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Date Published: September-03-2020
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Related Documentation
Document Name
400HD Series IP Phone User Manuals
400HD Series IP Phone with Microsoft Skype for Business User Manuals
400HD Series IP Phones Administrator's Manual
- ii -
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
Document Name
400HD Series IP Phone with Microsoft Skype for Business Administrator's Manual
400HD Series IP Phone Quick Guides
400HD Series IP Phone with Microsoft Skype for Business Quick Guides
Device Manager for Third-Party Vendor Products Administrator's Manual
Device Manager Agent Installation and Configuration Guide
One Voice Operations Center IOM Manual
One Voice Operations Center User's Manual
Document Revision Record
91097Initial release for 7.8. Set as VIP. Network Topology page. Polycom phones
provisioned to sites. System Settings and tabs. Rearranged GUI.
- iii -
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
Table of Contents
1 Introduction1
About this Document1
Zero Touch Provisioning1
Zero Touch Provisioning Process - Skype for Business Phone2
Zero Touch Provisioning – non Skype for Business Phone4
2 Starting up and Logging in5
3 Adding Users & Devices in Non-Skype for Business Environments7
Exporting 'System User' to zip File10
Adding Users and Devices Information to the csv File12
Importing the csv File12
4 Using the Zero Touch Setup Wizard to Provision Phones13
5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard16
Before Implementing Zero Touch16
Defining a Tenant16
Configuring an Endpoints Group18
Preparing a Template for a Tenant/Model20
Uploading .img Firmware File to the Server23
Configuring DHCP Option 160 with a Tenant URL23
Configuring DHCP Option 160 with System URL27
Editing the DHCP Option 160 cfg File28
Editing the SBC HTTP Proxy30
6 Provisioning Android-based Teams Phones31
Configuring a Periodic Provisioning Cycle32
Configuring TimeZone and Daylight Savings32
Managing Devices with HTTPS33
Supported Parameters33
7 Managing Devices Behind a NAT using SBC HTTP Proxy36
8 Monitoring and Maintaining the Phone Network38
Monitoring the Network from the Dashboard38
Viewing Network Topology40
Checking Devices Status41
Monitoring Alarms48
Searching for Alarms49
Performing Actions on Alarms49
Maintaining Users49
Searching for Users/Devices49
Adding a User50
Adding a Phone51
Editing a User52
- iv -
Viewing Device Status53
Deleting a User54
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
Managing Multiple Users54
Maintaining Multiple Devices58
Managing Configuration Files61
Managing Firmware Files61
Upgrading Devices to the Latest Firmware Versions66
9 Viewing Your License69
Licensing Endpoints70
10 Approving Users71
Skype for Business Environment71
Non-Skype for Business Environment74
11 Managing Templates75
System Settings and Placeholders75
Selecting a Template79
Editing a Configuration Template80
About the Template File82
Restoring a Template to the Default82
Downloading a Template83
Uploading an Edited Template83
Generating an Edited Template83
Defining Template Placeholders84
Viewing Default Placeholders Values85
Template Placeholders86
Tenant Placeholders87
Devices Placeholders90
12 Configuring the LDAP Directory92
13 Managing Device Manager Agents95
Enabling Device Manager to Support Agents96
Monitoring Device Manager Agents97
16 Performing Polycom Configuration98
17 Configuring Phones to Operate in an OVR Deployment99
18 Signing in to a Phone into which Another User is Signed101
19 Troubleshooting102
Displaying Last n Activities Performed in the Web Interface102
Displaying Archived Activities Performed in the Web Interface103
Displaying Last n Activities Performed in Device Manager Pro105
Displaying Archived Activities Performed in Device Manager Pro106
- v -
CHAPTER1 Introduction
AudioCodes' Device Manager Pro features a user interface that enables enterprise network
administrators to effortlessly and effectively provision and maintain up to 30000 400HD Series
IP phones and third-party vendor devices in globally distributed corporations.
The Device Manager Pro client, which network administrators can use to connect to the server,
can be any standard web browser supporting HTML5: Microsoft's Edge, Internet Explorer
version 11 and later, Chrome (recommended) or Firefox.
REST (Representational State Transfer) based architecture enables statuses, commands and
alarms to be communicated between the devices and the server. The devices send their status
to the server every hour for display in the user interface.
