Atec SMW200A User Manual

R&S®SMW200A Vector Signal Generator
Data Sheet | 01.02
Test & Measurement
Version 01.02, September 2013
Key features .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Frequency and baseband main module options .......................................................................................................... 6
Frequency options .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Signal routing and baseband main module options ................................................................................................................................ 6
Enhancement options ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
RF characteristics ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Frequency ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Frequency sweep .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Reference frequency ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Level ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Level sweep ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Spectral purity ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Phase coherence (R&S®SMW-B90 option) .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Simultaneous modulation ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Analog modulation ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Amplitude modulation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Frequency modulation (R&S®SMW-B20 or R&S®SMW-B22 option) .................................................................................................... 14
Phase modulation (R&S®SMW-B20 or R&S®SMW-B22 option) ........................................................................................................... 15
Pulse modulation (R&S®SMW-K22 option) ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Input for external modulation signals .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Modulation sources for analog modulation ................................................................................................................ 17
Internal modulation generator ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Multifunction generator (R&S®SMW-K24 option) .................................................................................................................................. 17
LF output ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
High-performance pulse generator (R&S®SMW-K23 option) ............................................................................................................... 18
I/Q modulation ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
I/Q modulation performance ................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Analog I/Q inputs .................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Internal baseband characteristics (R&S®SMW-B13 or R&S®SMW-B13T option) ................................................................................. 21
Analog I/Q outputs (R&S®SMW-B13 or R&S®SMW-B13T option) ........................................................................................................ 21
Differential analog I/Q outputs (R&S®SMW-K16 option) ....................................................................................................................... 21
Envelope tracking (R&S®SMW-K540 option) ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Digital baseband inputs/outputs ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
I/Q baseband generator (R&S®SMW-B10 option) – arbitrary waveform mode .................................................................................... 24
I/Q baseband generator (R&S®SMW-B10 option) – realtime operation (custom digital modulation) ................................................... 26
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Modulation performance for digital standards and modulation systems ............................................................................................... 29
3GPP FDD (with R&S®SMW-K42 option) ......................................................................................................................................... 29
IEEE 802.11ac (with R&S®SMW-K86 option) ................................................................................................................................... 30
Custom digital modulation (with R&S®SMW-B10 option, realtime mode) ......................................................................................... 30
Digital modulation systems ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Internal digital standards ....................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Digital standards with R&S®WinIQSIM2............................................................................................................................................. 32
Fading and noise........................................................................................................................................................... 33
Fading simulator (R&S®SMW-B14 option) ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Dynamic fading (R&S®SMW-K71 option) .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Extended statistic functions (R&S®SMW-K72 option) ........................................................................................................................... 35
MIMO fading (R&S®SMW-K74 option) .................................................................................................................................................. 36
Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) (R&S®SMW-K62 option) ........................................................................................................ 37
Remote control .............................................................................................................................................................. 37
Connectors .................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Front panel connectors ......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Rear panel connectors .......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
General data .................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Ordering information .................................................................................................................................................... 41
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Key features
For all your needs
Frequency range from 100 kHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
Optional second RF path with 100 kHz up to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
Versatile configuration: from single-path vector signal generator to multichannel MIMO receiver tester
Ideal for MIMO, MSR or LTE-Advanced applications thanks to up to eight signal sources and up to 16 fading channels
Modular architecture for optimal adaptation to the application at hand
Simplify your setup
Easy generation of complex signals
Max. eight baseband generators on two internal baseband modules with realtime coder and ARB
Internal digital adding of baseband signals, even with frequency and level offset
Support of all important digital standards such as LTE, LTE-Advanced, 3GPP FDD/HSPA/HSPA+, GSM/EDGE/EDGE Evolution,
No separate PC software required for digital standards
LTE and 3GPP test case wizards for easy base station conformance testing in line with
3GPP TS 25.141 or 3GPP TS 36.141
Bring reality to your lab
Optional integrated fading section for channel emulation with up to 160 MHz bandwidth
All important fading scenarios available as presets
Installation of up to four fading modules, providing as many as 16 ”logical“ faders
Implementation of all key MIMO fading scenarios such as 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and 8x2 using a single device
Support of complex applications such as dual carrier HSPA, LTE carrier aggregation and multi-user LTE
Connection of R&S
Phase coherence option, e.g. for beamforming applications
Make your device even better
Excellent signal quality for high accuracy in spectral and modulation measurements
I/Q modulator with up to 2 GHz RF modulation bandwidth
160 MHz I/Q modulation bandwidth (in RF) with internal baseband
Exceptional modulation quality, e.g. 49 dB EVM (meas.) with 160 MHz wide WLAN IEEE 802.11ac signals
High-end pulse modulation with on/off ratio > 80 dB and rise/fall time < 10 ns
Excellent spectral purity (SSB phase noise –139 dBc (typ.) at 1 GHz, 20 kHz offset)
Envelope tracking option enables full test and verification of ET modulator chipsets
Speed up your development
Intuitive operating concept and clever help functions for quick success
Block diagram as key operating element to visualize signal flow
Adaptive GUI for overview of both simple and complex scenarios
Graphical signal monitoring at practically every point in the signal flow
Context-sensitive online help system with complete user documentation
SCPI macro recorder and code generator for generating executable remote control code from manual operating steps (for
, CVI, etc.)
