•A password change (ee_admin) i s not requ ired before performing
this upgrade. If you do change any passwords before the upgrade,
ensure that you perform a system reboot from the Unified Manager
menu before you begin the upgrade.
•If you have PPPoE or IPX routing, see the note on the bottom of
page 4. (IPX routing is not supported on BCM 3.6 software.)
•If you have VoIP trunks, review the VoIP trunks bullets on
page 6 (QoS upgrade) and on page 12 (gateway settings).
How to ge t h e lp
If you do not see an appropriate number in this list, go to www.Nortelnetworks.com/support.
USA and Canada
Authorized Distributors - ITAS Technical Support
Telephone: 1-800-4NORTEL (1-800-466-7835)
If you already have a PIN Code, you can enter Express Routing Code (ERC) 196#.
If you do not yet have a PIN Code, or for general questions and fir st line support, you can enter
ERC 338#.
Website: http://www.nortelnetworks.com/support
Presales Support (CSAN)
Telephone: 1-800-4NORTEL (1-800-466-7835)
Use Express Routing Code (ERC) 1063#
EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)
Technical Support - CTAS
*European Freephone00800 800 89009
European A lter n ative /
United Kingdom+44 (0)870-907-9009
*Note: Calls are not free from all countries in Europe, Middle East or Africa
Australia 1800NORTEL (1800-66 7-835)
China 010-6510-7770
India 011-5154-2210
P0609619 02
Indonesia 0018-036-1004
Japan 0120-332-533
Malaysia 1800-805-380
New Zealand 0800-449-716
Philippines 1800-1611- 0063
Singapore 800-616-2004
South Korea 0079-8611-2001
Taiwan 0800-810-500
Thailand 001-800-611 -3007
Service Business Centre & Pre-Sales Help Desk +61-2-8870-5511
Business Communications Manager 3.6 Upgrade Guide
P0609619 02
How to get help 2
Chapter 1
Before you begin this upgrade3
How to use this upgrade guide 3
Which upgrade do I do? 4
Prerequisites to the upgrade 4
Upgrade overview 9
During upgrade 10
Post-upgrade activities 11
Core feature changes for BCM 3.6 16
First step 3
Second step 3
Final step 3
Important information to note before attempting this upgrade 4
Business Communications Manager pre-upgrade requirements 5
Hardware status 5
Business Communications Manager operations requirements 5
Client computer upgrade prerequisites 6
Pre-upgrade record-keeping tasks 7
Perform BRU on all data 8
Voice inventory service 10
Upgrade Wizard BCM status LEDs 10
Post-upgrade: all system upgrades 11
Post-upgrade: systems upgraded from BCM 3.0/3.0.1 12
Post-upgrade: NetIQ Vivinet Manager service 14
Post-upgrade: Upgrading clients 15
New Reporting for Call Center client 15
Uninstalling a client application 15
Installing a client application 15
Chapter 2
Upgradi n g a B C M 3. 0, 3.0.1, or 3. 5 system to BC M 3.617
Pre-upgrade readiness check 18
Upgrade application overview 19
Performing the upgrade 20
Chapter 3
Upgra d i n g pr e-release BCM 3.6 so ftware29
Pre-upgrade readiness check 30
Business Communications Manager 3.6 Upgrade Guide
Upgrade application overview 31
Performing the upgrade 32
Chapter 4
Troubleshooting Upgrade errors43
Upgrade Startup 43
Business Communications Manager Identification 43
Business Communications Manager Validation 45
Upgrade Keycode 48
File Transfer 49
Upgrade from BCM 3.0/3.0.1/3.5 software 49
General Errors 49
P0609619 02
Chapter 1
Before you begin this upgrade
Use this document to guide you through the ste ps that are required to upgrade any Business
Communications Manager running BCM 3.0 or newer software to Business Communications
Manager version 3.6 software. There are two upgrade paths. Which upgrade path you need to
follow is based on the current hard ware and software configuration of your system.
