Asus Nexus 7 GuideBook User Manual

For AndroidTM mobile technology platform 4.1
Google, Android, Gmail, Google Maps, Chrome, Nexus 7, Google Play, You­Tube, Google+, and other trademarks are property of Google Inc. A list of Google trademarks is available at guidelines.html. ASUS and the ASUS logo are trademarks of ASUSTek Computer Inc. All other marks and trademarks are properties of their respective owners.
The content of this guide may differ in some details from the product or its software. All information in this document is subject to change without notice.
The Nexus 7 tablet is certied by ASUS under the name ASUS Pad ME370T.
For online help and support, visit
Table of contents
1. Get started 1
Turn on & sign in 1
Charge the battery 2
Why use a Google Account? 3
Jelly Bean tips 4
2. Play & explore 7
Browse Home screens 7
Swipe up for Google Now 8
Swipe down for notications 10
Get around 12
Touch & type 14
Try Face Unlock 15
3. Make yourself at home 16
Relax with Google Play 16
Manage downloads 19
Use apps 20
Organize your Home screens 21
Start Gmail 22
Find People 23
Manage your Calendar 24
Change sound settings 25
Change the wallpaper 25
4. Make Search personal 27
About Google Now 27
Use Google Now 30
Turn off Google Now 32
Control location reporting, history, & services 32
Search & Voice Actions basics 34
Search tips & tricks 36
Use Voice Actions 37
Voice Actions commands 38
Search settings 40
Privacy and accounts 42
5. Tune performance 43
Optimize battery life 43
Optimize data usage 44
Optimize memory usage 46
6. Enter & edit text 49
Use the keyboard 49
Type text by speaking 51
7. Connect to networks 53
Connect to Wi-Fi networks 53
Connect to virtual private networks 57
Control airplane mode & other network settings 58
8. Connect to devices 60
Beam screen content 60
Connect to Bluetooth devices 61
Connect to keyboards, mice, & other devices 64
Connect to a Windows computer via USB 65
Connect to a Macintosh computer via USB 66
9. Manage accounts 68
Add or remove accounts 68
Congure sync options 69
Change backup & reset options 71
10. Secure your tablet 73
Set screen lock 73
Encrypt your tablet 75
Work with certicates 76
11. Accessibility 79
Accessibility overview 79
Accessibility gestures for Android 4.1 80
Set up your tablet 82
Use TalkBack 83
Change TalkBack settings 84
Use Explore by Touch with TalkBack 85
Accessibility settings 86
Navigate the Home screen 87
Try Google Play 89
Use Gmail 91
Browse Chrome 93
Use the lock screen 95
Appendix: Hardware reference 96
What’s in the box 96
Nexus 7 97
Battery 98
Specs 100
Get started
Turn on & sign in
To turn on your Nexus 7, press the Power button on the right edge near the top for a few seconds, then release it.
The rst time you turn on the tablet, you’ll see a Welcome screen.
To choose a different language, touch the menu.
To continue, touch Start and follow the instructions.
When prompted, sign in using the email address and password for your Google Account. If you don’t have one yet, create one.
An email address that you use for any of the following counts as a Google Account:
Google Apps
Any other Google product
When you sign in with a Google Account, all the email, contacts, Calendar events, and other data associated with that account are automatically synced with your tablet.
If you have multiple Google Accounts, you can add the others later.
Charge the battery
The printed Quick Start Guide that comes with Nexus 7 contains basic operating instructions for your new tablet.
The battery may not be fully charged at rst. It’s a good idea to
fully charge it as soon as you can.
Connect the micro USB cable to Nexus 7 and to the charging unit, and the charging unit to a power outlet:
IMPORTANT: Use the charging unit and micro USB cable
that come with your Nexus 7. Other charging units and USB cables may charge more slowly or not at all.
Why use a Google Account?
A Google Account lets you organize and access your personal in­formation from any computer or mobile device:
Use Google Play. Google Play brings together all your favorite content in one place: movies, TV shows, books, music, maga­zines, apps, and more. When you sign in with your Google Ac­count, you can reach any of this content from any of your de­vices – as long as you have a network connection. You can also shop for more in the Google Play store.
Synchronize and back up everything. Whether you draft an email, add an event to your calendar, or add a friend’s address, your work gets backed up continuously by Google and syn­chronized with any computer where you use the same Google Account.
Access from anywhere. Check your latest calendar, email, text messages, or social stream, no matter what computer or mo­bile device you’re using.
Keep your stuff secure and available. Google works round the clock to protect your personal data from unauthorized access and to ensure that you get it when you need it, wherever you need it.
