Avaya MultiSite Administration Configuration manual

Avaya MultiSite Administration
Release 2.1
Issue 6
July 2004
Copyright 2004, Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved
Every effort was made to ensur e that the in forma tion in this do cume nt was complete and accurate at the time of printing. However, information is subject to change.
Avaya Inc. provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language as well as information regarding support for this product, while under warranty, is available through the following Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
Preventing Toll Fraud
“Toll fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontracto r, or is not working on your company's behalf). Be aw a re t h at the re ma y be a risk of toll fraud associated with your system and that, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
Avaya Fraud Intervention
If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical assistance or support, in the United States and Canada, call the Technical Service Center's Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at 1-800-643-2353.
How to Get Help
For additional support telephone numbers, go to the Avaya support Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
• Within the United States, click the Escalation Management link. Then click the approp ria t e li nk for the type of support you need.
• Outside the Unit ed States, click th e Escalation Management link. Then click the International Services link that includes telephone numbers for the internationa l Centers of Excellence.
Providing Telecommunications Security
Telecommunications security (of voice, data, and/or video communications) is the prevention of any type of intrusion to (that is, either unauthorized or m al ic io us access to or use of) your company's telecommunications equipment by some party.
Your company's “t elecommunicatio n s equipment” includes both this Avaya product and any other voice/data/video equipment that could be accessed via this Avaya product (that is, “networked equipment”).
An “outside party” is an yone who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's behalf. Whereas, a “malicious party” is anyone (in cl udi ng someone who may be otherwise authorized) who accesses your telecommunications equipment with eit her malicious or mischievous i n te nt .
Such intrusions may be either to/throu gh sync hronous (time­multiplexed and/or circ uit -ba sed) or asynchronous (character-, message-, or packet-based) equi pm ent or interfaces for reasons of:
• Utilization (of capabilities special to the accessed equipment)
• Theft (such as, of intellectual property, financial assets, or toll facility acces s )
• Eavesdropping (privacy invasions to humans)
• Mischief (troubling, but a ppa re ntl y in noc uous, tampering)
• Harm (such as harmful tampering, data loss or alteration, regardless of motive or intent)
. If you are:
Be aware that there may be a ri sk of unauthorized intrusions associated with your syste m a nd/ or it s net w orked equipment. Also realize tha t, if such an intru s ion should occ u r, it could result in a variety of losses to your company (including but not limit ed to, human/data privacy, intellectual property, material assets, financial resources, labor costs, and/or legal costs).
Responsibility for Your Company’s Telecommunications Security
The final responsibility for securi ng both this system and its networked equipmen t re sts wit h you - Avaya’s customer system administrator, your telecommunications pe e rs, a nd your managers. Base the fulfillment of your responsibility on acquired knowledge and resources from a variety of sources incl udi ng but not limited to:
• Installation docu ments
• System administration documents
• Security documents
• Hardware-/so ft w ar e-based security t ool s
• Shared information between you and your peers
• Telecommunications security experts
To prevent intrusions to your telecommunications equipment, you and your peers should carefully pro gra m a nd c onfi gure:
• Your Avaya-provided telecommunications systems and their interfaces
• Your Avaya-provided software applications, as well as their underlying hardw ar e/software platforms an d int erfaces
• Any other equipment networked to your Avaya products
TCP/IP Facilities
Customers may experience difference s in product performance, reliability and security depending upon network configurations/design and topologies, even when the product performs as warranted.
Standards Compliance
Avaya Inc. is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorize d modifications of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment othe r than those specified by Avaya Inc. The correction of interference caused by such unauth orized mo dificati ons, subs tituti on or atta chment will be the responsi bili ty o f the u ser. Pursuan t to Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules, the user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by Avaya Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Product Safety Standards
This product complies with and conforms to the following international Product Safety standards as applicable:
Safety of Information Technology Equipment, IEC 60950, 3rd Edition including all relevant national deviations as listed in Compliance with IEC for Electrical Equipment (IECEE) CB-96A.
Safety of Information Technology Equipment , CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-00 / UL 60950, 3r d Edition
Safety Requirements for Custom e r Equipment, ACA Technical Standard (TS) 001 - 1997
One or more of the following Mexican national standards, as applicable: NOM 001 SCFI 19 93, N O M SCFI 016 1993, NOM 019 SCFI 1998
The equipment described in this doc um e nt m ay con ta in Class 1 LASER Device(s). These devices comply with the following standards:
• EN 60825-1, Edition 1. 1, 1998-01
• 21 CFR 1040.10 and CFR 1040 .11.
The LASER devices op erate within the followi ng pa rameters:
• Maximum power output : -5 dB m to -8 dBm
• Center Wavelength: 1310 nm to 1360 nm Luokan 1 Laserlaite Klass 1 Laser Apparat Use of controls or adjustmen ts or pe rformance of procedures oth er
than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposures. Contact your Avaya representative for more laser product information.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EM C ) Standards
This product complies w it h and conforms to the following international EMC standa rds and all relevant national deviati ons:
Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference of Information Technology Equipment, CISPR 22: 1997 and EN55022:1998.
Information Technology Equipment – Immunity Cha ra ct er istic s – Limits and Methods of Measurement, CISPR 24:1997 and EN55024:1998, including:
• Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) IEC 61 000-4-2
• Radiated Immunity IEC 61000-4-3
• Electrical Fast Transient IEC 61000-4-4
• Lightning Effects IEC 61000-4-5
• Conducted Immunity IE C 61000-4-6
• Mains Frequency Magnetic Field IEC 61000-4-8
• Voltage Dips and Variations IEC 61000-4-11
• Powerline Harmonics IEC 610 00-3-2
• Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker IEC 61000-3-3
Federal Communications Commission Statement Part 15: Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. The s e limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against h a r m ful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interferenc e to radio communications . Op eration of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in w h ic h case the user will be req u ired to c o rrect the interference at his own expense.
Part 68: Answer-Supervision Signaling
