While reasonable efforts were made to ensure that the infor mation in this
document was complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya Inc. can
assume no liability for any errors. Changes and corrections to the information
in this document may be incorporated in future releases.
For full legal page information, please see the complete document, A vaya
Legal Page for Hardware Documentation, Document number 03-600759.
To locate this document on our Web site, simply go to
the search box.
Documentation disclaimer
Avaya Inc. is not responsible for any modifications, addition s, or deletions to
the original published version of this documentation unless such modifications,
additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya. Customer and/or End User
agree to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants and
employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of,
or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this
documentation to the extent made by the Customer or End User.
Link disclaimer
Avaya Inc. is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked Web
sites referenced elsewhere within this documentation, and Avaya does not
necessarily endorse the products, services, or informa tion described or o ff ered
within them. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and
we have no control over the availability of the linked pages.
Avaya Inc. provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your sales
agreement to establish the terms of the limited warran ty. In addition, Avaya’s
standard warranty language, as well as information regarding support for this
product, while under warranty, is available through the following Web site:
Except where expressly stated otherwise, the Product is protected by copyrigh t
and other laws respecting proprietary rights. Unauthorized reproduction,
transfer, and or use can be a criminal, as well as a civil, offense un der the
applicable law.
Avaya support
Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report pro blems or t o ask
questions about your product. The support telephone number
is 1-800-242-2121 in the United States. For additional support telephone
numbers, see the Avaya Web site:
Software License
Avaya grants End User a license within the scope of the license types
described below. The applicable number of licenses and units of capacity for
which the license is granted will be one (1), unless a different number of
licenses or units of capacity is specified in the Documentation or other
materials available to End User. “Designated Processor” means a single
stand-alone computing device. “Server” means a Designated Processor that
hosts a software application to be accessed by multiple users. “Soft w are”
means the computer programs in object code, originally licensed by Avaya and
ultimately utilized by End User, whether as stand-alone Products or
pre-installed on Hardware. “Hardware” means the standard hardware
Products, originally sold by Avaya and ultimately utili zed by End User.
License Type(s):
Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use each copy
of the Software on only one Designated Processor, unless a different number
of Designated Processors is indicated in the Documentation or other mat erials
available to End User. Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be
identified by type, serial number, feature key, location or other specific
designation, or to be provided by End User to Avaya through elect roni c mean s
established by Avaya specifically for this purpose.
and search for the document number in
Third-party Components
Certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Product may
contain software distributed under third party agreements (“Third Party
Components”), which may contain terms that expand or limit rights to use
certain portions of the Product (“Third Party Terms”). Information identifying
Third Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply to them is
available on Avaya’s Web site at:
Using a cell, mobile, or GSM telephone, or a two-way radio in close proximity to
an Avaya IP Telephone might cause interference.
See http://support.avaya.com/security
vulnerabilities in Avaya products. See http://support.avaya.com
latest software patches and upgrades. For information about secure
configuration of equipment and mitigation of toll fraud threats, see the Avaya
Toll Fraud and Security Handbook at http://support.avaya.com
This guide is for personnel who administer Avaya Call Center 5.0 or any component thereof
including Avaya Communication Manager, SIP Enablement Services (SES), DHCP, HTTP/
HTTPS servers for use by and with Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones, a Local Area
Network (LAN) or a Network Time server.
An Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephone uses Internet Protocol (IP) technology with
Ethernet line interfaces and supports the SIP protocol only. Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC
telephones provide support for DHCP, HTTP, and HTTPS over IPv4/UDP, which enhance the
administration and servicing of the telephones. These telephones use DHCP to obtain dynamic
IP Addresses, and HTTPS or HTTP to download new versions of software or customized
settings for the telephones.
Important:This document does not cover call center administration per se, although
Chapters 4, 5, and 6 provide some information about what is required. Full
documentation for a SIP call center solution is available on the Avaya support
Web site, www.avaya.com/support
document titled Getting Started with Avaya Call Center 5.0 and Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC provides an overview of related tasks and documentation.
under Agent Deskphone 16CC. The
Avaya does not provide product support for many of the products mentioned in
this document. Take care to ensure that there is adequate technical support
available for servers used with any Avaya telephone system. If the servers are
not functioning correctly, the telephones might not operate correctly.
