Atec SMU200A User Manual

R&S®SMU200A Vector Signal Generator
Data Sheet | 08.00
Test & Measurement
Version 08.00, January 2012
Key features ....................................................................................................................................................................5
Frequency and enhancement options...........................................................................................................................6
Frequency options ..................................................................................................................................................................................6
Enhancement options.............................................................................................................................................................................6
Possible modulation types......................................................................................................................................................................7
Simultaneous modulation........................................................................................................................................................................7
RF characteristics...........................................................................................................................................................8
Frequency sweep....................................................................................................................................................................................8
Reference frequency...............................................................................................................................................................................8
Level .......................................................................................................................................................................................................9
Measured level data..............................................................................................................................................................................10
Level sweep..........................................................................................................................................................................................11
Spectral purity.......................................................................................................................................................................................12
List mode ..............................................................................................................................................................................................14
Phase coherence (R&S
SMU-B90 option)...........................................................................................................................................14
Analog modulation........................................................................................................................................................16
Internal modulation generator...............................................................................................................................................................16
Input for external modulation signals....................................................................................................................................................16
Amplitude modulation ...........................................................................................................................................................................16
Wideband amplitude modulation...........................................................................................................................................................16
Pulse modulation ..................................................................................................................................................................................17
Frequency modulation (R&S®SMU-B20 or R&S Phase modulation (R&S®SMU-B20 or R&S
SMU-B22 option)......................................................................................................17
SMU-B22 option) ............................................................................................................17
I/Q modulation...............................................................................................................................................................18
I/Q modulator ........................................................................................................................................................................................18
External wideband I/Q...........................................................................................................................................................................18
Internal baseband I/Q (with R&S Differential I/Q output (R&S Digital baseband output (R&S Baseband input (analog/digital) (R&S I/Q baseband generator (R&S I/Q baseband generator (R&S
Modulation uncertainty for main standards...........................................................................................................................................30
SMU-B13 option).............................................................................................................................19
SMU-B16 option).....................................................................................................................................21
SMU-B18 option) .................................................................................................................................21
SMU-B17 option) .....................................................................................................................22
SMU-B9/-B10/-B11 option) – arbitrary waveform mode......................................................................24
SMU-B9/-B10/-B11 option) – realtime operation.................................................................................26
Signal performance for digital standards ..............................................................................................................................................30
Digital standards (for the R&S®SMU-B9/-B10/-B11 options).....................................................................................34
Digital standards with external PC software or waveforms (for the R&S®SMU-B9/-B10/-B11 options) ................34
2 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
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Digital standards with R&S®WinIQSIM2™ (for the R&S®SMU-B9/-B10/-B11 ARB)..................................................35
Fading and noise...........................................................................................................................................................36
Fading simulator (R&S®SMU-B14 option) and fading simulator extension (R&S Dynamic fading and enhanced resolution (R&S Extended statistic functions (R&S MIMO fading (R&S
SMU-K74 option)...................................................................................................................................................38
Dynamic scenario simulation (R&S
SMU-K72 option)............................................................................................................................38
SMU-K77 option) .........................................................................................................................41
Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN, R&S
SMU-K71 option)......................................................................................................37
SMU-K62 option)..........................................................................................................41
SMU-B15 option)....................................................36
Other options ................................................................................................................................................................42
BER measurement (R&S BLER measurement (R&S
SMU-K80 option).........................................................................................................................................42
SMU-K80 option).......................................................................................................................................42
General data ..................................................................................................................................................................43
Remote control......................................................................................................................................................................................43
Operating data......................................................................................................................................................................................43
License information...............................................................................................................................................................................43
Ordering information....................................................................................................................................................44
Specifications apply under the following conditions: 30 minutes warm-up time at ambient temperature, specified environmental conditions met, calibration cycle adhered to, and all internal adjustments performed. Data designated “overrange” or “underrange” and data without tolerance limits is not binding.
