Atec Agilent-8757D User Manual

Agilent 8757D Scalar Network Analyzer
Data Sheet
Accurate measurement of transmission and reflection characteristics is a key requirement in your selection of a scalar network analyzer. To help you achieve these goals, Agilent Technologies offers you a choice of microwave scalar measure­ment solutions which provide an excellent balance of cost, system versatility, and measurement precision.
Agilent 8757D overview of features
• Four display channels
• Three detector inputs
• An optional fourth detector input
• An optional internal power calibrator
• Accurate power measurements with Agilent 85037 series precision detectors
• High resolution color display
• Internal plotter/printer buffer
• +16 to –60 dBm dynamic range
• AC/DC detection modes
• 101 to 1601 measurement points/trace
• Noise figure measurement display capability
• Compatible with the Agilent 85025 and 85026 series detectors and the Agilent 85027 series directional bridges
• Limit line testing (channels 1 and 2)
• Adaptive normalization
• Cursor search functions (max, min, n dB, BW)
Specifications describe the instrument’s warranted performance over the temperature range 0 to 55 °C (except where noted). Supplemental characteristics are intended to provide information useful in applying the instrument, by giving typical but non-warranted performance parameters. These are denoted as “typical,” “nominal,” or “approximate.”
Agilent 8757D scalar network analyzer
The Agilent 8757D has four independent display channels that process the signals from the Agilent 85037 series precision detectors, 85025 and 85026 detectors, and the 85027 series directional bridges for logarithmic display, in single channel or ratio mode. Three (optionally four) detector inputs are provided.
Horizontal resolution
The number of points (horizontal resolution) that can be selected depends on the number of traces displayed.
Network analyzer Traces Selectable number of points
8757D 1 101, 201, 401, 801, 1601
2 101, 201, 401, 801 3, 4 101, 201, 401
LCD Display 640 (horizontal) x 480 (vertical) resolution
A display is considered faulty if:
• A complete row or column of “stuck” or “dark” pixels.
• More than six “stuck on” pixels (but not more than three green) or more than 0.002% of the total pixels are within the LCD specifications.
• More than twelve “dark” pixels (but no more than seven of the same color) or more than
0.004% of the total pixels are within the LCD specifications.
• Two or more consecutive “stuck on” pixels or three or more consecutive “dark” pixel (but no more than one set of two consecutive dark pixels) “Stuck on” of “dark” pixels less than
6.5 mm apart (excluding consecutive pixels)
Display modes
All analyzer display channels can display any one of the detector inputs or any ratio combination of detector inputs.
Log magnitude
dBm: single channel power measurement dB: relative power measurement (ratio or relative to trace memory)
Relative measurements (normalized or ratio measurements) can be displayed in SWR. Channels 1 and 2 only: 401 points or fewer
AUX voltage
The rear panel BNC input ADC IN can be mea­sured and displayed in volts (–10 to +10 volts). Typical maximum error is 60 mV.
Color settings
Up to 8 operator-selectable colors are available for LCD attributes, such as the grid, measurement traces, and labels.
Sweep time
The minimum sweep time depends on the num­ber of traces displayed and the number of points selected.
Minimum sweep time (ms) Number (log magnitude format) of points 1 trace 2 traces 3 traces 4 traces
101 40 50 60 70 201 50 75 90 100 401 100 100 150 200 801 200 250 1601 400 NA NA NA
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256 successive traces can be averaged.
Provides a linear moving average of adjacent data points. The smoothing aperture defines the trace width (number of data points) to be averaged, and ranges from 0.1% to 20% of the trace width.
Traces are stored and normalized with the highest resolution, independent of display scale/division or offset. With adaptive normalization on the Agilent 8757D, calibration data is interpolated when the frequency span is decreased.
Limit lines
Limit lines facilitate quick pass/fail decisions. Limits can be any combination of flat or sloped lines or single points up to 12 segments. They are only available for channels 1 and 2, for traces with 401 points or fewer, and can be stored in save/recall registers 1 through 4.
