Useful Avolites phone numbers:Avolites England
Sales and service*(+44) (0) 181 965 8522
Service out of hours* (+44) (0) 831 17 8888
Fax(+44) (0) 181 965 0290
Distribution of Avolites products in USA:-
Avolites America
Sales and service*(+1) 423 938 2057
Fax(+1) 423 938 2059
*Before contacting Avolites for service enquiry please ensure that you have the product serial
number and the Software version. The serial number can be found on the back of the desk
and the software version found by turning the key to SYSTEM and pressing button B
[SOFTWARE I.D.]. The software version is then displayed on the prompt line of the LCD
The latest version of this manual (in Microsoft Word 97) and Pearl Software can be
downloaded by modem from the Internet.
The small print :
No Liability for Consequential Damages
Avolites has a policy of continuous product and documentation improvement. As such the detail within this
manual may not match the operation of the Pearl.
In no event shall Avolites be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages or loss
whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, or other pecuniary
loss) arising out of the use or inability to use the Pearl even if Avolites Ltd. has been advised of the possibility of
such damages. Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential
or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
Reprint and revision history:
First produced October 1996
Midi information updated March 1997
Fully updated for Pearl 2000 Software March 10 1998
Snapshot added 11/03/98
View shapes added 12/03/98
View Focus changed to allow View Shapes 12/03/98
Corrected to Lydias notes 16/03/98
RS corrected monitor as standard 12/10/99
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Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page iii
1.READ ME!!12
1.1 How to use this manual12
1.2 Am I using a Pearl 2000?12
1.3 Turning on13
1.3.1The important stuff13
1.3.2Seeing the Screen13
1.3.3System software13
1.3.4Making backups13
1.4 Overview of the desk14
1.4.1The Back Panel14
1.4.2The Preset Area15
1.4.3The Playback Area15
1.4.4The Control Area16
1.4.5The Screen buttons17
1.5 The Key Switch Positions18
1.5.1System mode18
1.5.2Program mode18
1.5.3Run mode18
1.6 The Programmer18
1.6.1Placing Channels in the Programmer19
1.6.2Clearing Channels from the Programmer19
1.7 Clearing the Desk with a WIPEALL19
1.7.1To do a WIPEALL19
1.8 Help and Hints20
2.1 Getting ready21
2.2 Patching some Conventional lights21
2.2.1Quickly creating a 1 to 1 Dimmer patch21
2.2.2Patching individual Dimmers22
2.3 Controlling Dimmer Channels23
2.3.1Raising a Preset Fader23
2.3.2Controlling Dimmers on Different Pages23
2.4 Programming a first Memory23
2.5 Programming a first Chase24
2.5.1Connecting a Chase25
2.5.2Adjusting the Speed and Crossfade of your Chase25
2.5.3Stopping and Starting your Chase25
2.5.4Changing the direction of a Chase25
3.1 Getting ready26
3.2 Using Intelligent Fixtures26
3.3 Patching Intelligent Fixtures26
3.4 Controlling Intelligent Fixtures28
3.4.1Controlling Intelligent Fixtures using Wheels28
3.4.2Selecting a Fixture28
3.4.3Selecting a series of Fixtures28
3.4.4Using the AVO button as a Select Shift key28
3.4.5How the Wheels control the Attributes29
3.4.6High resolution Pan and Tilt control of 16 – bit Fixtures29
3.6 Programming a first Memory30
3.7 Programming a first Chase30
3.7.1Connecting a Chase31
3.7.2Adjusting the Speed and Crossfade of your Chase32
3.7.3Stopping and Starting your Chase32
3.7.4Changing the direction of a Chase32
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Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page iv
4.1 What are HTP and LTP Channels?33
4.2 How HTP and LTP Channels behave in the Programmer33
4.3 How HTP and LTP Channels are recorded33
4.4 INSTANT and FADING Channels34
4.4.1Setting an LTP Channel to be Instant or Fading34
4.5 Inverted Channels35
4.5.1To Invert a channel35
4.6 To swap Pan and Tilt35
4.7 The Moving Light Menu36
4.7.2Align Fixtures36
4.7.3Record Group37
4.7.4Define the Stage and Tracking On / Off37
4.8 The OFF button37