Simplify shopping. You can connect your Google account with Google Wallet, which makes it easy to purchase music, books, apps, and more on Google Play and other online stores.
Use other Google services. Your Google Account also lets you take full advantage of other Google apps and services that you may want to use, such as Gmail, Google Maps, Navigation, Google Play, YouTube, Google Talk, Messaging, and more.
Jelly Bean tips
Whether you’re new to Android or an old hand, check out these new features in Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean).
Home screen
Google Play widgets
New widgets on your Home screens display recently used apps, music, movies, books, or games you already have – including free content that comes with your Nexus 7. Other wid­gets offer suggestions for browsing Google Play.
Touch a widget to access content on Google Play.
Touch & hold a widget to resize or remove it.
Rearrange Home screens
Slide an icon slowly to move other icons or widgets gently aside. This makes it much easier to change your Home screen layout.
Touch & hold an icon and slide slowly to the location of your choice.
Slide an icon quickly
to drop it into a folder.
Google Search
Google Now Google Now gets you just the right
information, at just the right time – such as today’s weather before you
start your day, how much trafc to
expect before you leave for work, and even your favorite team’s score while they’re playing.
Swipe up from the bottom center of any screen.
Touch the Google Search bar at the top of any Home screen.
Say “Google”
When the Google Now screen is open, you can just say “Google” to activate a voice search.
Touch the Google Search bar at the top of any Home screen, or swipe up from the bottom of any screen. Say “Google” and your query to search.
Notica tion
Supports expandable
notications that let
you perform additional actions right from the
notication itself.
Swipe one nger from the top of any screen to open the
notication shade.
Swipe two ngers vertically
or pinch-zoom to expand or
collapse a notication.
Touch an icon inside certain
notications to handle a task
Swipe to dismiss a notication.
Email guests for a calendar event
You can email attendees from the Calendar app, or send a canned or custom response directly from a
calendar notication.
Touch Email guests in the calen-
dar event or notication. From the notication, you’ll have the
option to choose a canned or custom response.
Notica tion
You can now control the
volume for notications
separately from your tab­let’s main volume.
Press the volume button on the side of your tablet, then
touch the Settings icon. Drag slider to change the volume for
Rotation lock
Lock your screen to keep it in portrait mode.
Swipe one nger from the top of any screen to open the notication shade, and touch the Rotation icon.
Other improvements
Chrome Chrome for Android includes
unlimited tabs, incognito tabs, and syncs your tabs across your devices when you sign in to your Google Account.
Swipe left or right to navigate through tabs. Touch, hold, & drag a tab to a different position.
Touch the tab switcher icon to switch back and forth between in­cognito mode tabs and regular tabs.
Gesture Mode supports naviga­tion by using touch and swipe gestures in combination with speech output.
Platform supports external Braille input and output devices via USB and Bluetooth.
To try shortcut ges­tures in TalkBack, swipe using a single motion:
Up then right: Open
Up then left: Home button
Down then right: Recent apps button
Down then left: Back button
Blink for Face Unlock
For improved security, you can now set Face Unlock to request a blink when you unlock your tablet.
Settings > Security > Screen lock.
Add an account
Easily add an email account to your device from the main Settings screen.
Settings > Accounts > Add account.
Play & explore
Browse Home screens
To move between Home screens, swipe left or right.
The My Library widget displays apps, music, movies, magazines, books, and games you already have – including free content that comes with your Nexus 7:
Touch any title to open it
When you’re ready to shop for more, try the suggestions in one of the Play Recommendations widgets:
To resize a widget, touch & hold, then let go and drag the blue dots. To remove it, touch & hold, then drag it to the Remove icon at the top of the screen.
Swipe up for Google Now
Google Now is about getting you just the right information, at just the right time.
It tells you today’s weather before you start your day, how much
trafc to expect before you leave for work, and even your favorite
team’s score while they’re playing.
All of this happens automatically. Google Now intelligently brings you the information you want to see, when you want to see it. No digging required.
For example, here’s a Google Now card that appears when you’re about to start your commute home:
Touch to see a
different suggestion
Touch to avoid future suggestions like this
Touch to learn more
Give it a try! Swipe your nger up from the bottom of any screen,
or touch the Google Search bar at the top of the screen.
When you want to see more cards, touch Show more cards at the bottom of the screen. When you don’t need them any more, swipe them out of the way.
You’re in control
When you decide to use Google Now, you’re turning on location reporting and location history. Google Now also uses location information provided by Google’s location service and GPS, if those are currently turned on.