Issue 1 January 20087
Major Differences Between A vaya Agent Deskphone 16CC
and H.323 Telephones in a Call Center
Review this section if your administrative environment includes both SIP and H.323 signaling
protocol telephones in your call center. In this section, the phrase "Avaya SIP IP telephone" is
used interchangeably with "Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC."
General IP Telephony - Two major protocols handle Voice over IP (VoIP) signaling, Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) and H.323. The two protocols provide connection control and call
progress signaling, but in very different ways. These protocols can be used simultaneously over
the same network, but in general, no endpoint supports both p rotocols at the same time. Neither
protocol is necessarily superior, but each offers some unique advantages. SIP telephones, for
example, do not require centralized call servers, and can route telephone calls when a URL
identifies the destination. H.323 telephones leverage the call server’s presence into the
potential availability of hundreds of telephone-related features that a standalone SIP telephone
cannot provide.
Signaling - H.323 call center telephones ship from the factory with H.323 signaling. To use the
SIP protocol, applicable H.323 telephones must be appropriately converted and configured.
Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones ship from the factory with SIP signaling, requiring no
subsequent conversion.
Avaya Communication Manager Release - 16CC telephones are supported only by
Communication Manager Release 5.0 and greater. Communication Manager Release 3.0 and
up supports 9600 Series IP Telephones (H.323). SIP telephones use Avaya OPS (Outboard
Proxy SIP) features on the "trunk" side of Avaya Communication Manager whereas the H.323
(IP) telephones are supported on the "line" side of the Communication Manager.
Required Servers - Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones use two [additional] servers
that H.323 telephones do not:
- SIP Proxy server - provided by the SIP Enablement Services (SES) software, and
- Network Time server - which controls time-related parameters.
These servers are not necessarily separate hardware units.
Features & Functions supported by H.323 9600 Series IP Telephones, Not
This first release of the Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC does not support the following, non-call
center-related features:
- Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
- GigE (Gigabit Ethernet)
- Calltype Digit Conversion
- IEEE 802.1X
- Remote Ping & Trace Route
- Web browser
- SBM24 Expansion Modules
Supported by
8 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
Issue Date
Backup/Restore - H.323 call center telephones use HTTP to store backup files. Avaya Agent
Deskphone 16CC telephones use the Personal Profile Manager (PPM) functionality within SIP
Enablement Services (SES) for backup and restore functions.
Upgrade and Settings Files & System Parameters - The Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC has
its own unique upgrade script file, 16ccupgrade.txt, otherwise it uses the same files and
parameters as other Avaya SIP/IP telephones. SIP 9600 Series IP Telephones, Avaya Agent
Deskphone 16CC telephones, and H.323 9600 Series IP Telephones (and 4600 Series IP
Telephones) use the same settings file. Some of the same system parameters are used,
however, numerous SIP-specific parameters support SIP operation only.
Language Support - This first release of the 16CC telephone supports fewer languages than
H.323 telephones. SIP Release 1.0 supports: Canadian French, Parisian French, Latin
American Span ish, German, Brazilian Portug uese and English . SI P does no t support the La rge
Text Font for any language. Further, all SIP language files have .xml file extensions where
H.323 language files have .txt file extensions.
SNMP & MIBs - Although both 16CC and H.323 telephones support SNMP v2c and have
custom Management Information Bases (MIBs), the MIBs are formatted somewhat differently.
RSVP & VMON - Avaya SIP IP telephones do not use RSVP (Resource ReSerVation Protocol)
or Avaya Voice over IP (VoIP) Monitoring Manager (VMON) software to provide real-time
monitoring and historical data of audio quality for VoIP calls. 9600 Series IP Te lephones use
both RSVP and VMON.
QoS - Unlike H.323 telephones, Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones do not use Avaya
Communication Manager to set Quality of Service (QoS). The Avaya SIP IP telephones use the
parameters L2QAUD, L2QSIG, DSCPAUD, and DSCPSIG (described in Table 9:
Deskphone 16CC Customizeable System Parameters).