Growing with your needs
Customizing of device to accommodate virtually every application
Advanced plug-in system for retrofitting baseband modules without device recalibration
Software upgrades possible at any time, simple and quick activation via key codes
Firmware updates – keeping pace with the latest developments
/1xEV-DO, WLAN IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
SGS100A signal generator modules to provide up to four RF paths
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Product data applies under the following conditions:
Three hours storage at ambient temperature followed by 30 minutes warm-up operation
Specified environmental conditions met
Recommended calibration interval adhered to
All internal automatic adjustments performed, if applicable
Specifications with limits
Represent warranted product performance by means of a range of values for the specified parameter. These specifications are marked with limiting symbols such as <, , >, , ±, or descriptions such as maximum, limit of, minimum. Compliance is ensured by testing or is derived from the design. Test limits are narrowed by guard bands to take into account measurement uncertainties, drift and aging, if applicable.
Specifications without limits
Represent warranted product performance for the specified parameter. These specifications are not specially marked and represent values with no or negligible deviations from the given value (e.g. dimensions or resolution of a setting parameter). Compliance is ensured by design.
Typical data (typ.)
Characterizes product performance by means of representative information for the given parameter. When marked with <, > or as a range, it represents the performance met by approximately 80 % of the instruments at production time. Otherwise, it represents the mean value.
Nominal values (nom.)
Characterize product performance by means of a representative value for the given parameter (e.g. nominal impedance). In contrast to typical data, a statistical evaluation does not take place and the parameter is not tested during production.
Measured values (meas.)
Characterize expected product performance by means of measurement results gained from individual samples.
Represent limits of measurement uncertainty for a given measurand. Uncertainty is defined with a coverage factor of 2 and has been calculated in line with the rules of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM), taking into account environmental conditions, aging, wear and tear.
Device settings and GUI parameters are indicated as follows: “parameter: value”.
Typical data as well as nominal and measured values are not warranted by Rohde & Schwarz.
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Frequency and baseband main module options
Frequency options
One of the following frequency options must be installed in RF path A:
SMW-B103 100 kHz to 3 GHz
R&S R&S®SMW-B106 100 kHz to 6 GHz
In addition, one of the following frequency options can be installed in RF path B:
SMW-B203 100 kHz to 3 GHz
R&S®SMW-B206 100 kHz to 6 GHz
Signal routing and baseband main module options
One of the following options must be installed:
SMW-B13 One I/Q path to RF section
R&S®SMW-B13T Two I/Q paths to RF section
If RF path B is equipped (or is planned to be retrofitted) with an R&S be installed as the baseband main module.
SMW-B20x frequency option, an R&S®SMW-B13T option must
Enhancement options
In addition to frequency options, the following RF enhancement hardware options can be installed (an R&S®SMW-B13T option must be installed as the baseband main module):
SMW-B20 FM/ϕM modulator
R&S®SMW-B22 Enhanced phase noise performance and FM/ϕM modulator
The following combinations of frequency and enhancement options are possible:
Configuration of RF path A Possible configurations of RF path B
R&S®SMW-B103 or R&S®SMW-B106 (path B not equipped)
R&S®SMW-B203 or R&S®SMW-B206
R&S®SMW-B103 and R&S®SMW-B20, or
SMW-B106 and R&S®SMW-B20
R&S®SMW-B103 and R&S®SMW-B22, or
SMW-B106 and R&S®SMW-B22
The following option can be installed once, but can be used with all installed RF paths:
SMW-B90 Phase coherence
(path B not equipped) R&S®SMW-B203 or R&S®SMW-B206 R&S®SMW-B203 and R&S®SMW-B20, or R&S®SMW-B206 and R&S®SMW-B20 (path B not equipped) R&S®SMW-B203 or R&S®SMW-B206 R&S®SMW-B203 and R&S®SMW-B20, or R&S®SMW-B206 and R&S®SMW-B20 R&S®SMW-B203 and R&S®SMW-B22, or R&S®SMW-B206 and R&S®SMW-B22
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RF characteristics
Range R&S®SMW-B103, R&S®SMW-B203 100 kHz to 3 GHz
R&S®SMW-B106, R&S®SMW-B206 100 kHz to 6 GHz Resolution of setting 0.001 Hz Resolution of synthesis fundamental frequency range = 750 MHz to 1500 MHz
standard 5 µHz (nom.)
