Avaya BayRS Release Notes

BayRS Version Part No. 308663- Rev 00
May 2003 600 Technology Park Drive
Billerica, MA 01821-4130

Release Notes for BayRS Version

Copyright © 2003 Nortel Networks
All rights reserved. May 2003. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data,
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308663- Rev 00 iii
4. General
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Software available under this License Agreement is commercial computer software and commercial computer s oftw are docum ent ation and, in the ev en t Soft wa re is li cen sed fo r or on behal f of t he Un ited S tat es Government, the respective rights to the software and software documentation are governed by Nortel Networks standard commercial license in accordance with U.S. Federal Regulations at 48 C.F.R. Sections
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b. Customer may terminate the license at any time. Nortel Networks may terminate the license if Customer
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c. Customer is responsible for payment of any taxes, including personal property taxes, resulting from
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d. Neither party may bring an action, regardless of form, more than two years after the cause of the action
e. The terms an d conditions of this License Agree ment form the complete and exclusive agreement between
Customer and Nortel Networks.
f. This License Agreement is governed by the laws of the country in which Customer acquires the Software. If
the Software is acquired in the United States, t hen this License Agreement is governed by the laws of the state of New York.
308663- Rev 00


Hard-Copy Technical Manuals .......................................................................................... xi
How to Get Help ............................................................................................................... xi
Release Notes for BayRS Version
Upgrading to Version ...........................................................................................2
Upgrading ATM Configurations ...................................................................................2
Cell Scrambling Default Changes for DS1/E1 and DS3/E3 ........................................2
Upgrading DVMRP Configurations ..............................................................................3
Upgrading FireWall-1 Configurations ..........................................................................3
Upgrading IP Route Filters ..........................................................................................6
Upgrading L2TP Configurations ..................................................................................6
Upgrading OSPF Configurations .................................................................................7
Upgrading Static Forwarding Policy Filters ..................................................................7
SNMP CERT Advisory ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............................................. ...... ......8
Known Anomaly .................................................................................................................8
NAT .............................................................................................................................8
BCC Guidelines .................................................................................................................8
BCC and BayRS Compatibility ....................................................................................9
Setting the Impedance Value for the Passport 2430 ...................................................9
Creating FTP from the BCC ........................................................................................9
Deleting Interfaces with the BCC ................................................................................9
Memory Requirements ..............................................................................................10
Platforms Supported .................................................................................................10
Interfaces Supported .................................................................................................10
Protocols Supported .................................................................................................11
Identifying Board Types .................. ....... ............................................. ...... ....... ...... ....12
AN and ANH Board Types ..................................................................................12
ARN Board Types ...............................................................................................15
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ASN Board Types ...............................................................................................16
BLN and BCN Board Types ................................................................................16
Passport 2430 Board Types ...............................................................................18
Passport 5430 Board Types ...............................................................................19
System 5000 Board Types ..................................................................................20
Technician Interface Guidelines ......................... ............................................. ....... ...... ....20
Disabling a Protocol Using the TI Command Only ....................................................20
show ip routes Displays Partial Information in the Technician Interface ..................21
General Guidelines ..........................................................................................................21
Using Both Site Manager and the BCC .....................................................................21
AN/ANH and ARN Guidelines ...................................................................................21
DSU/CSU Test LED Remains On After Reset ....................................................21
Network Booting on DSU/CSU Interfaces ..........................................................22
ARN Router Not a Supported DVS RADIUS Client ............................................22
ATM Guidelines .........................................................................................................22
ATM Half Bridge Support ....................................................................................22
Deleting ATM from a Router If Signaling Is Enabled ...........................................23
Failover and Load Balancing for ATM VCs Not Supported .................................23
Aggregate Limitations for Sustainable Cell Rate ................................................23
ATM Routing Engine Performance and Scaling for PVC Environments .............23
Setting Buffer Sizes and Global/Local Memory .........................................................24
BayRS Router Buffer Sizes and Options ............................................................24
Setting Buffer Sizes on Specified Routers ..........................................................25
Allocating Global/Local Memory on BayRS Routers ..........................................26
Embedded Web Server Guidelines ...........................................................................27
Using the Embedded Web Server to Transfer Files ............................................27
Accessing the Embedded Web Server Using Internet Explorer .........................27
Dial Services Guideline .............................................................................................27
