Atec SMR User Manual

Data sheet
June 2004
Microwave Signal Generator ¸SMR

High-performance, cost-effective and reliable up to 40 GHz

Instrument family with four models
– ¸SMR20 (10 MHz to 20 GHz) – ¸SMR27 (10 MHz to 27 GHz) – ¸SMR30 (10 MHz to 30 GHz) – ¸SMR40 (10 MHz to 40 GHz)
Standard version:
CW generator with pulse modulation and digital frequency sweep
generator and synthesized sweep generator with analog ramp sweep owing to flexible options concept
Optional pulse generator for radar
and EMC applications
Optional IF input for upconversion of
digitally modulated IF signals
Compact, lightweight, user-friendly:
ideal in the lab and for field applications
3-year calibration cycle
The allrounder – designed for future-proofness

Ease of operation

High-contrast LC display
Online help including IEC/IEEE-bus
Simple and self-explanatory settings
User-assignable keys
One-hand operation with EasyWheel

Wide frequency range

¸SMR20 (1 GHz to 20 GHz)
¸SMR27 (1 GHz to 27 GHz)
¸SMR30 (1 GHz to 30 GHz)
¸SMR40 (1 GHz to 40 GHz)
Optional extension of lower frequency
limit to 10 MHz (¸SMR-B11)
Frequency resolution 1 kHz,
optional 0.1 Hz (¸SMR-B3)

High output power

¸SMR20 >+10 dBm (at 20 GHz)
(at 30/40 GHz)
>+11 dBm (at 27 GHz)
>+9 dBm

High-precision level control

High-precision, frequency-response-
compensated level control
Setting range extendible to
130 dBm by means of the optional RF Attenuator ¸SMR-B15/-B17

Three instruments in one

CW generator with pulse modulation
capability (standard version)
Signal generator with AM/FM and
LF generator (option ¸SMR-B5)
Synthesized sweep generator with
analog ramp sweep (option ¸SMR-B4)
Optional pulse generator (¸SMR-B14)
Operating modes: single pulse, double pulse, externally triggered, gate mode
Pulse repetition 100 ns to 85 s
Pulse width 20 ns to 1 s

Sweep capabilities

Digital RF and level sweep
(standard version)
Analog ramp sweep
(RF sweep, option ¸SMR-B4)
Max. sweep rate for ramp sweeps
min. 600 MHz/ms (frequency >2GHz)
Digital sweep of LF generator
(with option ¸SMR-B5)
10 user-selectable frequency
markers for RF sweep
Operating modes: automatic, single-
shot, manual, externally triggered
Optional IF input (¸SMR-B23/-B24/-B25)
Built-in upconverter for digitally
modulated IF signals (¸SMR-B23/
-B24: DC to 700 MHz, ¸SMR-B25: 40 MHz to 6 GHz for ¸SMR20 only)
Ideal for use with Vector Signal
Generator ¸SMIQ and I/Q Modulation Generator ¸AMIQ
2 Microwave Signal Generator ¸SMR
CW, signal or synthesized sweep generator


Space for 50 complete instrument

The CW generator

The ¸SMR family comprises four base models designed as CW generators with pulse modulation capability. The
High-precision output level
Microwave signal generators are fre­quently used for calibrating test receivers. This task calls for a highly accurate and stable output level settable with high reso­lution. This is ensured by a high-precision, frequency-response-compensated level control for levels higher than –20 dBm. The setting range can be extended to –130 dB with the optional RF Attenuator ¸SMR-B15 or ¸SMR-B17.
Application-oriented frequency resolution
The standard frequency resolution of 1 kHz of the ¸SMR offers a comfort­able margin for most applications, for example frequency response measure­ments in the laboratory and in production and servicing. To satisfy more stringent requirements, e.g. for scientific applica­tions and research, the ¸SMR-B3 option is available to improve frequency
resolution to 0.1 Hz. four models have a common lower fre­quency limit of 1 GHz and provide fre­quency coverage up to 20 GHz (¸SMR20), 27 GHz (¸SMR27), 30 GHz (¸SMR30) and 40 GHz (¸SMR40). The lower limit can be expanded to 10 MHz by the optional Frequency Extension 0.01 GHz to 1 GHz (¸SMR-B11).
Stable output frequency
The crystal reference built in as standard ensures an accurate, low-drift output fre­quency. The ¸SMR can be fitted with the optional OCXO Reference Oscillator ¸SMR-B1 to satisfy the most strin­gent requirements in terms of accuracy and aging.
Pulse modulator included
Pulse modulation is still the most impor-
tant modulation mode for microwave
applications. Each of our base units is,
therefore, equipped with a high-quality
pulse modulator. The on/off ratio is better
than 80 dB, the rise/fall time shorter than
12 ns. Pulse widths of up to 25 ns are
possible. Offering an excellent price/performance ratio, each of the four base models is ideal for the user wishing to enter the field of microwave testing at an afford­able price. Should the measurement tasks become more demanding, the base models can be upgraded any time by means of options to give an AM/FM sig­nal generator or a synthesized sweep generator featuring fast, fully synthe­sized, analog ramp sweep.
Excellent spectral purity
The ¸SMR stands out from other generators for its excellent spectral purity. Advanced frequency synthesis with fractional-N divider makes for low SSB phase noise and high spurious sup­pression, both of which are for example prerequisites for reliable receiver mea­surements. Modern microwave filters in the output path of the instrument ensure excellent harmonics suppression. This is necessary to obtain conclusive results in scalar network analysis measurements.
High output level saves you real cash
All microwave test setups involve high losses caused by the use of long cables, power dividers, directional couplers and RF relays. Expensive microwave amplifi-
These guaranteed values illustrate that
the ¸SMR is the ideal generator for
use in the development, production and
maintenance of radar equipment.
ers are usually the only means to remedy this. But not with the ¸SMR: the high output power provided by all models eliminates the need for such a costly component.
dBc (1 Hz)
2 4 68 2 4 68 2 4 68 2 4 68 2 4 68
10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
SSB phase noise at 10 GHz
Microwave Signal Generator ¸SMR 3
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