Ensure that you read the information in this chapte r caref ully before you turn to a specific
How to use this upgrade guide
This section explains how to use the information in this guide.
First step
• Read the sections in this chapt er which explain which upgrade you need to do (“Which upgra de
do I do?” on page 4), and the common prerequisites and pre-upgrade requirements
(“Prerequisites to the upgrade” on page 4). Any activities that are specific to just one type of
upgrade will be noted. Ensure that you read all the instructions carefully before attempting
to run the upgrade.
Common pre-requisites and processes
• Also have a look at the Process map to give yourself an idea of the order in which the activities
occur (“Upgrade overview” on page 9).
• Once you read this information and ensure that your system is ready to be upgraded, go to the
Second step.
Second ste p
Read the two sect io ns u nde r “During upgrade” on page 10 in this chapter. The first section
describes a solution to a proble m that can occur during the system check. The second section
describes how the LEDs, that appear on the final upgrade screen, function during the upgrade.
The upgrade chapters contain specific upgrade informatio n. Each of these chapters describes:
• which version of Business Communications Manager software will allow the upgrade
• any specific pre-in stallation warnings
• the process the upgrade goes thr ough for the t ype of upgrade you are doing
• step-by-step ins tructions to guide you through the upgrade
Error dialogs may occur during the upgrade. Refer to “Troubleshooting Upgrade errors” on page
43 for explanatio ns of the erro r dial ogs.
When the upgrade completes successfully go to the Final step.
Final step
After the successful upgrade , tur n back to this chapter and go to the section that discusse s
post-upgrade activities (“Post-upgrade activities” on page 11). N ot all of these activities apply to
your system, but review them, then perfo rm the required activities.
Business Communications Manager 3.6 Upgrade Guide
4 Chapter 1 Before you begin this upgrade
Which upgrade do I do?
There are two upgrade paths, based on the softwa re and hardware currently instal led in your
Business Communications Manag er:
• The first upgrade path, described in the chapter “Upgrading a BCM 3.0, 3.0.1, or 3.5 syst em to
BCM 3.6” on page 17, involves upgrading systems running BCM 3.0 (version 4), BCM 3.0.1
(build 7), or BCM 3.5 (build 2.3a or 2.3b) release software to BCM 3.6 software.
• The second upgrade path, described in the chapter “Upgrading pre-release BCM 3.6 software”
on page 29 describes how to upgrade systems tha t are running BCM 3.6 beta software (version
1.1 or 1.4) to the BCM 3.6 release software.
Prerequisites to the upgrade
Note: During the upgrade, your Business Communications Manager system,
including the telephony servi ce s, i s not functi o nal .
Review the following prerequisites carefully to determine that your system is compliant before
you attempt to do the upgrade.
The upgrade runs a verification process at the beginning of the upgrade, tha t provides a system
summary. If you are missing any requireme nts, the upgrade will provide an error describing the
deficiency. The upgrade will not cont inue until the validation runs error -free.
If you are unable to rectify the issue, contact your service manager for information.
Important information to note before attempting this upgrade
The following section provide s notes and warnings for information tha t is critical to the upgrade.
Warning: A passwo rd ch an ge (ee_ a d m in) is no t req ui re d before perfo rmi ng this
upgrade. If you do change any passwords before the upgrade, ensure that you
perform a system reboot from the Unified Manager menu before you begin the
Note: Keycodes
This upgrade procedure requires a keycode. This upgrade keycode is entered into the
upgrade Wizard during the upgra de process. Keycodes are also specific to a relea se. If
you obtained a keycode to perform beta testing of the upgrade, you will need to obtain a
new keycode to run the GA version of the upgrade release.
Further , each upgrade release is only valid to run for a limite d time after release.
P0609619 02
Chapter 1 Before you begin this upgrade 5
Warning: PPPoE and IPX routing
These settings are removed by the upgrade. IPX is not supported in release 3.6. PPPoE
must be reinstalled and rec onf igured as part of the post-upgr ade tasks. Call your te chnical
services provider if you require more detailed instructions about these applications.