EMC specifications are tested with sufficiently shielded cables and accessories (e.g. mouse and keypad). To prevent degradation of these specifications, it is the user's responsibility to use appropriate equipment.
In compliance with the 3GPP standard, chip rates are specified in Mcps (million chips per second), whereas bit rates and symbol rates are specified in kbps (thousand bits per second) or ksps (thousand symbols per second). Mcps, kbps and ksps are not SI units.
Device settings and GUI parameters are designated with the format "parameter: value".
This document contains the specifications of the R&S performance of the I/Q baseband generator, fading and noise. The functional specifications of the digital standards (R&S
-K61 options) and the digital standards with external PC software (R&S (PD 5213.9434.22). The digital standards with R&S
SMU200A, including RF characteristics, analog modulation, I/Q modulation,
WinIQSIM2™ are described in the R&S®WinIQSIM2™ data sheet
SMU-K6) are described in the Digital Standards data sheet
SMU-K40 to
(PD 5213.7460.22).
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SMU200A Vector Signal Generator 3
Version 08.00, January 2012
The R&S®SMU200A vector signal generator has been designed to meet all requirements encountered in the research and development as well as production of modern communications systems. The R&S independent signal generators in one cabinet of only four height units, but also offers unrivaled RF and baseband characteristics.
Due to its modular design, the R&S
SMU200A can be optimally adapted to the requirements of different applications. The first RF path can be equipped with one of the four available frequency options. The upper frequency limit of 2.2 GHz, 3 GHz, 4 GHz or 6 GHz is user-selectable. In addition, a second RF path can be installed with an upper frequency limit of 2.2 GHz or 3 GHz. The lower frequency limit of all frequency options is 100 kHz.
Two generators can also be installed in the baseband section. They generate complex signals in realtime and are equipped with an arbitrary waveform generator with 16 Msample, 64 Msample or 128 Msample memory. The signals generated in the different basebands can be added, even with frequency offset.
Featuring a dual-path concept and an optional integrated multichannel fading simulator, the R&S receivers as 2x2 MIMO systems can be tested using a single instrument. For larger systems up to 2x4 or 4x2 MIMO, two instruments can be combined.
The modern, intuitive concept of the R&S
SMU200A ensures fast and easy operation.
SMU200A not only combines up to two
SMU200A is ideal for tests on MIMO
4 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
SMU200A Vector Signal Generator
Version 08.00, January 2012
Key features
Two signal generators in one
Frequency options from 100 kHz to 2.2/3/4/6 GHz for the first RF path
Optional second RF path up to 2.2 GHz or 3 GHz
Up to two complete baseband paths
Lossless combination of baseband signals in the digital domain (e.g. for testing multistandard base stations)
Intuitive operation
Color display with 800 × 600 pixel (SVGA format)
Intuitive user interface with graphical display of signal flow (block diagram)
Graphical display of baseband signals through built-in transient recorder
Context-sensitive help system
Outstanding signal quality
I/Q modulator with 200 MHz RF bandwidth
Very low SSB phase noise of –135 dBc (typ.) (f = 1 GHz, 20 kHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth), –139 dBc (typ.)