4.8.1Why we need an OFF function38
4.8.2To turn an individual Attribute OFF38
4.8.3To turn a Fixture OFF38
4.8.4Clearing Channels turned OFF38
4.8.5Turning Channels back ON again39
4.9 Controlling Attributes by typing in values39
4.10Help and Hints39
5.1 Before Patching41
5.2 Viewing the Patch41
5.2.1Viewing the DMX patch41
5.2.2Viewing the Fixture Patch (Patch by Handles)41
5.3 Selecting a DMX line42
5.4 Patching terminology42
5.5 Patching Conventional lights42
5.6 Patching more than one Dimmer onto a Preset Channel43
5.7 Patching Intelligent Fixtures.43
5.8 Patching a combination of Intelligent Fixtures and Dimmer Channels45
5.9 Quickly creating a 1 to 1 Dimmer patch45
5.10Fast patch46
5.11Patching Dimmer Channels in with Intelligent Fixtures46
5.12Changing the DMX address of patched Dimmers or Fixtures.46
5.13Changing the Handle of a Dimmer or Fixture47
5.14Deleting a DMX assignation47
5.15Deleting a Handle48
5.16Deleting an entire patch48
5.17Illegal Addresses48
5.18Setting a patch level48
5.19Setting a Dimmer curve49
5.20How many Fixtures or Dimmer Channels can I control?49
5.20.1Maximum numbers of Intelligent Fixtures?49
5.20.2Maximum numbers of Fixtures and Dimmers on the same desk49
5.20.3The maximum number of Dimmer Channels with no Intelligent Fixtures49
5.20.4Customising Personality Files to put Intelligent Fixture Attributes onto different
Attribute Banks50
5.21DMX features50
5.21.1Assigning DMX lines to outputs50
5.21.2Reducing the number of DMX Channels50
5.22Finding ‘lost’ Fixtures51
5.23Help and Hints52
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Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page v
6.1 Recording Modes54
6.1.1Record by Instrument54
6.1.2Record by Channel54
6.2 Programming a Memory54
6.3 Using the TIMES menu55
6.3.1Fade In Time55
6.3.2Fade Out time55
6.3.3LTP Fade Time55
6.3.4Entering a Fade time55
6.3.5Memory Mode Softbutton56
6.4 Memory Modes56
6.4.1Memory Mode 056
6.4.2Memory Mode 157
6.4.3Memory Mode 257
6.4.4Changing Memory Modes57
6.5 Using the ADD and SWOP buttons with Memory modes58
6.6 How Playback Faders run timed Memories58
6.7 Editing a Memory58
6.8 Copying a Memory59
6.9 Photocopying a Memory59
6.10Deleting a Memory59
6.11Viewing a Memory59
6.12Using the RECORD STAGE function60
6.12.1Using Record Stage to build a Memory60
6.12.2Recording HTP Channels as seen on stage into a Memory being edited60
6.13Recording and recalling Memories on the Graphics Tablet and Stage Remote61
6.14Help and Hints61
7.1 Recording Modes62
7.1.1Record by Instrument62
7.1.2Record by Channel62
7.2 Programming a Chase62
7.3 Connecting a Chase63
7.4 Adjusting the Speed and Crossfade of your Chase63
7.5 Stopping and Starting your Chase63
7.6 Stepping through a Chase64
7.7 Changing the direction of a Chase64
7.8 Automatically connecting to a Chase64
7.9 Putting Times into Chases64
7.9.1Global times Chases64
7.9.2Individual Step Times Chases65
7.9.3Building a Chase with Simple and Complex Steps..65
7.10The EDIT TIMES menu65
7.10.1Wait In Time65
7.10.2Wait Out Time65
7.10.3Fade In Time65
7.10.4Fade Out time65
7.10.5LTP Fade Time65
7.10.6LTP Wait time65
7.10.7Link ON or OFF66
7.10.8Entering a Fade or Wait time66
7.11Using the ADD and SWOP buttons when replaying a Chase66
7.12Editing Global Chase Times66
7.12.1Editing Global Chase Times using the Wheels66
7.12.2Changing Global Chase times using the EDIT TIMES menu Wheels66
7.12.3LINKING a Chase67
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Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page vi
7.13Editing values in a Chase Step67
7.13.1To Edit a Chase Step using REC. STEP67
7.13.2Changing the current Step Time using LIVE TIME68
7.13.3Changing the next Step Time using NEXT TIME68
7.13.4LINKING an Individual Chase Step menu69
7.13.5Making an Individual Chase Step SIMPLE or COMPLEX69
7.13.6To REVIEW your changes69
7.13.7The SNAP BACK function69
7.14Editing Chases using UNFOLD69
7.14.1Checking the steps69
7.14.2The UNFOLD menu69
7.14.4EDIT TIMES70
7.14.7Renumbering the UNFOLDED Chase71
7.14.9NEXT 15 STEPS71
7.14.10Exiting UNFOLD71