Note: VoIP trunks: If your system has configured VoIP trunks, and at least one of the
systems is running BCM 3.5 software, a QoS patch was installed at the time of that
upgrade or installa tion. If your network only has systems running 3.0 or 3.0.1 sof tware,
and you do not intend to upgrade some of the systems, or need to delay the upgrade to
some 3.0/3.0.1 systems to 3. 6, you will ne ed to install a QoS patch on the systems that
will not be upgraded. If you do not have the patch avai lable or choose not to install the
patch at this time, disable the VoIP trunks to the systems you are not upgrading until you
perform the upgra de on those systems or install the patch. The QoS Patch supports H.323
version 4, which was introduced in BCM 3.5 software.
If the system has VoIP connections to a Meridian 1, confirm that the Meridian is running
IPT software.
Business Communications Manager pre-upgrade requirements
The following are requirements pertaining to your Business Communications Manager condition
prior to the upgrade.
Hardware st atu s
• Hard disk drive: Nortel Networ ks 20GB with correct partition sizes
• 256 MB RAM
• BCM1000/BCM400: MSC 1A Media Services Card card with four MS-PEC 1s, two MS-PEC
IIIs, or 4 MS-PEC IIIs.
• BCM200 : MSC 1B Media Se rv ices Card wi th one or two M S-PEC IIIs instal l ed.
Business Communications Manager operations requirements
• Note the IP address of the Business Communica tions Manager system that you want to upgrade.
Warning: Make a backup of all your data with BRU and store it off the Business
Communications Manager hard disk. Preferably, also store it off the hard disk of the
computer you are going to use to run the backup. This provides you with a back up
of your current se tting s in the event of system failure during the upgrade procedure.
• Ensure that your Busine ss Communicati ons Manage r primary networ k is on the same net work as
the computer you will use to run the upgrade. We strongly recommend that you use a computer
that is within the same subnet as the Business Communications Manager system that you are
upgrading. Ensure that the network connection is through the primar y NIC (LAN) card.
Business Communications Manager 3.6 Upgrade Guide
6 Chapter 1 Before you begin this upgrade
• Ensure that FTP service is enabled on the Business Communicati ons Manager and can be started
• VoIP trunks : Ensur e the QoS patch has been insta lled on all network B usiness Communic ations
Managers running BCM 3.0/3.0.1 software that will not be upgraded to BCM 3.6 software, or
disable the VoIP trunks to these systems until those systems are upgraded or the patch is
installed. Refer to the note under “Important information to note before a ttempting this upgrade”
on page 4.
• Remove any mapped drives that may be connecting to the Business Communications Manager.
• Client applications: All ser vices will be down for the duration of the actual upgrade process. However, no other settings or mailboxes are affected by the upgrade. All applications
should be fully functional once the system has rebooted and restarted services. All client
applications will ne ed to be reinstalled after the upgrade is complete. Note: Attendant Console
was discontinued, starting in the BCM 3.5 release. If your BCM 3.0/3.0.1 system is currently
running this program, the initial survey will indicate the presence of this application and will
note that it will no longer be availa ble once the upgrade runs.
Client computer upgrade prerequisites
On the computer you are going to use to run the upgrade, ensure the following requirements have
been met:
• Hardware and network requirements
— Operating system: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, W i ndows NT,
Windows 2000, or Windows XP
— Use a least a 24X CD-ROM drive to minimize the upgrade time.
— Minimum screen resolution: 640X480 or greater. Suggested: 1024X768.
— Minimum 256 colors.
— free space on your hard disk, at least 50 MB.
— Browser: Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater.
— Ensure that your computer is on the same networ k as your Business Communications
Manager primary network. We strongly recommend that you use a computer that is within
the same subnet as t he Business Communications Manager syst em that you a re up grading.
Ensure that the network connecti on is through the primary NIC (LAN) card. Note: If there
are concerns about network perfo rmance, use a crossover cable connection to the LAN 1
adapter. This latter confi guration provides the fastest possible file transfer.