Accessed from AudioCodes' One Voice Operations Center (referred to as OVOC for short in this
document), the Device Manager Pro enables network administrators to effortlessly load
configuration files and firmware files on up to 30000 IP phones and third-party vendor devices.
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
Other actions administrators can perform on multiple phones are to upload a csv file with
devices' MAC addresses and SIP credentials (supported in all environments except Skype for
Business), approve devices at the press of a button (supported in Skype for Business
environments only), send messages to phones' screens, reset phones, and move phones
between tenants.
A configuration file template feature lets network administrators customize configuration files
per phone model, tenant, and device.
Integrated into the OVOC, the Device Manager Pro server provides added value to
AudioCodes' 400HD Series IP phones and third-party vendor devices.
About this Document
This document shows network administrators how to enable automatic provisioning (Zero
Touch provisioning) of the AudioCodes devices in an enterprise network from a single central
●For information on third-party vendor products (for example Jabra and Polycom),
see the Device Manager for Third-Party Vendor Products Administrator's Manual
●For information on the Device Manager Agent, see:
✔ Device Manager Agent Installation and Configuration Guide
✔ Managing Device Manager Agents on page95
●For detailed descriptive information about the Agent, see the Device Manager
Agent Installation and Configuration Guide.
Zero Touch Provisioning
AudioCodes' IP phones can be automatically provisioned when they are plugged in to the
enterprise's network if Zero Touch provisioning has been implemented.
- 1 -
CHAPTER1 Introduction
➢ To implement Zero Touch provisioning:
1. Build your network topology of tenants and sites using the One Voice Operations Center
(see the One Voice Operations Center User's Manual for more information).
2. Start up and log into the Device Manager Pro.
3. Choose the Zero Touch provisioning method. Either:
●Configure the DHCP server to provision the phone with an IP address that is in the
●Use DHCP Option 160.
4. Choose the default template for each tenant and model.
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
Applies to all phones irrespective of Skype for Business/non-Skype for Business.
tenant/site range. Configure the phone to receive the IP address or subnet mask of
the tenant/site.
Phones that reside behind a NAT and whose IP addresses are internal can be managed
by the OVOC via SBC HTTP proxy. For more information, see Managing Devices
Behind a NAT using SBC HTTP Proxy on page36.
Zero Touch Provisioning Process - Skype for Business Phone
The figure below illustrates the 1-9 step provisioning process for AudioCodes' IP phones for
Skype for Business when the Zero Touch feature is implemented.
Figure 1-1:Zero Touch Provisioning - Skype for Business Phone
*If the network administrator does not define a tenant in the URL in DHCP Option 160, the
phone is allocated a tenant/site according to best match , that is, according to either tenant
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CHAPTER1 Introduction
Subnet Mask or site Subnet Mask configured in the OVOC. See the One Voice Operations
Center User's Manual for more information.
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
- 3 -
CHAPTER1 Introduction
Zero Touch Provisioning – non Skype for Business Phone
The figure below illustrates the 1-8 step provisioning process for AudioCodes' non Skype for
Business phones when the Zero Touch feature is implemented.
Figure 1-2:Zero Touch Provisioning – non Skype for Business Phone
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
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CHAPTER2 Starting up and Logging in
2Starting up and Logging in
After installation, start the Device Manager Pro and log in. Before logging in, you need to run
the OVOC.
●To access the Device Manager Pro without running the OVOC, point your web
browser to https://<OVOC_IP_Address>/ipp and then in the login screen that
opens, log in. If the browser is pointed to HTTP, it will be redirected to HTTPS.
●Device Manager Pro is a secured web client that runs on any standard web
browser supporting HTML5: Internet Explorer v11 and later, Chrome or Firefox.
For information on installing and operating the OVOC, see the OVOC Server IOM Manual and
the OVOC User's Manual.
➢ To log in to the Device Manager Pro via the OVOC:
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
1. In the OVOC's Network page, click the Endpoints tab and from the dropdown select
Configuration . The Login to Device Manager Pro screen opens.
Figure 2-1:Login
The 'Username' and 'Password' used to log in to the Device Manager Pro are the same
as those used to log in to the OVOC.
2. Enter your Username and Password (default = acladmin and pass_1234)and click Sign In;
the application is launched and the Monitor Dashboard is displayed.
- 5 -
CHAPTER2 Starting up and Logging in
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
Figure 2-2:Monitor Dashboard
●See Monitoring and Maintaining the Phone Network on page38 for more
information about monitoring phones.
