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Date Published: August-13-2020
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Trusted Root Certificate and MTLS implementation).; Configure SIP Signaling
Interfaces; Configure IP Groups
33423 Note removed regarding external firewall.
33424 Licenses consolidated into one section.
33426 Update to the “Related Documentation” table to include the Mediant 1000B Gateway
Update to topology figures and correction for parameter “Remote Update Support” to
“SIP UPDATE Support”.
& E-SBC product.
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AudioCodes Mediant SBC 6 Document #: LTRT-33426
Configuration Note 1. Introduction
1 Introduction
This Configuration Note describes an example setup of the AudioCodes Enterprise Session
Border Controller (hereafter, referred to as SBC) for interworking between Company's SIP
Trunk, ATA device and Microsoft's Teams Direct Routing environment.
For configuring the Office 365 side, please refer to
This document is intended for IT or telephony professionals.
1.1 About Microsoft Teams Direct Routing
Teams Direct Routing allows connecting a customer-provided SBC to the Microsoft Phone
System. The customer-provided SBC can be connected to almost any telephony trunk, or
connect with third-party PSTN equipment. The connection allows:
Using virtually any PSTN trunk with Microsoft Phone System
Configuring interoperability between customer-owned telephony equipment, such as
third-party PBXs, analog devices, and Microsoft Phone System
1.2 About AudioCodes SBC Product Series
AudioCodes' family of SBC devices enables reliable connectivity and security between the
Enterprise's and the service provider's VoIP networks.
The SBC provides perimeter defense as a way of protecting Enterprises from malicious VoIP
attacks; mediation for allowing the connection of any PBX and/or IP-PBX to any service
provider; and Service Assurance for service quality and manageability.
Designed as a cost-effective appliance, the SBC is based on field-proven VoIP and network
services with a native host processor, allowing the creation of purpose-built multiservice
appliances, providing smooth connectivity to cloud services, with integrated quality of
service, SLA monitoring, security and manageability. The native implementation of SBC
provides a host of additional capabilities that are not possible with standalone SBC
appliances such as VoIP mediation, PSTN access survivability, and third-party value-added
services applications. This enables Enterprises to utilize the advantages of converged
networks and eliminate the need for standalone appliances.
AudioCodes SBC is available as an integrated solution running on top of its field-proven
Mediant Media Gateway and Multi-Service Business Router platforms, or as a software-only
solution for deployment with third-party hardware. The SBC can be offered as a Virtualized
SBC, supporting the following platforms: Hyper-V, AWS, AZURE, AWP, KVM and VMWare.
Version 7.2 7 AudioCodes Mediant SBC
Teams Direct Routing & Analog Devices
AudioCodes sales
1.3 Validated AudioCodes SBC Version
Microsoft has successfully conducted validation tests with AudioCodes' Mediant SBC
Ver. 7.20A.250. Previous firmware versions may run successfully; however, Microsoft did
not test such versions. For updated list refer to
for Direct Routing.
Note: For implementing Microsoft Teams Direct Routing based on the configuration
described in this document, AudioCodes SBC must be installed with a License Key that
includes the following features:
•MSFT (general Microsoft license)
Note: By default, all AudioCodes media gateways and SBCs are shipped with this
license (except MSBR products, Mediant 500 SBC, and Mediant 500 Media
• SW/TEAMS (Microsoft Teams license)
• Number of SBC sessions (based on requirements)
• Transcoding sessions (only if media transcoding is needed)
• Coders (based on requirements)
For more information about the License Key, contact your
List of Session Border Controllers certified
AudioCodes Mediant SBC 8 Document #: LTRT-33426
Configuration Note 2. Topology Example
SIP Trunk
Enterprise Network
Manag ement
Stat ion (OAMP)
Anal og D evice s
Session Bor der Controller
Phone System
Firew all
2 Topology Example
Teams Direct Routing can be implemented in the Enterprise or Hosting Models.