with the enhanced phase noise performance option
Wideband noise of –153 dBc (typ.) (CW, f = 1 GHz, > 10 MHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth)
Excellent ACLR performance of +70 dB (typ.) with 3GPP FDD (test model 1, 64 DPCH)
Very high level repeatability of 0.05 dB
High output power of up to +19 dBm (PEP), overrange +26 dBm
Option for phase-coherent RF outputs
High-stability reference oscillator as standard
Unrivaled flexibility
2x2 MIMO with realtime fading possible; two instruments can be combined for 2x4 or 4x2 MIMO
Optional fading simulator with up to 40 fading paths
Support of EUTRA/LTE FDD and TDD signal generation, including Release 9 and Release 10
Realtime processing of LTE HARQ feedback commands and timing adjustment commands for closed-loop base station tests
Four code channels in realtime for 3GPP FDD, support of HSPA and HSPA+
HSUPA fixed reference channels with channel coding and HARQ feedback simulation
Support of WLAN IEEE 802.11a, b, g, n, ac
Baseband generator with universal coder for realtime signal generation
Arbitrary waveform generator with 16 Msample, 64 Msample or 128 Msample
Arbitrary waveform generator supported by R&S
WinIQSIM2TM simulation software
Ideal for production
Very short frequency and level setting times (< 2 ms); only 450 µs in list mode
Electronic attenuator with overvoltage protection up to 6 GHz over full level range
Flexible high speed measurements with RF list mode and multisegment waveforms
Minimum space required as two complete generators are accommodated in one instrument of only four height units
Optional digital I/Q input and output; support of R&S
Support of R&S
Remote control via LAN (Gigabit Ethernet, VXI11) and GPIB
Remote operation via Windows Remote Desktop or VNC
User-selectable trigger and marker signals
USB connectors for keyboard, mouse and memory stick
LXI class C compliance
NRP-Zxx power sensors
EX-IQ-Box for flexible data formats and clock generation
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Version 08.00, January 2012
Frequency and enhancement options
Frequency options
One of the following frequency options must be installed in RF path A:
SMU-B102 100 kHz to 2.2 GHz
R&S R&S®SMU-B103 100 kHz to 3 GHz R&S®SMU-B104 100 kHz to 4 GHz R&S®SMU-B106 100 kHz to 6 GHz
One of the following frequency options can be installed in RF path B:
(If R&S
SMU-B104 or R&S®SMU-B106 and one of the R&S®SMU-B20 or R&S®SMU-B22 options are installed in RF path A,
no options can be installed in RF path B.)
SMU-B202 100 kHz to 2.2 GHz
R&S R&S®SMU-B203 100 kHz to 3 GHz
Enhancement options
Enhanced phase noise performance and FM/φM modulator
One of the following options can be installed in RF path A:
SMU-B20 FM/M modulator
R&S R&S®SMU-B22 FM/M modulator and enhanced phase noise performance
These options cannot be installed in RF path B.
High-power output
The following options can be installed
SMU-B31 High-power output (RF path A)
R&S R&S®SMU-B36 High-power output (RF path B)
Phase coherence
SMU-B90 Phase coherence
This option can be installed once. It provides phase-coherent RF outputs of two or more RF paths for one or more instruments.
6 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
SMU200A Vector Signal Generator
Version 08.00, January 2012
Possible modulation types
RF path A
Amplitude modulation, frequency/phase modulation (optional), vector modulation, digital modulation via internal baseband section (optional), vector modulation via baseband inputs (optional), pulse modulation, wideband amplitude modulation
RF path B
Amplitude modulation, digital modulation via internal baseband section (optional), vector modulation via baseband inputs (optional), pulse modulation
Simultaneous modulation
In the same RF path
AM FM φM PM WB-AM I/Q DM ARB Amplitude modulation (AM) / – – – – Frequency modulation (FM)  / –  Phase modulation (φM)  – /  Pulse modulation (PM)  /  Wideband AM (WB-AM) / – – – Vector modulation (I/Q) – / – – Digital modulation (DM) – – / – ARB – – – /
= compatible, – = not compatible, switch off each other
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Version 08.00, January 2012
RF characteristics
Frequency range
Resolution of setting 0.01 Hz
Setting time 1
Phase offset adjustable in 0.1° steps
Frequency sweep
Operating modes digital sweep in discrete steps automatic, step, single,
Sweep range full frequency range
underrange 100 kHz to < 300 kHz R&S®SMU-B102, R&S®SMU-B202 up to 2.2 GHz R&S®SMU-B103, R&S®SMU-B203 up to 3 GHz R&S®SMU-B104 up to 4 GHz
SMU-B106 up to 6 GHz
standard, fundamental frequency range = 750 MHz to 1500 MHz with R&S to within < 1 × 10
SMU-B22 option 0.2 µHz
for f > 200 MHz or
5 µHz Resolution of synthesis
< 2 ms, 1.5 ms (typ.) < 124 Hz for f < 200 MHz, with GUI update stopped, after IEC/IEEE bus delimiter
ALC state: off (sample & hold) < 4 ms, 2.5 ms (typ.)