●The following topics show how to provision phones using Zero Touch.
- 6 -
CHAPTER3 Adding Users & Devices in Non-Skype for Business Environments
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
3Adding Users & Devices in Non-Skype for Business
Administrators can import
■ users and devices -or-
■ only users
If the administrator imports users and devices, the association between users and devices was
made before Version 7.6
■ using the device's MAC address
■ through user name and password
■ via an imported CSV file
■ before deployment
➢ To add users and devices with a version earlier than Version 7.6 of Device Manager
■ After plugging the phones into the network, log in to Device Manager Pro and then (best
●Export the automatically created 'System User' to a zip file (see Exporting 'System
User' to zip File on page10)
●Unzip the zip file, open the csv file and add users and devices in the same format (see
Adding Users and Devices Information to the csv File on page12)
●Import the csv file with users and devices back into Device Manager Pro (see
Importing the csv File on page12
➢ To add only users:
●Applies only to Version 7.6 and later
●The association is manually made after deployment, using the Approve button in
the Devices Status page
●When the phone is connected to the network for the first time, the user is prompted
to enter their username/password; it's matched with that on the Device Manager
Pro. After the match, the Manager associates the device with the user.
Usernames/ passwords are then uploaded to the Manager through the import CSV
without using MAC address. After authentication, the Manager downloads the cfg
file to the phone.
1. After installing the Device Manager Pro, add the HTTP authentication configuration
properties to the initial configuration file (taken from DHCP Options 160) and to the
2. Select an authentication mode. Two possibilities are available:
- 7 -
CHAPTER3 Adding Users & Devices in Non-Skype for Business Environments
●With username/password
●Without password; only username or extension
●The default authentication mode is username/password
●The Login screen then allows the user to authenticate with username only,
excluding password
●If you want the user to use 'password only' for authentication, enable the 'no
password' option
Figure 3-1:System Settings Page - HTTP AUTH Provisioning No Password
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
3. Configure DHCP Options for HTTP Authentication. To prompt the user for username and
password, add the following HTTP authentication parameters to the DHCP option 160 cfg
5. Open the DHCP Option Configuration page (Setup > Devices Configuration > DHCP
Options Configuration)
Figure 3-2:DHCP Options Configuration
- 8 -
CHAPTER3 Adding Users & Devices in Non-Skype for Business Environments
6. Click Edit configuration template:
Figure 3-3:Edit DHCP Option
7. Click Generate Template:
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
If you want password to be excluded from HTTP user authentication, configure parameter 'provisioning/configuration/http_auth/password' to 1234. Users will then not have
to enter a password when performing authentication.
8. Configure each template to operate with HTTP authentication. Open each template you
want to operate with HTTP authentication and add the following values to each:
10. Close the Directory 'configfiles'. For security reasons, it's preferable to close the 'configfiles'
web directory as from now on all cfg files will be downloaded from the new location
http:<SERVER_IP_ADDRESS>/ipprest/lync_auto_prov.php rather than from
- 9 -
CHAPTER3 Adding Users & Devices in Non-Skype for Business Environments
11. In the System Settings page, click thebutton.
Figure 3-4:Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
Device firmware does not support Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol yet. Future
device firmware will support it.
Exporting 'System User' to zip File
Here's how to export the 'system user' that is automatically created after you log in to Device
Manager Pro, to a zip file.
➢ To export the 'system user' to a zip file:
1. Open the Export Users and Devices Information page (Setup > Import/Export).
Figure 3-5:Export Users and Devices Information
2. Click Export; a link to the file is added to the lowermost left corner of the page.
3. Click the link; the unzipped file opens displaying a csv file and a cfg file.
4. Open the csv (in Excel):
- 10 -
CHAPTER3 Adding Users & Devices in Non-Skype for Business Environments
Figure 3-6:csv File in Excel
Excel displays the information related to 'system user'.
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
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CHAPTER3 Adding Users & Devices in Non-Skype for Business Environments
Adding Users and Devices Information to the csv File
You need to add to the csv file the information related to all the users and devices in your
enterprise's network.
To facilitate this task, you can export a csv from your enterprise PBX and then edit it to
conform to the 'system user' csv row shown in the figure above and the columns shown
in the table below.
Table 3-1: csv File Information
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
Up to 30000 users and devices can be defined in the csv file. After defining users and devices,
save the csv file on your desktop from where you can import it into the Device Manager Pro.