Google Now also uses data that you may have stored in other Google products. For example, if you have searches stored in your Web History, Google Now can show cards based on sports scores, flight status, and so on.
Similarly, Google Now can use data that you may have stored in third-party products that you allow Google to access. For example, your tablet’s synced calendar may include entries from non-Google calendar products. If you have such an entry for a dentist appointment that includes the dentist’s address, Google
Now can check trafc and suggest when to leave.
You’re in control. You can choose exactly which cards you’d like to see, adjust the details of what they display, and adjust your privacy settings.
For more information about Google Now and your location information, see “Chapter 4, Make Search personal,” on page
Swipe down for notications
Notications alert you to the arrival of new messages, calendar
events, and alarms, as well as ongoing events, such as video downloads.
When a notication arrives, its icon appears at the top of the screen. Icons for pending notications appear on the left, and
system icons showing things like Wi-Fi signal or battery strength on the right:
Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, &
battery status
To open the notication shade, swipe down from the top:
Certain notications can be expanded to show more information,
such as email previews or calendar events. The one at the top is
always expanded when possible. To expand or collapse a notica­tion, pinch-zoom or glide using two ngers..
Toggle screen
rotation lock
Dismiss all
Go to settings
Touch to respond to other guests
Pinch-zoom or glide using two
To open the related app, touch the notication icon on the left. Some notications also allow you to take specic actions by touching icons within the notication. For example, Calendar no­tications allow you to Snooze (remind you later) or send email
to other guests.
When you’re nished with a notication, just swipe it away. To dis­miss all notications, touch the Dismiss icon at the top right of the notication shade.
Get around
At the bottom of each Home screen, notice the Favorites tray: an­other quick way to get to your books, magazines, apps, movies, and music:
At the bottom of every Nexus 7 screen, no matter what you’re do-
ing, you’ll always nd these three navigation buttons:
Opens the previous screen you were working in, even if it was in a different app. Once you back up to the Home screen, you can’t go back any further in your history.
Open folder of popular apps
View all your apps
Shop on Google Play
Opens Home. If you’re viewing a left or right Home screen, opens the central Home screen. To open Google Now, swipe up. Google Now gives just what you need to know, right when you need it.
Recent apps
Opens a list of thumbnail images of apps you’ve worked with recently. To open an app, touch it. To re­move a thumbnail from the list, swipe it left or right.
After a short time without getting used, these buttons may shrink to dots or fade away, depending on the current app. To bring them back, touch their location.
On the All Apps screen available from the Favorites tray, notice the Settings icon. This brings you to the Settings screens for your tablet, where you can ad­just things like network, sound, and account set­tings, among many others.
TIP: To get to Settings quickly no matter what screen you’re
on, swipe down your Notications from the top of any
screen and touch the small
Settings icon near the top.
At the top of the screen you’ll nd Google Search, which lets you
search your tablet or the Internet. Touch Google to type your search terms, or the
Microphone icon to speak them.
Touch & type
Use your ngers to manipulate icons, buttons, menus, the on­screen keyboard, and other items on the touchscreen. You can also change the screen’s orientation.
To select or activate something, touch it.
To type something, such as a name, password, or search terms,
just touch where you want to type. A keyboard pops up that lets
you type into the eld.
Other common gestures include:
Touch & hold. Touch & hold an item on the screen by touching it and not lifting your nger until an action occurs.
Drag. Touch & hold an item for a moment and then, without lift- ing your nger, move your nger on the screen until you reach
the target position. For example, you can move apps around on the Home screen.
Swipe or slide. Quickly move your nger across the surface of the screen, without pausing when you rst touch (so you don’t
drag something instead). For example, you can slide a Home screen left or right to view the other Home screens.
Double-tap. Tap quickly twice on a webpage, map, or other screen to zoom. For example, double-tap a picture in Browser to zoom in, and double-tap again to zoom out.
Pinch. In some apps (such as Maps, Browser, and Gallery), you can zoom in and out by placing two ngers on the screen at
once and pinching them together (to zoom out) or spreading them apart (to zoom in).
Rotate the screen. The orientation of most screens (excluding Home screens) rotates with your device as you turn it. To lock or unlock the screen’s vertical orientation, touch the Rotation
icon at the top of the notication shade.
To change your tablet’s notication sounds, vol­umes, and more, go to
Settings > Device >
To change your tablet’s brightness, font size, and more, go to
Settings > Device > Display.
Try Face Unlock
Depending how you use your tablet, you may want to set some form of automatic screen lock to prevent unauthorized access. If a lock has been set, the screen locks when your tablet’s display goes to sleep.
