Avaya BCM 3.0 Upgrade Guide

Part No. P0994694 02
Business Communications Manager
3.0 Software Upgrade Guide


BCM 2.5 versions 7.1.7, 7.1.8, 7.1.9
BCM 2.5 Feature Pack 1 RC 2.4 versions 2, 5
BCM 2.5 Feature Pack 1 Maintenance Release

How to get help

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Upgrade your system to Business Communica tions Man age r 3.0

Use this document to guide you through the ste ps that are required to upgrade your Business Communications Manager 2.5-based software to Business Communications Mana ger 3.0.
Warning: This upgrade requires that your Business Communication s Manager base unit has a 20 GB hard disk. An upgrade for Business Communications Manager systems with 8 GB hard disks will be available at a future date.
Warning: If you are using PPPoE on your system, you cannot perform this upgrade. Contact your technical support fo r the availability of a PPPoE uninstall program, which you will need to run prior to running the upgrade.
Ensure that you read all the instructions carefully before atte mpting to run the upgrade.

Upgrade application overview

The Business Communi cations Manager 3. 0 upgrade application goes through the following steps:
• Business Communication Manager system validation, including version checking, disk capacity checking, and so on.
Note: The BCM 3.0 Upgrade may present false errors about the MSC Core Telephony Software, the MS-PECs, and the type of MSC if the Voice Inve ntory service has not been started. Confirm that this service is running:
Enter the Unified Manager and click on System. On the top menu, click on Tools, and select Perform System Inventory. The n go back under Tools and select Di splay System Inventory. T h is indic ates that t h e se rvic e is r u nning cor re ctly.
• Preserve ex is ting cust omer data
Warning: This does not preclude doing a BRU. You need to back up your data to ensure that you hav e a backup in case the upgrade canno t co mpl et e.
• Repartition the hard dri ve.
• Restore customer data.
• Transfer Business Communica tions Manager 3.0 software image to the target Business Communications Manager.
• Perform data conversion to the new software.
• Perform a system initiali zation.
• Start services and verify proper operation.
Business Communications Manager 3.0 Upgrade Guide
4 Upgrade your system to Business Communications Manager 3.0
Note: During this proc ess, the Business Communications Manager will perform
numerous reboots.

