
To Enable/Disable Quality of Service ....................................................................................... 40
Video /Audio ................................................................................................................................... 40
To Enable/Disable keypad tone ........................................................................................... 41
To Adjust the Mic Gain Level ............................................................................................... 41
To Specify the Video/Audio Codec ...................................................................................... 42
To Set the Camera White Balance Setting ........................................................................ 43
To Set the Camera Exposure Setting ................................................................................. 43
Reset System ................................................................................................................................. 44
To Reset the System ............................................................................................................. 44
Setting the Camera Preset Point ................................................................................................... 45
To Set the Camera Preset Point: .............................................................................................. 45
Testing the Network ....................................................................................................................... 46
To Test the Network: ................................................................................................................. 46
To Test the Video and Audio: .................................................................................................... 47
Update the Firmware System: ....................................................................................................... 47
To Update Firmware via USB Flash Drive ................................................................................ 47
To Save and Send the System Log: .............................................................................................. 48
Managing the AVeComm System Using the WebTool ................................................................... 50
To Access AVer HVC using the Internet Browser: ......................................................................... 50
To use the Cam. Control in WebTool ............................................................................................. 51
To Add, Edit and Delete Phonebook using WebTool: .................................................................... 51
To Download Phonebook Entries in WebTool: ............................................................................... 52
To Edit and Save the Downloaded Phonebook Entries : ............................................................... 53
To Upload Phonebook Entries in WebTool: ................................................................................... 54
To Download Call History in WebTool: ........................................................................................... 55
To Add Phonebook Entry from the Call History list: ....................................................................... 56
To Update the System:................................................................................................................... 57
To Back up the System Setting: ..................................................................................................... 57
To Restore the System Setting: ..................................................................................................... 59
Using the H300/H100......................................................................................................................... 60
Making a call .................................................................................................................................. 60
To Call Using the Phonebook: .................................................................................................. 60
To Call Using Dial: .................................................................................................................... 61
To Call Using Call History: ........................................................................................................ 62
To End MCU Call: ..................................................................................................................... 63
Recording your Meeting ................................................................................................................. 63
To Playback the Meeting Recording on H300/H100 ................................................................. 63
To Playback the Meeting Recording Using AVer VCplayer....................................................... 64
To Convert the File Using VCplayer.......................................................................................... 66
To Convert Files Using MultiConversion ................................................................................... 67
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 68
Audio .............................................................................................................................................. 68
Video / Display ............................................................................................................................... 68
Network .......................................................................................................................................... 69
General .......................................................................................................................................... 69
Limited Warranty ............................................................................................................................... 70
Federal Communications Commission Statement (Class A) ....................................................... 71
Class A ITE: ....................................................................................................................................... 72
CE Class A (EMC) .............................................................................................................................. 72
DISCLAIMER ...................................................................................................................................... 72
TRADEMARKS ................................................................................................................................... 72
COPYRIGHT ....................................................................................................................................... 72
Remote Control Battery Safety Information ................................................................................... 73
PPaacckkaaggee CCoonntteennttss
(main system, camera, table
hub and mic)
Remote Control
(camera stand)
Manual CD
2 AAA Batteries
Phone to RCA Cable
Power Adapter
Power Cord
* The power cord will vary depending on the standard power outlet of the country
where it is sold.
S-Video Cable
RCA Cable
VGA Cable
6P4C Cable
26Pin-DSub Cable
26Pin-DSub Cable
RJ-45 Cable
Thank you for choosing AVer H300/H100. H300/H100 is a video conferencing device which allows you to see and communicate with your client. With H300, you can create a 4-party video conference call with your board members from different countries or locations. This saves you time and travel expenses.
H300/H100 uses 5-megapixel camera sensor and gives you high definition 720p video quality. H300/H100 Table Hub comes with a built-in speaker. You can hook up the 2nd display device in the Table Hub like an LCD projector for a bigger screen or with a dual screen setup which allows you to have your presentation and video conference shown simultaneously. By using a USB flash drive, you can record the meeting and review it anytime on H300/H100 or on PC with the bundled AVer VC player and share it with your meeting attendees.
Make sure the following items are included in the package.