NAT - The 16CC does not support Network Address Translation (NAT); 9600 Series IP (H.323)
Telephones do support NAT.
Issue Date
This is the first release of this document, issued for the first time in January, 2008.
Avaya Agent
Issue 1 January 20089
Document Organization
The guide contains the following sections:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2: Administration
Overview and Requirements
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4: Communication
Manager Administration
Chapter 5: SIP Enablement
Services (SES) Administration
Chapter 6: Server AdministrationDescribes DHCP and HTTP/HTTPS administration for Avaya
Chapter 7:
and Binary Files
Chapter 8: Administering
Telephone Options
IntroductionProvides an overview of this document.
Provides an overview of the administrative process and
describes general hardware, software, and operational
Telephone Software
Describes administrative requirements for your Local Area
Describes how to administer Avaya Communication Manager
to operate with Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones.
downloads, and provides information about the configuration
Describes how to use file parameters and options to administer
Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones. Covers backup
and restoration of telephone data. Also describes how to use
local procedures to customize a single telephone from the
Chapter 9:
Applications and Options
Appendix A: Glossary of TermsProvides a glossary of terms used in this document or which
Appendix B: Related
Appendix C: Sample Station
Forms and Other Screens
10 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
Describes customizeable application-specific parameters, to
provide administrative control of telephone functions and
can be applicable to Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC
Provides references to Web sites with external document s that
relate to telephony in general, and can provide additional
information about specific aspects of the telephones.
Provides examples of Avaya Communication Manager forms
related to system wide and individual telephone administration.
Other Documentation
See the Avaya support site at http://www.avaya.com/support for Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC
technical and end user documentation.
See the Avaya support site for documents related to Avaya Call Center 5.0, including:
● Getting Started with Avaya Call Center 5.0 and Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC
(Document Number 129214).
● Avaya Call Center Automated Call Distribution (ACD) Gu ide
(Document Number 07-600779).
● Avaya Call Center Release 5.0 Call Vectoring and Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Guide
(Document Number 07-300302).
Other Documentation
See Appendix B: Related Documentation
for Web sites that list related, non-Avaya documents,
such as those published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU).
Issue 1 January 200811
12 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
Chapter 2:Administration Overview and
Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Telephones
The Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones support the SIP signaling protocol only. Avaya
SIP Telephony architecture consists of:
● Avaya Communication Manager (CM), the feature server
● Gateways (also implemented via CM)
● A SES (SIP Enablement Server) which implements the Proxy, Registrar, Event Server,
Personal Profile Manager (PPM), System Management Service (SMS), and Location
Service components for SIP support
SIP was developed by the IETF. Like H.323, SIP provides for real time audio, video, and data
communications transmission over a packet network. SIP uses various messages, or methods,
to provide:
● Registration (REGISTER),
● Call signaling (INVITE, BYE)
● Control signaling (SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY)
The Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC supports Media Encryption (SR TP) and uses built-in A vaya
SIP Certificates for trust management. Trust management involves downloadin g certificates for
additional trusted Certificate Authorities (CA) and the policy management of those CAs. Identity
management is handled by Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) with phone
certificates and private keys.
The Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones are factory-loaded with SIP software, but obta in
additional data as part of initial script file administration and initialization during installation. For
more information, see Chapter 2 in the Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance Guide. Post-installation, software upgrades automatically download using the
proper signaling protocol. For more information, see Chapter 4 in the Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance Guide.
Issue 1 January 200813
Administration Overview and Requirements
The parameters under which the Avaya Agent Deskph one 16CC needs to operate as a non-call
center telephone are summarized as follows:
● Telephone Administration on the Communication Manager (CM) call server, as covered in
Chapter 4:
● Administration on SIP Enablement Services (SES), as covered in Chapter 5: SIP
Communication Manager Administration.
Enablement Services (SES) Administration.
● IP Address management for the telephone, as covered in Chapter 6: Server
Administration for dynamic addressing. For static addressing, see the Avaya Agent
Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance Guide.