7.15How Playback Faders run timed Chases71
7.16Copying a Chase71
7.17Photocopying a Chase72
7.18To jump to any Chase step72
7.19The Screen Chase control box72
7.20Clearing a Temporary Speed and Crossfade73
7.21Chase Speeds in BPM or Seconds73
7.22Setting the Chase Speed by tapping the beat73
7.23Deleting a Chase73
7.24Deleting a Chase Step73
7.25Inserting a Chase Step74
7.26Renumbering a Chase74
7.27Setting the Chase Parameters74
7.27.1Softbutton A - SAVE SPEED75
7.27.2Softbutton B - SAVE DIRECTION75
7.27.3Softbutton C - NORMAL / RANDOM75
7.27.4Softbutton D - STOP ON FINAL STEP?75
7.28Previewing Chase Steps76
7.29VIEWING a Connected Chase76
7.30Recording and recalling Chase Steps on the Graphics Tablet and Stage Remote 77
7.31Help and Hints77
7.31.1DMX limitations on Chase Speeds77
8.1 FOCUSES - some definitions79
8.2 What is a Preset Focus?79
8.3 The Focus Mask80
8.3.1How the Focus Mask works80
8.3.2Default settings of the Focus Mask80
8.3.3To check the settings on the Focus Mask81
8.3.4Using the Focus Mask81
8.4 Organising your Preset Focuses82
8.5 Programming a Preset Focus82
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Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page vii
8.6 Using a Preset Focus83
8.7 Editing a Preset Focus84
8.8 Deleting a Preset Focus84
8.9 Shared Preset Focuses85
8.9.1Storing a Shared Preset Focus85
8.9.2Editing a Shared Preset Focus85
8.10The pre-programmed Preset Focuses86
8.11Replaying a Preset Focus over a time86
8.12VIEWING a Preset Focus87
8.13Switching OFF Attributes in Preset Focuses87
8.14Changing the Focus Mask88
8.15Help and hints88
9.1 More about the Screen - using VIEW90
9.1.1Resetting the Screen90
9.1.2To PREVIEW a Memory90
9.1.3Previewing Chase Steps90
9.1.4VIEWING a Connected Chase90
9.1.5To PREVIEW a Preset Focus91
9.1.6To PREVIEW a Fixture91
9.1.7To VIEW the current desk output91
9.2 Description of the various Screens91
9.2.3Screen 3 - USER PREFERENCES92
9.2.4Screen 4 - DMX PATCH92
9.2.5Screen 5 - CHASE TIMES92
9.2.6Screen 6 – PREVIEW92
9.2.7Screen 7 - PLAYBACK STATUS92
9.2.8Screen 8 - SCRIPT FILE92
9.2.9Screen 9 - VIEW PATCH BY HANDLE92
9.2.10Screen 10 – ATTRIBUTES AND TABLES93
9.2.11Screen 11 - CHASE UNFOLD93
9.2.12Screen 12 – SCRIPT FILE PARAMETERS93
9.3 Programming Groups93
9.4 Using a Group94
9.5 Using SNAPSHOT94 The desk can store up to 50 Snapshots.94
9.5.2To take a Snapshot94
9.5.3To Load a previously recorded Snapshot into the Programmer.95
9.5.4To Delete a Snapshot95
9.6 The CHANNEL button95
9.6.1To Select one Fixture95
9.6.2To Select a consecutive series of Fixtures96
9.6.3Using Groups with the CHANNEL button96
9.6.4To Select all Fixtures in the Programmer using the CHANNEL button97
9.6.5Manipulating Selected groups with the CHANNEL menu97
9.6.6To enter an intensity value from the keypad97 adjust a current intensity value by plus or minus 5% :98
9.7 The INCLUDE button98
9.7.1Using INCLUDE to selectively recall Fixtures or Attributes98
9.8 FAN mode99
9.9 Reduction Faders99
9.10Programming in BLIND mode100
9.10.1Entering Blind Mode100
9.10.2Exiting Blind Mode100
9.10.3To alter a Memory without changing the look on stage100
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Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page viii
9.11Sound to Light101
9.11.1Setting the sound to light input level link101
9.11.2Programming for Sound to Light101
9.11.3Running the Sound to Light function101
9.11.4Stopping the sound to Light function102
9.12Help and Hints102
10.1Types of Shapes103
10.1.1Cyclic and Random Shapes103
10.1.2Relative and Absolute Shapes103
10.2To apply a Shape103
10.3EDITING Shapes103
10.3.1To EDIT a Shape104
10.4Recording a Shape in a Memory105
10.5Shapes and Memory Modes106
10.6Editing a Shape stored in a Memory106
10.6.1Using INCLUDE to Edit a Shape106
10.7Stop Shapes button106
10.8Viewing active Shapes106
10.9Help and Hints107
10.9.1Advanced Shape Programming using OFF107
11.1Using the Moving Light tracking system108
11.2Training Moving Lights for Tracking108
11.2.1Marking out the stage108
11.2.2Defining the stage108
11.3Using Tracking without a Graphics Tablet109