DLSw Guideline ........................................................................................................28
MPLS Guideline ........................................................................................................28
NAT Guidelines ........................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................................28
Configuring NAT Dynamically .............................................................................28
ISP Mode Not Supported by NAT .......................................................................28
Configuring Bidirectional NAT .............................................................................29
Protocols/Configurations Not Supported by Bidirectional NAT ...........................29
308663- Rev 00
OSPF Guidelines ......................................................................................................30
Traffic Filters Guidelines ............................................................................................30
Downloading Internet Routes from an ISP ................................................................31
Interoperability with Non-Compliant Implementations of PIM ...................................32
Fragment Tagging in Bootstrap Messages .........................................................32
Non-Compliant Router Drops RP Advertisement with Zero Prefix .....................32
Incorrect Computation of Checksum of PIM Register Messages .......................33
Routers Ignore RP Priority and Hash Value During RP Selection ......................33
CES and TDM on Passport 5430 Only .....................................................................33
MPOA and VRRP over LANE Support ......................................................................33
FRE-2 DRAM Requirements ....................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....34
BayRS Bandwidth Broker for Differentiated Services ...............................................34
Event Database .........................................................................................................34
BayRS Flash Memory Requirements ........................................................................35
Configuring PU 4 and SDLC Link Stations ...............................................................35
Creating Multiple GRE Tunnels .................................................................................35
Protocol Prioritization No Call Filters and TCP Applications .....................................36
Support for Strata-Flash Card ...................................................................................36
Adding SDLC Changes Serial Parameter Settings ...................................................36
IPv6 Supported on ATM PVCs ..................................................................................37
Configuring RADIUS Servers ....................................................................................37
Configuring Frame Relay PVCs with Site Manager ..................................................38
VRRP Guidelines ......................................................................................................39
Operating Limitations and Cautions ................................................................................39
APPN ........................................................................................................................39
ARN 10MB Ethernet Base Module – MTU for 802.1Q Tagging ................................40
ATM ...................... ................................................................. .................................... 40
BCC ...........................................................................................................................41
BGP ...........................................................................................................................41
Deleting a Hybrid Mode Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) .........................................41
Differentiated Services ..............................................................................................41
DLSw — SDLC Fast and Slow Poll Timer Defaults ...................................................42
DLSw/APPN Boundary Port Use with AS400s and Others ......................................42
DSQMS ............................. .......................................................... .............................. 42
DVMRP – Use with Multinetted IP Interfaces ............................................................42
308663- Rev 00 vii
FireWall-1 ....................................... .......................................................... ................. 43
Flash Compaction or Extensive File Management Use on ARE ...............................43
GRE ..........................................................................................................................43
Hot-Swapping Link Modules .....................................................................................44
IPsec ......................................................................................................................... 44
IP Services ........... ....... ...... .............................................. ...... ...... ....... ...... .................44
ISDN-BRI – Configuring B Channels on the ARN and Passport 2430 .....................44
MIBs ............................ .......................................................... .................................... 44
NAT Services ................................. ....... ...... ....... ............................................. ...... ....45
OSI .................................... ................................................................. .......................47
Passport 2430 and Passport 5430 ............................................................................47
RADIUS ............................. ....... ...... ....... ...... ............................................. ....... ...... ....48
RIP Export Filters ......................................................................................................49
Sync .......................................................................................................................... 49
SYSLOG ...................................................................................................................49
TFTP .........................................................................................................................49
Unnumbered IP Interfaces .................................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....50
WAN Encryption ........................................................................................................50
WCP ............................ ................................ ................................ .......................... ....50
WCP for PPP Multilink ........................................................................................50
Adding Bandwidth on Demand Disables WCP Data Compression ....................50
Using Hardware Compression with Small Packets Causes Latency ..................50
Protocols Supported ........................................................................................................51
Standards Suppor t ed ........................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..........................................54
Flash Memory Cards Supported .....................................................................................59
308663- Rev 00


