3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8
Table of Contents
Definitions and test conditions
System performance
Instruments with multiple options
Standard (no options)
Standard Instrument Performance
Option 400 (four samplers for TRL)
Also includes these configurations combined with
Options 089 and/or 012
Option 007 (mechanical switch)
Option 007/085 Performance
Option 085 (high power)
Also includes these configurations combined with
Options 089 and/or 012
Option 012
Option 089
Specifications and characteristics
Measurement throughput summary
Analyzer options
Agilent 8719D, 8720D, and 8722D
Network Analyzers
Data Sheet
8719D 50 MHz to 13.5 GHz
8720D 50 MHz to 20 GHz
8722D 50 MHz to 40 GHz
50 MHZ – 20 GHZ
This data sheet provides two types of performance
• System Specifications
• Supplemental Characteristics
System specifications describe the instrument’s warranted performance over the temperature range of
23 °C ± 3 °C (except where noted).
Supplemental characteristics describe the instrument’s
non-warranted performance parameters.
System dynamic range
These specifications apply to transmission measurements in the full frequency range at 10 Hz IF
BW with response and isolation correction or full
two-port calibration. Dynamic range is limited by
maximum receiver input level and the receiver’s
noise floor.
Measurement uncertainty
Curves show the worst-case magnitude and
phase uncertainty for reflection and transmission
measurements, after calibration. Calibration is the
process of measuring known standards from a calibration kit to characterize a network analyzer’s
systematic (repeatable) errors.
Reflection measurement uncertainty is plotted as a
function of S11(reflection coefficient). Based on a
one-port calibration, using specified calibration kit,
with 10 Hz IF bandwidth and no averaging.
Assumes a one-port device (S21=S12=0).
Transmission measurement uncertainty is plotted
as a function of S21(transmission gain/loss, in dB
from reference level). Assumes a well-matched
device (S11=S22=0). Based on a full two-port ShortOpen-Load-Thru calibration (including isolation
with averaging factor of 8), using specified calibration kit, with 10 Hz IF bandwidth and no averaging.
Measurement port characteristics
The characteristics indicate performance after
error-correction (full two-port calibration). The
performance accuracy is determined by the quality
of calibration standards and how well “known”
they are, plus system repeatability, stability, and
noise. Crosstalk is not shown, since isolation calibration will reduce crosstalk to the noise floor.
Definitions and Test Conditions
Agilent 8719D, 8720D with 3.5 mm test ports
Standard, Options 400, 012, 089, or any combination of
these options
Calibration kit: Agilent 85052B, 3.5 mm with sliding loads
Cables: Agilent 85131F 3.5 mm flexible cable set
IF bandwidth: 10 Hz
Averaging: None (8 during isolation calibration)
System dynamic range
0.05 to 2 GHz 100 dB
2 to 8 GHz 100 dB
8 to 20 GHz 100 dB
1. Rolls off below 840 MHz to 77 dB at 50 MHz
Corrected measurement port characteristics
Frequency Range (GHz)
0.05 to 0.5 0.5 to 2 2 to 8 8 to 20
Directivity 48 dB 48 dB 44 dB 44 dB
Source Match 40 dB 40 dB 33 dB 31 dB
Load Match 48 dB 48 dB 44 dB 44 dB
Reflection Tracking ±0.006 dB ±0.006 dB ±0.006 dB ±0.008 dB
Transmission Tracking ±0.017 dB ±0.018 dB ±0.066 dB ±0.099 dB
Maximum output power
+5 dBm
System performance
Measurement uncertainty
Reflection measurements
Transmission measurements
Agilent 8722D with 2.4 mm test ports
Standard, Options 400, 012, 089, or any combination
of these options.
Calibration kit: Agilent 85056A, 2.4 mm with sliding loads
Cables: Agilent 85133F 2.4 mm flexible cable set
IF bandwidth: 10 Hz
Averaging: None (8 during isolation calibration)
System dynamic range
0.05 to 2 GHz 93 dB
2 to 8 GHz 93 dB
8 to 20 GHz 91 dB
20 to 40 GHz 80 dB
1. Rolls off below 840 MHz to 72 dB at 50 MHz
Corrected measurement port characteristics
Frequency Range (GHz)
0.05 to 2 2 to 8 8 to 20 20 to 40
Directivity 42 dB 42 dB 42 dB 38 dB
Source Match 41 dB 38 dB 38 dB 33 dB
Load Match 42 dB 42 dB 42 dB 38 dB
Reflection Tracking ±0.005 dB ±0.010 dB ±0.010 dB ±0.021 dB
Transmission Tracking ±0.020 dB ±0.038 dB ±0.048 dB ±0.110 dB
Maximum output power
0.05 to 20 GHz: -5 dBm
20 to 40 GHz: -10 dBm
System performance (continued)
Measurement uncertainty
Reflection measurements
Transmission measurements
Agilent 8719D Option 400
Agilent 8720D Option 400
Agilent 8722D Option 400
(with 3.5 mm test ports using TRL)
Includes instruments with Options 012 and/or 089