Allowing this equipm ent to be operated in a man ner that does not provide proper answer-supervision sig na ling is in violation of Part 68 rules. This equipment returns answer-supervision signals to the public switched network when:
• answered by the called station,
• answered by the attendant, or
• routed to a recorde d an n ou ncement that can be admin i stered by
the customer premises equipment (CPE) user.
This equipment returns answer-supervision signals on all direct inward dialed (DID) calls forwarded back to the public switched telephone network. Permissi bl e exceptions are:
• A call is unanswered.
• A busy tone is received.
• A reorder tone is rece ived.
Avaya attests that this registered equipment is capabl e of providing users access to int erstate providers of operato r services th rough the us e of access codes. Modification of this equipment by call aggregators to block access dialing codes is a violation of the Telephone Operator Consumers Act of 1990.
REN Number For MCC1, SCC1, CMC1, G600, and G 650 M e d ia Gat eways:
This equipment complie s with Part 68 of the FCC rules. On either the rear or inside the front cover of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number, and ringer equivalence numb er (R EN ) for this equipment. If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company.
For G350 and G700 Media Gateways:
This equipment complie s with Part 68 of th e F C C rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. On the rear of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product i de nti fi er in the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented by ## are the ringer equivalence number (REN) without a decim al p oin t (fo r example, 03 is a REN of 0.3). If requested, this number must be provided to the tel ephone company.
For all media gateways:
The REN is used to determine the qua ntity of devices that may be connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas, the sum of RE Ns should not exceed 5.0. To be certain of the num ber of devices that may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company.
REN is not required for some t ype s of ana l og or digital facilities.
Means of Connection
Connection of this equipment to the telephone network is shown in the following tables.
For MCC1, SCC1, CMC1, G600, and G 650 M e d ia Gat eways:
Manufacturer’s Port Identifier
Off premises station OL13C 9.0F RJ2GX,
DID trunk 02RV2-T 0.0B RJ2GX,
CO trunk 02GS2 0.3A RJ21X
Tie trunk TL3 1M 9.0F RJ2G X Basic Rate Int e r face 0 2I S 5 6.0F, 6.0Y RJ49C
1.544 digital interface 04DU9-BN 6.0F RJ48C,
120A4 channel servic e unit 04DU9-DN 6. 0Y RJ48C
A.S. Code
02LS2 0.3A RJ21X
04DU9-IKN 6.0F RJ48C,
04DU9-ISN 6.0F RJ48C,
Network Jacks
RJ21X, RJ11C
For G350 and G700 Media G ate w ays:
Manufactur er’s Port Identifier
Ground Start CO trunk 02GS2 1.0A RJ11C DID trunk 02RV2-T AS.0 RJ11C Loop Start CO trunk 02LS2 0.5A RJ11C
1.544 digital interface 04DU9-BN 6.0Y RJ48C
Basic Rate Interface 02IS5 6.0F RJ49C
For all media gateways:
If the terminal equipment (for examp le , the media server or me dia gateway) causes harm to the tel e phone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporar y di scontinuance of service may be require d. But if advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures tha t co uld affect the operation of the equipment. If this hap p e ns, t he telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to ma ke nec essa ry m odifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced w i th t his equipment, for repair or warrant y information, plea s e contact the Technical Service Center at 1-800-242- 2121 or contact your local Avaya representative. If the equipment is causing ha rm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request tha t you disconnect the equipment until the problem is re s olved.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product . It is designed to be connected to a co mp atible modular jack th at is also compliant . I t is recommended that repairs be performed by Avaya certified technicians.
The equipment cannot be use d on public coin phone service provided by the telephone com pany. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission, public service commission or corporation commission for information.
This equipmen t, if it uses a telephone receiver, is hearing aid compatible.
A.S. Code
04DU9-DN 6.0Y RJ48C 04DU9-IKN 6.0Y RJ48C 04DU9-ISN 6.0Y RJ48C
Network Jacks
Declarations of Conformity
United States FCC Part 68 Supplier ’s Declaration of Conform ity (SDoC)
Avaya Inc. in the United States of America hereby certifies that th e equipment describe d in thi s document and bearing a TIA TS B-168 label identi f ication number complies with the FCC’s Rules and Regulations 47 CFR Part 68, an d the A dm inistrative Council on Terminal Attachments (ACTA) adopted technical criteria.
Avaya further asserts that Avaya handset-equipped terminal equipment described in this document complies wi th Pa ragraph
68.316 of the FCC Rules and Regu lati ons de fi ning Hearing Aid Compatibil ity and is deeme d compatible with hearing aids.
Copies of SDoCs signed by the Responsible Par ty in the U. S. ca n be obtained by contacting your local sales representative a nd a re available on the following Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
All A vay a me dia s erv ers an d me dia ga te way s are compl ia nt wi th FCC Part 68, but many have been registered with the FCC before the SDoC process was available. A list of all Avaya registered products may be found at: http://www.part68.org as manufacturer.
European Union Declarations of Conformity
Avaya Inc. declares that the equipment spec ified in this docum ent bearing the “CE” (Conformité Europeénne) mark conforms to the European Union Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive (1999/5/EC), including the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336/EEC) and Low V oltage Directive (73/23/EEC). This equipment has been certified to meet CTR3 Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and CTR4 Primary Rate Interface (PRI) and subsets thereof in CTR12 and CTR13, as applicable.
Copies of these Declarations of Conformity (DoCs) can be obtained by contacting your local sale s representative and are avai la bl e on the following Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interfe rence by Information Technology Equipmen t ( V CCI). If this equipment is us ed in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may occur, in which case, the user may be required to take co rrective actions.
by conducting a search using “Avaya”
Canadian Department of Communications (DOC) Interfe rence Information
This Class A digital appar at us complies with Canadian ICE S -003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme
NMB-003 du Canada. This equipment meets t he applicable Industry Canada Terminal
Equipment Technical Specifications. This is confirmed by the registration number. The abbreviation, IC, be fore the registration number signifies that registration was perform e d based on a Declaration of Conformi ty i ndicating that Industry Canada tec hni cal specifications were met. It does not imply that Industry Canada approved the equipment.
To order copies of this and other documents:
Call: Avaya Publications Center
Voice 1.800.457.1235 or 1.207.866.6701 FAX 1.800.457.1764 or 1.207.626.7269
Write: Globalware Solutio ns
E-mail: totalware@gwsmail.com For the most current versions of documentation, go to the Avaya
support Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
200 Ward Hill Avenue Haverhill, MA 01835 USA Attention: Avaya Account Management