11.4Using Align Fixtures in Tracking mode110
11.5In order to use 4D Track you must have a Graphics Tablet110
11.6Help and Hints110
12.1Setting 1. CHASE PARAMETERS111
12.2Setting 2. FADER OFF AT XX111
12.3Setting 3. FADER ON AT XX111
12.4Setting 4. Run Modes111
12.5Setting 5. Record Modes111
12.5.1Record by INSTRUMENT111
12.5.2Record by CHANNEL111
12.6Setting 6. Not used112
12.7Setting 7. Not Used112
12.8Setting 8. TC CHECK ENABLE / DISABLE112
12.9Setting 9. AUTOCONNECT112
12.10 Setting 10. Remote Connected / G - Tablet112
24.1A short review of the MIDI packet162
24.2Pearl MIDI implementation162
24.2.1To set the current page162
24.2.2To set the level of a playback (on the current page)163
24.2.3To step on a chase etc.163
24.3MIDI Time Code163
24.4Midi Problems164
24.5Further reading164
26.1What is and how do I write or change a Personality file?166
26.2Personality file naming conventions166
26.6Fixture switch settings168
26.10 The PRESET FOCUS table172
26.11 MACROS173
26.12 Example Personality File for the High End Cyberlight174
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1. Read Me!!
1.1 How to use this manual
The manual is designed to achieve two objectives; firstly to get the new user
of the Pearl 2000 up and running very quickly, and secondly to provide a fast
reference book for the more experienced operator. Pearl 2000 represents
changes in both hardware and software from other preceding Pearl models,
and a seasoned user of older models may want to skip straight to Appendix
1. Differences between Pearl 2000 and previous versions to acquaint
themselves with the changes that they will encounter.
If you are using a Pearl for the first time and are keen to get going, save
yourself the embarrassment of blowing the board up by reading section 1.2
of this chapter. Then go straight to either Chapter 2 Getting started withConventional lights if you have only simple Dimmer-based lamps, or Chapter
3 Getting started with Intelligent Fixtures if you have other DMX Fixtures, or
a combination of the two. These will tell you how to patch and control
Dimmer Channels and Intelligent Fixtures, and build a simple Memory and
Chase. In some cases, the first three chapters of this manual will be
practically everything you ever need to read.
Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page 12
The other chapters are designed to be completely self-contained for dipping
in to or reading as a whole. The idea is that if you read the chapter on
Chases, for example, this should tell you everything in the world that there is
to know about a Chase, starting with the simple stuff and leading you on
through the more complicated aspects. This means there is necessarily
some material repeated from the ‘get you going’ chapters, so that the later
sections remain self contained.
Where appropriate there is a help and hints problem solving section at the
end of each chapter too.
Terms are defined in the glossary
1.2 Am I using a Pearl 2000?
New Pearl 2000’s have a ‘Pearl 2000’ legend on the front panel, but to
establish if an older desk has been upgraded, you will need to check with
your supplier to find out if the hardware has been changed to allow a VG
monitor to be driven and facilitate the extra DMX outputs. You will also need
to check the software version number to see if the software has been
updated. (See 14.7.1 Finding your Software Version number). It is possible
that the software has been upgraded without the hardware modifications,
which makes no difference to the operation, except that you cannot run a
monitor, you will not have all four DMX 512 outputs and certain labels on the
buttons will be missing or wrong. You will find all these changes summarised
in Appendix 1. Differences between Pearl 2000 and previous versions.
New Pearl 2000’s are now shipped with VGA output as standard, and
although Pearl 2000 software will run without one, there are some new
functions for which the VDU is required.
P2000MAN.DOC 19/10/99 17:59
1.3 Turning on
1.3.1 The important stuff
(Please see Appendix 2. Diagram of the Pearl.)