● Tagging Control and VLAN administration for the telephone, if appropriate, as covered in
Chapter 8:
● Quality of Service (QoS) administration for the telephone, if appropriate. QoS is covered in
● Protocol administration, for example, Simple Network Management Control (SNMP).
● Interface administration for the telephone, as appropriate. Administer the telephone to
Administering Telephone Options.
on page 27 and QoS on page 36.
LAN interface using the PHY1 parameter described in Chapter 3:
Administer the telephone to PC interface using the PHY2 parameter described in
“Interface Control” in the Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance
Network Requirements.
● Application-specific telephone administration, if appropriate, as described in Chapter
8: Administering Telephone Options.
Table 1
indicates that you can administer system parameters in a variety of ways and use a
variety of administrative mechanisms like:
● Maintaining the information on the call server.
● Manually entering the information by means of the telephone dialpad.
● Administering the DHCP server.
● Editing the configuration file on the applicable HTTP or HTTPS file server.
● User modification of certain parameters, when given administrative permission to do so.
Note:Not all parameters can be administered on all administrative mechanisms.
14 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Telephones
Table 1: Administration Alternatives and Options for Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC
For More Information See:
Avaya Communication
Manager and SES
IP AddressesDHCP
Settings fileChapter 7: Telephone Software and Binary Files and
Manual administration
at the telephone
Tagging and
DHCPDHCP Server Administration
Settings file
Manual administration
at the telephone
Network Time
Server (NTS)
Settings file
Chapter 4:
Chapter 6:
Communication Manager Administration,
Server Administration, and Appendix
B: Related Documentation.
DHCP and File Servers on page 49, and especially
DHCP Server Administration
on page 50.
Chapter 8: Administering Telephone Options.
“Static Addressing Installation” in the Avaya Agent
Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance
on page 50, and
Chapter 8:
DHCP and File Servers
Administering Telephone Options.
on page 49 and
Chapter 8: Administering Telephone Options.
“Static Addressing Installation” in the Avaya Agent
Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance
DHCP Server Administration on page 50 and
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server
on page 25.
Quality of
Settings file Chapter 8:
Administering Telephone Options.
InterfaceDHCPDHCP and File Servers on page 49, and Chapter
7: Telephone Software and Binary Files.
Settings file
DHCP and File Servers on page 49, and Chapter
7: Telephone Software and Binary Files.
Manual administration
at the telephone
“Secondary Ethernet Interface Enable/Disable” in
the Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance Guide.
General information about administering DHCP servers is covered in DHCP and File
Servers on page 49, and more specifically, DHCP Server Administration on page 50. General
information about administering HTTP servers is covered in DHCP and File Servers
specifically, HTTP Generic Setup
telephone options as described in Chapter 8:
. Once you are familiar with that material, you can administer
Parameter Data Precedence
If a system parameter is set or changed using multiple administrative mechanisms, the last
server/mechanism to provide the parameter has precedence. For example, if the telephone’ s IP
Address is set through DHCP but is changed using the ADDR local dialpad Craft procedure, the
IP Address set by the local procedure takes precedence.
The precedence, from lowest to highest, is:
1. DHCP,
2. Settings file,
, and more
Administering Telephone Options.
3. Personal Profile Manager (PPM),
Note:Exception: In the case of the parameter SIPDOMAIN, the settings file has a
higher precedence than PPM.
4. Manual administration at the telephone, unless the system parameter USE_DHCP is set to
1 (Get IP Address automatically by DHCP), or backup file data obtained through PPM.
The Administrative Process
The following list depicts administration for a typical Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC/call center
network. Your own configuration might differ depending on the servers and system you have in
1. Avaya Communication Manager (5.0 or greater) administered for Avaya Agent Deskphone
16CC telephones.
2. SES (SIP Enablement Services) (5.0 or greater) administered for Avaya Agent Deskphone
16CC telephones.
3. Call Center administration as applicable, for example, Automated Call Distribution (ACD)
and Expert Agent Selection (EAS).
4. LAN and applicable servers (file servers, Network Time server) administered to accept the
16 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
5. Telephone software (SIP package) downloaded from the Avaya support site.
6. 46xxsettings file updated with call center-specific, site-specific, and SIP-specific
information, as applicable.
7. Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones installed. For more information, see the Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance Guide.
8. Individual Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones updated using Craft procedures, as
applicable. For more information, see “Local Administrative Procedures” in the Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance Guide.
Administrative Checklist
Use the following checklist as a guide to system and LAN administrator responsibilities. This
high-level list helps ensure that all telephone system prerequisites and requirements are met
prior to telephone installation.
Note:One person might function as both the system administrator and the LAN
administrator in some environments.
The Administrative Process
Table 2: Administrative Checklist
TaskDescriptionFor More Information See:
Network Requirements
Determine that network hardware is in
place and can handle telephone
Chapter 3:
system requirements.
Administer Avaya
Verify that the call server is licensed
and is administered for Vo ice over IP
Verify that Avaya Call Center 5.0/CM
Chapter 4: Communication
Manager Administration.
TBD (To be determined)
administration is complete.
Administer the Proxy
Verify the individual telephones are
administered as desired.
Administer for SIP Enablement
Services (SES).
Administer for Avaya Call Center 5.0.
Chapter 4:
Manager Administration.
Installing and Administering SIP
Enablement Services
(03-600768), available on the
Avaya support Web site,
DHCP server
Install a DHCP application on at least
one new or existing PC on the LAN.
Vendor-provided instructions.
1 of 2
Issue 1 January 200817
Administration Overview and Requirements
Table 2: Administrative Checklist (continued)
TaskDescriptionFor More Information See:
Administer DHCP
Administer Network
Time Server
Add IP telephone administration to
DHCP application.
Set value(s) for Simple Network Time
Protocol (SNTP)
Install an HTTP/HTTPS application on
at least one new or existing PC on the
T elephone binary file(s),
script file, and settings
file installation on
Download the Avaya Agent Deskphone
16CC files from the Avaya technical
support site.
Modify the settings fileCreate/edit the settings file for your
specific call center and 16CC
telephone system needs using your
own tools.
Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC
Installation and Maintenance
Table 9: Avaya Agent
Deskphone 16CC
Customizeable System
Avaya Call Center Release 5.0
System Administration Guide.
2 of 2
18 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC in the Avaya SIP Call Center Environment
Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC in the Avaya SIP Call
Center Environment
Figure 1: Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC in the SIP Call Center Solution
Issue 1 January 200819
Administration Overview and Requirements
Telephone Initialization Process
These steps offer a high-level description of the information exchanged when the telephone
initializes and registers. This description assumes that all equipment is properly administered
ahead of time. This description can help you understand how the Avaya Agent Deskphone
16CC telephones relate to the routers and servers in your network.
Step 1: Telephone to Network
The telephone is appropriately installed and powered. After a short initialization process, the
telephone identifies the LAN speed and sends a message out into the network, identifying itself
and requesting further information. A router on the network re ceives and relays this message to
the appropriate DHCP server.
Step 2: DHCP Server to Telephone
The DHCP server provides information to the telephone, as described in DHCP and File
Servers on page 49. Among other data passed to the telephone is the IP Address of the HTTP
or HTTPS server.
Step 3: Telephone and File Server
The Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC can download script files, binary files, and settings files
from either an HTTP or HTTPS server. The telephone queries the file server, which transmits a
script file to the telephone. This script file, at a minimum, tells the telephone which binary file the
telephone must use. The binary file is the software that has the telephony functionality.
The telephone uses the script file to determine if it has the proper binary file. If the telephone
determines the proper binary file is missing, the telephone requests a binary file d ownload from
the file server . The file server the n downloads the file and condu ct s some checks to ensure tha t
the file was downloaded properly. If the telephone determines it already has the proper file, the
telephone proceeds as described in the next paragraph without downloading the binary file
The telephone checks and loads the binary file, then uses the script file to look for a settin gs file.
The settings file can contain settings you have administered for any or all of the 16CC
telephones in your call center/network. For more information about this download process and
settings file, see Chapter 7:
Telephone Software and Binary Files.