Preface 7
• Purpose 7
• Prerequisites 7
• Intended Audience 7
• Conventions Used in This Book 7
• Additional Resources 8
• Tell Us What You Think! 8
• How to Get This Book (and Others) on the Web 8
• How to Order More Copies of This Book 9
1 Resources and Notices 11
• Getting Help with the Installation 11
• Avaya Technology and Consulting (ATAC) 11
• Avaya Remote Network Integration Services (RNIS) 11
• Avaya Technical Service Organization (TSO) 12
• Avaya Network Management Software Systems Support Group (NMSSS) 12
• Avaya Contact Information 12
• Third-Party Resources 13
• System Security Notices 14
Network Security 14 Toll Fraud Security 14
Avaya Disclaimer 14 Toll Fraud Intervention 14
2 Overview 15
• Client Requirements 15
• Configuration Checklist 16
3 Setting Up MultiSite Administration 17
• Starting MultiSite Administration 17
• Setting Up the MultiSite Administration Server 18
• Assigning Messaging Systems 18
• Changing the Administrative Password 19
Avaya MultiSite Administration Configuration 5 July 2004
• Adding Users 19
• Starting the Queue 21
• Initializing Voice Systems 21
• Adding a Voice System 22
• Adding a Messaging System 23
Glossary and Abbreviations 25
Index 27
6 Avaya MultiSite Administration Configuration
July 2004



