Atec SMJ100A User Manual

¸SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator
Data sheet
Key features ..............................................................................................................................................................................................4
Baseband generator options ...................................................................................................................................................................5
Modulation ................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Possible modulation types ......................................................................................................................................................................5
Simultaneous modulation........................................................................................................................................................................5
RF characteristics ....................................................................................................................................................................................6
Frequency ...............................................................................................................................................................................................6
Frequency sweep....................................................................................................................................................................................6
Reference frequency...............................................................................................................................................................................6
Level .......................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Measured level data................................................................................................................................................................................8
Level sweep ............................................................................................................................................................................................9
Spectral purity .........................................................................................................................................................................................9
List mode ..............................................................................................................................................................................................10
Analog modulation .................................................................................................................................................................................11
Internal modulation generator ...............................................................................................................................................................11
Input for external modulation signals ....................................................................................................................................................11
Amplitude modulation ...........................................................................................................................................................................11
Wideband amplitude modulation...........................................................................................................................................................12
Pulse modulation ..................................................................................................................................................................................12
Frequency modulation (R&S®SMJ-B20 option) ....................................................................................................................................12
Phase modulation (R&S®SMJ-B20 option) ...........................................................................................................................................12
I/Q modulation ........................................................................................................................................................................................13
I/Q modulator ........................................................................................................................................................................................13
External wideband I/Q...........................................................................................................................................................................13
Internal baseband I/Q (with R&S®SMJ-B13 option) ..............................................................................................................................14
Differential I/Q output (R&S®SMJ-B16 option) ......................................................................................................................................16
Digital baseband output (R&S®SMJ-B18 option) ..................................................................................................................................17
I/Q baseband generator (R&S®SMJ-B9/-B10/-B11/-B50/-B51 option) – arbitrary waveform mode...................................................... 18
I/Q baseband generator (R&S®SMJ-B9/-B10/-B11 option) – realtime operation ..................................................................................20
Modulation uncertainty for main standards ...........................................................................................................................................24
Signal performance for digital standards ..............................................................................................................................................24
Digital standards (for the R&S®SMU-B9/-B10/-B11) ............................................................................................................................28
Digital standards with external PC software........................................................................................................................................28
Digital standards with R&S®WinIQSIM2™ (for the R&S®SMJ-B9/-B10/-B11/-B50/-B51 ARB) .........................................................29
Digital standards with R&S®WinIQSIM™ (for the R&S®SMJ-B9/-B10/-B11/-B50/-B51 ARB) ...........................................................29
R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator Version 05.00, December 2007
Noise generation ....................................................................................................................................................................................30
Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN, R&S®SMJ-K62 option)...........................................................................................................30
