Agilent E8241A/44A/51A/54A
PSG Family
Performance Signal Generator
Data Sheet
All specifications and characteristics apply over a 0 to 55°C range
(unless otherwise stated) and
apply after a 45 minute warm-up
time. Supplemental characteristics,
denoted as typical or nominal,
provide additional (non-warranted)
Specifications (spec): represent
warranted performance.
Typical (typ): performance is not
warranted. It applies at 25°C.
80% of all products meet typical
Nominal (nom): values are not
warranted. They represent the
value of a parameter that is most
likely to occur; the expected or
mean value. They are included to
facilitate the application of the
Standard (std): No options are
included when referring to the
signal generator unless noted
CW only Analog
PSG-L Series PSG-A Series
250 kHz to 20 GHz E8241A E8251A
250 kHz to 40 GHz E8244A E8254A

Frequency Range PSG-L Series PSG-A Series
250 kHz to 20 GHz E8241A E8251A
250 kHz to 40 GHz E8244A E8254A
Resolution 0.01 Hz
Accuracy Calibration = aging rate ± temperature effects
± line voltage effects
Switching speed (typical)
Analog modulation < 15 ms
Modulation off < 15 ms
Phase offset Adjustable in nominal 0.1° increments.
Frequency bands
Band Frequency range N #
1 250 kHz to 250 MHz 1/8
2 > 250 to 500 MHz 1/16
3 > 500 MHz to 1 GHz 1/8
4 > 1 to 2 GHz 1/4
5 > 2 to 3.2 GHz 1/2
6 > 3.2 to 10 GHz 1
7 > 10 to 20 GHz 2
8 > 20 to 40 GHz 4
Internal timebase reference oscillator
Standard Option UNJ
Aging rate < ±1 x 10–7/year or < ±3 x10–8/year or
< ±4.5 x 10
/day < ±2.5 x 10
after 45 days after 24 hours
Temperature effects (typical) < ±5 x 10–80 to 55°C < ±4.5 x 10–90 to 55°C
Line voltage effects (typical) < ±2 x 10–9for < ±2 x 10
+5% –10% change ±10% change
External reference frequency 1, 2, 2.5, 5, 10 MHz 10 MHz only
(within 1 ppm) (within 1 ppm)
Reference output
Frequency 10 MHz
Amplitude > +4 dBm typical into 50Ω load
External reference input
Amplitude > –3 dBm
Opt UNJ 5 dBm ±5 dB
Input impedance 50Ω, nominal
Digital sweep
Operating modes Step sweep of frequency or amplitude or both
(Start to stop)
List sweep of frequency or amplitude or both
(Arbitrary list)
Useable to 100 kHz
To within 0.1 ppm of final frequency above 250 MHz or
within 100 Hz below 250 MHz
To optimize phase noise 5 dBm ± 2 dB
L and A Series

Sweep range
Frequency sweep Within instrument frequency range
Amplitude sweep Within attenuator hold range
Dwell time 1 ms to 60 s
Frequency settling time 28 ms typical
Amplitude settling time 10 ms typical
Number of points 2 to 1601
Triggering Auto, external, single, or GPIB
Frequency range Standard Option 1EA
20 GHz Models
250 kHz to 3.2 GHz –20 to +13 –20 to +16
> 3.2 to 20 GHz –20 to +13 –20 to +20
40 GHz Models
250 kHz to 3.2 GHz –20 to +9 –20 to +15
> 3.2 to 20 GHz –20 to +9 –20 to +18
> 20 to 40 GHz –20 to +9 –20 to +14
20 GHz Models with option 1E1
250 kHz to 3.2 GHz –135 to +11 –135 to +15
> 3.2 to 20 GHz –135 to +11 –135 to +18
40GHz Models with option 1E1
250 kHz to 3.2 GHz –135 to +7 –135 to +14
> 3.2 to 20 GHz –135 to +7 –135 to +16
> 20 to 40 GHz –135 to +7 –135 to +12
Option 1E1 step attenuator 0 dB and 5 to 115 dB in 10 dB steps
Attenuator hold range
(Same as max power sweep range)
Minimum From –20 dBm to maximum specified output power.
Can be offset using Option 1E1 attenuator.
Amplitude switching speed
CW or analog modulation < 25 ms, typical
When using power search < 25 ms, typical
CW level accuracy6(dB)
Frequency > +10 dBm +10 to –10 dBm –10 to –20 dBm
250 kHz to 2 GHz ±0.6 ±0.6 ±1.4
2 GHz to 20 GHz ±0.8 ±0.8 ±1.2
> 20 to 40 GHz ±1.0 ±0.9 ±1.3
Maximum power specification is warranted from
15 to 35ºC, and is typical from 0 to 15ºC. Maximum
power over the 35 to 55ºC range typically degrades
less than 2 dB.
To within 0.1 dB of final amplitude within one
attenuator range
Specifications apply over the 15 to 35ºC temperature
range. Degradation outside this range, for power levels
> -10 dBm, is typically < 0.3 dB.
For instruments with type-N connectors (Option 1ED),
specifications are degraded typically 0.2 dB above
18 GHz.
L and A Series

CW level accuracy with option 1E17(dB)
Frequency > +10 dBm +10 to –10 dBm –10 to –70 dBm –70 to –90 dBm –90 to –110 dBm
250 kHz to 2 GHz ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.7 ±0.8 ±1.4
> 2 to 20 GHz ±0.8 ±0.8 ±0.9 ±1.0 ±1.7
> 20 to 40 GHz ±1.0 ±0.9 ±1.0 ±2.0
20 GHz level accuracy 40 GHz level accuracy
Resolution 0.01 dB
Temperature stability 0.01 dB/°C, typical
User flatness correction
Number of points 2 to 1601 points/table
Number of tables Up to 10,000, memory limited
Path loss Arbitrary, within attenuator range
Entry modes Remote power meter
, remote bus, manual
(user edit/view)
Output impedance 50 Ω, nominal
SWR (internally leveled, typical)
250 kHz to 2 GHz < 1.4:1
> 2 GHz to 20 GHz < 1.6:1
> 20 GHz to 40 GHz < 1.8:1
Leveling modes Internal leveling, external detector leveling,
millimeter source module, ALC Off
External detector leveling
Range –0.2 mV to –0.5 V, nominal (–36 dBm to +4 dBm
using Agilent 33330D/E detector)
Bandwidth Typically 10 kHz
(Note: not intended for pulsed operation)
Maximum reverse power 1/2 Watt nominal
Spectral purity
Harmonics9(dBc at +10 dBm or maximum
specified output power, whichever is lower)
< 1 MHz –30 dBc typical
1 MHz to 2 GHz –30 dBc
> 2 GHz to 20 GHz –55 dBc
> 20 GHz to 40 GHz –50 dBc typical
Specifications apply over the 15 to 35ºC temperature
range, with attenuator lock off (normal operating
mode). Degradation outside this range, for ALC power
levels > -10 dBm, is typically < 0.3 dB.
For instruments with type-N connectors (Option 1ED),
specifications are degraded typically 0.2 dB above
18 GHz. Level accuracy is not specified below -110 dBm.
Compatible with Agilent Technologies EPM Series
(E4418B and E4419B) power meters.
Specifications for harmonics beyond maximum
instrument frequencies are typical.
L and A Series
Measured level accuracy +5 dBm option 1E1
Level error (dB)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Frequency (MHz)
Measured level accuracy +5 dBm option 1E1
Level error (dB)
0 10000 20000 30000 40000
Frequency (MHz)