• Computer program requirements:
— Ensure that you have Internet Explor er 5.5 or greater (suggested: IE 6.0 ).
— If you have a personal firewal l, such as CyberArmor, ensure you either turn if off or ente r
P0609619 02
the IP address and netmask of the Business Communications Manager in the file for
allowed IP addresses. In CyberAr mor, this is the Friends file.
Chapter 1 Before you begin this upgrade 7
• Application requirements
— Log out of any VNC, Telnet, PuTTY (3.5 systems) or Unified Manager sessions, and quit
any open Windows applications.
Caution: Do not open any Windows, VNC or Unified Manager sessions while you
perform the upgrade. These sessions can interfere with the progress of the upgrade.
Pre-upgrade record-keeping tasks
The following informati on is not preserved by the upgrade process. Make a note of the
configurations so they can be re-entered once the upgrade is complete.
• Attend ant C o nso le : BCM 3.6 software does not suppor t this a pplication. If this appli cation is
present on your system, you will receive the following notice at the beginning of the upgrade:
Attendant Console has be en detected. Please see BCM 3.6 Upgrade Guide for more information
before continuing.
When this notice appears, click OK, then either continue with the upgrade or exit the upgrade
application. If you continue, the Attendant Console application and data will no longer be
available after the upgra de.
If you require an Attendant Console product for your business, you can obtain a substitute
product from Convertec at a discount. Go to the following URL for more information:
• Password note: The upgrade retains t he exist ing c omplexity le vel for pa sswords, which, prior to
the BCM 3.5 software release, was set to zero (0). This ensures that all user accounts update
correctly. Nortel recommends that if you upgraded from a 3.0/3.0.1 system, after the upgrade
completes, you should change the pas sword complexity to a more secure level and adjust the
passwords to comply with the new setting.
• External files: Any files or programs placed on the Bu siness C ommunications Mana ger, tha t are
not part of the default softwar e, may be removed during the upgrade and will not be reinstalled.
This includes any files you have tr ans ferred using the Business Communication s Manager FTP
service. Ensure you have the se files and applica tions adequa tely documente d so you can rei nstall
them after the upgrade is complete.
• Policy rec ords : Record any Policy information recorded under Services, Policy Management.
This information will need to be re-entered after the upgrade.
• User accounts: The ModemBackup user ac count does not e xist in BCM 3.6 software (removed
in BCM 3.5). Other user names and accounts will be copied over as they exist.
• Push tasks: Make a note of any schedule d BRU, Archlog or CDR push tasks. These will need to
be re-entered after the upgra de.
• Diagnostics/SSM: Sanity test setting (retur ns to default after upgrade).
• Diagnostics/Watchdog: Logging setting (returns to default after upgrade).
• Services/CDR: Record the CDR format and feat ure co de in use .
• PPPoE: If your system is using PPPoE, make a note of the system settings.
• IPX routing: WARNING: IPX routing is not supported by BCM 3.6 softwar e.
Business Communications Manager 3.6 Upgrade Guide
8 Chapter 1 Before you begin this upgrade
• Private Received Number lengths and OLIs: BCM 3.6 software differentiates between publi c
and private received number lengths, and public and private outgoing line identification (OLI).
— If the DN leng t h and the Public Received Number length (target lines) are different,
after the upgrade you will need to manually enter the Private Received Number (new
field) for each of the assigne d target lines on your system. You will also need to enter
a Private OLI (new field) for each telephone.
— If the DN length and the Public Received Number length are the same, as
recommended for MCDN private networ king, and the Public OLI is coordinated with
this length, the Private Received Number length automatically populates with the
same number as the Public Received Number length. The Private OLI auto-populates
with the DN.
— If the system is runnin g with a DPNSS keycode, record the Private Received Number
lengths, as they will need to be re-ente red.