GGeett FFaammiilliiaarr wwiitthh tthhee HH330000//HH110000
(1) (2) (3)
(1) USB Flash Drive port
Insert a USB flash drive for recording the meeting.
(2) Network Status
Check the network connection.
(3) Power
Turn on/off the main system.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(1) LAN
Use an RJ-45 Ethernet cable and connect it to RJ-45 Ethernet port. Make sure to connect H300/H100 to an IP-based network.
Output the video signal from the main system on an TV thru RCA video connection.
Output the video signal from the main system on an TV thru S­Video connection.
Output the audio signal from the main system on an TV thru RCA left and right audio connection.
(5) HUB I/O
Send and receive signal between the main system and table hub.
Output the video signal from the main system on a flat panel monitor/LCD TV or LCD/DLP projector thru RGB connection. In dual monitor mode, this will be the main screen.
Receive the video signal from a media device thru RCA video connection.
Main System
Main system front panel (fig. 1.1)
Main system back panel (fig. 1.2)
Receive the video signal from a media device thru S-Video connection.
Receive the audio signal from the audio device thru RCA left and right audio connection.
Receive the image from the camera to the main system.
Set the correct TV display output system.
(12) DC 19V
Connect the power adapter into this port.
AV e rM e d i a IN F O R M A TIO N, In c .
Atte n tio n:
Warranty voi difthecasehas been opened. AVerComm H Series(Hub) ModelNo.: V2D1
(1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 )
(1) VGA IN
Input the signal from a computer or other sources. Connect this port to the VGA output port of a computer. Press PRESENT on the remote and select VGA IN to share and display the computer image with the video conferencing camera image.
Output the video signal from the main system on a flat panel monitor or LCD/DLP projector thru VGA connection. In dual monitor mode, this port will display the local screen or present screen when the content is being shared.
(3) HUB I/O
Send and receive signal between the main system and Table Hub.
(4) MIC port
Receive the audio signal from the MIC to main system. Use the 6P4C cable to connect the mic and Table Hub.
Table Hub
Table Hub back panel (fig. 1.2)
(1) Mute
Turn on/off the mic.
(2) MIC port
Use the 6P4C cable and connect the other end to the Table Hub MIC IN port.
(1) IR Sensor
Aim the remote control here to operate the unit.
Send the signal from the camera to the main system.
(fig. 1.3)
(fig. 1.4)
* Available in H300 model only.
(17) (16)
(7) (9)
(fig. 1.5)
(1) Call
Start a call or add another party.
(2) Phone Book
Search contact to make a call. Enter to add, edit, delete or create group
contact entry.
(3) Enter
Make a selection in OSD menus or on-screen
Accept incoming call. Display the site name and icon during the
(4) ▲,▼,◄, &
Use these buttons to navigate through the
selections in OSD menus or on-screen keyboard.
Pan and tilt the camera to adjust the visual
angle of the camera.
Pan, tilt the zoomed in camera image or the
captured image.
(5) Present
Share either the video/image from the VGA IN port or the captured image.
This present icon will appear on the screen to indicate sharing the present image. The present icon will disappear in 5 sec.
(6) Vol +/-
Increase/decrease the speaker volume.
Remote Control
The remote control requires two (2) “AAA” size batteries (supplied), make sure batteries are installed properly before using. Aim the remote control to the H300/H100 camera infrared sensor to operate the unit.
(17) (16)
(7) (9)
(7) Zoom +/-
Increase/decrease the camera image or the captured image magnification.
(8) Mute
Turn on/off the MIC. This mute icon will appear when the mic is turned off. The mute icon will become translucent in 5 sec.
(9) Preset
Press hold for 3 sec to set the position of the
camera preset point from the selected number. The preset point can be set from 0-9.
Press to move the camera target to the
selected preset point number.
(10) Backspace
Move back one space and delete one character at a time.
(11) Numeric Pad
Use to enter numeric number.
(12) Input
Switch the input source between H300/H100 camera, S-Video, or Video.
(13) Far/Near
Select to control either near site or far site camera. The cam ctrl icon will appear on the screen to show which camera site you are going to control. The cam ctrl icon will disappear in 5 sec.
The camera from the far site can only be operated when the enable far site to control the camera is permitted.