Other options ..........................................................................................................................................................................................31
BER measurement (R&S®SMJ-K80 option)..........................................................................................................................................31
BLER measurement (R&S®SMJ-K80 option)........................................................................................................................................31
General data............................................................................................................................................................................................32
Remote control......................................................................................................................................................................................32
Operating data ......................................................................................................................................................................................32
License information...............................................................................................................................................................................32
Ordering information..............................................................................................................................................................................33
Version 05.00, December 2007 R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator
Key features
Intuitive operation
Color display with 800 × 600 pixels (SVGA format)
Intuitive user interface with graphical display of signal flow (block diagram)
Graphical display of baseband signals through built-in transient recorder
Context-sensitive help system
Outstanding signal quality
I/Q modulator with 200 MHz RF bandwidth
Very low SSB phase noise of typ. –133 dBc (f = 1 GHz, 20 kHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth)
Wideband noise of typ. –153 dBc (CW, f = 1 GHz, >10 MHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth)
Excellent ACLR performance of typ. +69 dB with 3GPP FDD (test model 1, 64 DPCH)
Very high level repeatability of 0.05 dB
High-stability reference oscillator as standard
Unrivaled flexibility
Support of EUTRA/LTE signal generation
Support of WiMAX IEEE 802.16-2004/Corr1-2005, 802.16e-2005, and WiBro
Four code channels in realtime for 3GPP FDD, support of HSDPA and HSUPA
Support of WLAN IEEE 802.11a, b, g and n
Change of modulation from slot to slot for GSM/EDGE
Baseband generator with universal coder for realtime signal generation
Arbitrary waveform generator with 16 Msample, 64 Msample or 128 Msample and multisegment support
Arbitrary waveform generator supported by R&S
Ideal for production
Very short frequency and level setting times (<2 ms); only 450 µs in List mode
Electronic attenuator with overvoltage protection up to 6 GHz over full level range
Flexible high speed measurements with RF List mode and multisegment waveforms
simulation software
Remote control via LAN (Gigabit Ethernet, VXI11) and GPIB
Remote operation via Windows Remote Desktop or VNC
User-selectable trigger and marker signals
USB connectors for keyboard, mouse, and memory stick
LXI class C compliance
R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator Version 05.00, December 2007
Baseband generator options
The R&S®SMJ100A can be equipped with one of the following I/Q baseband generators:
SMJ-B9 Baseband Generator with ARB (128 Msample) and Digital Modulation (realtime)
R&S R&S®SMJ-B10 Baseband Generator with ARB (64 Msample) and Digital Modulation (realtime) R&S®SMJ-B11 Baseband Generator with ARB (16 Msample) and Digital Modulation (realtime) R&S®SMJ-B50 Baseband Generator with ARB (64 Msample) R&S®SMJ-B51 Baseband Generator with ARB (16 Msample)
The R&S
SMJ-B9/-B10/-B11 baseband generators include an arbitrary waveform generator and a realtime coder. If these baseband
generators are installed, the following software options can be added:
Digital standards and modulation systems running on the instrument (R&S
Digital standards with R&S
external PC
Digital standards with R&S
SMJ-K5/-K6/-K8 options
WinIQSIM2™ (R&S®SMJ-K240 to R&S®SMJ-K262 options); R&S®WinIQSIM2™ runs on an
WinIQSIM™ (R&S®SMJ-K11 to R&S®SMJ-K20 options); R&S®WinIQSIM™ runs on an external PC
SMJ-K40 to R&S®SMJ-K61 options)
The R&S
SMJ-B50/-B51 baseband generators include an arbitrary waveform generator. If these baseband generators are installed,
the following software options can be added:
Digital standards with R&S
external PC
Digital standards with R&S
SMJ-K6 option
WinIQSIM2™ (R&S®SMJ-K240 to R&S®SMJ-K262 options); R&S®WinIQSIM2™ runs on an
WinIQSIM™ (R&S®SMJ-K11 to R&S®SMJ-K20 options); R&S®WinIQSIM™ runs on an external PC
Possible modulation types
Amplitude modulation, frequency/phase modulation (optional), vector modulation, digital modulation via internal baseband section (optional), pulse modulation, wideband amplitude modulation
Simultaneous modulation
AM FM φM Pulse BB-AM I/Q DM ARB Amplitude modulation (AM) / + + + – – – – Frequency modulation (FM) + / – + + + + + Phase modulation (φM) + – / + + + + + Pulse modulation + + + / + + + + Broadband AM (BB-AM) – + + + / – – – Vector modulation (I/Q) – + + + – / – – Digital modulation (DM) – + + + – – / – ARB – + + + – – – /
+ = compatible, – = not compatible, switch off each other
Version 05.00, December 2007 R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator
RF characteristics
Resolution of setting 0.01 Hz Resolution of synthesis standard, fundamental frequency range
Setting time1
Phase offset adjustable in 0.1° steps
Frequency sweep
Operating modes digital sweep in discrete steps automatic, step, single,
Sweep range full frequency range
underrange 100 kHz to <300 kHz R&S®SMJ-B103 up to 3 GHz
SMJ-B106 up to 6 GHz
5 µHz 750 MHz to 1500 MHz to within <1 × 10
for f > 200 MHz or <124 Hz for f < 200 MHz, with GUI update stopped after IEC/IEEE bus delimiter <2 ms, typ. 1.5 ms
in ALC OFF MODE S&H <4 ms, typ. 2.5 ms
after trigger pulse in List mode <450 µs, typ. 300 µs
external single, external step, manual or external trigger, linear or logarithmic spacing
linear full frequency range Step width logarithmic 0.01 % to 100 % per step
Reference frequency
Aging after 30 days of uninterrupted operation <1 × 10 Temperature effect in operating temperature range ±6 × 10 Warm-up time to nominal thermostat temperature 10 min Output for internal reference signal
Input for external reference
Electronic tuning from input AUX I/O
frequency (approx. sinewave) 10 MHz or external input frequency level typ. 5 dBm source impedance 50 Ω frequency 5 MHz, 10 MHz or 13 MHz maximum deviation 3 × 10 input level, limits ≥−6 dBm, 19 dBm
recommended 0 dBm to 19 dBm input impedance 50 Ω sensitivity typ. 1 × 10 input voltage –10 V to +10 V input impedance 10 kΩ
/day, <1 × 10
/V to 3 × 10
Installation of software that is not authorized by Rohde & Schwarz for use on the R&S®SMJ100A or installation of antivirus software can deteriorate the
setting time performance.