Before powering up the console ensure the mains voltage selector is set to
the correct voltage for your area.
Failure to do this WILL cause severe damage, probably destroying the
power supply.
The voltage selector is below the power socket. The switch has two
positions, 120V and 230V.
You should connect the VGA Screen to the VDU socket before turning on.
There is a power outlet over the power socket.
If you intend to use a Graphics Tablet in this session, you should also
connect this up now to the Serial port on the back of the desk and switch it
on (blue POWER switch in depressed position). As it receives its power from
the desk it will not activate until the desk is on, but this helps it to boot up
Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page 13
Having checked the mains voltage is correctly selected, turn the console on
using the On switch located near the power socket.
The console will come to life.
1.3.2 Seeing the Screen
You may need to adjust the LCD Contrast or the LCD Brightness controls
in order to view information on the Screen. It is best to turn the Brightness
control to full and turn the Contrast control from minimum upwards to
achieve the best viewing angle for you. The brightness and contrast knobs
can be found on the end of the lower bank of Preset Faders.
1.3.3 System software
The desk should be preloaded with a version of Pearl 2000. Software
updates are released from time to time. These can be downloaded from the
Avolites Website at Avolites (address, together with
the relevant manuals. This manual refers to Software version Pearl 2000 or
Our Software is constantly being updated to provide new features and
functions. We test software as far as is practical before releasing it, but bugs
do occasionally get out. (If you think you have found a bug, don’t get mad,
get on the phone!). Most bugs are of an irritating rather than a catastrophic
1.3.4 Making backups
Your programming will usually be preserved in the desk and you should find
your show intact from one day to the next. However, when the desk is
performing particular recording functions, there is moment while data is
being recorded and the files are open, when your show is vulnerable.
P2000MAN.DOC 19/10/99 17:59
A major glitch in the mains supply could cause the desk to lock up, which
could corrupt your programming if it occurred at this time. This happens
extremely rarely, but always at the worst possible time!
In every case make regular disk backups. (See Section 14.1.2 Saving yourshow to disk).
The less time you have for programming the more important it is to
make backups.
Happy programming from everyone at Avolites.
1.4 Overview of the desk
1.4.1 The Back Panel
There are a number of different sockets and outputs on the rear of the desk.
On the far left is the Power Socket where you will insert the mains lead for
the desk. Above this is the Power Outlet for powering the VGA Screen, and
the Voltage Selector Switch, which enables the desk to run on either 110v
or 240v. See the section above, 1.3.1 The important stuff for further details.
Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page 14
Next to this is the Air Intake for the desk. It is important that this is never
obstructed. Adjacent to this is the Mains Switch.
The DMX Outputs are a pair of DMX 512 sockets configured to control up to
four DMX lines of 512 channels each.
If you are using a new Pearl 2000, which will have ‘Pearl 2000’ etched into
the front panel, you can control four DMX 512 channels. In order to access
channels 3 and 4, a splitter is required as the system utilises the two spare
lines of a normal DMX cable. If you do not have the splitter, channels 1 and
2 only will be available in the normal way.
The splitter consists of a ‘Y’ split which runs pins 2 & 3 straight through onto
pins 2 & 3 of one leg, and puts pins 4 & 5 onto pins 2 & 3 of the other leg to
allow access to the extra channels. Splitters can easily be made or are
available from Avolites Limited.
If you have previous model of the Pearl, it will only be able to provide one or
two DMX 512 channels, depending on when it was bought and whether it
has since been modified. An upgrade kit is available to allow original Pearls
to access two DMX 512 channels. You will need to consult your supplier to
find out if this upgrade has been performed on your particular desk. All
Pearls have two DMX sockets, so this is no indicator of how many channels
they are internally configured to drive.
The Software does not know how many DMX Lines the desk can drive,
so check before you start to patch onto lines B – D.
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The Serial Port allows the desk to be connected to either the GraphicsTablet or the Stage Remote.
The MIDI In and MIDI Out sockets allow the desk to be linked to a suitable
MIDI device for external control of the desk.
The RESET button is for a soft reset of the desk. In the unlikely event that
your desk has crashed, pressing this button should bring it back to life. This
does not clear the desk, and should not be confused with a WIPEALL. See
section 1.7 Clearing the Desk with a WIPEALL.
The DMX In socket is for future use and is not implemented at present.
The Sound To Light socket enables you to plug a microphone or other line
level signal into the desk for Sound To Light operation.