Upgrade process

The following section desc ribes each step you need to perform for a successful upgr ade. Please read e ach step carefully and follow the instructions or directions provided.
Overview: Keycodes and disk repartitioning
The Business Communications Manager 3.0 upgrade wizard first accesses your system to validate the hardware and softwa re requirements. Once the validation is co mplete, you enter an upgrade keycode. Keycodes are obtained from the same source, and in the same manner , as other system keycodes. However, the upgrade keycode is entered in the upgrade Wizard rat her than into the Unified Manager. Refer to Figure 3 on page 11.
Once the upgrade begins, the applicat ion repartitions the hard disk in prepar ation for installing the 3.0 software. The program then converts the system data and reinitializes. When the system returns to operation, the upgra de will run some sanity checks to ensure system integr ity.
Warning: You must perform a BRU on your system before you attempt the upgrade. Store the information OFF the hard disk of the Busine ss Communications Manager and off the computer you use to perform the upgra de. Warning: You cannot restore data from a previous version, so it is also imperative that you perform a BRU as soon as possible after the upgrade completes as part of your system integrity process.
1. Determine whether you can perf orm the upgrade
Your Business Communications Manager must be running one of these recognized and supported versions of Business Communications Manager software:
BCM 2.5 versions 7.1.7, 7.1.8, 7.1.9
BCM 2.5 Feature Pack 1 RC 2.4 versions 2 or version 5
BCM 2.5 Feature Pack 1 Maintenance Release If you have any other version of the software, contact your customer support f or instructions. Note that this release will upgr ade any 2.5-supported release of the Busi ness Communications
Manager. It is not required that you have any or all of the patc hes or feature pack releases installed beyond the basic 2.5 software noted above.
Warning: If your system is using PPPoE, you cann ot run this upgrade. Contact your technica l supp o rt for further inform a tio n.
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Upgrade your system to Business Communications Manager 3.0 5
The upgrade program provides a validation check if you are unsure about your system readiness for the upgr ade. The verification process is described in step 6 under “Performing the upgra de” on
page 9.
Warning: After you upgrade your Business Communicat ions Manager system to 3.0 software, your system cannot be changed back to the previous version.
2. Determine that you have the required prerequisites
Read “Prerequisites to the upgrade” on page 7 to ensure that you have the required parameters to perform the upgrade.
Note: Keycodes
This upgrade procedure requires a keycode w hich is entered during the upgrade process. Each upgrade release has a limited lifespan, measured from the date of release. The GA release for the 3.0 upgrade has a lifespan of 1000 days or until August 30, 2005, whereas the Beta release upgrades (evaluation copies) have a lifespa n of only 30 days.
Further , the keycodes are specific to the release. If you have a GA release upgrade, you cannot use a keycode that you obtaine d for the Beta upgrade release. You must get a new keycode that is specific to the GA r elease.
3. Make a record of data that will not be preserved during the upgrade:
The following informati on will not be preserved by the upgrade process. Make a note of the configurations (use your Programming Records) so they can be re-entered once the upgrade is complete.
IPX network configurati ons (Programming Operations Guide)
ISDN user names and passwords (Programming Operations Guide)
Symbol NetVision ha ndset passwords (refer to IP Telephony Configuration Guide)
Multimedia Call Center customized pages (refer to the Multimedia Call Center
4. Perform BRU on all data.
Ensure that you have a complete current backup file stored in a location other than on the Business Communications Manag er or the compute r you are using the run the backup. This provides you with a backup of your most recent settings in t he eve nt of a system failure during the upgrade procedure.
Warning: Once the upgrade is complete, never attempt to run a restore using this backup. Th is ba ck up is only to be used i f the up gr ade fa i ls and your system is no longer funct ional. A BRU back up can only be rest or ed to a system run ni ng th e same software version from which the BRU was created.
Business Communications Manager 3.0 Upgrade Guide
6 Upgrade your system to Business Communications Manager 3.0
5. Perform the upgrade
Follow the instructi ons in the following sections:
“Prerequisites to the upgr ade” on page 7
“Performing the upgrade” on page 9 If you receive any error messages during system verification or during the upgrade, refer to
“Troubleshooting Upgr ade errors,” on page 19.
Note: This process takes about 90 to 120 m inutes. The system services will be down for the period, so ensure that you notify your users of the outage.
6. Verify that the upgrade is successful
The upgrade wiza rd indi cates i f the upgrade is successful. Afte r you recei ve this indi cation, exit from the application and test the system services to ensure that they are working correctly.
7. Post-upgrade activities
Client applications: Some of the client applications have ne w versions. Refer to “Post
upgrade: Upgrading cli ents” on page 17.
VoIP trunks: If you have connecti on issues with your Voice over IP (VoIP) trunks
following the upgrade, check that your remote gateway setting s are correct a t both ends of the trunk (Services, IP Telephony, H.323 Trunks, Remote Gateway ). Refer to the IP Telephony Configuration Guide for detailed information about updating remote gateway records.
Re-install IPX and re-ente r IPX configuration data. (Programming Operations Guide)
Re-enter ISDN user names and passwords. (Programming Operations Guide)
Re-enter Symbol NetVision passwords in the Business Communications Manager H.323
records. Refer to “Post upgrade: Reactivating Symbol NetVision handsets” on page 17.
If the system uses DECT handsets, refer to the DECT Installation and Mainte nance Guide
for the procedure to update the DECT firmware.
Change ee-admin password.
If Firewall Filter logging is required, reset it to Enabled. (Programming Operations
Re-enter dial-up user names and passwords if they were changed from the default. This
includes the ModemBackup User, all ISDN users, and all PPTP users. (Programming Operations Guide)
Perform a BRU to back up all data. This is now your current backup.
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Upgrade your system to Business Communications Manager 3.0 7

Prerequisites to the upgrade

Note: During the upgrade, your Business Communications Manager system,
including the telephony services, is not functional.