Table 1. DVMRP Parameter Defaults Changed ........................................................3
Table 2. BCC Board Types: AN and ANH Modules ................................................12
Table 3. BCC Board Types: ARN Modules .............................................................15
Table 4. BCC Board Types: ASN Modules .............................................................16
Table 5. BCC Board Types: BLN and BCN Modules ..............................................16
Table 6. BCC Board Types: Passport 2430 Modules ..............................................18
Table 7. BCC Board Types: Passport 5430 Modules ..............................................19
Table 8. BCC Board Types: System 5000 Modules ................................................20
Table 9. ATM Group Mode Service Record ............................................................24
Table 10. ATM Direct Mode Service Record .............................................................24
Table 11. BayRS Router Buffer Sizes and Options ..................................................25
Table 12. BayRS Flash Memory Requirements . ...... ............................................. ....35
Table 13. Default Settings for Serial Parameters without SDLC ...............................37
Table 14. Default Settings for Serial Parameters with SDLC ....................................37
Table 15. Standards Supported by Version ................................................54
Table 16. Approved Flash Memory Cards ................................................................59
308663- Rev 00 ix
The Nortel Network s* BayRS* Version is a softwa re release tha t includes bug fixes added since BayRS Version These release notes contain guidelines for using BayRS Version

Hard-Copy Technical Manual s

You can print selected technical manuals and release notes free, directly from the Internet. Go to the www.nortelnetworks.com/documentation URL. Find the product for which you n eed d ocume nta ti on. The n l ocat e t he s pec ific category and model or version fo r your hardware or software product. Use Adobe* Acrobat Reader* to open the manuals and release notes, search for the sections you need, and print them on most standard printers. Go to Adobe Systems at the
www.adobe.com URL to download a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.


You can purchase printed books and documentation sets from Vervante. To order printed documentation, go to Vervante at the www.vervante.com/nortel URL.

How to Get Help

If you purchased a service contract for your Nortel Networks product from a distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
308663- Rev 00 xi
Release Notes for BayRS Version
If you purchased a Nortel Ne tw orks s ervic e prog ram, contac t one o f the following Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Centers:
Technical Solutions Center Telephone
Europe, Middle East, and Africa (33) (4) 92-966-968 North America (800) 4NORTEL or (800) 466-7835 Asia Pacific (61) (2) 9927-8800 China (800) 810-5000
Additional information about the Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Centers is available from the www.nortelnetworks.com/help/contact/global URL.
An Express Routing Code (ERC) is a vailable for many Nortel Networks produc ts and services. When you use an ERC, your call is routed to a technical support person who specialize s in suppor ting tha t product or servi ce. To locate an ERC for your product or service, go to the http://www130.nortelnetworks.com/cgi-bin/
eserv/common/essContactUs.jsp UR L.
308663- Rev 00
Release Notes for
BayRS Version
This document contains the latest information about Nortel Networks BayRS Version, including information on the following topics:
Topic Page
Upgrading to Version 2 SNMP CERT Advisory 8 Known Anomaly 8 BCC Guidelines 8 Technician Interface Guidelines 20 General Guidelines 21 Operating Limitations and Cautions 39 Protocols Supported 51 Standards Supported 54 Flash Memory Cards Supported 59
308663- Rev 00 1
Release Notes for BayRS Version

Upgrading to Version

To upgrade BayRS to Version, see Upgrading Routers to BayRS Version
15.xx, in your upgrade package. In addition, read the following sections.