When you touch the power button to wake up a locked tablet, you must take some action, ranging from a simple swipe to typing a lengthy password, to unlock it.
You can set locks of different strengths using your tablet’s lock settings. To do so, go to
Settings > Personal > Security >
Screen lock and touch the type of lock you’d like to use.
Face Unlock is one of the options available. After you’ve set it up, you can unlock your tablet simply by looking at it. Although Face Unlock is not very secure, it can be convenient and fun to use.
Give it a try. Go to the Screen lock setting described above, touch Face Unlock, and follow the instructions.
TIP: After you set up Face Unlock, look under Settings > Personal > Security for two additional settings: Improve face matching and Liveness check. Use these to make Face
Unlock more reliable and secure.
Make yourself at home
Relax with Google Play
Google Play brings together all your favorite content in one place – movies, TV shows, books, music, magazines, apps, and more – so you can reach it from any of your devices.
Use Google Play widgets
These widgets are available on your Home screens:
My Library. Displays your most recently used music, books, and so on. Touch any of the images to see your content –plus
free gifts from Google.
Recommended on Play. Suggests music, movies, and other content that may interest you. Touch the suggestion to learn more about it.
Recommended apps. Recommends apps that you can add to your Home screen. Touch the recommendation to learn more about it.
All Google Play recommendation widgets work the same way:
To resize a widget, touch & hold, then let go and drag the blue dots. To remove it, touch & hold, then drag it to the Remove icon at the top of the screen.
To add another Play widget, touch the
All Apps icon, then Widgets, and swipe from right to left until you see the one you want. Then touch & hold, and let go in the Home screen location you want.
Shop on Google Play
To open the Google Play Store app, touch the Play
Store icon in your Favorites tray at the bottom of every Home screen.
Most things you purchase on Google Play are avail-
able from your computer as well as from any of your Android mobile devices. (Android apps are one exception – they run only on Android devices.)
Sign in to to get your entertainment from anywhere.
Touch to see a
different suggestion
Touch to avoid future suggestions like this
Touch to learn more
Play Store
Find your content
If you purchased on Google Play in the past, you’ll automatically have access to this content on your Nexus 7 — just make sure you’re signed in using the same account that you used to pur­chase it.
You can get to your content using any of the Google Play icons in your Favorites tray, including Books, Magazines, Movies, and Music.
Or, touch the
Play Store icon to open Google Play. In the top
right corner, to the left of the Menu and Search icons, you’ll nd
a My Library icon corresponding to the section of Google Play you’re currently viewing. For example, while browsing the Movies & TV section, you’ll see the Google Play Movies app icon, which will take you to My Movies & TV:
You can quickly access your content this way, from the Google Play Store app, even if you originally purchased it on Google Play using a different phone or tablet. If you get a new device, all your media will automatically be waiting for you here when you turn on and sign in.
Google Play settings
To adjust your Google Play settings, switch accounts, or get help, choose the option you want from the
Menu in the top right
Touch icon in this location to see your content of that type
The Google Play Settings screen lets you control when you’re no-
tied about updates to apps and games, clear your search history, and enable user controls. To lter Android apps based on matu-
rity level or require a PIN before completing any purchase, touch
Content ltering or Set or change PIN.
Google Play support
For more detailed information about Google Play, including phone and email support options, visit
Manage downloads
To manage most downloads, touch the Downloads icon on the All Apps screen. Note that movies and some other content can be downloaded to your tab­let but won’t show up in the Downloads app.
Unless you pin (download) content such as books or movies to your tablet so you can access it offline, Google Play streams your purchases and rentals from Google servers while you’re playing them – so they don’t occupy any permanent storage space.
In addition to downloading content from Google Play, you can download les from Gmail messages or a variety of other sourc­es. Use the Downloads app to view, reopen, or delete what you’ve downloaded in this way.
From the Downloads app:
Touch an item to open it.
Touch headings for earlier downloads to view them.
Check items you want to share. Then touch the
icon and choose a sharing method from the list.
Check items you want to delete. Then touch the
Trash icon.
At the bottom of the screen, touch Sort by size or Sort by date
to switch back and forth.
Files available in the Download app can also be viewed in the Download directory that’s visible when your tablet is connected
to a computer. You can view and copy les from this directory.
Use apps
To see all your apps, touch All Apps in the Favorites tray on any Home screen.
The main All Apps screen opens. This is where you can see all your apps, including those downloaded on Google Play. You can move app icons to any of your Home screens.
From All Apps, you can:
Move between screens. Swipe left or right.
Open an app. Touch its icon.