• Upgrading from BCM 3.0/3.0.1 software:
— Line Access: If you use CLID-enabled analog lines and target lines, note the telepho nes
that have these lines assigne d and for which you want CLID to display. You will need to
change the Caller ID set
— Button programming, T7316E: If there are T7316E telephones installed on the system,
make a note of all memory key and line key settings and positions for each telephone . The
T7316E functions as a T7316 on these systems. On BCM 3.5 and newer systems, it
functions as a T7316E telephone, which has a different memory button default set. After
the upgrade, these telephone s will revert to the default T7316E defaul t settings for all
memory key programming and there will be no handsfr ee key on the memory keys sin ce
the T7316E has a separate Handsfree key.
• Upgrading from BCM 3.5 software to BCM 3.6 release software:
— If your system has a universal power supply (UPS), you will need to reconfigure the
device to the serial port.
— If you have NetIQ installed you will need to obtain a keycode to be able to access the
service in BCM 3.6.
Perform BRU on all data
Ensure that you have a complete current backup f ile store d in a location oth er than on the Business
Communications Manager or the comput er you are using the run the backup. This provides you
with a backup of your most recent settings in the event of a system failure during the upgrade.
Warning: Once the upgrade is complete, never attempt to run a restore using this
backup. Th is ba ck up is only to be used i f the up gr ade fa i ls and your system is no
longer functional. A BRU backup can only be restored to a system running the same
software version from which the BRU was created.
P0609619 02
Upgrade overview
The over all upgrade process is simila r for both upgrades. The following chart provides an
overview of the process.
Start h ere
Chapter 1 Before you begin this upgrade 9
Have you
read and confirmed
Ye s
Is your system
ready for the
Ye s
Do you have
a keycode for the
Ye s
Set upgrade schedule.
Read the prerequisi tes section
and confirm your hardware
“Prerequisites to the upgra de”
Call your technical
support provider if
you cannot resolve
Obtain a keycode for
each system you
intend to upgrade
and software. Refer to
on page 4.
all is s u es
Upgrade process
Start the upgrade wiz ard
and follow prompts
Upgrade wizard runs
system verification.
Files transfer to empty
partition on BCM hard
Perform a BRU on the
system and store off
the hard disk
Did you
change the
ee-admin pas sw ord?
(not required)
Ye s
Perform a reboot
from the Un i fie d
Manager menu
Systems with BCM200 or
BCM400 hardware ma y
receive a BIOS update at this
point (BCM 3.0/3.0.1 systems)
Perform post-upgr ade activities and test your syste m.
Business Communications Manager 3.6 Upgrade Guide
3.0/3.0.1/3.5: BCM OS
upgrade occurs.
New files swap into
active partition.
Upgrade complete
Refer to “Post-upgrade act ivities” on page 11.
10 Chapter 1 Before you begin this upgrade
During upgrade
“Voice inventory service” describes how to start the voice inventory servi ce, which, if it is not
running correctl y, may prod uce false errors about the MSC core telephony softwa re.
“Upgrade Wizard BCM status LEDs” describes the different states that can display on the LEDs
that appear on the final upgrade screen.
Voice invento r y servic e
During system verifica tion, at the start of the upgrade, the upgrade may display errors about the
MSC Core telephony s oftware, the MS-PECs and t he type of MSC. This may mea n tha t the Voice
Inventory service needs to be started.
To confirm that the service is running:
1Exit the upgrade.
2Open the Unified Manager.
3Click on System.
4On the top menu, click on Tools and select Perform System Inventory.
5Click on Tools again and selec t Display System Inventory.
•If the service is now running correctly, exit the Unified Manager and retry the upgrade .
•If the information is not presented correctly, reboot the BCM.
Once the system is r unning a gain, d isplay t he inve ntory aga in to conf irm tha t the se rvice is
now running.
Upgrade Wizard BCM status LEDs
The LEDS in the BCM Status box on the transfer/upgrade page will change as the transfer and
upgrade processes move along. Refer to Fig ure 1 and Table 1.