VLAN Priority
Importing the csv File
After adding to the csv file the information related to all the users and devices in your
enterprise's network, import the new csv file into the Device Manager Pro.
➢ To import the new csv file into the Device Manager Pro:
1. Open the Import Users & Devices Information page (Setup > Import/Export).
Figure 3-7:Import Users & Devices Information
2. Click Import and then navigate to and select the csv file which you created and saved on
your desktop previously; the file is imported into the Device Manager Pro.
3. Open the Manage Users page (Setup > Users & Devices) and make sure all enterprise
users you imported are displayed.
- 12 -
CHAPTER4 Using the Zero Touch Setup Wizard to Provision Phones
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
4Using the Zero Touch Setup Wizard to Provision
When plugged in to the enterprise network, phones can automatically be provisioned through
the Zero Touch feature.
■ Zero Touch determines which template the phone will be allocated.
■ The template is allocated per phone model and per phone tenant.
■ The template determines which firmware file and configuration file the phone will be
Zero Touch provisioning accelerates uptime by enabling multiple users and phones to
automatically be provisioned and added to the Manager.
You can use the Setup Wizard feature to set up Zero Touch provisioning. The Wizard simplifies
deployment of phones in the enterprise for network administrators. The Wizard's functions
were already implemented in versions of Device Manager Pro earlier than Version 7.4, only
now they're centralized in a single location for a friendlier deployment experience. Here're the
steps to follow to provison phones using the Wizard.
➢ To provison phones using the Zero Touch Setup Wizard:
1. In the main screen, click the 'Setup' menu and then click the Setup Wizard option.
Figure 4-1:Step 1 – System Type
2. Select Skype for Business and then click Next.
The Setup Wizard will be closed if you intend to use other PBXs besides Skype for
Business. The Setup Wizard is intended exclusively for Skype for Business.
Figure 4-2:Step 2 - Zero Touch
- 13 -
CHAPTER4 Using the Zero Touch Setup Wizard to Provision Phones
3. Select Yes and then click Next.
Figure 4-3:Step 3 – Choose Tenant
4. Choose an existing tenant from the dropdown and click Next. If a tenant doesn't already
exist, click Next and configure one. This is to be able to create a specific configuration for
the tenant and configure the URL in DHCP Option 160 so devices will use this tenant. If
there's no specific tenant configuration to configure, click Next.
Figure 4-4:Step 4 – Tenant Configuration
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
5. Click Next.
Figure 4-5:Step 5 – Templates Mapping
6. From the 'Template' dropdown, choose a template.
- 14 -
CHAPTER4 Using the Zero Touch Setup Wizard to Provision Phones
Figure 4-6:Step 5 – Templates Mapping
This page is an alternative view to the Devices Configuration Templates page.
7. Associate a template according to the MODEL and TENANT. The page displays a mapping
table in which you need to map {MODEL + TENANT} to TEMPLATE.
a. Select 'IsDefault'; from this point on, the template chosen will be used.
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
b. From the 'Phone' dropdown, select the model.
c. From the 'Tenant' dropdown, select the tenant and then click Next.
Figure 4-7:Step 6 – DHCP Configuration
8. Define the URL in DHCP Option 160.
- 15 -
CHAPTER5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
5Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup
You can set up zero touch provisioning in the Manager without using the Setup Wizard. When
plugged in to the enterprise network, phones will then automatically be provisioned.
■ Zero Touch determines with which template the phone will be provisioned.
■ The template is provisioned per phone model and per phone tenant.
■ The template determines with which firmware file (img) and configuration file (cfg) the
phone will be provisioned.
Zero Touch accelerates uptime by enabling multiple users and phones to automatically
be provisioned and added to the Manager.
Before Implementing Zero Touch
Before implementing Zero Touch, you need to prepare the network.
This applies to:
■ the network administrator of the enterprise whose OVOC is installed on premises (in the
enterprise's LAN)
■ the system integrator of the Service Provider whose OVOC is installed in the cloud (WAN)
➢ To prepare the network for Zero Touch provisioning:
1. Define a tenant (see Defining a Tenant below).
2. Prepare a template per tenant (see Preparing a Template for a Tenant/Model on page20).
3. Upload the firmware .img file to the server (see Uploading .img Firmware File to the Server
on page23).
4. Configure the DHCP server's Option 160 to allocate the phone to the tenant/site URL (see
Configuring DHCP Option 160 with a Tenant URL on page23).
