Atec Agilent-8901B User Manual

HP 8901B Modulation Analyzer
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Options 030/037
10 MHz - 1.3 GHz
Technical Specifications
Selective Power Measurements
Adjacent Channel Power Measurements
The HP 8901B Modulation Analyzer’s easy-to-usese­lective power measurement option saves you time and money, speeding adjacent-channel power testing on your RF communications transmitters. These se­lective measurements meet the stringent CEPT stan­dards for adjacent-channel power with superb accu­racy: ±0.5 dB; dynamic range >115 dB; and selectivity >90 dB. The HP 8901B also performs RF power, fre­quency, modulation and audio measurements, plus selective RF power measurements, fully characteriz­ing your transmitter in seconds.
Making an adjacent channel power measurement is simple. You first select the appropriate filter (12.5, 25 or 30 kHz channel spacing) and measure the transmitter carrier power. Then, tune the analyzer to any offset desired, and measure the channel power. The analyzer displays the results in dBc (dB relative to the carrier power).
To meet the CEPT noise-floor requirements at fre­quencies greater than 300 MHz, the HP 8901B re­quires an external local oscillator (LO) such as the HP 8656B Synthesized Signal Generator. Selecting an external LO with fine frequency resolution also improves the analyzer’s tuning resolution, which can be as coarse as 2 kHz at 1300 MHz. Using an HP 8656B signal generator gives you 10 Hz resolution up to 990 MHz. Dedicating a signal generator as the external LO is not necessary. When not being used as the LO, a built-in RF switch in the HP 8901B routes the signal generator’s output to the rear panel of the analyzer.
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Direct-Spectrum Carrier Noise Measurements
The HP 8901B Modulation Analyzer, with a low noise external LO, performs fast, accurate single- sideband (SSB) carrier noise measurements to 1.3 GHz. To make a carrier noise (AM noise and phase noise) measurement, you select the noise filter (2.5 kHz noise bandwidth), measure the source un­der test’s carrier power, tune the analyzer to the fre­quency offset desired (5 kHz to 1300 MHz) and mea­sure the noise. The data is displayed in real time, either as dBc in a 1 Hz bandwidth or as total power in the 2.5 kHz filter bandwidth.
Direct-Spectrum Carrier Noise Measurements (cont’d)
Phase noise usually dominates the carrier-noise measurement at most offsets of interest, so direct-spectrum noise measurements provide a con­venient and simple way to measure phase noise of many sources. This measurement technique is rela­tively insensitive to many common pitfalls encoun­tered in making phase noise measurements. There is no need to phase-lock signals. Testing can be fully automated using an external controller. Most impor­tant, selective signal and noise measurements are fast (five readings/second). The analyzer’s measure­ment accuracy is better than ±0.5 dB to –129 dBc/Hz, typically better than ±1 dB to –140 dBc/Hz. The noise floor is –150 dBc/Hz.
Many applications require spectral purity to be ex­pressed as residual AM, FM or phase modulation. With the HP 8901B’s convenient modulation capabili­ties you make these measurements with one key­stroke, in a variety of common bandwidths.
To extend the measurement range to 26.5 GHz, add the HP 11793A Microwave Converter and a low noise microwave source, such as the HP 8673B Synthesized Signal Generator. With this system you can test high­performance sources from 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz.
Block Diagram
The high-selectivity option for the HP 8901B Modu­lation Analyzer adds an RF switch, a buffer ampli­fier, variable gain IF amplifiers, narrowband filters and a rms detector. To make selective power meas­urements, the analyzer mixes down the RF input sig­nal using either the internal LO or an external LO.
The IF signal is buffered and sent through one of two narrowband bandpass filters which provide over 90 dB of rejection. The signal is amplified by precision IF amplifiers, filtered again and measured by the rms detector. The IF amplifiers provide as much as 95 dB of gain in 5 dB increments; the rms detector is used over a 20 dB dynamic range.
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