(14) Layout
Change to different split screen mode.
(15) Back
Return to previous OSD menu selection.
(16) Home
Call up the main screen.
(17) Hang Up
End the call.
(18) 16:9/4:3
Toggle between 16:9 or 4:3 to match the monitor aspect ratio.
(17) (16)
(7) (9)
(19) Dual
Switch to Dual monitor mode. This split the video conference screen and present screen. The video conference screen will be displayed on the monitor connected to the VGA OUT of the main system and the present screen will be displayed on the monitor connected to the VGA OUT of the table hub.
(20) *Snapshot
Capture the image from the camera. You can share the captured image using the Present function. See (5) Present.
(21) *Image Ctrl
Zoom and pan, tilt the displayed captured image in the shared screen.
(22) *Record
Start/Stop meeting recording. The recording can only be saved in a USB storage drive.
The record icon will appear on the screen to show which site is recording. The record icon will become translucent in 5 sec.
(23) Info
Display the call statistics information.
Share the data from VGA IN.
(2) VOL +/-
Increase/decrease the speaker volume.
Change to different split screen mode.
Location of the speaker.
Table Hub Control Panel
Table Hub control panel (fig. 1.6)
MMaakkiinngg tthhee CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
Make sure to connect all the connection before connecting the power.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg aa VVGGAA ddiissppllaayy ddeevviiccee oouuttppuutt
Before making the connection, make sure the power of all devices are turned off. If you are not sure on where to connect, simply follow the illustrated connections below and also refer to the user manual of the device you are connecting the H300/H100 with.
Locate the VGA input port of the graphics display device and connect it to VGA OUT 1 (main system) or VGA OUT 2 (Table Hub) port of H300/H100. Both VGA OUT 1 and 2 can be used at the same time. For sharing data from VGA IN or the captured image in PRESENT mode, the present screen will be displayed in VGA OUT 2 when you split the video conference screen and present screen in DUAL mode.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg aa TTVV ddiissppllaayy oouuttppuutt
Make sure NTSC/PAL switch setting is set to proper TV system.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee ccaammeerraa ttoo mmaaiinn ssyysstteemm
Locate the S-VIDEO, VIDEO or SCART RGB of the TV/LCD monitor and connect it to H300/H100.
Locate the CAMERA port of the camera and connect it to the CAMERA port of the main system.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee TTaabbllee HHuubb aanndd MMaaiinn SSyysstteemm
26 Pin D-Sub cable
AV e rM e d ia INFO R M A TIO N, In c .
Atten tion :
Warranty void if the case has been opened.
AVer Comm H Series (Hub) Model No.: V2D1
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee MMIICC
Press the button on top of H300/H100 Mic to turn on/off the mic.
Locate the HUB I/O port of the table hub and connect it to HUB I/O port of the main system.
Locate the MIC port of the table hub and use the supplied 6P4C cable then connect it to Mic port.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee LLAANN
Make sure to connect it to an IP-based network.
RJ-45 cable
RJ-45 wall jack
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg aa CCoommppuutteerr
To share the data, press PRESENT and select “VGA”.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee PPoowweerr
To prevent shock, make sure the connection ports in the main system are
connected before connecting the power and turning on the power.
Make sure to use the supplied 19V power adapter.
Power adapter
Power cord
Wall outlet
Use an RJ-45 Ethernet cable and connect it from the LAN port of H300/H100 to RJ-45 wall jack or Ethernet hub.
Locate the VGA output port of the computer or laptop and connect it to VGA IN port of H300/H100 Table Hub.
Connect the power adapter to a standard 100V~240V AC power outlet.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg aa DDVVDD ppllaayyeerr oorr CCaammccoorrddeerr
Make sure NTSC/PAL switch setting is set to proper TV system. For better video quality, we strongly suggest using S-Video Connection.
S-Video to SCART cable
(not supplied)
S-Video cable
RCA cable
RCA to SCART cable
(not supplied)
2 Phone to RCA Cable
SSeettttiinngg UUpp HH330000//HH110000
Avoid manually adjusting the camera to prevent misalignment and damaging the pan and tilt motor. Always use the remote control to pan and tilt the camera head.