20 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
Step 4: Telephone and the SES Server
In this step, the telephone might prompt the user for an extension and password. The telephone
uses that information to exchange a series of messages with SIP Enablement Services (SES),
which in turn communicates with Avaya Communication Manager (CM). For a new installation
and for full service, the user can enter the telephone extension and the SES password. For a
restart of an existing installation, this information is already stored on the telephone, but the
user might have to confirm the information. The telephone and SES and SES and CM exchange
more messaging. The expected result is that the telephone is appropriately registered and CM
call server data such as feature button assignments are downloaded.
For more information about the installation process, see the Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance Guide.
Error Conditions
Assuming proper administration, most of the problems reported by telephone users are likely to
be LAN-based. Quality of Service, server administration, and other issues can impact user
perception of telephone performance.
Error Conditions
The Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance Guide covers possible
operational problems that might be encountered after successful 16CC installation. The User
Guide contains guidance for users having problems with specific IP telephone applications.
Issue 1 January 200821
Administration Overview and Requirements
22 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
Chapter 3:Network Requirements
Network Assessment
Perform a network assessment to ensure that the network will have the capacity for the
expected data and voice traffic, and that it can support for all applications:
● SIP,
● Jitter buffers
Also, QoS support is required to run VoIP on your configuration. For more information, see
Appendix B:
and DSCPSIG in Table 9:
Related Documentation and the QoS parameters L2QAUD, L2QSIG, DSCPAUD,
Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Customizeable System Parameters.
Hardware Requirements
To operate properly, you need:
● Category 5e cables designed to the IEEE 802.3af-2003 standard, for LAN powering,
● TN2602 IP Media Processor circuit pack, for Av aya Communication Manager (CM). Sites
with a TN2302 IP Media Processor circuit pack are strongly encouraged to install a
TN2602 circuit pack.
● TN799C or D Control-LAN (C-LAN) circuit pack.
Important:Avaya IP and SIP telephone firmware requires TN799C V3 or greater C-LAN
circuit pack(s). For more information, see the Communication Manager Software and Firmware Compatibility Matrix on the Avaya support Web site
To ensure that the appropriate circuit pack(s) are administered on your Communication
Manager call server, see Chapter 4:
information about hardware requirements in general, see the Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Installation and Maintenance Guide.
Communication Manager Administration. For more
Issue 1 January 200823
Network Requirements
Server Requirements
Four server types can be configured for Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones:
● DHCP server
● HTTP or HTTPS server
● SIP Proxy or Registration server
● Network Time Protocol server for SNTP
Note:Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones and Avaya Call Center 5.0 need SIP
Enablement Services (SES) to work properly. The SIP Proxy and Registration
servers resides on the SES server. Avaya Communication Manager (CM) is
considered a “feature server” behind SES that provides Outboard Proxy SIP
(OPS) and advanced SIP telephone features.
While the servers listed provide different functions that relate to the Avaya Agent Deskphone
16CC, they are not necessarily different boxes. For example, DHCP provides network
information whereas HTTP provides configuration and binary file management, yet both
functions can co-exist on one hardware unit. Any standards-based server is recommended.
For parameters related to Avaya Communication Manager information, see Chapter
4: Communication Manager Administration. For parameters related to DHCP and file servers,
see Chapter 6:
Important:The telephones obtain important information from the script files on the server(s)
Server Administration.
and depend on the binary file for software upgrades. If these servers are
unavailable, the telephones will not work and you will need to reset the
telephone(s) when the file server is available.
DHCP Server
Avaya recommends that a DHCP server and application be installed and that static addressing
be avoided. Install the DHCP server and application as described in DHCP and File Servers
page 49.
Administer the HTTP or HTTPS file server and application as described in HTTP Generic
Setup on page 62.
24 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server
SIP telephones require NTP server support to set the time and date, used in system log time
stamps and other time/date functions. The NTP server is typically needed by one or more
servers within the enterprise. Administration of the NTP server is beyond the scope of this
Required Network Information
Before you administer DHCP and HTTP/HTTPS, as applicable, complete the information in
Table 3
configuration, complete Table 3
The Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones support specifying a list of IP Addresses for a
gateway/router and the HTTP/HTTPS server. Each list can contain up to 255 total ASCII
characters, with IP Addresses separated by commas with no intervening sp aces. Depending on
the specific DHCP application, only 127 characters might be supported.