Finally the VDU socket is where you plug in your external screen.
1.4.2 The Preset Area
This is the upper half of the desk, and includes the LCD Brightness and
LCD Contrast controls (see Section 1.3.2 Seeing the Screen), the Sound to
Light control (Section 9.11 Sound to Light ) and the Key. The latter
determines whether the desk is set to System,Program or Run. The
different positions determine which functions of the desk are available to the
user, and the Key is removable to allow the desk to be locked.
Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page 15
There is a desklamp socket and a fairly self-evident three mode switch for it.
The Pearl consists of 2 banks of Preset Faders, which can be used for up to
controlling sixty individual Channels in Single Preset or Wide mode or up to
thirty individual Channels in Two Preset mode.
The level to which these Preset Faders can raise a channel is determined byMaster Fader A in Single Preset mode and Master Faders A and B in Two
Preset mode. Master Fader A sets the maximum level for the bottom row of
Presets and Master Fader B sets it for the top row.
There are thirty Preset SWOP and Preset ADD buttons. You may know
these as Flash buttons.
In Two Preset Mode, there is obviously a SWOP and an ADD button for each
Channel. In Wide mode these are associated with Channels 1 to 30.
The Preset SWOP function solos a Preset Channel, killing all other Playback
or Preset Channels.
The Preset ADD buttons add the Channel to the output of the desk.
In Normal Run Mode the level to which these buttons output is controlled by
the Swop Master Fader and the Add Master Fader
1.4.3 The Playback Area
Memories and Chases are recalled from fifteen Playbacks located under the
Each Roller Facet on the Roller is lettered A to J and there are three Roller
Pages available allowing the Roller to be filled with three separate banks of
data per Roller Facet. There are three Roller Page buttons located to the
left of the Roller.
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The Pearl has a maximum of 450 different Chases and Memories. Each
Chase can contain any number of steps, subject to the availability of storage
memory within the desk.
There are Playback SWOP and Playback ADD buttons associated with
each of the Playback Faders. These operate in a similar manner to the
Preset SWOP and Preset ADD buttons, and allow a Playback Channel to be
recalled either solo, (killing all other Playback or Preset Channels), using the
Playback SWOP button, or added to the desk output using the Playback
ADD button.
In Normal Run Mode the level to which these buttons output is controlled by
the SWOP Master Fader and the ADD Master Fader.
The Grand Master Fader always determines the output of the whole of the
Playback and Preset Areas proportional to its level.
1.4.4 The Control Area
This area is used to control all the programming features of the desk.
The Pearl has two Wheels marked A and B. These control various desk
functions described later.
Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page 16
There is a vertical row of twelve blue buttons called Program Selects which
are used for programming and also allow access to the most commonly used
Eleven grey Attribute Bank buttons usually determine which Attribute of a
moving light is currently under control. They allow access to or indicate the
use of the relevant DMX Channels required to control the different functions
of sophisticated Fixtures. Attribute Button 11 is a Shift key which allows
access to another page of Attribute Banks. There are no Fixtures at present
which use Attribute Banks 11 – 20, but there may be in future. The red
Attribute Button 12 allows an intensity channel to have its overall output
The Chase CONNECT, STOP and GO buttons allow chases to be played
and edited.
Directly to the right of these is a block of twelve buttons.
The Sequence Control section, which is the bottom row of buttons, gives
Run time control of Chases and allows programming and editing of Chases.
The button which used to be called EDIT is now called REVIEW, and has a
different function.
The row of four keys above this are buttons which may be blank if the
hardware upgrades on the desk have not been done. These are for
enhanced editing of Chases, and should be labelled left to right as follows :
The top row of buttons are for changing Pages of Fixtures. Again, on an
unmodified Pearl, the legend may be absent. These are used to effectively
create four pages of Preset Faders so that you can patch and control more
Fixtures and Dimmers than there are Preset Faders. This is an enhanced
function that replaces the old method of patching extra dimmers onto unused
Attribute Banks.
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We have used the ‘Hotel Room’ theory of numbering our Preset Faders
ie. On Page 0 you find Preset Faders 1– 60, on Page 1 you find Preset
Faders 100 – 160 and so on.
⇒ For the sake of simplicity, where I have referred to Preset Faders 1 – 30
or 31 – 60, the information can generally be taken to apply also to PresetFaders 101 – 130 / 131 – 160, 201 – 230 / 231 – 260 and 301 – 330 /
331 – 360. The only difference is the current Page of Fixtures selected.
