Atec TDS7154 User Manual

Features & Benefits
4 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 1.5 GHz, 1 GHz and 500 MHz Bandwidth Models
Up to 20 GS/s Real-time Sample Rate
Up to 32 Megasamples Memory Depth
Optional Communications Mask Testing Up to 2.5 Gb/s Rates
Optional Clock Recovery from Serial Data Streams
Optional 32-bit Serial Trigger for Isolation of Pattern­dependent Effects
10 MHz Timebase Reference Input for Enhanced Accuracy and Repeatability
Graphical User Interface Control via Classic Direct
Controls, Touch-sensitive Color Display or Mouse Navigation
Open Microsoft Windows Environment
Built-in Networking
Verification, Debug and Characterization of Sophisticated Designs
Design Development and Compliance Testing of Serial Data Streams Up to 2.5 Gb/s Rates for Telecom and Datacom Industry Standards
Debugging Telecom, Datacom and Storage Area Network Equipment Designs and High Speed Backplanes
Signal Integrity, Jitter and Timing Analysis
Spectral Analysis Disk Drive Analysis Investigation of Transient
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS7000 Series
Performance, Simplicity and Connectivity
TDS7000 Series oscilloscopes are high per­formance solutions for verification, debug and characterization of sophisticated electronic designs.The family features exceptional signal acquisition performance, operational simplicity and open connectivity to the design environ­ment. Classic analog-style controls, a large touch-sensitive display and graphical menus provide intuitive control. Open access to the Microsoft Windows operating system enables unprecedented customization and extensibility.
Superior Performance
TDS7000 models range from 500 MHz to 4 GHz bandwidth with single-shot sample rates to 20 GS/s, meeting demands of the lat­est high speed logic families and multi-Gigabit communication standards.Acquisition memory options from 2 to 32 Megasamples maximize the value of high sample rate and ensure that critical events are captured with fine detail.
High performance jitter analysis to
1.5 ps RMS is achieved through exceptional trigger and acquisition performance, deep memory and applied software.
TDS7000 Series high bandwidth signal access solutions include the P7240 4 GHz (120 ps rise time) active probe and the P7330 3.5 GHz (<130 ps rise time, typical, < 140 ps guaran­teed) differential probe. Small form-factors and a wide array of tip accessories ensure effectiveness. In addition, the TDS7404, TDS7254 and TDS7154 include the TekConnect
signal interconnect system.This interface replaces traditional BNC input con­nectors with a convenient positive-locking interface suitable for higher system band­widths. P7000 Series probes are directly com­patible with TekConnect signal interconnect system along with adapters that provide SMA, BNC and N connections.
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes •
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS7000 Series
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Signal observation time is critical for successful discovery of intermittent faults and characteri­zation of complex dynamic signals.TDS7000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes incorpo­rate 3rd generation DPX
technology to enable maximum waveform capture rates of more than 400,000 waveforms per second.This unprece­dented performance allows users to fully visual­ize signal activity.In troubleshooting applica­tions, Digital Phosphor can save minutes, hours or even days by quickly revealing the nature of faults so sophisticated trigger modes can be applied to isolate them.
Operational Simplicity
The TDS7000 Series graphical user interface delivers sophisticated capability to advanced users without intimidating occasional users. The front panel includes a complete set of classic analog-style controls for most com­monly used features. For advanced use, the combination of large 10.4 in. (264 mm) touch sensitive display and graphical interface cre­ates a highly visual environment with explicit illustration of instrument features.The wave­form display area remains visible even when
displaying control windows, so changes in the waveform aren’t missed when making selections or adjustments. Context-Sensitive Help supplements graphic control windows and encourages users to apply advanced capabilities to solve their problems.
