Atec SRM-3006 User Manual

Selective Radiation Meter SRM-3006
Selective measurement of high frequency electro­magnetic fields
Complete, easy to use test system, consisting of a base unit and measuring antennas, for non-directional detection of fields and their sources in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz
Measurements conforming to ICNIRP and
regional standards with results displayed directly in terms of the permitted limit value
Fast, reliable results using predefined
measurement routines, setups, and automatic settings
PC software for customizing tables and
measurement routines, and subsequent evaluation and handling of large quantities of measurement data
Suitable for outdoor use: Radiation protected,
robust, splash-proof, ergonomically designed; uses exchangeable rechargeable batteries; equipped with integrated GPS and voice recorder
Signals analyzed using application oriented
operating modes and special evaluation functions
Direct numerical, graphical or tabular display
of results; large resolution bandwidth avoids conversions
Editable tables for automatic correlation of
results with telecommunications services (e.g. broadcasting, GSM, WiMAX)
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The Selective Radiation Meter SRM is a compact, frequency-selective measuring system for safety analysis and environmental measurements of high-frequency electromagnetic fields. It covers broadcasting, mobile telephony, and industrial frequencies from the lowest long-wave range up to the latest wireless applications and evaluates the field exposure level in accordance with international or national standards. Where the field environment is unknown – in offices, factory buildings, public places, or private homes – the SRM provides authorities and measurement service providers with a rapid overview of the field sources that are relevant to human safety. Where the field situation is known, such as at so-called “shared sites”, where several service providers share a common antenna site, the SRM shows the overall field exposure level as well as the proportions due to each service as an absolute value or as a percentage of the permitted limit value. Users can resolve services down to individual channel accuracy and measure their contribution to the field emission with the SRM. It is also possible to integrate over the entire frequency range of the service and display the absolute result or the value relative to the permitted limit.
All functions and parameters can be set directly on the SRM basic unit via menus and the numerical keypad, softkeys, or the rotary control. As well as this, the SRM also provides facilities for saving and recalling measurement settings (setups) and entire measurement sequences (routines). The PC software included with the device, “SRM-3006 Tools”, includes editable tables for antennas and cables from other manufacturers, user-defined evaluation curves, and lists of services and operators.
The SRM is designed for everyday use and has operating modes tailored to the main areas of application: Safety Evaluation, Spectrum Analysis, Level Recorder and Scope. Details about these operating modes and other functions are given in the Specifications.
Narda offers a broad range of three-axis and single-axis measuring antennas for electric fields (E-fields) and magnetic fields (H-fields). The three-axis antennas are advantageous in practice because they give isotropic (i.e. non-directional) results automatically.
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Basic Unit SRM- 3006
Frequency Range 9 kHz to 6 GHz
RF Features
Resolution bandwidth
(RBW) Phase noise (SSB)
Reference frequency
Measurement range, setting (MR) RF attenuation 0 to 50 dB in steps of 1 dB (coupled with measurement range)
Display range 1 dB above the measurement range Maximum RF power level 27 dBm (destruction limit) Maximum DC voltage 50 V
Intrinsic noise
2nd order intermodulation products 3rd order intermodulation products
Extended level measurement uncertainty
Spurious responses (input related)
Spurious responses (residual)
Type N-Connector, 50
RF input
Unless otherwise stated, the quoted specifications apply only within the temperature range 20°C to 26°C and relative humidity between 25 % and 75 %. The device must be switched on for at least 30 minutes before the specifications can be checked.