. If you have more than one router, HTTP/TLS server, and subnetwork mask in your
for each DHCP server.
Required Network Information
When specifying IP Addresses for the file server, use either dotted decimal format
(“xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”) or DNS names. If you use DNS, the system value DOMAIN is appended to
the IP Addresses you specify. If DOMAIN is null, the DNS names must be fully qualified, in
accordance with IETF RFCs 1034 and 1035. For more information about DNS, see DHCP
Generic Setup on page 52 and DNS Addressing on page 86.
Table 3: Required Network Information Before Installation - Per DHCP Server
1. Gateway (router) IP Address(es)
2. HTTP server IP Address(es)
3. Subnetwork mask
4. HTTP server file path (HTTPDIR)
5. Telephone IP Address range
6. DNS server address(es)If applicable.
7. HTTPS server address(es)If applicable.
The default file server file path is the “root” directory used for al l tra nsfe r s by the server. All files
are uploaded to or downloaded from this default directory. In configurations where the upgrade
script and binary files are in the default directory, do not use item 4 in Table 3
As the LAN or System Administrator, you are also responsible for:
● Administering the DHCP server as described in Chapter 6: Server Administration.
● Editing the configuration file on the applicable HTTP or HTTPS file server, as covered in
Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Telephone Scripts and Binary Files
Issue 1 January 200825
Network Requirements
Other Network Considerations
Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones are fully compatible with SNMPv2c and with
Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2). The telephones respond correctly to
queries from entities that comply with earlier versions of SNMP, such as SNMPv1. “Fully
compatible” means that the telephones respond to queries directed either at the MIB-II or the
read-only Custom MIB.
You can restrict which IP Addresses the telephone accepts SNMP queries from. You can also
customize your community string with system values SNMPADD and SNMPSTRING,
respectively. For more information, see Chapter 6:
Agent Deskphone 16CC Customizeable System Parameters.
Note:SNMP is disabled by default. Administrators must initiate SNMP by setting the
SNMPADD and SNMPSTRING system values appropriately.
Server Administration and Table 9: Avaya
For more information about SNMP and MIBs in a SIP environment, see Installing and Administering SIP Enablement Services (Document Number 03-600768). For general
information about SNMP and MIB, see the IETF Web site listed in Appendix B:
Documentation. The Avaya Custom MIB for the telephones is available for download in *.txt
format on the Avaya support Web site at http://www.avaya.com/support
Registration and Authentication
An Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC requires an Outboard Proxy SIP (OPS) extension on Avaya
Communication Manager and a login and password on the SES Server to register and
authenticate it. Registration is described in the Initialization process, in Step 4: Telephone and
the SES Server on page 21. For further information, see Installing and Administering SIP
Enablement Services (Document Number 03-600768), available on the Avaya support Web
site, h
Reliability and Performance
All 16CC telephones respond to a ping or traceroute message sent from Avaya Communication
Manager or any other network source. The telephones do not originate a ping or traceroute.
If applicable, the telephones test whether the network Ethernet switch port supports IEEE
802.1D/q tagged frames by ARPing the router with a tagged frame. For more information, see
VLAN Considerations
your router must respond to ARPs for VLAN tagging to work properly.
on page 82. If your LAN environment includes Virtual LANs (VLANs),
26 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
For more information about the extent to which your network can support any or all of the QoS
initiatives, see your LAN equipment documentation. See QoS
for 16CC telephones.
All telephones provide some detail about network audio quality. For more information see,
Network Audio Quality Display
IEEE 802.1D and 802.1Q
For more information about IEEE 802.1D and IEEE 802.1Q and the Avaya Agent Deskphone
16CC telephones, see IEEE 802.1D and 802.1Q
page 82. Three bits of the 802.1Q tag are reserved for identifying packet priority to allow any
one of eight priorities to be assigned to a specific packet.
● 7: Network management traffic
● 6: Voice traffic with less than 10ms latency
● 5: Voice traffic with less than 100ms latency
● 4: “Controlled-load” traffic for critical data applications
● 3: Traffic meriting “extra-effort” by the network for prompt delivery, for example, executive
● 2: Reserved for future use
● 0: The default priority for traffic meriting the “best-ef fort” for prompt delivery of the network.