Internal save/recall registers
Up to 9 complete front panel states may be saved or recalled. If the source (Agilent PSG, 8360 or 8370 series) is connected to the 8757 system interface, the front panel states of both the network analyzer and source are saved. Registers 1 through 4 store the instrument state and the memory traces for channels 1 and 2. The memory traces for channels 3 and 4 are not stored. Registers 5 through 9 only store the instrument state.
Display Scale Display Vertical mode resolution range resolution
dBm 0.1 to 20 dB/div –80 to +80 dBm 0.003 dB
(1/2/5 sequence)
dB 0.1 to 20 dB/div –90 to +90 dB 0.006 dB (1/2/5 sequence)
Normalized 0.1 to 20 dB/div –180 to +180 dB 0.01 dB ratio (1/2/5 sequence) measurements
Modulator drive
The modulator drive output of the 8757 scalar analyzer provides the circuitry to drive the 8340/50/60/70 series synthesized sweepers and the Agilent 11665B modulator. Modulation drive may be turned on and off via the front panel or GPIB. In the “off” state, the modulator drive signal turns the 11665B fully on for minimum insertion loss. The 8360 and 8370 synthesized sweepers have the capability of modulating signals, so an external modulator such as the 11665B is not necessary when using the 8360/70 series.
Frequency: 27,778 Hz ±12 Hz Symmetry: 50% ±1%
Stop sweep
Used with the PSG, 8360 and 8370 series when controlled by the 8757 system interface to stop the sweep at band crossings and at the end of sweep.
SWR 0.02 to 10 units/div 1.0 to 37.0 0.01 at 1 (1/2/4 sequence) 0.1 at 10
0.27 at 30
AUX 0.025 to 5 V/div –10 to +10 V 0.001 V voltage (1/2.5/5 sequence)
1. 0.01 dB for display cursor
Modulation requirements
Applies to the Agilent 85037 series precision detec­tors, 85025/26 series detectors, and 85027 series directional bridges in AC mode.
Square-wave amplitude modulation
Frequency 27,778 Hz ±20 Hz ≥30 dB on/off ratio 45% to 55% symmetry
Rear panel connectors
Sweep voltage requirements (Sweep in)
Horizontal sweep voltage, normally provided by the sweeper, from 0 to 10 volts.
Marker and blanking requirements (Pos z blank)
Blanking and marker signals are provided by the sweeper through the “Pos z blank” input on the rear panel of the Agilent 8757.
Voltage levels
Blanked: +5 V typical Unblanked: 0 V typical Marker: –4 V typical Active marker: –8 V typical
ADC in
An input connector for auxiliary voltage input in the –10 to +10 volt range. This voltage can be displayed (in volts) on any channel.
Control 1 and control 2
These connectors provide digital output signals (TTL open-collector) as a user convenience for driving other peripheral equipment in a GPIB controlled system.
Video outputs
Used to drive an external color monitor that has the following characteristics:
8757D with LCD monitor (VGA input on the analyzer’s rear panel)
• VGA compatible
8757D with CRT monitor (RGB inputs on the analyzer’s rear panel)
• Red, green, and blue (RGB) BNC inputs, sync on green
• 75 ohm input impedance
• 26.5 kHz horizontal scan rate
• 60 Hz vertical refresh rate
• 1 V p-p (typically 0.7 V = white; 0 V = black;
-0.3 V = sync)
Agilent 8757D scalar network analyzer, continued
GPIB operates according to IEEE 488-1978 and IEC-625 interface standards.
Interface function codes
SH1, AH1, T6, TE0, L4, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT0, C0, E1.
Transfer formats
Data can be transferred either as ASCII strings or as 16-bit integers. Readings may be taken at a single point, or an entire trace may be transferred at once.