with R&S®SMW-B22 option 0.2 µHz (nom.) Setting time 1 to within < 1 × 10
with GUI update stopped
after IEC/IEEE bus delimiter < 1.2 ms, 0.6 ms (typ.) Resolution of phase offset setting 0.1°
Frequency sweep
Operating mode digital sweep in discrete steps Trigger modes free run auto
execute one full sweep single
execute one step step
sweep start and stop controlled by
external trigger signal Trigger source external trigger signal (INST TRG A or B
Sweep range full frequency range Sweep shape sawtooth, triangle Step size linear full frequency range
logarithmic 0.01 % to 100 % per step Dwell time setting range 1 ms to 100 s Dwell time setting resolution 0.1 ms
for f > 200 MHz or < 124 Hz for f < 200 MHz,
at rear), rotary knob, touchpanel, remote control
Reference frequency
Frequency error at time of calibration in production
standard < 1 × 10 with R&S®SMW-B22 option < 5 × 10
Aging after 30 days of uninterrupted operation
standard 1 × 10 with R&S®SMW-B22 option 5 × 10
Temperature effect in temperature range from 0 °C to +50 °C
standard 6 × 10 with R&S®SMW-B22 option 6 × 10
Warm-up time to nominal thermostat temperature 10 min
Output for internal reference frequency
Connector type REF OUT on rear panel BNC female Output frequency sine wave 10 MHz or external input frequency Output level 2 dBm to 8 dBm,
5 dBm to 7 dBm (typ.)
Source impedance 50 (nom.)
Input for external reference frequency
Connector type REF IN on rear panel BNC female Input frequency 5 MHz, 10 MHz or 13 MHz Min. frequency locking range standard ±3 × 10
with R&S®SMW-B22 option ±1.5 × 10 Input level range level limits –6 dBm, 19 dBm
recommended input level 0 dBm to 19 dBm Input impedance 50 (nom.)
/day, 1 × 10
/day, 3 × 10
Installation of software that is not authorized by Rohde & Schwarz for use on the R&S®SMW200A or installation of antivirus software can deteriorate
the setting time performance.
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Input for electronic tuning of internal reference frequency
Connector type EFC on rear panel BNC female Sensitivity standard 0.5 × 10
1 × 10
with R&S®SMW-B22 option 5 × 10
8 × 10
/V to 3 × 10
/V to 2 × 10–8/V (typ.)
/V to 2 × 10
/V to 9.5 × 10–9/V (typ.)
Input voltage –10 V to +10 V Input impedance standard 10 k (nom.)
with R&S®SMW-B22 option 5 k (nom.)
Setting range 100 kHz f < 1 MHz –145 dBm to +8 dBm
1 MHz f < 3 MHz –145 dBm to +13 dBm
3 MHz  f  6 GHz –145 dBm to +30 dBm Specified level range 100 kHz f < 1 MHz –120 dBm to +3 dBm (PEP) 2
1 MHz f < 3 MHz –120 dBm to +8 dBm (PEP) 2
3 MHz  f  6 GHz –120 dBm to +18 dBm (PEP) 2 Resolution of setting 0.01 dB (nom.) Level error level setting characteristic: auto,
temperature range from +18 °C to +33 °C
100 kHz < f  3 GHz < 0.5 dB 3 GHz < f 6 GHz < 0.7 dB
Additional level error pulse modulation < 0.5 dB Output impedance VSWR in 50 system Setting time 3 to < 0.1 dB deviation from final value, with GUI update stopped, no relay switchover, f >
Interruption-free level setting range level setting characteristic:
Reverse power (from 50 source) maximum permissible RF power in output frequency range of RF path for f > 1 MHz
Maximum permissible DC voltage 50 V
level setting characteristic: auto < 1.6
10 MHz
after IEC/IEEE bus delimiter < 1 ms, 0.6 ms (typ.)