Defining a Tenant
You need to define a tenant before you can implement Zero Touch.
➢ To define a tenant:
1. Open the Tenant List page (Setup > System > Tenants).
- 16 -
CHAPTER5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard
Figure 5-1:Tenant List
2. Click the +Add New Tenant button.
Figure 5-2:Add New Tenant
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
3. Use the table below as reference.
Table 5-1: Add New Tenant
NameEnter an intuitive name to facilitate effective management later.
DescriptionEnter a tenant description to facilitate effective management later.
SubnetEnter the tenant's subnet mask. Must be in prefix format x.x.x.x/y.
For example: For any region under the tenant, subnet mask is not mandatory, but if it is configured, its subnet mask
must be within the tenant's, for example,
DefaultDefines the default tenant. Only this newly added tenant can be
the default. The default is used for devices/endpoints autodetection.
4. Click Save.
- 17 -
CHAPTER5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard
Configuring an Endpoints Group
After adding a group to the OVOC as shown in the OVOC User's Manual, you can add an endpoint - or multiple endpoints - to that group as shown in Checking Devices Status on page41
under the action Change Group, and then you can configure the endpoints in the group as
shown here. The feature benefits a customer who wants for example 10 of 500 phones in a site
in their enterprise organized in a group for a software upgrade to apply exclusively to the 10
phones in that group. In contrast to sites, groups are logical entities but configuration of both
are identical; both are per tenant.
➢ To configure an endpoints group:
1. Open the Group Configuration page (Setup > Devices Configuration > Group
Figure 5-3:Group Configuration
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
2. From the 'Select Group' drop-down, choose the group (added to the OVOC) under which
you want to organize endpoints.
3. From the 'Configuration Key' drop-down, select a parameter to configure for the
endpoints group.
- 18 -
CHAPTER5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard
Figure 5-4:Configuration Key
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
4. In the 'Configuration Value' field displayed after a selection, provision the parameter with
a value and then click Add. Click ? for more information if necessary.
5. To configure Jabra endpoints group parameters, clickadjacent to the
'Configuration Key' field and select Jabra.
- 19 -
CHAPTER5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard
6. View the following:
7. From the 'Configuration Key' drop-down, select a Jabra parameter to configure for the
Jabra endpoints group.
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
8. In the 'Configuration Value' field displayed after a selection, provision the parameter with
a value and then click Add. Click ? for more information if necessary.
9. To switch back to an AudioCodes (non Jabra) endpoints group, clickadjacent to
the 'Configuration Key' field and select AudioCodes.
Preparing a Template for a Tenant/Model
You need to prepare a template per tenant / type (phone model) in the deployment. The
template informs the server how to generate the .cfg configuration file when the phones are
plugged in to the network. When the phones are plugged in, the .cfg configuration file is
downloaded to them from the server.
User-configured Speed Dials and Programmable Keys are saved in the device's cfg file
and backed up on the server. After the user configures them (see the device's User'sManual for details), the phone automatically updates the cfg file on the server. They're
- 20 -
CHAPTER5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard
downloaded to the phone after:
●they're deleted or some other 'crisis' occurs
●the phone is restored to factory defaults
●the user starts working with a new device
●the user deploys another device at their workstation
●the user's phone is upgraded
This saves the user from having to configure Speed Dials and Programmable Keys from the
beginning. The user only needs to configure them once, initially.
If there is no cfg file on the server, the server gets the data from the phone.
➢ To prepare a template for a tenant / phone model:
1. Open the 'Add new template' screen (Setup > Devices Configuration > Templates).
Figure 5-5:Devices Configuration Templates
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
For information on third-party vendor products, see the Device Manager for Third-Party
Vendor Products Administrator's Manual
2. Click the Add New Template button.
- 21 -
CHAPTER5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard
Figure 5-6:Add New Template
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
3. Enter a name for the template. Make the name intuitive. Include tenant and model
aspects in it.
4. Provide a description of the template to enhance intuitive maintenance.
5. From the 'Tenant' dropdown list, select the tenant.
6. From the 'Type' dropdown list, select the phone model.
7. Select the Default Tenant option for the template to be the default for this tenant. More
than one phone type can be in a tenant. All can have a common template. But only one
template can be configured for a tenant. If a second template is configured for the tenant,
it overrides the first. After a template is added, it's displayed as shown below in the
Devices Configuration Template page. When a phone is then connected to the network, if
the phone is of this type and located in this tenant, it will automatically be provisioned via
the DHCP server from the OVOC provisioning server (Zero Touch).