2.1.1 Enterprise Model Implementation
The interoperability example between AudioCodes SBC and Company SIP Trunk with
Teams Direct Routing Enterprise Model assume the following topology setup:
Enterprise deployed with ATA, connected analog devices and the administrator's
management station, located on the LAN
Enterprise deployed with Teams Phone System Direct Routing Interface located on
the WAN for enhanced communication within the Enterprise
Enterprise wishes to offer its employees enterprise-voice capabilities and to connect
the Enterprise to the PSTN network using Company's SIP Trunking service
AudioCodes SBC is implemented to interconnect between the SIP Trunk and Teams
Direct Routing located in the WAN
The figure below illustrates this topology example:
Figure 2-1: Connection Topology with SIP Trunk on the LAN
Version 7.2 9 AudioCodes Mediant SBC
Teams Direct Routing & Analog Devices
SIP Trunk
Enterprise Network
Manag ement
Stat ion (OAMP)
Anal og D evice s
Session Bor der Controller
Phone System
Firew all
Figure 2-2: Connection Topology with SIP Trunk on the WAN
AudioCodes Mediant SBC 10 Document #: LTRT-33426
Configuration Note 2. Topology Example
Company SIP Trunk operates with RTP media type
2.1.2 Environment Setup
The example topology includes the following environment setup:
Table 2-1: Environment Setup
Area Setup
Teams Direct Routing environment is located on the Enterprise'
(or Service Provider’s) WAN
Company SIP Trunk is located on the LAN
Teams Direct Routing operates with SIP-over-TLS transport type
Company SIP Trunk operates with SIP-over-UDP transport type
Teams Direct Routing supports G.711A-law, G.711U-law, G.729
and SILK (NB and WB) coders
Company SIP Trunk supports G.711A-law, G.711U-law, and
G.729 coders
Media Transcoding
Teams Direct Routing operates with SRTP media type
2.1.3 Infrastructure Prerequisites
The table below shows the list of infrastructure prerequisites for deploying Teams Direct
Table 2-2: Infrastructure Prerequisites
Infrastructure Prerequisite Details
Certified Session Border Controller (SBC)
SIP Trunks connected to the SBC
Office 365 Tenant
Public IP address for the SBC
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the SBC
Public DNS entry for the SBC
Public trusted certificate for the SBC
Firewall ports for Direct Routing Signaling
Firewall IP addresses and ports for Direct Routing Media
Media Transport Profile
Firewall ports for Teams Clients Media
See Microsoft's document Plan Direct Routing
Version 7.2 11 AudioCodes Mediant SBC
Teams Direct Routing & Analog Devices
This page is intentionally left blank.
AudioCodes Mediant SBC 12 Document #: LTRT-33426
Configuration Note 3. Configuring Teams Direct Routing
3 Configuring Teams Direct Routing
This section describes an example of Teams Direct Routing configuration to operate with
AudioCodes SBC.
3.1 Prerequisites
Before you begin configuration, make sure you have the following for every SBC you want
to pair:
Public IP address
FQDN name matching SIP addresses of the users
Public certificate, issued by one of the supported CAs
3.2 SBC Domain Name in the Teams Enterprise Model
The SBC domain name must be from one of the names registered in 'Domains' of the tenant.
You cannot use the * tenant for the domain name. For example, in Figure
3-1, the administrator registered the following DNS names for the tenant:
Table 3-1: DNS Names Registered by an Administrator for a Tenant
DNS name Yes Valid names: No Yes Valid names:
Users can be from any SIP domain registered for the tenant. For example, you can provide
names are registered for this tenant.
Can be used
with the SBC FQDN so long as both
3.3.8 Configure with User Management Pack 365 (Optional)
As an alternative to PowerShell commands, AudioCodes recommend using User
Management Pack 365 (UMP365). UMP365 provides a simple web-portal user interface for
configuring and managing the Online Voice Route and associating it with PSTN Usage and
PSTN Gateway. See examples below:
Figure 3-2: Example of Adding new Voice Route
Figure 3-3: Example of Voice Routes Table
AudioCodes Mediant SBC 16 Document #: LTRT-33426
Configuration Note 4. Configuring AudioCodes SBC
Ana log
Device s
Pro xy SetIP Group
IP GroupProxy Set
IP Group
Phone System
4 Configuring AudioCodes SBC
This section provides example of step-by-step procedures on how to configure AudioCodes
SBC for interworking between Teams Direct Routing and the Company SIP Trunk. These
configuration procedures are based on the topology example described in Section 2.1.1 on
page 9, and includes the following main areas:
SBC LAN interface – ATA devices environment
SBC WAN interface - Company SIP Trunking and Teams Direct Routing environment
This configuration is done using the SBC's embedded Web server (hereafter, referred to as
Web interface).
•For implementing Teams Direct Routing based on the configuration described in
this section, AudioCodes SBC must be installed with a License Key. For more
information, see Section 1.3 on page 8.
•The scope of this document does not cover all security aspects for configuring this
topology. Comprehensive security measures should be implemented per your
organization's security policies. For security recommendations on AudioCodes’
products, refer to the Recommended Security Guidelines document, which can be
found at AudioCodes web site
4.1 SBC Configuration Concept in Teams Direct Routing
The diagram below represents AudioCodes’ device configuration concept.