after trigger pulse in list mode < 450 µs, 300 µs (typ.)
external single, external step,
manual or external trigger,
linear or logarithmic spacing
linear full frequency range Step width logarithmic 0.01 % to 100 % per step range 10 ms to 10 s Dwell time resolution 0.1 ms
Reference frequency
after 30 days of uninterrupted operation < 1 × 10
with R&S
Maximum temperature effect
in operating temperature range ±6 × 10
with R&S Warm-up time to nominal thermostat temperature 10 min Output for internal reference signal
frequency (approx. sine wave) 10 MHz or external input frequency level 5 dBm (typ.) source impedance 50
Input for external reference
frequency 5 MHz, 10 MHz or 13 MHz maximum deviation 3 × 10 input level, limits 6 dBm,  19 dBm
recommended 0 dBm to 19 dBm
input impedance 50 Electronic tuning from input AUX I/O
sensitivity 1 × 10
with R&S®SMU-B22 option 4 × 10–9/V to 1.2 × 10 input voltage –10 V to +10 V input impedance 10 k
SMU-B22 option < 5 × 10
SMU-B22 option ±6 × 10–9
/day, < 1 × 10
/day, < 3 × 10
/V to 3 × 10
/V (typ.)
/V (typ.)
/year Aging
Installation of software that is not authorized by Rohde & Schwarz for use on the R&S®SMU200A or installation of antivirus software can deteriorate
the setting time performance.
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Version 08.00, January 2012
standard –145 dBm to +20 dBm Setting range with R&S option
Maximum level
with R&S®SMU-B31 or R&S®SMU-B36 option
Resolution 0.01 dB Level uncertainty
for levels > –120 dBm, attenuator mode: auto, temperature range = +18 °C to +28 °C
Additional uncertainty with ALC state: off (sample & hold) Output impedance
This function is needed only for some special applications. standard, ALC state: on
VSWR in 50 system
with R&S®SMU-B31 or R&S®SMU-B36 option, ALC state: on
Setting time 1
after IEC/IEEE bus delimiter, to < 0.1 dB deviation from final value, with GUI update stopped, temperature range = +18 °C to +28 °C
in list mode after trigger impulse to 0.3 dB deviation from final value range switchover with R&S R&S attenuator mode: fixed, ALC state: on Uninterrupted level setting
Back-feed (from 50 source)
maximum permissible RF power in output frequency range for f > 1 MHz
maximum permissible DC voltage 50 V
SMU-B31 or R&S®SMU-B36
to +30 dBm
f 3 GHz +13 dBm (PEP) 2
f > 3 GHz +11 dBm (PEP)
f 3 GHz +19 dBm (PEP)
f > 3 GHz +17 dBm (PEP)
1 MHz  f  3 GHz < 0.5 dB
f > 3 GHz < 0.9 dB
< 0.2 dB
f 3 GHz < 1.6, < 1.4 (typ.)
f > 3 GHz < 1.85, < 1.6 (typ.)
attenuator mode: normal
f 3 GHz < 1.65, < 1.45 (typ.) f > 3 GHz < 1.9, < 1.65 (typ.)
attenuator mode: high power
f 3 GHz < 1.7, < 1.5 (typ.) f > 3 GHz < 1.9, < 1.65 (typ.)
ALC state: on < 2 ms, 1.5 ms (typ.)
ALC state: off < 4 ms, 2.5 ms (typ.)
< 450 µs, 300 µs (typ.)
SMU-B36 option
SMU-B31 or
< 10 ms
setting range > 20 dB
1 MHz  f  3 GHz 50 W
f > 3 GHz 10 W
PEP = peak envelope power.