Figure 1 BCM status LED indicators
LEDs indicate current state of BCM
connectivity and service availability
P0609619 02
Table 1 BCM Status LEDs
BCM ConnectionLEDsBCM Services
Chapter 1 Before you begin this upgrade 11
indicates that the application is connected to the
Business Communications Manager and can
communicate with it
•during any reboot that occurs during the upgrade.
•if the network connection is disconnected between
your computer and the Business Communications
•if the Business Communications Manager is
powered down or in the middle of a power cycle
•during the portion of the upgrade from the point
when the network settings are reset to default
values until the configured values are restored
* At the end of a successful upgrade, both LEDs will be green.
*Greenindicates that the Business Communications
Redappears during periods when there is no access
Post-upgrade activities
The following section contains a list of activities that need to be performed once the upgrade is
Note: You may not need do all of these activities. Not all systems use all the functions listed
Post-upgrade: all system upgrades
Manager is functioning and is providing all
expected capabilities.
to services on the Business Communications
•any time the BCM Connection LED is red
•once the system modifications begin. It will
remain red until the upgrade is complete and
all the services have restarted.
• Back up data: As soon as you confirm that the system is operating a s expected, perform a BRU
to back up all data. This is now your current backup.
• Push tasks: Reprogr am any scheduled BRU, Archlog or CDR push tasks. (Management User
• Policy rec ord: Reconfigure the Policy settings that you note d before the upgrade (Services,
Policy Management).
• Firewall record: If Firewall Filter logging is r equired, reset it to Enabled. (Programming
Operations Guide)
• Diagno stics, SSM: Reset the sanity test setting if it needs to be enabled.
• Diagnostics, Watchdog: Reset the Logging setting, if required.
• Services, CDR: Reset the format and feature code.
• Client applications: Some of the client applications have new versions. Refer to “Post-upgrade:
Upgrading clie nts” on page 15. If you wish to continue to use Telnet to access the command line
interface, or if you have DECT modules, enable Telnet. (Programming Operations Guide )
• DECT por table handsets: If the system uses DECT handsets, refer to the DEC T Installation
and Maintenance Guide for the procedure to update the DECT firmware (DECT wizard).
Business Communications Manager 3.6 Upgrade Guide
12 Chapter 1 Before you begin this upgrade
• Remote files: Re-enter any non-default files or programs that you noted before the upgrade, and
which were removed during the upgrade. This includes any files you transfer red to the Business
Communications Manager using the Business Communications Manager FTP service.
• Last-minute revisions: Read the documentation addendum for any last-minute issues that may
need addressing with the new software.
• PPPoE: If the system uses PPPoE, reinstall and reconfigure with the settings that you noted
before the upgrade.
• Receive d nu m ber len gths an d OL I chang e s:
— If the system DN length and the Public Received Number length (targe t lines) on your
system are diffe rent, after the upgrade enter the Pri vate Received Number (new field)
for each of the target lines. Also, enter the Private OLI for each of the telephones. If
the Private Received Number length and the Private OLI are not populated, the
MCDN private networks cannot support CLID.
— If the system uses a DPNSS keycode, enter new Private Received Number lengths.
• ONN blocking: If you want to block outgoing name display over VoIP trunks, a new setting has
been added to the IP trunking heading under System Programming, General settings. This
setting blocks the name displ ay for all VoIP trunks. Name display can also be blocked on a
module level for PSTN trunks.
Post-upgrade: systems upgraded from BCM 3.0/3.0.1
This section details the changes that occurred in BCM 3.5 software that needs to be configured or
noted for systems upgraded to BCM 3.6 from BCM 3.0 or BCM 3.0.1 systems.
• Password security: If you require the strictes t password security on the syste m, upgra de the
complexity setting on the password policy screen. Then, change your user passwords to comply
with the polic y rul es. (Prog ramming Operations Guide). If the passwords do not c omply with the
password complexity and length se ttings, you could lose those user accounts if you ever need to
do a re-initialization after a hardware or software upgrade or after adding a patch, or when you
perform a BRU restore.