R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator Version 05.00, December 2007
Setting range –145 dBm to +20 dBm
f 3 GHz +13 dBm (PEP)2 Maximum level f > 3 GHz +11 dBm (PEP)
Resolution 0.01 dB Level uncertainty
Additional uncertainty with ALC OFF, S&H Output impedance VSWR in 50 Ω system
Setting time3
Back-feed (from ≥50 Ω source)
for levels >–120 dBm, attenuator mode Auto, temperature range +18 °C to +28 °C
1 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3 GHz <0.5 dB
f > 3 GHz <0.9 dB This function is needed only in some special applications. ALC state ON
f 3 GHz
f > 3 GHz after IEC/IEEE bus delimiter, to <0.1 dB deviation from final value, with GUI update stopped, temperature range +18 °C to +28 °C ALC state ON <2 ms, typ. 1.5 ms ALC state OFF <4 ms, typ. 2.5 ms in List mode after trigger impulse to <0.3 dB deviation from final value with attenuator mode fixed, ALC state ON Uninterrupted level setting
setting range >20 dB maximum permissible RF power in output frequency range for f > 1 MHz
1 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3 GHz 50 W
f > 3 GHz 10 W maximum permissible DC voltage 50 V
<0.2 dB
<1.6, typ. <1.4 <1.85, typ. <1.6
<450 µs, typ. 300 µs
PEP = peak envelope power.
Installation of software that is not authorized by Rohde & Schwarz for use on the R&S®SMJ100A or installation of antivirus software can deteriorate the
setting time performance.
Version 05.00, December 2007 R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator
Measured level data
Measured level versus frequency
Level repeatability with random settings between measurements (upper diagram)
The lower diagram shows the temperature inside the instrument during the measurement
R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator Version 05.00, December 2007
Level sweep
Operating modes digital sweep in discrete steps automatic, single, step,
external single, external step,
manual, or external trigger Sweep range full level range Step width logarithmic 0.1 dB to 20 dB per step
range 10 ms to 10 s Dwell time
resolution 0.1 ms
Spectral purity
Power supply and mechanically related nonharmonics
Wideband noise
SSB phase noise
Residual FM
Residual AM rms value 20 Hz to 23 kHz <0.02 %
level <8 dBm <–30 dBc
level <13 dBm typ. <–30 dBc level >–50 dBm, CW, vector modulation (full-scale DC input), >10 kHz offset from carrier and outside the modulation spectrum
0.3 MHz ≤ f ≤ 200 MHz <–77 dBc
200 MHz < f 1500 MHz <–80 dBc
1500 MHz < f 3000 MHz <–74 dBc
f > 3000 MHz <–68 dBc 850 kHz offset from carrier and outside the modulation spectrum
0.3 MHz ≤ f ≤ 200 MHz <–77 dBc
200 MHz < f 1500 MHz <–86 dBc
1500 MHz < f 3000 MHz <–80 dBc
f > 3000 MHz <–74 dBc at RF = 1 GHz, 50 Hz to 10 kHz from carrier 1500 MHz < f 3000 MHz <–74 dBc Subharmonics 3000 MHz < f 6000 MHz <–50 dBc carrier offset >10 MHz, measurement bandwidth 1 Hz, CW
20 MHz ≤ f ≤ 200 MHz <–146 dBc (typ. –149 dBc)
200 MHz < f 1500 MHz <–150 dBc (typ. –153 dBc)