Locate the S-VIDEO, VIDEO and AUDIO output port of the media player (i.e., DVD player) or camcorder to share the video instead of the image from the camera and connect it to S-VIDEO IN, or VIDEO IN and Audio IN port of H300/H100.
This section provides useful tips on how to setup the H300/H100 to meet your needs.
The H300/H100 camera design can be panned (Ø +- 100 deg range), tilted (Ø +- 25 deg range) and zoomed (7X) with the use of the ▲, ▼, ◄ and ►, and Zoom +/- buttons on the remote control.
RRuunnnniinngg tthhee HH330000//HH110000
1. In the Home menu, press ► and on the remote to toggle between the 5 selections.
2. Press to make a selection or the new setting to take effect.
1. Use the ▲, ▼, ◄ and ► buttons to move the
selection and to make a selection.
2. Select and press to void the action and
return to the previous or Home menu.
3. Select and press to delete all the entered
characters or number.
4. Select and press to delete one character
or number.
5. Select and press to save and take effect
the action and return to previous menu.
Infrared Sensor
Aim the remote control at the camera infrared sensor to operate the unit.
Upon running the H300/H100 for the first time or the system is being reset, the system will instantly direct you to Quick Start menu. See Quick Start.
Navigating the Menus and Settings
Using the On-screen keyboard and numeric pad
6. For numeric pad, you may use the number button on
the remote and press to save and take effect the action and return to previous menu. Before
you press , make sure in the numeric pad the
is selected.
HHoommee MMeennuu SSccrreeeenn
To Adjust the H300/H100 Camera
1. Select Cam Ctrl and press . The screen will completely show the camera image and hide the Home menu.
2. Using the remote control, press ◄ and ► to pan, ▲ and ▼ to tilt, and Zoom+ and Zoom- to increase and decrease the camera magnification.
3. Press to call up the Home menu again or to return to previous.
There are 5 selections on the Home menu screen: Cam Ctrl, Dial, Phonebook, Call History, and Setting. Upon running the H300/H100, the Home menu screen will be displayed. Simply use
the and buttons to move between selections and press to make a selection. You can easily place a call and select the site contact either in Phonebook, Call History, or Dial. The administrator can also set security password to prevent changing the system setting and WebTool access.
Cam Ctrl
The Cam Ctrl allows you to adjust the visual angle of the camera, before making a call.
To Make a Call Using Dial
1. Select Dial and press . The on-screen numeric pad will appear.
To set the Call Quality, use ▲, ▼, ◄ and ► buttons to move the selection box to the Call Quality drop-
down list and press to select the value.
2. Use the numeric button on the remote to enter the IP address and press to make a call.
The Dial allows you to make a call by entering the IP address and set the call quality setting.
The Phonebook allows you store, edit, delete contact information, group contact by category, search contact and make a call. The group and site name of the contacts in the directory will be displayed in alphabetical order. You may also use the WebTool to work on the phonebook entries.
To Add Group
1. Select Phonebook and press .
2. Select Group and press .
In grouping the contacts, you can easily categorize the contacts into a specific group such as client, vendor, company, branch, and etc.
3. Select New Group and press .
4. Use the ▲, ▼, ◄ and ► buttons to move the selection in the on-screen keyboard and press to make a selection. Select and press to
save the new group name.
5. The new group name will be saved and displayed in the Group list.
To Edit Group
1. Select Phonebook and press .
2. Select Group and press .
3. Select the name you want to modify in the Group list.
4. Select Edit Group and press .
5. Use the ▲, ▼, ◄ and ► buttons to move the selection in the on-screen keyboard and press to make a selection. Select and press to save
the revised group name.
6. The revised group name will be saved and displayed in the Group list.
To Delete Group
1. Select Phonebook and press .
2. Select Group and press .
3. Select the name you want to remove in the Group list.
4. Select Delete Group and press .
5. Select “Yes” to remove the selected group name and “No” to cancel group name deletion.
6. The selected group name will no longer appear in the group list when deleted.
To Add Phonebook Entries
1. Select Phonebook and press .
2. Select New Site and press .
3. Select the group name.
4. Select Site Name box and press .
+ 53 hidden pages