There is a Display, alongside which are the Softbuttons labelled A to H.
These buttons refer to options presented along the right hand side of the
LCD display. These will differ according to which Screen is currently being
To the right of this is the Keypad. This features a Numeric Keypad, the
Keypad Function Keys, the new Programming keys at the top of the
Keypad, the four Cursor Keys at the bottom and the new AVO key.
1.4.5 The Screen buttons
The Numeric Keypad and Keypad Function Keys allow the programmer to
enter data into the desk. Some buttons have changed in this section from
previous versions of the Pearl. The top row of grey buttons should be
labelled as follows from left to right : CHANNEL, FOCUS, INCLUDE andNEXT SCREEN. The button to the right of the number 3 on the keypad,
which was previously unassigned, is now the AVO button.
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The CHANNEL button allows different ways of selecting Fixtures, and is a
new feature. See section 9.6 The CHANNEL button. Note that the only way
to exit this menu is to press the Channel button again.
The FOCUS button allows numeric access to Preset Focus functions, and is
also a new feature. See Section 8.5 Programming a Preset Focus.
The INCLUDE button is an old programming feature which has been moved
from its previous location in the Program Select bank. See Section 9.7 The
INCLUDE button.
The NEXT SCREEN button enables the viewing of the 12 different Screens
of information. Pressing it will take you on to the next Screen, or back to
Screen 1 when you reach Screen 12. This replaces the old View Cursors.
The AVO button is currently used as a Shift key to enable the Selection of
Dimmer Channels patched onto the upper bank of Preset Faders.
The Cursor Keys allow navigation around the Screens themselves. Typically
the Up and Down Arrows move the cursor up and down items on a menu,
and the Left and Right Arrows allow you to toggle between different options
of a menu item.
EXIT allows you to quit a Screen and return to the next menu up if
applicable. If you are stuck in a Screen, press EXIT.
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1.5 The Key Switch Positions
1.5.1 System mode
Turning the Key to System mode allows access to System Software, various
diagnostic functions, the Script Files and the WIPEALL function (see Section
1.7.1 To do a WIPEALL). If you are upgrading your System Software or
emptying a desk prior to programming a new show, you will use this section.
It is not recommended to program in this mode, so do what you gotta do and
get out!
1.5.2 Program mode
In Program mode, the System Software is protected, and it is not possible to
completely wipe the desk. All the Programming and Editing functions are
enabled, allowing you to build or change any aspect of a show.
1.5.3 Run mode
This is discussed further in Chapter 13 Running your show, but generally this
disables any possibility of permanent change to the programmed show while
allowing full access to the Playback functions.
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On the Pearl, the Key can be removed to lock the desk in any of the above
modes. It can be useful to lock the desk into Run mode to prevent anyone
messing about with the show.
1.6 The Programmer
This name is given to an internal part of the desk that contains information
prior to recording. It always outputs at full, and even overrides the GrandMaster.
Any information put in the Programmer always takes highest priority. As
soon as you change any Attribute of any Fixture, the DMX channel
controlling the Attribute (and thus the Attribute itself) will be held in the
Programmer and dissociated from any other part of the desk trying to control
it .
In practice, what this means is that as soon as you manually change, for
example the colour of an Intellabeam, the only way that you can change the
colour again, until you release the Fixture, is by selecting another colour
manually for it. If you have a colour Chase running through all your
Intellabeams on a Playback Fader, this one will not run the Chase until the
Programmer is cleared. Once released from the Programmer, it will happily
join in again with its friends!
Other Fixtures not in the Programmer will not be affected.
Other Attributes of the Fixture not placed in the Programmer (eg. Pan and
Tilt) will not be affected.
The lamp is released by pressing the CLEAR button, which empties the
There may be several Channels in the Programmer at one time, and this
may not be obvious.
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If you change an Attribute of a Fixture, and deselect it to edit another Fixture,
the first channel is still in the Programmer even though you are now using a
different Instrument. You may even be in a different Attribute Bank. It will
store in any Memories or Chase Steps you may make until you press
⇒To avoid storing unwanted information when programming press the
CLEAR button before starting to build any Memories or Chases.
If a channel does not change in level when a Playback Fader is moved,
it is probably under the control of the Programmer. Release it by
pressing CLEAR.
See also Section 4.2 How HTP and LTP Channels behave in the
1.6.1 Placing Channels in the Programmer
Channels are placed in the Programmer when ever they are edited by any
means but not as a result of recalling Memories or Chases.
