Atec TG700 User Manual

Multiformat Video Generator
TG700 Data Sheet
Features & Benets
Multiformat Analog and Digital Test Signal Generation
Ideal Channel Conguration and Performance to Support Reference Generator N
Modular Expandable Platform
k™ – Unique, Robust Genlock M ode provides Stable
Sync Pulse and Broadcast Facilities
Test Signal Generator for Research and Development
Equipment Design and Maintenance
Generator and Test Signal Generator for Post Production
Data Sheet
AGL7 Analog
Genlock Module.
The TG700 is a multiformat, analog and digital, precision signal generation platform. Designed with the changing needs of the video industry in mind, the TG700 offers sync pulse generation and test sign al generation for a wide array of analog, serial digital, and digital high-denition formats. The TG700 Mult
iformat Video Generator has a modular architecture that offers the exibility to meet the single-format and growing multiformat needs of the video professional. The TG700 mainframe allows up to four of the following modules to be tted in the mainframe.
The TG700 has a high stability reference. The AGL7 Analog Genlock Module adds the capacity to lock to a variety of signals, which makes the TG700 an ideal solution as the master house reference or s lave reference for broadcast and production/post-production applica tions. Three black outputs a
re available and are selectable for HDTV tri-level or NTSC or PAL. Additionally, the AGL7 can lock to a variety of formats to include NTSC/PAL black and HDTV tri-level as well as 1, 3.58, 4.43, 5, and 10 MHz CW. When theAGL7isconfigured for Stay GenLock™ mode, a momentary loss of synchronization at the genlock reference input will not cause a disturbance in the TG700’s test signal and black outputs. When the genlock signal is
d, the AGL7 will gradually reacquire lock, causing little disruption to
reapplie devices synchronized to the TG700 reference.
The GPS7 G
PS Synchronization and Time Code Module includes an integrated GPS receiver which can serve as the system timing reference. Synchronization to the GPS timing signals ensures long-term st ability, and video frame alignment between indepe ndent systems. The GPS RF coaxial signal input is available with 3.3 V or 5 V DC power output for the GPS antenna enabling the user to select from a variety of GPS antennas
le on the market. The GPS7 also includes a genlock input with
availab VITC reader, enabling user-selectable c onguration of the TG700 as the master reference or as a slave to another master, depending on the
GPS7 GPS Synchronization and Time Code Module.
ATG7 Composite Analog Test Generator.
dynamic requirements of each production. The GPS7 module will maintain system timing by Stay GenLock™ technology even during periods of GPS signal loss or genlock signal loss. Three black outputs are available and are selectable for HDTV tri-level, NTSC, or PAL. Time code source can be selectable to the time-of-day (with user-selectable offsets) from GPS receiver, internal source, VITC on the reference input, LTC inpu t, or to a "program time" counter for elapsed-time time code. The Daylight Savings Time (DST) adjustment could be recurring scheduled, based on calendar rules. Time code is available as VITC on black outputs (GPS7, BG7), as Ancillary Time Code (ATC) (HDVG7, HD3G7, SDI7), from four independent LTC outputs (GPS7), and as a response to time requests on a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP version 3.0) Server.
The ATG7 Composite Analog Test Generator supports PAL, NTSC, and NTSC No Se
tup. It provides one test signal output, one color bar test signal output, and two black outputs. The black outputs can independently generate H, V, black burst, and subcarrier.
Multiformat Video Generator — TG700
AVG7 Analog
AWVG7 Analog Wideband Video Generator.
The AVG7
Video Generator.
is an Analog Video Generator for 525/625 interlace formats supporting component (Y'P'bP'r, G,B,R, Y/C), 525 Beta, and composite (PAL, N TSC, NTSC No Setup). It provides two identical component outputs, two identical Y/C and composite, or six identical composite outputs.
The AWVG7 is an Analog Wideband Video Generator that supports a variety of HD analog component formats (Y'P'bP'r or GBR). The module provides two identical component outputs with a bandwidth of 30 MHz. Up to two AWVG7 Analog Wideband Video Generators can be placed in
e TG700 mainframe.
a singl
AG7 Audio Generator.
BG7 Analog Black Generator.
The AG7 provides eight channels (4 AES/EBU pairs) of audio signal generation. I t also provides two channe ls (1 AES/EBU pair) of silence as well as a 48 kHz word clock output.
The BG7 is an analog black generator with four independently selectable outputs. The BG7 Black Generator supports NTSC and PAL black burst as well as HDTV tri-level sync. W ith Option CB, two of the outputs can also
e various analog NTSC and PAL color bar test signals.
generat 3
Data Sheet
DVG7 SD-SDI Digital Generator (shown with Option BK).
HDVG7 HD-SDI Digital Generator (shown with Option BK).
The D VG7 is a multiformat SD-SDI test signal generator. The DVG7 Digital Video Generator supports 525 line and 625 line serial digital video at 270 Mb/s and NTSC composite digital at 143.181818 Mb/s. The DVG7 Digital Video Generator has two identical test signal ou tputs. With
BK, two additional identical serial digital black signal outputs are
Option available.
The HDVG7 is a high-a c curacy, multiformat, high-denition test signal module that provides up to two identical 1.485 Gb/s serial digital video test signal outputs in a broad variety of formats. With Opt ion BK, two additional identical serial black signal outputs are available. Ancillary Time Code (ATC) generation is available when the GPS7 is installed in the TG700 mainframe. Up to t wo HDVG7 modules can be placed in a single TG700 mainframe.
The digital modules DVG7 and HDVG7 support AV timing mode and up to 16 channels of 20- or 24-bit audio sampled at 48 kHz embedded on the test signal outputs. The user can independently set frequency and level for each channel.