Figure 5-7:Default Template Indication
- 22 -
CHAPTER5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard
8. From the 'Clone From Template' dropdown list, select a template to clone from. If the
template is for phones in a tenant that are Microsoft Skype for Business phones, choose a
Skype for Business template.
9. Do this for all tenants and types (phone models) in the network.
10. If necessary, click the here link in 'Click here to Download Shared Templates'; your
browser opens displaying AudioCodes share file in which all templates are located, for
example, the templates used with Genesys.
Uploading .img Firmware File to the Server
After obtaining the device's latest .img firmware file from AudioCodes, upload it to the OVOC
provisioning server. When devices are later connected to the network, they're automatically
provisioned with firmware from the server. You can also upload the .dfu firmware files for the
speakers of the Huddle Room Solution (HRS).
➢ To upload the .img firmware file to the OVOC provisioning server:
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
1. In the Device Manager Pro, access the Firmware Files page (Setup > Devices Configuration
> Firmware Files).
Figure 5-8:Phone Firmware Files
2. In the Firmware Files screen, click the Add new Device firmware button.
3. Navigate to the .img file and/or .dfu firmware files for the HRS speakers, and upload to the
OVOC provisioning server.
Configuring DHCP Option 160 with a Tenant URL
You need to point DHCP Option 160 to a tenant URL so that the phones will be automatically
provisioned with their .img firmware file and cfg configuration file when they're plugged in to
the network for the first time (Zero Touch provisioning).
Either of the following two methods can be used to implement Zero Touch:
- 23 -
CHAPTER5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard
■ Configure the DHCP server to provision the phone with an IP address that is in the
tenant/site range. Configure the phone to receive the IP address or subnet mask of the
■ Use DHCP Option 160
The Device Manager Pro supports backward compatibility so you can point DHCP
Option 160 to a region URL. See the Administrator's Manual v7.2 and earlier.
Later when the (Skype for Business) phones are signed in, phones and users are automatically
added to Device Manager Pro which loads their specific .cfg files to them.
➢ To point DHCP Option 160 to a tenant URL:
1. In the Device Manager Pro, open the DHCP Options Configuration page (Setup > Devices
Configuration > DHCP Options Configuration).
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
2. Click the Advanced: DHCP option 160 with Tenant Configuration link located lowermost
and under the Tenant URLs section, select from the 'Tenant' dropdown a tenant with
which to associate a new device, as shown in the next figure (Tenant '2').
3. From the 'Group' dropdown list, select a group with which to associate a new device, as
shown in the next figure (Group '1').
- 24 -
CHAPTER5 Provisioning Phones without the Zero Touch Setup Wizard
Figure 5-9:Tenant URL
Device Manager Pro | Administrator's Guide
You can configure the device's tenant URLs to retrieve files either directly from the OVOC
server or via an SBC HTTP proxy. Using an SBC HTTP proxy server is useful for customers
whose OVOC is installed in the cloud, or when phones are located behind a NAT.
4. Choose either:
●The OVOC has direct access to the phones. The DHCP server will connect the phones
directly to the OVOC server IP address.
◆Copy (Ctrl+C) the following URL and paste it into DHCP Option 160 in the
enterprise's DHCP server:
HTTP://<OVOC_IP_Address>/firmwarefiles;ipp/tenant/<tenant selected in Step
1>/group/<group selected in step 1>
●The OVOC access the IPP's through the SBC HTTP proxy. The DHCP server directs the
phones firstly to an SBC HTTP proxy server, which then redirects to the OVOC server.
◆If the phones communicate with an SBC HTTP proxy rather than directly with the
OVOC server, copy (Ctrl+C) the following URL into DHCP Option 160 in the
enterprise's DHCP server: http://SBC_PROXY_IP:SBC_PROXY_
●Direct URL for the IPP (No DHCP Available) – typically used for debugging purposes
when no DHCP is available.
●Configure DHCP Option 160 to point to the OVOC provisioning server's URL if the
phones are not behind a NAT. DHCP Option 66/67 can also be used.
●If the phones reside behind a NAT and an SBC HTTP proxy is available, configure
DHCP Option 160 to point to the SBC HTTP proxy; phone-OVOC communications
will then be via the SBC HTTP proxy rather than direct.
- 25 -
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