● 1: Background traffic such as bulk data transfers and backups
Other Network Considerations
on page 36 for QoS implications
on page 27.
on page 36 and VLAN Considerations on
Note: Priority 0 is a higher priority than Priority 1.
Network Audio Quality Display
Users can monitor network audio performance while on a call. For more information, see the
telephone user guide.
While on a call, the telephones display network audio quality parameters in real-time, as shown
in Table 4
Issue 1 January 200827
Network Requirements
Table 4: Parameters in Real-Time
ParameterPossible Values
Received Audio Coding G.711, G.726A, or G.729.
Packet LossNo data or a percentage. Late and out-of-sequence packet s are
Packetization DelayNo data or an integer number of milliseconds. The number
One-way Network DelayNo data or an integer number of milliseconds. The number is
counted as lost if they are discarded. Packets are not counted
as lost until a subsequent packet is received and the loss
confirmed by the RTP sequence number.
reflects the amount of delay in received audio packets, and
includes any potential delay associated with the codec.
one-half the value RTCP or SR TCP computes for the round-trip
Network Jitter
Compensation Delay
The implication for LAN administration depends on the values the user reports and the specific
nature of your LAN, like topology, loading, and QoS administration. This information gives the
user an idea of how network conditions affect the audio quality of the current call. Avaya
assumes you have more detailed tools available for LAN troubleshooting.
TCP/UDP Port Utilization
The Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC uses a variety of protocols, particularly TCP, UDP, and TLS
to communicate with other equipment in the network. Part of this communication identifies
which TCP or UDP or TLS ports each piece of equipment uses to support each protocol and
each task within the protocol. For additional TCP/UDP port utilization information as it applies to
Avaya Communication Manager, see UDP Port Selection
TLS, see Security
Depending on your network, you might need to know what ports or ranges are used in the
operation of Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephones. Knowing these ports or ranges helps
you administer your networking infrastructure.
In Figure 2
and Figure 3:
on page 31.
No data or an integer number of milliseconds reporting the
average delay introduced by the jitter buffer of the telephone.
on page 36. For more information on
● The box on the left always represents the Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC telephone.
● Depending on the diagram, the boxes on the right refer to various pieces of network
equipment with which the telephone can communicate.
● Open-headed arrows (for example, ) represent the direction(s) of socket
● Closed-headed arrows (for example, ) represent the
direction(s) of data transfer.
28 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
Other Network Considerations
● The text the arrows point to identifies the port or ports that the Avaya Agent Deskphone
16CC supports for the specific situation. Brackets identify ranges when more than one port
applies. The text indicates any additional qualifications or clarifications. In many cases, the
ports used are the ones called for by IETF or other standards bodies.
● Many of the explanations in the diagrams refer to system parameters or options settings.
For more information about parameters and settings, see Administering Telephone
Figure 2: Signaling, Audio and Management Diagram
Signaling, Audio and Management
Avaya Agent Deskphone
Port: audio port +/- 1
(only active during a call
Port: 161
SIP Registrar/Proxy
Port: 5061
CM Call Server or
another IP endpoint
FEPORT range
Port: audio port +/- 1
Port depends on
MIB viewer admin
Port: [Operating System
Syslog Transmission (UDP/IP)
Port: [514]
Issue 1 January 200829
Network Requirements
Figure 3: Initialization and Address Resolution Diagram
Initialization and Address Resolution
16CC Telephone
Port: [1024 - 5000]
Operating System
–selected (a new port is
used for each file
Port: [Operating
Port: 68
HTTPS Read Request (TCP/IP)
HTTPS Data, ACKs & Errors (TCP/IP)
DHCP Server
Port: 67
HTTPS Server
Port:443 (Configured
using TLSPORT)
Port: Operating
System – selected (a
new port is used for
each file)
NTP Server
Port: 123
Port: [Operating System
–selected (a new port is
used for each file
DNS Server
Port: 53
30 Avaya Agent Deskphone 16CC Administrator Guide
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