Transfer speed
ASCII format, 401 point trace: 500 ms typical ASCII format, single point: 10 ms typical Binary format, 401 point trace: 30 ms typical Binary format, single point: 7 ms typical
Programmable functions
All front panel functions except power on/off are programmable. The 8757D is compatible with all appropriate 8757A/C scalar analyzer program­ming codes.
User-accessible display graphics
HPGL subset that allows user to display test setup diagrams and operator instructions on the analyzer CRT/LCD.
GPIB service interrupts (SRQs) are generated for the following conditions:
System interface
The Agilent 8757 system interface is a dedicated GPIB port used exclusively by the 8757 to control and extract information from a swept source, a digital plotter, and a printer.
Compatible swept sources
The following swept sources are specifically made to complement the 8757 system. With them, the 8757 is able to display start, stop, and marker fre­quencies, save and recall front panel states of both the sweeper and the scalar analyzer, preset both instruments simultaneously, and alternately sweep two different frequency or power ranges and dis­play both simultaneously:
• Agilent PSG1 signal generators (Option 007)
• Agilent 8360 series synthesized sweeper
• Agilent 8370 series synthesized sweeper
For a list of compatible printers, consult our printer-compatibility guide Web page. Its URL location is Or go to and use keyword search printer guide.
Internal plotter/printer buffer
The GPIB buffer speeds measurements by return­ing the control to the analyzer while outputting data to a plotter or printer. Output two channels (401 points each) of information to the buffer in typically less than 5 seconds.
Note: In order to use the currently available printers a GP-IB to parallel port adapter is needed. Adapters are available from Intelligent Interfaces. Please see their website at
• Front-panel key pressed
• Operation complete
• Illegal command
• Instrument self-test error
• Limit test failed
URL location:
Disk interface
The 8757D provides the capability to store and retrieve the analyzer’s instrument state, measure­ment data, and user accessible display graphics to and from an external GPIB disk drive that is compatible with command subset CS/80. Data files are stored in Agilent’s standard LIF format and can be read by a wide variety of computers, includ­ing the HP 9000 series 200 or 300. Files can be stored in binary or ASCII format.
Disk drive
Agilent no longer offers Option 802, the HP 9122C disk drive. Agilent 8757D-compatible disk drives are available from ISA, Inc. In the U.S., contact Saaya, Inc. (formerly known as ISA, Inc.). Elsewhere, contact ISA Company, Ltd. at
General information
Temperature range
Operating: 0 to 55 °C Storage: –40 to 75 °C
Power requirements
48 to 66 Hz, 100/120/220/240 V ±10%, typically 155 VA
Dimensions: 178 H x 425 W x 482 mm D (7.0 x 16.75 x 19.0 in)
Weight: Net 22 kg (48 lb), Shipping: 28 kg (61.5 lb)
Power calibrator (Option 002 only)
The 8757D’s internal power calibrator provides a 50 MHz reference standard for characterizing the absolute power accuracy and dynamic power accuracy of the 85037 series precision detectors.
Frequency: 50 MHz ±0.2 MHz
Output power: (25 ±5 °C)
Range: +20 to –50 dBm Accuracy at 0 dBm: ±0.05 dB Linearity: (over any 10 dB range)
±0.08 dB (+20 to +10 dBm) ±0.04 dB (+10 to –30 dBm) ±0.06 dB (–30 to –50 dBm)
Ordering information
Agilent 8757D scalar network analyzer (select one)
8757D-700 Standard network analyzer 8757D-001 Adds fourth detector input 8757D-002 Adds internal power calibrator 8757D-012 Adds fourth detector and internal
SWR: ≤1.05
Modes of operation
DC Mode (unmodulated) AC Mode (modulated at 27,778 Hz ±12 Hz)
Connector: Type-N (f)
Accessory included
A Type-N (m) to 3.5-mm (f) adapter is provided to allow calibration of the 85037B (3.5 mm) precision detector.
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