Upgrading ATM Configurations

If you are upgrading fr om a BayRS v ersi on earl ier t han 12.20 and you de f in ed log event traps for asynchron ous transfe r mode (ATM), ATM signaling, or ATM LAN emulation, you must redefine these traps.
The ATM, ATM signaling, and ATM LAN emulation log event messages changed in BayRS Version 12.20. The ATM_SIG entity (entity #95) no longer exists as a separate entity. We have combined the ATM_SIG entity with the ATM entity (entity #78). Combining and reorganizing these entiti es resulted in changes to the ATM log event mess age numbers. We added new log e v ents to the ATM_LE entity (entity #100), result ing in log event message number changes for LAN emulation as well.
You can view the new and modified ATM log event messages in the event database on the BayRS Online Library CD, or on the World Wide Web at this URL:

Cell Scrambling Default Changes for DS1/E1 and DS3/E3

For pre-15.x ver sions of BayRS, the default f or the cell scra mbling param eter is set to On for DS1/E1 and DS3/E3 modules. However, the default for this parameter has been changed to Off for all BayRS 15.x versions. If you are upgrading from a pre-15.x v ersion (fo r example, 14.2 0) of BayRS you will need to set this parameter to On to activate cell scrambling.
See Configuring ATM Services for additional information for setting this parameter using the BCC or Site Manager.

Upgrading DVMRP Configurations

In BayRS Version and later, the default values for two DVMRP timer parameters have been changed to conform with the latest RFC for DVMRP (draft-ietf-admire- dvmrp-v3-10). Table 1 new default values.
Table 1. DVMRP Parameter Defaults Changed
Parameter Name Default Value (in seconds)
Site Manager BCC
Garbage Timeout unconfirmed-route-timeout 340 260 Route Expiration Timeout route-expiration-timeout 200 140
DVMRP timers must be the same throughout the network. Therefore, if your DVMRP network changes—for example, if you add a DVMRP router running Version (or later) to the network, or if you create a Version (or later) configuration file that contains DVMRP— make sure that the values for the timer parameters match the ones already configured for the network as a whole.
Release Notes for BayRS Version
lists the pa rameters with their old and
Earlier Than and later

Upgrading FireWall-1 Configurations

Complete the following steps only if you are upgrading FireWall-1* from a BayRS version earlier than 13.20. If you are running Firewall-1 from BayRS Version 13.20 or later, you do not have to complete these steps during your upgrade to BayRS Version
Note: Firewall-1 is not supported on the Passport* 2430 and Passport 5430
1. Familiarize yourself with the Bay Command Console (BCC*).
Starting with BayRS Version 13.20, FireWall-1 no longer supports Site Manager as a configuration tool. You must use the BCC to manage and configure FireWall-1. For basic information about using the BCC, see Using the Bay Command Console (BCC).
308663- Rev 00 3
Release Notes for BayRS Version
2. Make sure that you will not lose acc ess to your router.
When you upgrade to BayRS Version, once you boo t your rou ter, the Version software invokes the default Fi reWall-1 secu ri ty pol i c y. This default security policy drops all attempts at communication with the router.
If you manage a router at a remot e loca tion, y ou will no longe r be abl e to g ain access to the router through the WAN connection. Before you upgrade, make sure that you can gain access to the router by dialing in through the console port, or that there is someone at the remote location who can configure the router.
3. Reboot the router with BayRS Version, using an existing
configurat ion file.
4. Use the BCC to reenable FireWall-1 on each IP interface.
To reenable FireWall-1 on each IP interface, use the BCC to navigate to the prompt for the slot/connector on which you have configured the IP interface (for example,
box; eth 2/2). Then enter:
ip address
ip_address address_mask
is the IP address you have assi gned to the interface.
is the mask associated with the IP address. The prompt for the IP interface appears. For example, the following command invokes the prompt for IP interface (which h as b een c onfigured on Ethernet slot 2, connector 2) :
ethernet/2/2# ip address mask ip/
At the promp t for the IP interface, enter the following command to reenable FireWall-1:
The firewall prompt appears. For example, the following command reenables FireWall-1 on the IP interface
ip/ firewall firewall/
5. To use FireWall-1 on more than 32 circuits, set the policy index number
for each IP interface.
Release Notes for BayRS Version
The policy index allows multiple circuits to share the same instance of FireWall-1. You can have up to 32 instances of FireWall-1, with many circuits making up each FireWall-1 instance. All cir cuits in a grouping must share the same security policy.
By default, the policy index for a circuit is equal to the circuit number. If you are using FireWall-1 on fewer than 33 circuits, you do not have to use policy indexes.
If you are using FireWall-1 on more than 32 circuit s, gr oup ci rc uits that share the same security policy. Then, set the policy index on each circuit in a group to the same value.
For examp le, supp ose you w ant to use FireWall-1 on 40 circu its. Th e f irs t f i ve circuits share one securi ty pol ic y; the ne xt 35 sha re a di f fer ent s ecur ity p olic y. Using the BCC, assign p olic y i nde x 1 to the first five circu its and p oli c y inde x 2 to the next 35 circuits. You then have a total of 40 firewall circuits on the router, with two policy index values and two security policies.
Note: If you do not use policy index values and you configure more than 32
circuits on the route r, all IP forwarding is d isabl ed o n circ uits afte r the 32nd. If you use policy index values, but configure more than 32 policy index groupings, all circuits assigned policy indexes after the 32nd will have all IP forwarding disabled. The router logs warning messages that can help you determine whether you have any circuits on which all IP forwarding is disabled.
The Check Point log viewer treats circuits that share a policy index as one circuit.
If you are running FireWall-1 on more than 32 circuits and you therefore nee d to set the policy index value, use the BCC to navigate to the firewall prompt, as described in step 4. Then enter:
is the index value, from 1 to 1023.
For example, the following command sets the policy index to 1:
firewall/ policy-index 1 firewall/
6. Save the configuration file and reboot the router.
308663- Rev 00 5
Release Notes for BayRS Version
7. Reinstall the security policy.
Since you previously defined a security policy (using the earlier version of BaySecure FireWall-1), you do not nee d to def ine it ag ain. Ho we v er , y ou must reinstall it in on the router. For com plete instructions on how to install the security policy, see your Check Point FireWall-1 documentation.
If you want to install different security policies for different policy indexes, use the Check Point FireW all-1 command line interface to enter the following command:
fw load ../conf/
For example, the following command specifies that the system install the security polic y in t he configuration file drop_ftp on policy index number 1 on the router named asn1:
fw load ../conf/drop_ftp pol1@asn1