1.5 GHz < f 3 GHz <–148 dBc (typ. –151 dBc)
f > 3 GHz <–146 dBc (typ. –149 dBc) vector modulation with full-scale DC input
20 MHz ≤ f ≤ 200 MHz <–140 dBc (typ. –143 dBc)
200 MHz < f 1500 MHz <–143 dBc (typ. –146 dBc)
1.5 GHz < f 3 GHz <–142 dBc (typ. –145 dBc)
f > 3 GHz <–140 dBc (typ. –143 dBc) carrier offset 20 kHz, measurement bandwidth 1 Hz, unmodulated
20 MHz ≤ f ≤ 200 MHz <–126 dBc (typ. –130 dBc)
f = 1 GHz <–129 dBc (typ. –133 dBc)
f = 2 GHz <–123 dBc (typ. –127 dBc)
f = 3 GHz <–119 dBc (typ. –123 dBc)
f = 4 GHz <–117 dBc (typ. –121 dBc)
f = 6 GHz <–113 dBc (typ. –117 dBc) rms value at f = 1 GHz
300 Hz to 3 kHz <1 Hz
20 Hz to 23 kHz <4 Hz
<–70 dBc
Version 05.00, December 2007 R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator
List mode
Frequency and level values can be stored in a list and set in an extremely short amount of time. Operating modes automatic, single sweep, manual or
external trigger Maximum number of channels 10000 Dwell time 1 ms to 1 s
Resolution 0.1 ms
Setting time after external trigger see frequency and level data
R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator Version 05.00, December 2007
Analog modulation
Internal modulation generator
Frequency range 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz Resolution of setting 0.1 Hz Frequency uncertainty <0.012 Hz +
relative deviation of reference frequency
up to 100 kHz <0.1 dB Frequency response
up to 1 MHz <1 dB Distortion up to 100 kHz at RL >200 Ω, level (Vp) 1 V <0.1 % Output voltage
Output impedance 16 Ω Frequency setting time to within <1 × 10
Input for external modulation signals
Modulation input EXT MOD
Vp at LF connector, RL >200 Ω 1 mV to 3 V
resolution 1 mV setting uncertainty at 1 kHz <(1 % of reading + 1 mV)
stopped, after IEC/IEEE bus delimiter
, with GUI update
digital sweep in discrete steps
operating modes automatic, step, single,
sweep range full frequency range linear step width full frequency range logarithmic step width 0.01 % to 100 % per step
input impedance high (>100 kΩ), switchable to 50 Ω
input sensitivity (peak value for set
modulation depth or deviation)
absolute maximum rating 10 V
<3 ms
external single, external step, manual or external trigger, linear or logarithmic spacing
with R&S 1 V
SMJ-B20 option
Amplitude modulation
Operating modes internal, external AC/DC Modulation depth At high levels, modulation is clipped if the
maximum PEP is reached. Resolution 0.1 % Setting uncertainty attenuator mode Auto,
AM distortion
Modulation frequency range DC, 20 Hz to 500 kHz
Modulation frequency response AC mode, 20 Hz to 500 kHz <1 dB Incidental φM at AM m = 30 %, f
= 1 kHz and m <80 %
PEP in specified range, attenuator mode
f 3 GHz, at f
m = 30 % <0.5 % m = 80 % <0.8 %
f > 3 GHz, at f
m = 30 % <1 % m = 80 % <1.6 %
= 1 kHz
= 1 kHz
= 1 kHz, peak value <0.1 rad
0 % to 100 %
<(1 % of reading + 1 %)
Version 05.00, December 2007 R&S®SMJ100A Vector Signal Generator
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