• Dial-up privileges: Ensure that any users that require a dial- up modem conn ections hav e dial-up
privileges. You can also enter a callback number, to provide some dial-up security.
Note: The ee_admin user has dial-up privileges by defa ult. If you remove dial-up from this use r,
your technica l serv ice p ro vi de rs wil l not be ab le to rem otely acce s s your system to assist you in
diagnosing system probl ems.
• VoIP trunks (IP Telephony Configura tion Guide):
— If you have connection issues with your Voice over IP (VoIP) trunks following the
upgrade, check that your remote gateway settings are correct at both ends of the trunk
(Services, IP Telephony, IP T runks, H.323 Trunks, Remote Gateway). Refer to the
IP Telephony Conf iguration Guide for information about upda ting local and remote
gateway records.
— If you will be using SIP trunks, you need to define how many of the IP trunk credits
you want to commit to these trunks. (Services, IP Telephony, IP Trunks and the SIP
Trunks heading underneath it.)
P0609619 02
Chapter 1 Before you begin this upgrade 13
— If you will be sending fax messages from your wire d syste m fax machines over your
IP trunks, you will need to allow the IP fax feature.
— If the system is ne tworked to a Merid ian 1 syste m that sends call s through t he network
to a remote PSTN, there are new Access code settings tha t can be defined so that
specific call types se nt by the Meridia n are identified and handled corre ctly as they
pass through the private network. These settings are then used when defining routes
for each specifi c type of call.
• Command line interface: If you need access to the secure inter face for the command line menu,
download the PuTTY application to your computer. (Programming Operations Guide). If you
wish to continue to use Telnet to access the command line interface, or if you have DECT
modules, enable Telnet. (Programming Operations Guide)
• VPN tunnels: If you want to establish a secure connection to the Unified Manager, set up VPN
tunnels. (Programming Operations Guide)
• Security certificate: You may add a security certif icate that is unique to your system.
(Programming Operations Guide)
• Analog/target line CLID: Enable Caller ID set (DN record, Line assignment) for any
telephone for which you want to displa y calle r ID for CLID analog lines and target lines. Note
that only 30 telephones can support CLID display per line.
• Alpha tagging: If you want telephone s to display the name of calls coming in on number-only
analog lines, you can define up to 255 System Speed dials with names. When a call comes in on
a number-only analog line and the cal ling number matches a System Speed dial number, the
name specified for tha t speed dial will appear on telephones configured to display CLID for that
line. Set the size of the system speed dial list under Services, General Settings, Feature Settings.
• Call logging: Call logging now occurs for calls received from any line to a telephone that has
call logging ena bled. En sure that you enable t he Autobum ping feat ure (FEATURE 815) on each
telephone with call logging enabled to prevent log file overload.
• T7316E telephones, button programming: If there were T7316E telephones currently
connected to the system, reprogram the memory buttons. During the upgrade, they converted
from T7316 telephones to T7316E telep hones, which have a different button programming map.
• New hardware: Only i nstall new hardwa re afte r you have confirmed that t he syst em is operati ng
— The T7316E can also be connected to Key Indicator Modules (KIMs) to create
Central Answering Positions (CAPs). T7316E+KIMs are configured as enhanced
CAPs under Services, General Settings, CAP/KIM assignment. For each CAP,
configure button progr amming for both the telephone and the KIMs under the DN
record for th e teleph one, under User Pr efere nces. CAPs wi th eKIMs ( enhance d CAPs)
have 24 buttons with indicato rs that support lines, multiple appearances of the same
target line, and hunt group indicators, as well as memory button programming. CAPs
that are not enhanced suppor t OKIMS, which prov ide programmable memory buttons.
Note: KIMs do not support hunt group DNs as autodial butt ons (memory button
— USB headset for i2050 Software Phone: Update any existing i2050 Software Phone
installati ons if you want to use the USB headset.
Business Communications Manager 3.6 Upgrade Guide
+ 37 hidden pages
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