The adaptable TDS7000 Series human interface readily supports any operating style and environment. Users can select traditional instrument-style buttons for navigation or switch to a Microsoft Windows menu bar. Classic analog-style controls provide instant access to the most frequently used functions while the large touch sensitive display pro­vides intuitive menu operation.Waveform positions, cursor locations and trigger level can be directly dragged using the touch screen or a mouse.A graphical drag-box can be used to select a waveform area for zooming, histogram analysis or measurement gating.The USB interface allows a mouse, keyboard and other peripherals to be added without powering off the instrument.With this flexibility,TDS7000 Series instruments readily adapt to a cart, cluttered bench top, shelf, floor and other locations that otherwise make operation awkward.
Serial Communications Signal Analysis
Options SM (serial mask testing) and ST (serial trigger) add powerful features for the analysis and testing of serial communications signals, including
Mask testing Clock recovery Waveform database acquisition Eye pattern measurements Serial pattern triggering
Mask Testing
Option SM provides a complete portfolio of masks for verifying compliance to serial communications standards up to 2.5 Gb/s rates. Users can easily tailor mask testing for specific requirements through additional features including:
One-button mask Autoset Optional Auto-Fit process minimizes hits Mask Margin control adjusts tolerance
during testing Hit-counting identifies location
and degree of failures Optional test-related actions including
notification, logging and hardcopy. Built-in mask editing
Masks for optical standards are included for use with external optical reference receivers (ORR) or O/E converters when ORR perform­ance is not required.The TDS7000 Series is complemented by the CSA7000 Series which includes optical input, ORR filters, clock recovery and serial pattern trigger to provide a versatile solution for verifying compliance to optical and electrical communi­cations standards. Refer to the CSA7000 Series specifications for a detailed list of standards and the powerful array of mask testing features available in both families.
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes •
Figure 1. Digital Phosphor technology provides
unprecedented waveform capture rate, maxi­mizing the probability of discovering hidden faults and revealing dynamic signal behavior.
Figure 2. Extensive use of illustrations helps
users locate advanced features quickly and apply them with confidence.
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS7000 Series
Clock Recovery
Option SM on the TDS7154,TDS7254 and TDS7404 includes clock recovery for electrical serial data streams from 1.5 Mbaud to 2.5 Gbaud. Users can easily and reliably perform mask testing and parametric analysis with a single connection.
Communications Measurements
Option SM adds a broad suite of eye-pattern related measurements that are fundamental for analysis of serial communications signals, including eye width, eye height, jitter,noise and extinction ratio.These are built on the waveform database acquisition mode which provides information over a much larger sample of data, ensuring stable and accurate results.
Serial Pattern Trigger
Option ST (serial trigger) available on the TDS7154,TDS7254 and TDS7404 models provides hardware-based serial pattern trigger.This option provides a direct means to discriminate patterns within serial data streams and analyze pattern dependent issues, even on a single-shot basis. Users can specify patterns with up to 32 bits, including “don’t care” bits. The serial trigger system can be clocked from an external source or internal clock recovery can be applied, providing single connection convenience.
External Timebase Reference
The reference oscillator in TDS7154,TDS7254 and TDS7404 models can be phase-locked to an external 10 MHz source to match stabili­ty or synchronize multiple instruments.This phase-lock technique can also enable charac­terization of very low frequency wander and modulation effects.
Application-specific Extensions
Applied measurement extensions can be installed to enhance TDS7000 capabilities. These software applications build on the pre­cision acquisition performance of TDS7000 Series to address the need for application specific measurements to quickly quantify device and system performance. Optional applications include:
Jitter analysis for high speed clock and data signal characterization
Compliance testing for signaling defined in ITU-T G.703 and ANSI T1.102 communications standards
Compliance testing for signaling defined in USB1.0 standard and USB2.0 draft standard
Disk drive read channel, head and media measurements to IDEMA standards; PRML measurements
VocalLink™ voice control software for TDS7000 Series oscilloscopes
Application-specific Extensions
The TDS7000 family contains many extended features to quantify and document signal characteristics.These features remain close at hand without cluttering the human inter­face.Applied measurement extensions can be installed to enhance TDS7000 capabilities. Optional applications include jitter analysis (TDSJIT2) and disk drive measurements (TDSDDM2).These applications build on the precision signal acquisition performance of the TDS7000 Series to address the need for application-specific measurements to quickly quantify device performance.