Upgrading IP Route Filters

If you have configured IP route filters and then disabled those filters (rather than deleted them), when you upgrade to Version from a version earlier than
14.00, the filters will be re-enabled. You must disable the filters again after the upgrade is complete. If you do not want to use the filters, you might want to consider deleting them before you upgrade to Version

Upgrading L2TP Configurations

If you have a BayRS Version 12.10 configuration file that includes L2TP operating on a router using BayRS Version, the router automatically upgrades the assigned user network addresses to L2TP IP interface addresses. L2TP IP interface addresse s are internal to the router. When communicating with the remote user, the router associates the user’s IP address with an L2TP IP interface address that you configure.
The user networ k address es assig ned to Versi on 12.10 app ly to th e enti re rout er. In Version, each slot has a unique L2TP IP address. Consequently, if the number of configured L2TP slots is greater than the number of configured assigned user network addresses, the router will not be able to upgrade every slot from a Version 12.10 configuration to a Version configuration. For slots that exceed the number of assigned user network addresses, you must manually configure L2TP IP interface addresses. To do this, delete L2TP from the slot, and then configure a new L2TP interface. Each slot must have L2TP IP interface addresses.
If the number of configured L2TP slots is less than or equal to the number of configured assigned user network addresses, the router automatically converts all assigned user network addresses to L2TP IP addresses.

Upgrading OSPF Configurations

When you upgrade BayRS from releases earlier than Version 12.20, there must not be an open shortest path first maximum transmission unit (OSPF MTU) interface mismatch. If a mismatch exists, adjacencies will not form between upgraded routers. All the OSPF routers forming adjacencies on a segment (broadcast, point-to-point [PPP], Point-to-Multipoint, or nonbroadcast multi-access [NBMA]) should have the same OSPF MTU size. You configure the OSPF MTU size through the MTU Siz e paramete r in the OSPF Interf aces windo w in Site Manager.
Release Notes for BayRS Version
BayRS Versions 14.00 and later comply wit h RFC 2328, which r equires the OSPF MTU size feature.