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Version 08.00, January 2012
Measured level data
Max. available output p ower wi th frequenc y opti on B106,
Attenuat or M ode No rm a l (lower trac e ) an d High Power (upp er trace)
Level / dBm
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Max. available output power with frequency option B 103,
Attenuat or M ode Normal (lower trace) and High P ower (upper trace)
Level / dB m
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
RF frequenc y / Hz
RF frequency / Hz
x 10
x 10
Measured maximum available output level versus frequency.
10 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
Measured level uncertainty versus frequency.
SMU200A Vector Signal Generator
Version 08.00, January 2012
(DACIF board temperature: internal temperature test point, variations caused by changes of ambient temperature).
Measured level repeatability over 6 days with random settings between measurements
Level sweep
Operating modes digital sweep in discrete steps auto, single, step,
external single, external step, manual or external trigger
Sweep range level range of attenuator modes
normal or high power
Step width logarithmic 0.1 dB to 20 dB per step
range 10 ms to 10 s Dwell time resolution 0.1 ms
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Spectral purity
Nonharmonics with R&S®SMU-B22 option
Power supply and mechanically related nonharmonics
Wideband noise
SSB phase noise
SSB phase noise with R&S®SMU-B22 option
Residual FM
Residual AM RMS value from 20 Hz to 23 kHz < 0.02 %
standard, unmodulated
level < 8 dBm < –30 dBc
level < 13 dBm < –30 dBc (typ.)
with R&S
SMU-B31 or R&S®SMU-B36
< –30 dBc option, level < 12 dBm level > –50 dBm, CW, vector modulation (full-scale DC input), > 10 kHz offset from carrier and outside the modulation spectrum
0.3 MHz  f  200 MHz < –77 dBc 200 MHz < f 1500 MHz < –80 dBc 1500 MHz < f 3000 MHz < –74 dBc f > 3000 MHz < –68 dBc
> 850 kHz offset from carrier and outside the modulation spectrum
0.3 MHz  f  200 MHz < –77 dBc 200 MHz < f 1500 MHz < –86 dBc 1500 MHz < f 3000 MHz < –80 dBc
f > 3000 MHz < –74 dBc level > –50 dBm, CW, vector modulation (full-scale DC input), > 10 kHz offset from carrier and outside the modulation spectrum
0.3 MHz  f  200 MHz < –77 dBc (–87 dBc (typ.))
200 MHz < f 1500 MHz < –90 dBc
1500 MHz < f 3000 MHz < –84 dBc
f > 3000 MHz < –78 dBc at RF = 1 GHz,
< –70 dBc 50 Hz to 10 kHz from carrier 1500 MHz < f 3000 MHz < –74 dBc Subharmonics f > 3000 MHz < –50 dBc > 10 MHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth, CW
20 MHz  f  200 MHz < –146 dBc (–149 dBc (typ.)) 200 MHz < f 1500 MHz < –150 dBc (–153 dBc (typ.))
1.5 GHz < f 3 GHz < –148 dBc (–151 dBc (typ.)) f > 3 GHz < –146 dBc (–149 dBc (typ.))
vector modulation with full-scale DC input, 3 dB I/Q input gain
20 MHz  f  200 MHz < –143 dBc (–146 dBc (typ.)) 200 MHz < f 1500 MHz < –146 dBc (–149 dBc (typ.))
1.5 GHz < f 3 GHz < –145 dBc (–148 dBc (typ.)) f > 3 GHz < –143 dBc (–146 dBc (typ.))
20 kHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth, CW
20 MHz  f  200 MHz < –128 dBc (–132 dBc (typ.)) f = 1 GHz < –131 dBc (–135 dBc (typ.)) f = 2 GHz < –125 dBc (–129 dBc (typ.)) f = 3 GHz < –121 dBc (–125 dBc (typ.)) f = 4 GHz < –119 dBc (–123 dBc (typ.)) f = 6 GHz < –115 dBc (–119 dBc (typ.))