Busine ss Communications Manager requirement s

The following are requirements pertaining to your Business Communications Manager system.
• Hard disk drive: 20 GB
• The upgrade verification checks:
— Business Communications Manag er version — MSC core telephony software vers ion — MSC card type — MS-PECs — memory (RAM) — hard drive capaci t y — hard drive partition sizes — available disk space per partition — installed services — voicemail disk space used
• Note the IP address of the Business Communica tions Manager system that you want to upgrade.
Warning: Make a backup of all your data with BRU and store it off the Business Commu nications Manager hard disk. Preferably, al so store it off the hard disk of the computer you are going to use to run the backup. This provides you with a back up of your current settings in the event of syst em failure during the upgrade procedure.

On your computer (client PC)

On the computer you are going to use to run the upgrade, ensure that the following is done :
• Hardware and network requirements
— Operating system: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT,
Windows 2000, or Windows XP — Use a least a 24X CD-ROM drive to minimize the upgrade time. — Minimum screen resolution: 640X480. Suggested: 1024X768. — Minimum 256 colors. — free space on your hard disk, at least 50 MB.
Business Communications Manager 3.0 Upgrade Guide
8 Upgrade your system to Business Communications Manager 3.0
— Ensure that your computer is on the same networ k as your Business Communications
Manager primary network. We strongly recommend that you use a computer that is within
the same subnet as t he Business Communications Manager syst em that you a re up grading.
Ensure that the network connection is through the primary NIC (LAN) card. — Ensure that your system is not running PPPo E, or that it has been uninstalled. Refer to
warning on page 3. — Ensure Firewall Filte r logging is set to Disabled. Once the upgrade is complete, you c an
return this setting to Enabled, if you need it.
• Computer program requireme nts: — Ensure that you have Internet Explor er 5.5 or greater. — If you have a personal firewal l, such as CyberArmor, ensure you either turn if off or ente r
the IP address and netmask of the Business Communications Manager in the file for allowed IP addresses. In CyberAr mor, this is the Friends file.
• Application requi rements — IMPERATIVE: Set your ee_admin password back to the default (eedge). Refer to
“Pre-upgrade: Reset e e_admin password” on page 16, if you require instructions.
— Log out of any VNC, Telnet, or Unified Manager sessions, and quit any open Windows
Caution: Do not ope n any Windows, VNC or Unified Manager sessions while you perform the upgrade. These sessions can interfere with the progress of the upgrade.
V oi ce mail: A 20 GB hard drive will prese rve up to 60 hours (ap proximate ly 1650 MB) of
voicemail messaging. The upgrade will not proceed if more than 60 hours of voicemail messaging exists on the Business Co mmunications Manager .
• Remove any mapped drives that may be connecting to the Business Communications Manager.
• Any files or programs placed on the Busine ss Communications Manager, that are not part of the
default software, will be removed during and upgrade and will not be reinstalle d. This includes any files you have tr ansferr ed using th e Business C ommunications M anager FTP service. En sure you have these files and applications adequately documented so you can reinstall them after the upgrade is complete.
Client applications: All ser vices will be down for the duration of the actual upgrade
process. However, no other settings or mailboxes are affected by the upgrade. All applications should be fully functional once the syste m has rebooted and restarted services. All client applications will ne ed to be reinstalled after the upgrade is complete.
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Upgrade your system to Business Communications Manager 3.0 9

Performing the upgrade

You are now ready to start the upgrade. This process takes between 90 and 120 minutes.
Warning: Do not disturb the upgrade once it starts. This could result in data loss or other system failures.
1 Insert the CD marked D isk 1 into your CD-ROM drive.
• If your CD-ROM drive is configured to run automatically, the first page appears.
• If your CD-ROM drive does not run automatically, run Startup.bat. (On Windows, click Start, choose Run, enter <CD drive l etter>:Startup.bat, then click on OK).
The Welcome page of the upgrade wizard appears. Refer to Figure 1.
Figure 1 Upgrade Wizard Welcome page
2 Read the information carefully so that you understand what the upgrade is all about. This page
explains how the upgrade process wor ks.
Business Communications Manager 3.0 Upgrade Guide
+ 19 hidden pages