This book explains how to configure Avaya MultiSite Administration (MultiSite Adminis tration) and how to troubleshoot it.


Installing and setting up MultiSite Administratio n requires familiarity with network administration, knowledge of the Red Hat implementation of the Linux operating system, and proficiency with Linux administration. This knowledge is not taught in this book but is essential for a successful installation.
For this reason, we highly recommend that workstation or network administrators take the primary role in installation.

Intended Audience

We wrote this book for workstation or network administrators.

Conventions Used in Th is Book

In this book, we use the following typographical conventions:
We use bold type for emphasis and for any infor mati on that you shou ld type; for examp le: save
We use Courier font for any information that the computer screen displays; for example: login.
We use arrows to indicate options that you should select on cascading menus; for example:
“Select File>Open” means choose the “Open” option from the “File” menu.
Avaya MultiSite Administration Configuration 7 July 2004

Additional Resources

Additional Resources
You may find the following additional resources helpful.
For help using MultiSite Administration, access the MultiSite Administration online help. It explains how to perform basic administration tasks. To access the online help, start the MultiSite Administration client and choose Help>Help Topics.
For help with complex administration tasks, see the Administrator’s Guide for Avaya Communica t ion Manager Software, which explains system features and interactions in detail. You can access this document from the Integ rated Managem ent home page .

Tell Us What You Think!

Let us know how this book measured up to your expectations. Your opinions are crucial to helping us meet your needs! You can send us your comments by mail, fax, or e-mail, as follows:
Mail: Avaya, Inc.
MultiSite Administration Documentation Team Room 3C-313 307 Middletown Lincroft Rd. Lincroft, NJ 07738-1526 USA
Fax: MultiSite Administration Documentation Team
+ 1 732 852-2469
E-mail: document@avaya.com

How to Get This Book (and Others) on the Web

You can view or download the latest version of this book from the Avaya, Inc. web site. You must have access to the Internet, an Internet browser, and Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 5.0 or later) with Search. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available from http://www.adobe.com.
To view or download the latest version of the Avaya Integrated Management documentation:
1 Access http://www.avaya.com/support. 2 Click Product Documentation. 3 Click System and Network Management. 4 Locate the heading “Avaya Integrated Management,” and click the link corresponding to the
software release.
5 Locate the title of the book, and click the link corresponding to the book.
8 Avaya MultiSite Administration Configuration
July 2004

How to Order More Copies of This Book

How to Order More Copies of This Book
To order paper copies of this book, call or write us and request the following publication:
Order: Document Number:555-233-137
Issue:Issue 6
Date: July 2004
Call: Avaya Publications Center
Voice:1 800 457 1235
Fax: 1 800 457 1764
If you are calling from somewhere that cannot access US 1-800 numbers, then call:
Voice:+ 1 207 866 6701
Fax: + 1 207 626 7269
Write: Globalware Solutions
200 Ward Hill Avenue
Haverhill, MA 01835 USA
Avaya MultiSite Administration Configuration 9 July 2004
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