Intuitive Zooming
TDS7000 acquired waveforms are always horizontally fit into the display.This “big picture” is retained for context while zoom is used to select areas of specific interest. Waveform zoom can be directly controlled with knobs or the graphical user interface for intuitive interaction.
Parametric Measurements
The TDS7000 includes a complete parametric measurement system for signal characteriza­tion. Direct selection from a graphical palette makes locating choices simple. Users can quickly reassign measurements to a different waveform, simplifying verification tasks. Split cursors make it easy to measure trace-to­trace timing characteristics. Measurement statistics can be gathered for deeper insight. Measurement results are easily extracted for inclusion in a document or analysis in a spreadsheet using the Microsoft Windows clipboard or an Export function.
Powerful Math
The TDS7000 Series allows user defined math expressions to be performed on wave­form data giving them the opportunity to get on-screen results in terms that they can define. Common waveform math functions are provided at the touch of a button. For advanced applications, algebraic expressions consisting of waveform sources, math func­tions, measurement values and scalars can be created easily using a calculator-style editor.This allows users to quickly transform raw waveform data into powerful information that is readily interpreted.
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes •
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS7000 Series
Enhanced Spectral Analysis
The TDS7000 Series includes a unique spec­trum-analyzer style interface for performing frequency domain analysis. Controls such as center frequency,frequency span, resolution bandwidth and reference level provide access to wide- or narrow-band frequency,phase and group delay information.A gating function allows selection of only a portion of the time­domain signal for analysis.
Complete Connectivity
The TDS7000 Series combines a high per­formance real-time oscilloscope with a PC processor in a self-contained unit.With open access to the Windows operating environment, built-in applications such as WordPad,Paint and Internet Explorer allow users to concur­rently maintain lab notes and reference design information while working with the instrument, saving time and reducing errors.The built-in floppy disk drive provides a convenient means of transporting results while the standard net­work interfaces allow easy file sharing and remote control.The analysis and connectivity software of the TDS7000 Series provides a comprehensive software infrastructure for faster, more versatile operations. Industry­standard protocols, such as VISA and ActiveX Controls, are included for using and enhancing Windows applications such as Excel for data analysis and documentation. Or, create custom software to automate multi-step processes in waveform collection and analysis with Visual BASIC, C, C++, MATLAB,HP VEE, and other common development environments. By host­ing applications on the instrument and using
the embedded PCI bus, waveform data can be moved directly from the acquisition system to analysis applications at much faster speeds than conventional cable connections. Integration of the instrument with external PCs and non-Windows hosts is also supported by TDS7000 Series software solutions. Plug-and­play drivers are included to enable fast and easy communication with LabVIEW, Lab Windows and HP VEE programs using GPIB and LAN connections.Applications using a local area network can connect directly to a TDS7000 Series analyzer using the VXI 11.2 server included in the instrument.
View The Microsoft Windows Desktop On A Separate Monitor
TDS7000 can also be expanded with the addi­tion of an external monitor.With dual-monitor mode enabled, the instrument retains live scope displays while other applications such as publishing, analysis or browsing tools reside on the external monitor. Users can easily transfer images and waveform data from TDS7000 to the locally running applica­tion or view Web-based reference information while using the scope for design work.
Standard Interfaces
The TDS7000 includes standard interfaces for control and peripheral expansion.The GPIB command set shares a high degree of com­monality with previous TDS500/700-class instruments while increasing hardware and software performance. Both USB and PS-2 interfaces are included for mouse, keyboard and other peripheral expansion. USB offers the advantage of hot-insertion and removal so devices can be added or removed without cycling power.The TDS7000 also includes a LAN interface for network connection.
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes •
Figure 4. Open access to the Microsoft
Windows desktop allows users to leverage standard tools for documentation, analysis, information browsing and communications.
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