a Verification at 57.5 MHz; 2140.5 MHz and 4500.5 MHz b Typical value
Return loss
Spectrum Analysis Safety Evaluation
See specifications for each mode
Level Recorder Scope
10 kHz carrier spacing < - 70 dBc (RBW =1 Hz) 300 kHz carrier spacing < - 100 dBc (RBW =1 Hz) Initial deviation < 1.0 ppm Aging < 5 ppm over 15 years Thermal drift < 1.5 ppm (within specified operating temperature range)
-30 dBm to +20 dBm (in 1 dB steps)
< - 130 dBm or < MR - 100 dB for RBW = 1 kHz and f 30 MHz < - 126 dBm or < MR - 96 dB for RBW = 1 kHz and f 2 GHz < - 125 dBm or < MR – 95 dB for RBW = 1 kHz and f 4 GHz < - 120 dBm or < MR - 90 dB for RBW = 1 kHz and f 6 GHz (whichever is worse) < -40 dBc for two single signals of level 6 dB below MR and a spectral line spacing of more than 1 MHz < -60 dBc for two single signals of level 6 dB below MR and a spectral line spacing of more than 1 MHz < +/- 1.2 dB for the entire frequency band (within the temperature range of 15 °C to 30 °C; valid for Spectrum Analysis and Safety Evaluation modes only)
< -60 dBc or MR -60dB (whichever is worse),
< -90 dBm or MR -60dB, (whichever is worse), Except the following frequency range: 294 to 306 MHz, where the value is < -85 dBm or MR -55 dB (whichever is worse)
> 12 dB for 1 kHz RBW, f 4.5 GHz and MR -28 dBm > 10 dB for 1 kHz RBW, f > 4.5 GHz and MR -28 dBm
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Measurement principle Spectrum analysis
Resolution bandwidths (RBW) (-3 dB)
Video bandwidth (VBW) 0.2 Hz to 2 MHz (depending on the selected RBW)
Measurement range setting (MR)
Result Type
Marker functions
Evaluation functions
Display functions
Type Gaussian Shape factor (-3 dB / 60 dB) <3.8 (for RBW 100 kHz)
10 Hz to 20 MHz (in steps of von 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20) List of available RBWs depends on selected sweep SPAN
Set individually from a list or using the “MR Search” function for determining the optimum measurement range at a given time
ACT: Displays current (actual) spectrum MAX: Maximum hold function AVG: Average over a selectable number of spectra (4 to 256) or a selectable time period (1 to 30 minutes) Max AVG: Maximum hold function after averaging over a defined number of spectra Min: Minimum hold function Min AVG: Minimum hold function after averaging over a defined number of spectra Standard: Display of the selected safety standard. Delta marker on one Result Type or for displaying the difference between two Result Types Highest peak, next peak right, next peak left, next higher peak, next lower peak Marker field (frequency, level, service name according to the selected service table) Peak table (list of 50 highest peaks) Integration over a user-specified frequency range Isotropic measurement (isotropic result displayed directly) Measurement of X-, Y- or Z- axis (separate measurement of a single axis using the isotropic / three-axis antenna)
Y-scale range 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 or 120 dB Y-scale reference MR -100 dB to MR + 20 dB (-130 dB to 40 dBm) Screen arrangement: Enlarges result display area by hiding other information.
Zoom Min: Sets the lower frequency limit of the zoom window Zoom Max: Sets the upper frequency limit of the zoom window Zoom Cent: Moves the zoom window along the frequency axis Zoom Span: Changes the scale of the zoom window Execute Zoom: Sets the zoom window limits to the selected frequency values
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Measurement principle Spectrum analysis, followed by integration over user-defined frequency bands (“services”)
Resolution bandwidths RBW (-3 dB)
Measurement range setting (MR)
Filter Result Type See Spectrum Analysis mode
Marker functions for bar graph view
Evaluation Function Distribution
Noise suppression
Automatic (Auto), depending on the narrowest user-defined service bandwidth, or user­defined (Manual) for all services, or separately defined for each individual service (Individual) Set individually from a list or using the “MR Search” function for determining the optimum measurement range at a given time
Root mean square value (RMS), RMS (integration time =
See Spectrum Analysis mode
Delta marker on one Result Type or for displaying the difference between two Result Types Highest peak, next peak right, next peak left, next higher peak, next lower peak Marker field (frequency, level, service name according to the selected service table)
Isotropic measurement (for direct display of the isotropic result) Measurement in the direction of the X, Y, and Z axis (separate measurement in one direction using an isotropic / three-axis measuring antenna) Table view showing service names, field strengths, RBW and the corresponding frequency band (up to three columns) Individual screen arrangement Sort function according to various criteria Bar graph of services showing contribution of different Result Types
Identifies whether measured values are above the device noise floor by setting a threshold (selectable at 0, 3, 6, 10, 15, or 20 dB relative to device noise floor). Measurement values below the threshold are shown as the absolute threshold value marked with “<” (less than threshold)
Others On / Off
Measurement of services and gaps in the Service Table (Others On) or Measurement of services in the Service Table excluding gaps (Others Off)
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