> 20 dB
uninterrupted level setting
1 MHz < f 3 GHz 50 W 3 GHz < f 6 GHz 10 W
PEP = peak envelope power.
Installation of software that is not authorized by Rohde & Schwarz for use on the R&S®SMW200A or installation of antivirus software can deteriorate
the setting time performance.
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Measured maximum available output level versus frequency.
Level sweep
Operating mode digital sweep in discrete steps Trigger modes free run auto
execute one full sweep single
execute one step step
sweep start and stop controlled by
external trigger signal Trigger source internal external trigger signal (INST TRG A or B
Trigger slope external trigger signal positive, negative Sweep range interruption-free level sweep,
level setting characteristic:
uninterrupted level setting Sweep shape sawtooth, triangle Step size setting resolution 0.01 dB Dwell time setting range 1 ms to 100 s Dwell time setting resolution 0.1 ms
at rear), rotary knob, touchpanel, remote control
0.01 dB to 30 dB
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Spectral purity
Harmonics CW, level < 10 dBm < –30 dBc Nonharmonics CW, I/Q modulation (full-scale DC input), level > –10 dBm,
Nonharmonics with R&S®SMW-B22 option CW, I/Q modulation (full-scale DC input), level > –10 dBm,
Power supply and mechanically related nonharmonics Subharmonics 1500 MHz < f 6000 MHz < –74 dBc Wideband noise carrier offset > 30 MHz, measurement bandwidth = 1 Hz
SSB phase noise CW, carrier offset = 20 kHz, measurement bandwidth = 1 Hz
SSB phase noise with R&S®SMW-B22 option
Residual FM RMS value at f = 1 GHz
Residual AM RMS value (20 Hz to 23 kHz) < 0.02 %
> 10 kHz offset from carrier and outside the modulation spectrum
100 kHz  f  200 MHz < –77 dBc 200 MHz < f 1500 MHz < –80 dBc 1500 MHz < f 3 GHz < –74 dBc 3 GHz < f 6 GHz < –68 dBc
> 10 kHz offset from carrier and outside the modulation spectrum
100 kHz  f  200 MHz < –77 dBc, –87 dBc (typ.) 200 MHz < f 1500 MHz < –90 dBc 1500 MHz < f 3 GHz < –84 dBc 3 GHz < f 6 GHz < –78 dBc
at RF = 1 GHz,
50 Hz to 10 kHz from carrier
CW, level = 10 dBm
20 MHz  f  200 MHz < –146 dBc, –149 dBc (typ.) 200 MHz < f 6 GHz < –150 dBc, –152 dBc (typ.)
I/Q modulation with full-scale internal single carrier signal , I/Q input gain = +2 dB, level = 10 dBm
20 MHz  f  200 MHz < –139 dBc, –142 dBc (typ.) 200 MHz < f 1 GHz < –141 dBc, –144 dBc (typ.) 1 GHz < f 3 GHz < –142 dBc, –145 dBc (typ.) 3 GHz < f 6 GHz < –140 dBc, –143 dBc (typ.)
20 MHz  f  200 MHz < –128 dBc, –132 dBc (typ.) f = 1 GHz < –131 dBc, –135 dBc (typ.) f = 2 GHz < –125 dBc, –129 dBc (typ.) f = 3 GHz < –121 dBc, –125 dBc (typ.) f = 4 GHz < –119 dBc, –123 dBc (typ.) f = 6 GHz < –115 dBc, –119 dBc (typ.)
CW, carrier offset = 20 kHz, measurement bandwidth = 1 Hz
20 MHz  f  200 MHz < –135 dBc, –138 dBc (typ.) f = 1 GHz < –136 dBc, –139 dBc (typ.) f = 2 GHz < –130 dBc, –133 dBc (typ.) f = 3 GHz < –126 dBc, –129 dBc (typ.) f = 4 GHz < –124 dBc, –127 dBc (typ.) f = 6 GHz < –120 dBc, –123 dBc (typ.)
300 Hz to 3 kHz < 1 Hz 20 Hz to 23 kHz < 4 Hz
< –80 dBc
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Version 01.02, September 2013
SSB phase noise / dBc (1 Hz)
-180 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
Offset frequency / Hz
Measured SSB phase noise performance with R&S
SMW-B22 option, CW mode.
100 MHz
1 GHz
3 GHz
6 GHz
SSB phase noise / dBc (1 Hz)
-180 1 10 100 1k 10k 1 00k 1M 10M
Offset frequency / Hz
Measured SSB phase noise performance with R&S
SMW-B22 option, I/Q mode.