Place an app icon on a Home screen. Touch & hold the app
icon, slide your nger, and lift your nger to drop the icon in
Browse widgets. Touch the Widgets tab at the top of any All
Apps screen.
Get more apps. Touch the Play Store icon in the list of app
icons, or the Shop icon at the upper right.
To remove an app icon from the Home screen, touch & hold it,
slide your nger toward the top of the screen, and drop the app
over the
Remove icon .
To view info about an app from an All App screen, touch & hold it,
slide your nger toward the top of the screen, and drop the app
over the
App Info icon .
Most apps include a Menu icon near the top or bottom of the screen that lets you control the app’s settings.
Organize your Home screens
To add a widget to a Home screen:
1. Go to the Home screen where you want to place the widget.
2. Touch the
All Apps icon.
3. Swipe right to the Widgets tab and keep swiping, if necessary,
to nd the widget.
4. Touch & hold the widget until the Home screen appears, slide
it into place, and lift your nger.
To move an app or widget icon to a different location on a Home screen:
1. Touch & hold the icon.
2. Slide your nger to the new position.
To move between Home screens, slide toward the edge of the screen. To bump another icon out of the way, slide slowly into it.
3. Lift your nger.
The icon drops into its new position.
To combine two icons in a folder, slide one quickly over the other.
To open a folder, touch it.
To rename a folder, touch its name.
Start Gmail
The Gmail app lets you read and write email from any mobile device or browser. To open it, touch the Gmail icon on a Home or All Apps screen.
But Gmail isn’t just about email. You can use your Gmail account to sign in to all Google apps and services, includ­ing Google Now, for getting just the right information at just the right time; Calendar; People, for keeping track of your contacts; Google Documents, for working with documents, spreadsheets, or drawings; and many more.
The rst time you open Gmail, you’re asked to sign in or create an account, if you didn’t already do so when you rst set up your
tablet. Then the Inbox opens. From here, touch a message to read it. Unread messages are bold.
While you’re reading a message:
Touch the icons and menu along the top of the screen to ar-
chive, throw away, label, or perform other actions on that message.
Swipe left or right to read the previous or next conversation.
To organize your email, check the box beside a message to select it. Then use the icons and menu along the top of the screen to manage the selected messages.
To change your settings, add an account, or get help, touch the
Menu icon.
No matter where you are within Gmail, you can always get back to the Inbox by touching the
Gmail icon at the top left corner
of the screen.
Find People
The People app gives you quick access to everyone
you want to reach. To open it, touch the People icon
on a Home or All Apps screen.
When you rst turn on your tablet and sign into a
Google Account, any existing contacts from that account are synced with your People app. After that, all your contacts stay in sync automatically, whether you make changes on your tablet, from another device, or from any Web browser.
If you use Exchange, you can also sync that contact information with People.
All your People information is available from Gmail, Google Talk, and other apps where it’s useful. As you add contacts from differ­ent sources, they’re synced automatically across all the places you need them.
The rst time you open People, you’re asked to sign in or create an
account. Then the app opens to the main list of your contacts on the left. Select a contact to display it on the right. Or:
View all contacts, favorites, or groups. Choose from the top
left of the screen.
Read details. Touch a name to see details for a contact or
View recent activity. When viewing a contact, swipe to the
right to see recent updates.
Edit details. While viewing a contact, touch icons at the top of
the screen or the
Menu icon to search contacts, add a con­tact, edit or share contact details, delete a contact, and so on. You can also touch the star beside the contact’s name to add that contact to your Favorites list.
Change your settings. While viewing the main list screen,
touch the Menu icon to import or export contacts, choose display options for the Groups and All tabs, and add or edit accounts.
No matter where you are within People, you can always get back to the main lists by touching the
People icon at the top left
corner of the screen.
Manage your Calendar
The Calendar app lets you view and edit your sched­ule. To open it, touch the Calendar icon on a Home or All Apps screen.
When you rst set up your tablet, you congured it
to use an existing Google Account (such as Gmail), or you cre-
ated a new one. The rst time you open the Calendar app on your
tablet, it displays any existing calendar events from that Google Account on the web.
As you edit events from any mobile device or web browser, they’re synced automatically across all the places you need them.
To change the Calendar view, choose Day, Week, Month, or Agen- da from the top left of the screen. Swipe to scroll vertically or
horizontally. In the Day or Week views, spread your ngers apart
or pinch them together to zoom in or out.
From any of these views, you can:
Read or edit event details. Touch an event to view its details.
Manage events and calendars. Touch icons across the top of
the screen or
Menu to search or create events, return to to-
day, or adjust settings.
To email everyone who’s invited to an event, you have two options:
+ 76 hidden pages