Calibration kit: Agilent 85052C, 3.5 mm for TRL
Cables: Agilent 85131F 3.5 mm flexible cable set
IF bandwidth: 10 Hz
Averaging: None (8 during isolation calibration)
System dynamic range
Frequency Range 8719D/8720D 8722D
0.05 to 2 GHz 100 dB
93 dB
2 to 8 GHz 100 dB 93 dB
8 to 20 GHz 100 dB 91 dB
20 to 40 GHz — 80 dB
1. Rolls off below 840 MHz to 77 dB at 50 MHz
2. Rolls off below 840 MHz to 67 dB at 50 MHz
Corrected measurement port characteristics
8719D/8720D Option 400
Frequency Range (GHz)
0.05 to 0.5 0.5 to 2 2 to 8 8 to 20
Directivity 48 dB 48 dB 50 dB 50 dB
Source Match 40 dB 40 dB 50 dB 50 dB
Load Match 48 dB 48 dB 50 dB 50 dB
Reflection Tracking ±0.006 dB ±0.006 dB ±0.005 dB ±0.005 dB
Transmission Tracking ±0.020 dB ±0.026 dB ±0.015 dB ±0.019 dB
8722D Option 400
Frequency Range (GHz)
0.05 to 2 2 to 8 8 to 20 20 to 26.5
Directivity 48 dB 50 dB 50 dB 50 dB
Source Match 40 dB 50 dB 50 dB 50 dB
Load Match 48 dB 50 dB 50 dB 50 dB
Reflection Tracking ±0.006 dB ±0.005 dB ±0.005 dB ±0.005 dB
Transmission Tracking ±0.017 dB ±0.013 dB ±0.016 dB ±0.023 dB
Maximum output power
8719D/8720D: +5 dBm
8722D (0.05 to 20 GHz): –5 dBm
(20 to 40 GHz): –10 dBm
Measurement uncertainty
Reflection measurements
Transmission measurements
Magnitude Phase
Magnitude Phase
Agilent 8719D, 8720D, 8722D Option 007
Agilent 8719D, 8720D, 8722D Option 085
Includes instruments with Options 012 and/or 089
Option 007 replaces the standard solid-state transfer switch with a mechanical switch to provide
higher output power.
Option 085 adds internally controlled 0 to 55 dB
step attenuators (5 dB steps) in the receiver path
of both ports, an RF loop that allows the addition
of an amplifier before the transfer switch, and RF
loops after the switch that allow insertion of isolators, required for measurements above 1 watt. An
internal reference channel switch is added and
internal bias tees are deleted. This system is capable of full two-port calibrated measurements to 20
watts. Measurements up to 100 watts may be possible using specific configurations. Option 085 is not
compatible with Option 400.
System dynamic r
Option 007 Option 085
Frequency Range 8719D/20D 8722D 8719D/20D 8722D
0.05 GHz 82 dB 72 dB 77 dB 67 dB
0.05 to 2 GHz
105 dB 98 dB 100 dB 93 dB
2 to 8 GHz 105 dB 98 dB 100 dB 93 dB
8 to 20 GHz 105 dB 96 dB 100 dB 91 dB
20 to 40 GHz — 85 dB — 77 dB
1. Rolls off below 840 MHz to specified value at 50 MHz
Maximum output power
Option 007 Option 085
8719D/8720D +10 dBm +5 dBm
8722D (0.05 to 20 GHz) 0 dBm –5 dBm
8722D (20 to 40 GHz) –5 dBm –10 dBm
2. With jumper cable installed between RF out and RF in ports,
i.e. no external amplification.
Supplemental characteristics (Option 085)
Maximum R-channel input level: 0 dBm
Minimum R-channel input level: –34 dBm
Maximum RF port input: +43 dBm
Attenuators: 55 dB maximum, 5 dB steps
Maximum test port power (no isolators): +30 dBm
Maximum test port power (with high power isolators): +43 dBm
System performance (continued)
Option 085 block diagram and example
high power measurement setup
transfer switch
booster amplifier and coupler
RF out RF in +43 dBm max
–55 dB–55 dB
Customer-supplied isolation
(for output above +30 dBm)
Ref input
0 dBm max
under test
+43 dBm max output
(20 watts)
+43 dBm max input
(20 watts)
Agilent 8719D or 8720D with Option 007 or 085
Calibration kit: Agilent 85052B 3.5 mm with sliding loads
Cables: Agilent 85131F 3.5 mm flexible cable set
IF bandwidth: 10 Hz
Averaging: None (8 during isolation calibration)
Corrected measurement port characteristics
Frequency Range (GHz)
0.05 to 0.5 0.5 to 2 2 to 8 8 to 20
Directivity 48 dB 48 dB 44 dB 44 dB
Source Match 40 dB 39 dB 32 dB 30 dB
Load Match 48 dB 45 dB 38 dB 37 dB
Reflection Tracking ±0.006 dB ±0.010 dB ±0.030 dB ±0.031 dB
Transmission Tracking ±0.011 dB ±0.016 dB ±0.070 dB ±0.122 dB
Measurement uncertainty
Reflection measurements
Transmission measurements
Agilent 8722D with Option 007 or 085
Calibration kit: Agilent 85052A 2.4 mm with sliding loads
Cables: Agilent 85131F 2.4 mm flexible cable set
IF bandwidth: 10 Hz
Averaging: None (8 during isolation calibration)
Corrected measurement port characteristics
Frequency Range (GHz)
0.05 to 2 2 to 8 8 to 20 20 to 40
Directivity 42 dB 42 dB 42 dB 38 dB
Source Match 40 dB 35 dB 34 dB 31 dB
Load Match 41 dB 48 dB 37 dB 35 dB
Reflection Tracking ±0.011 dB ±0.037 dB ±0.039 dB ±0.047 dB
Transmission Tracking ±0.019 dB ±0.054 dB ±0.082 dB ±0.145 dB
System performance (continued)
Measurement uncertainty
Reflection measurements
Transmission measurements