Full frame test and custom patterns can be generated for the AVG7, AWVG7, DVG7, and HDVG7 modules. Simple full frame patterns are available on V3.1 (or higher than V3.1) CD-ROM.
The HDLG7 is a test signal generator that provides two identical dual-link high-denition serial digital interface (HD SDI) outputs. The module
HDLG7 Dual L
HD3G7 HD/3G-SDI Test Signal Generator
ink HD-SDI Generator.
s video formats that require the use of a dual-link interface, such as 4:4:4 R'G'B' at rates up to 1080i/60 Hz or 108 0p/30 Hz, or 4:2:2: Y'C'bC'r at rates up to 1080p/60 Hz. The HDLG7 supports several standard test signals, and also has the unique ability to up-convert an arbitrary single-link HD-SDI input signal to a dual-link format for the outputs. The HDLG7 also supports digital cinema 2K formats and test patterns.
The HD3G7 is a test signal generator that pro vide s two outputs of a HD/3G-SDI video test signal. 720-line formats and 1080-line formats
bed in SMPTE standards are supported for both Level A and Level B
descri mapping structures, including 4:4:4 and/or 12-bit sampling, Y'C'bC'r, R'G'B', or XYZ color space, and 2K digital cinema formats. The 2×SMPTE 292M HD-SDI format used by some 3D TV applications is also supported.
The HD3G7 can generat e up to 32 channels of 24-bit 48 kHz embedded audio, with independently set frequency an d amplitude fo r each chan nel. The HD3G7 also has the ability to generate other types of ancillary data, such as video payload identier, ancillary time code, and user-dened
The HD3G7 includes a wide variety of standard test signals, including
color bars, pathological te s t patterns, and a programmable
SMPTE moving zone plate pattern, and it also has the ability to up-convert an input 1.485 Gb/s HD-SDI signal to a 3G output. The HD3G7 has a clock/frame trigger output that can be used to synchronize the output with an oscilloscope, for example.
SDI7 SD/HD/3G-SDI Test Signal Generator.
The SDI7 is a test signal generator th at provides two independent channels of SD/HD/3G-SDI video test signal generation in a variety of formats with 2 outputs for test and test/black signal generation per chan nel (3G-SDI signal ge
neration is optionally available). The SDI7 can generate up to 32 channels of 24-bit 48 kHz embedded audio, with independently set frequency and amplitude for each channel. The SDI7 also has the ability to generate other types of ancillary data, such as video payload identier, ancillary time code, and user-dened packets. The SDI7 includes a wide variety of standard test signals, including SMPTE color bars, pathological
erns, and a programmable moving zone plate pattern, and it also
test patt has the ability to generate full frame test signals created by the user. AV timing signal generation, when used in conjunction with a waveform monitor, can be used to ensure that audio and video are synchronized through a video path. Circle, multi-language text, and color logo overlays may be applied to the generated test signals to check aspect ratio, identify streams,
station logos. The SDI7 has a clock/frame trigger outpu t that can be
or apply used to trigger an oscilloscope to be synchronous with the video output.
AGL7, Analog Genlock Module
Reference I nput
Input Connector BNC ×2, passive loopthrough Input Impedance Input Signal NTSC/PAL black burst or HDTV tri-level sync (720p,
Amplitude Range S/N Ratio SCH Phase 0 ±40° Return Loss 30 dB at 5 MHz to 30 MHz Burst Lock / Sync Lock
Jitter with burst lock Jitter with sync lock <1 ns
1080i) Standard ±6 dB >40 dB
±3 dB amplitude change: <1 ns
Multiformat Video Generator — TG700
CW Input
Input Connector BNC ×1, internally terminated Input Impedance Input Signal CW (continuous wave) Amplitude Frequency ReturnLoss >30dBto30MHz CW Lock Stability
Over the amplitude range
Genlock Time Adjustment
Range Resolution
Color Framing Keeps accuracy even with ±45° SCH error of input
Reference Outputs
Output Signal
Black 1 Black 2, 3
Output Format Combination of the following:
Output Impedance 75 ReturnLoss >30dBto30MHz
NTSC/PAL Black Burst Output
Output Standard EBU N14, SMPTE RP154
Amplitude Accuracy Burst Frequency SCH Phase < ±5° Timing Adjustment
Range Resolution
HDTV Tri-level Sync Output
Standard SMPTE 240M, 274M, 296M, RP211 Formats
Amplitude Accuracy Timing Adjustment
Range Resolution <1 ns
2 V (1 to 2.25) V NTSC/PAL FSC, 1/5/10 MHz
<1 ns
<1 ns (typ. 1°) with CW input S/N >50 dB
Anywhere in the color frame <0.5° of NTSC/PAL subcarrier
1 ns with tri-level sync input
reference input
NTSC/PAL black burst output NTSC/PAL black b urst output or tri-level HDTV sync
NTSC/PAL black burst ×3 (one black burst is independent, two black burst are distributed outputs)
NTSC/PAL black burst ×2, HDTV tri-level sync ×1 (all three outputs are independent)
NTSC/PAL black burst ×1, HDTV tri-level sync ×2 (HDTV tri-level are distributed from the same source)
PAL-M and PAL-N are not supported Std. black burst ±2% NTSC/PAL FSC ±1 Hz
Anywhere in the color frame <0.5° of NTSC/PAL subcarrier
1080i/50 Hz, 59.94 Hz, 60 Hz 1080p/23.98 Hz, 24 Hz, 25 Hz, 29.97 Hz, 30 Hz 1080psF/23.98 Hz, 24 Hz 720p/59.94 Hz, 60 Hz
Std. HDTV tri-level ±2%
Anywhere in the frame
p-p 5
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