100 MHz
1 GHz
6 GHz
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Version 01.02, September 2013
SSB phase noise / dBc (1 Hz)
-180 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
Measured SSB phase noise performance, standard instrument, CW mode.
100 MHz
1 GHz
3 GHz
6 GHz
Offset frequency / Hz
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Phase coherence (R&S®SMW-B90 option)
The R&S®SMW-K90 option provides phase-coherent RF outputs for the two RF paths or two or more instruments. For frequencies above 200 MHz, the LO output and input frequency are set to the output frequency.
LO coupling modes This mode corresponds to internal
LO operation in path A and path B. This mode corresponds to internal LO operation in path A, and LO of path B is coupled to path A. This mode corresponds to external LO operation at the LO IN connector in path A and internal LO operation in path B. This mode corresponds to external LO operation at the REF/LO IN connector in path A and path B.
REF/LO OUT states The active LO signal of path B can be
routed to the LO OUT connector (in order to couple two or more instruments).
Input of phase coherence signal
Connector type LO IN on rear panel SMA female Input impedance 50 (nom.) Input level range of external LO signal 7 dBm to 13 dBm Frequency range of external LO signal for RF setting 200 MHz < f 6 GHz 200 MHz to 6 GHz
Output of phase coherence signal
Connector type LO OUT on rear panel SMA female Output impedance 50 (nom.) Output level range of internal LO signal 7 dBm to 13 dBm Frequency range of internal LO signal for RF setting 200 MHz < f 6 GHz 200 MHz to 6 GHz
A, B internal
A internal, A B coupled
A external, B internal
A external, A B coupled
Simultaneous modulation
In the same RF path.
modulation Amplitude modulation Frequency modulation Phase modulation Pulse modulation   I/Q modulation
= compatible, – = incompatible, = compatible with limitations
For simultaneous I/Q and frequency modulation, or simultaneous I/Q and phase modulation, the instrument must be equipped with a two-path signal routing and baseband main module (R&S
Frequency modulation
Phase modulation Pulse modulation I/Q modulation
SMW-B13T option).
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Version 01.02, September 2013
Analog modulation
Amplitude modulation
Modulation source internal, external External coupling AC, DC Modulation depth modulation is clipped at high levels when
maximum PEP is reached Resolution of setting 0.1 % AM depth (m) error f AM distortion f 3 GHz, f
= 1 kHz and m < 80 % < (1 % of reading + 1 %)
= 1 kHz
m = 30 % < 0.8 % m = 80 % < 1.4 %
f > 3 GHz, f
= 1 kHz
m = 30 % < 1 %
m = 80 % < 1.6 % Modulation frequency range DC, 20 Hz to 500 kHz Modulation frequency response AC mode, 20 Hz to 500 kHz < 1 dB Incidental M at AM m = 30 %, f
= 1 kHz, peak value < 0.1 rad
Frequency modulation (R&S®SMW-B20 or R&S®SMW-B22 option)
R&S®SMW-B13T must be installed.
0 % to 100 %
FM multiplier (rm) for different frequency ranges
100 kHz  f  200 MHz rm = 1 200 MHz < f 375 MHz rm = 0.25 375 MHz < f 750 MHz rm = 0.5 750 MHz < f 1500 MHz rm = 1 1500 MHz < f 3000 MHz rm = 2 3000 MHz < f 6000 MHz rm = 4
Modulation source internal, external, internal + external External coupling AC, DC Operating modes with R&S®SMW-B20 option FM mode: normal
with R&S®SMW-B22 option FM mode: normal,
FM mode: low noise
Maximum deviation FM mode: normal rm × 10 MHz
FM mode: low noise rm × 100 kHz Resolution of setting < 200 ppm, min. rm × 0.1 Hz FM deviation error f
= 10 kHz, deviation half of maximum deviation
internal < (1.5 % of reading + 20 Hz) external < (2.0 % of reading + 20 Hz)
FM distortion f
= 10 kHz, deviation = rm × 1 MHz < 0.1 %
Modulation frequency response FM mode: normal (DC/AC coupling), 50 input impedance
DC/10 Hz to 100 kHz < 0.5 dB DC/10 Hz to 10 MHz < 3 dB
FM mode: low noise (DC/AC coupling), 50 input impedance
DC/10 Hz to 100 kHz < 3 dB
Synchronous AM with FM 40 kHz deviation, f
= 1 kHz
5 MHz < f 3 GHz < 0.1 %
f > 3 GHz < 0.2 % Carrier frequency offset at FM < 0.2 % of set deviation
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