20 kHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth, CW
20 MHz  f  200 MHz < –135 dBc (–138 dBc (typ.)) f = 1 GHz < –136 dBc (–139 dBc (typ.)) f = 2 GHz < –130 dBc (–133 dBc (typ.)) f = 3 GHz < –126 dBc (–129 dBc (typ.)) f = 4 GHz < –124 dBc (–127 dBc (typ.)) f = 6 GHz < –120 dBc (–123 dBc (typ.))
RMS value at f = 1 GHz
300 Hz to 3 kHz < 1 Hz 20 Hz to 23 kHz < 4 Hz
12 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
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Version 08.00, January 2012
Measured SSB phase noise, I/Q modulated
SSB phase noise / dBc (1Hz meas. bandwidth)
-160 1,0E+00 1,0E+01 1,0E+02 1,0E+03 1,0E+04 1,0E+05 1,0E+06 1,0E+07
SSB phase noise / dBc (1Hz meas. bandwidth)
-160 1,0E+00 1,0E+01 1,0E+02 1,0E+03 1,0E+04 1,0E+05 1,0E+06 1,0E+07
5.7 GHz
2.1 GHz
850 MHz
100 MHz
Offset frequency/Hz
Measured SSB phase noise, unmodulated
5.7 GHz
2.1 GHz
850 MHz
100 MHz
Offset frequency/Hz
–40 –50 –60 –70 –80
Standard performance Enhanced phase noise performance with B22 option
–90 –100 –110 –120 –130 –140 –150
SSB phase noise / dBc (1 Hz)
–160 –170 –180
1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
Offset frequency / Hz
Measured SSB phase noise, f = 1 GHz, comparison of standard performance
and performance with R&S
SMU-B22 option.
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Version 08.00, January 2012
List mode
Frequency and level values can be stored in a list and set in an extremely short amount of time. Operating modes automatic, single sweep, manual or
external trigger, fast hopping with
immediate and external trigger Max. number of channels 10000 Dwell time 1 ms to 1 s
Resolution 0.1 ms
after external trigger see frequency and level data Setting time additional trigger delay in two-path units,
< 200 µs
both paths operated in list mode
Phase coherence (R&S®SMU-B90 option)
The R&S®SMU-B90 provides phase-coherent RF outputs of two or more RF paths for one or more instruments with I/Q modulation. The R&S
SMU-B90 option can be installed in any R&S®SMU200A with serial number 103001 or higher.
Coupling modes
LO out state
Frequency range
internal This mode corresponds to normal
operation. Each RF path uses its internal local oscillator.
external An external signal is used for path A. With
a two-path instrument, the internal local oscillator signal is used for path B.
coupled A –> B The local oscillator signal of path A is also
used for path B (only for two-path instruments).
externally coupled A –> B An external signal is input at the LO IN
connector and used for the coupled paths A and B (only for two-path instruments).
The internal local oscillator signal used
on with path A is also available on the LO OUT connector (in order to couple two instruments). The LO OUT signal is switched off. off internal mode (no LO coupling)
underrange 100 kHz to < 300 kHz R&S®SMU-B102,
R&S R&S®SMU-B103,
R&S R&S®SMU-B104 up to 4 GHz
SMU-B106 up to 6 GHz
up to 2 GHz
up to 3 GHz
external modes, coupled A –> B, externally coupled A –> B
R&S© SMU-B102 and
R&S R&S© SMU-B103 and
200 MHz to 2 GHz
200 MHz to 3 GHz
other configurations Coupling is possible within the smallest
common frequency range of all RF paths
to be coupled. LO IN 10 dBm to 16 dBm (nom.) Levels of external local oscillator signals LO OUT 13 dBm (nom.)
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versus temperature 0.1° (nom.)
when ambient temperature changes
by 1 °C
versus time 0.02°/h (nom.) versus level 2°/dB (nom.)
setting range
0.00° to 359.99° (with baseband phase offset) setting resolution 0.01°
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