Figure 4-1: SBC Configuration Concept
Version 7.2 17 AudioCodes Mediant SBC
Teams Direct Routing & Analog Devices
Stat ion (OAMP )
LAN Port
LAN Port
Vlan ID 1
Vlan ID 2
Session B order Controll er
Phone System
Firew all
4.2 IP Network Interfaces Configuration
This section describes how to configure the SBC's IP network interfaces. There are several
ways to deploy the SBC; however, this example employs the following deployment method:
SBC interfaces with the following IP entities:
• Teams Direct Routing and Company SIP Trunk, located on the WAN
• IP-PBX and/or ATA, located on the LAN
SBC connects to the WAN through a DMZ network
Physical connection: The type of physical connection depends on the method used to
connect to the Enterprise's network. In the example topology, SBC connects to the
LAN and DMZ using dedicated ethernet ports (i.e., two ports and two network cables
are used).
SBC also uses two logical network interfaces:
Figure 4-2: Network Interfaces in the Example Topology
4.2.1 Configure VLANs
This section describes how to configure VLANs for each of the following interfaces:
LAN VoIP (assigned the name "LAN_IF")
WAN VoIP (assigned the name "WAN_IF")
To configure the VLANs:
1. Open the Ethernet Device table (Setup menu > IP Network tab > Core Entities folder
> Ethernet Devices).
2. There will be one existing row for VLAN ID 1 and underlying interface GROUP_1.
3. Add another VLAN ID 2 for the WAN side
Figure 4-3: Configured VLAN IDs in Ethernet Device
AudioCodes Mediant SBC 18 Document #: LTRT-33426
Configuration Note 4. Configuring AudioCodes SBC
According to
your Internet
4.2.2 Configure Network Interfaces
This section describes how to configure the IP network interfaces for each of the following
LAN Interface (assigned the name "LAN_IF")
WAN Interface (assigned the name "WAN_IF")
To configure the IP network interfaces:
1. Open the IP Interfaces table (Setup menu > IP Network tab > Core Entities folder >
IP Interfaces).
2. Configure the IP interfaces as follows (your network parameters might be different):
Table 4-1: Configuration Example of the Network Interface Table
OAMP+ Media +
Media + Control (as
this interface points
to the internet,
enabling OAMP is
not recommended)
The configured IP network interfaces are shown below:
e Mode
IP Address 16 LAN_IF vlan 1
(DMZ IP address of
Gateway DNS I/F Name
(router's IP
Figure 4-4: Configured Network Interfaces in IP Interfaces Table
WAN_IF vlan 2
Version 7.2 19 AudioCodes Mediant SBC
Teams Direct Routing & Analog Devices
4.3 SIP TLS Connection Configuration
This section describes how to configure the SBC for using a TLS connection with the Teams
Direct Routing Phone System. This configuration is essential for a secure SIP TLS
connection. The configuration instructions example in this section are based on the following
domain structure that must be implemented as part of the certificate which must be loaded
to the host SBC:
This certificate module is based on the Service Provider's own TLS Certificate. For more
certificate structure options, see Microsoft Teams Direct Routing documentation.
The Phone System Direct Routing Interface allows only TLS connections from SBCs for SIP
traffic with a certificate signed by one of the Trusted Certification Authorities.
Currently, supported Certification Authorities can be found in the following link:
This section describes how to configure the NTP server's IP address. It is recommended to
implement an NTP server (Microsoft NTP server or another global server) to ensure that the
SBC receives the current date and time. This is necessary for validating certificates of remote
parties. It is important, that NTP Server will locate on the OAMP IP Interface (LAN_IF in our
case) or will be accessible through it.
To configure the NTP server address:
1. Open the Time & Date page (Setup menu > Administration tab > Time & Date).
2. In the 'Primary NTP Server Address' field, enter the IP address of the NTP server
Figure 4-5: Configuring NTP Server Address
3. Click Apply.
AudioCodes Mediant SBC 20 Document #: LTRT-33426
Configuration Note 4. Configuring AudioCodes SBC
media. You might want to configure additional parameters according to your
company's policies. For example, you might want to configure Online Certificate
4.3.2 Create a TLS Context for Teams Direct Routing
This section describes how to configure TLS Context in the SBC. AudioCodes recommends
implementing only TLS to avoid flaws in SSL.
To configure the TLS version:
1. Open the TLS Contexts table (Setup menu > IP Network tab > Security folder > TLS
2. Create a new TLS Context by clicking New at the top of the interface, and then configure
the parameters using the table below as reference:
Table 4-2: New TLS Context
Index Name TLS Version
1 Teams (arbitrary descriptive name) TLSv1.2
All other parameters can be left unchanged with their default values.
Note: The table above exemplifies configuration focusing on interconnecting SIP and
Status Protocol (OCSP) to check if SBC certificates presented in the online server are
still valid or revoked. For more information on the SBC's configuration, see the User's Manual, available for download from
Figure 4-6: Configuring TLS Context for Teams Direct Routing
3. Click Apply.
Version 7.2 21 AudioCodes Mediant SBC
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