Upgrading Static Forwarding Policy Filters

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) static forwarding policy filters that you created in versions earlier than Site Manager Version 7.20 will not work correctly using Site Manager Version 7.20 or later. To use these IGMP static forwarding poli cy f ilte rs, you must re-cr eate th em. F or inf ormati on about creati ng IGMP static forwarding policy filters, see Configuring IP Multicasting and Multimedia Services.
308663- Rev 00 7
Release Notes for BayRS Version

SNMP CERT Advisory

BayRS Version 15.3 a nd later inclu de fixes for SNMP CERT* Adviso ry CA-2002-03 for all suppo rt ed BayRS router platforms. BayRS is not impacted by the trap attacks identified in the CERT Advisory but is impacted due to SNMP v1 request att acks. Site Ma nager Versi on 15.3 and later also include fixes for SNMP CERT Advisory CA-2002-03. Site Manager provisioning is not impacted as a result of the CER T Adv isory. Site Manager Tr ap Monitor is impac ted and the f ixes are provided in the Site Manager Version 15.3 and later.

Known Anomaly

The following anomaly exists for BayRS Nortel Networks aims to resolve these anomalies in the near future.
Anomaly: Bidirectional NAT is not functional if you use a Passport 2430 as the NAT router.
ID: Q00064004-04 Description: The Passport 2430 router is not supported as a NAT router for
bidirectional NAT. Workaround: For BayRS Version 14.20 or later, do not use the Passport 2430
router as a NAT router with bidirectional NAT configured.

BCC Guidelines

The BCC is a command-line interface for configuring Nortel Networks devices. Before using the BCC, see the following guidelines for using the software and the
platforms, protocols, interfaces, and hardware modules that the BCC supports.
Release Notes for BayRS Version

BCC and BayRS Compatibility

Starting with BayRS Version 14.00, the BCC software version number matches that of BayRS. For e x ampl e, t he version for both the BCC and BayRS is We have made this change to help y ou al ign versions of the BCC with versions of BayRS.

Setting the Impedance Value for the Passport 2430

The Passport 2430 c an acco mmodate ei ther BNC (req uires 75 ohm i mpedan ce) or RJ45 (requires 120 ohm impedance) connectors. You can use the BCC to set the impedance-value attribute to either 75 ohms or 120 ohms.
To set the impedance value on the FE1 interface, go to the FE1 prompt (for example,
box; fe1) and enter:
is one of the following:
rj45-120-ohms (default) bnc-75-ohms
For example, the following command sets the impedance value to 75 ohms for this interfa ce on the router:
fe1/1/1# impedance-value bnc-75-ohms fe1/1/1#

Creating FTP from the BCC

From the BCC, if you create FTP on the router, then delete it and re-create it, the BCC faults. In this case, you must restart the BCC and create FTP on the router again.

Deleting Interfaces with the BCC

Before using the BCC to dele te an interface, make sure that you did not use Site Manager to configure the interface with a protocol that the BCC does not recognize. If you did, use Site Manager to delete the interface.
308663- Rev 00 9
Release Notes for BayRS Version

Memory Requirements

To use the BCC, each slot on the router must have:
16 MB of dynamic RAM (DRAM)
2 MB of free memory available when you start the BCC If you try to start the BCC with insufficient DRAM or free memory on a slot, the
BCC returns the following message. In this case, you must use Site Manager instead of the BCC to configure the router.
**Error** Unable to load bcc command from file system. Loadable Module: bcc.exe

Platforms Supported

The BCC runs on AN*, ANH, ARN, ASN, Pass port 2430, Passport 5430, System 5000, and BN* platforms incl uding ARE, FRE-2, and FRE-4 processor modules.

Interfaces Supported

You can use BCC commands to configure the following interfaces:
Serial (synchronous)
Token ring
Virtual (referred to in Site Manager as Circuitless IP)
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