Recalling a Memory or a Chase on a Playback Fader does not put the
Channels in the Programmer.
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⇒ This means that you cannot record new Memories or Chases using looks
straight from a Playback Fader (However see Section 9.7 The INCLUDEbutton).
1.6.2 Clearing Channels from the Programmer
Channels can be removed from the Programmer by :
• Pressing CLEAR
• Using the OFF Function. (See Section 4.8The OFF button).
1.7 Clearing the Desk with a WIPEALL
A WIPEALL empties the Pearl of all previous programming, including the
patch, but leaves the System Software intact.
⇒A WIPEALL is recommended before starting to program any new show.
Make sure any important data is saved to disk before doing a WIPEALL
or it will be lost forever!! (See Section 14.1.2 Saving your show to disk.)
1.7.1 To do a WIPEALL
• Turn the Key to System. Puts you in SYSTEM MODE menu.
• Press Softbutton A [SERVICE]. Puts you in the SERVICE menu.
• Press Softbutton F [WIPEALL]. Asks you to press Softbutton F to confirm
WIPEALL or press EXIT to abort..
• Press Softbutton F again. Console energises and restores you to SYSTEM MODE
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• Turn Key to Program. Puts you in LIVE PROGRAM MODE menu.
• Start programming!!
1.8 Help and Hints
Problem : I didn’t read the manual properly and I plugged the desk in with
the wrong voltage selected. I think I’ve blown up my Power Supply. HELP!
Solution : If you can find an Electronics shop like Tandy in the UK or Radio
Shack in the US, they should be able to sell you the Power Supply called a
Baby AT for an ordinary PC. If you cannot get this, another PC power supply
may well do the job.
Although these may not actually fit inside the Pearl properly, they should
have the correct connectors fitted to run the console until you can bring
yourself to admit what you have done to Avolites and get a replacement!
Problem : I can’t seem to get a DMX output from the Pearl.
Solution 1: Check that you have your DMX cable plugged into the correct
socket. Also check that you have not tried to patch Fixtures onto a DMX 512
output that the desk cannot drive.
Solution 2: Check that you have not reduced the number of DMX Channels
that the desk is outputting. (See section 5.21.2 Reducing the number ofDMX Channels).
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2. Getting started with Conventional lights
2.1 Getting ready
Congratulations. Presumably you have managed to power up correctly and
avoided blowing up the desk. If you have not yet powered up, go back to
Section 1.3.1 The important stuff and follow the instructions then come back
and join us.
If you are programming a new show from the beginning, you should clear all
the old junk out of the desk that the previous user left behind. To clear the
desk, do a WIPEALL See the previous Section 1.7.1 To do a WIPEALL.
2.2 Patching some Conventional lights
Before you can control a Fixture or a Dimmer you must Patch it. The Patch
function connects a desk Channel to an actual output Channel. We have
used the ‘Hotel Room’ theory of numbering our Preset Faders
ie. On Page 0 you find Preset Faders 1– 60, on Page 1 you find Preset
Faders 100 – 160 and so on.
2.2.1 Quickly creating a 1 to 1 Dimmer patch
• Turn the Key to Program. Puts you in LIVE PROGRAM MODE.
• Press the PATCH button on the blue Program Select bank. Puts you in the
The VGA Screen will automatically change to show which DMX addresses are in use.
• Select the Page of Fixtures that you want to patch onto.
Selecting page 0 will allow you to patch Preset Faders 001 – 060.
Selecting page 1 will allow you to patch Preset Faders 101 – 160
Selecting page 2 will allow you to patch Preset Faders 201 – 260.
Selecting page 3 will allow you to patch Preset Faders 301 – 360
• Press Softbutton A [DIMMER]. Screen asks you to enter a DMX number and
patch it to an ADD or SWOP button.
• Press and hold down the grey Preset ADD button number 1. The Preset A
and B LED’s will flash once.
• Whilst still holding this, press and release the grey Preset ADD button
number 30. The Preset A and B LED’s will turn on whilst the desk is computing the
patch and will then go out.
• Select another Page of Fixtures and repeat the process if required. You
can patch a maximum of 120 Dimmer Presets in this way.
• Press EXIT or the PATCH button to leave the Patch functions.
This gives you the maximum number of Channels accessible in Two PresetMode. That means that both sets of Preset Faders control each Dimmer
Channel. You have patched them to DMX output 1, so you need to ensure
that your DMX cable is in the DMX socket 1 on the back of the desk.
To run in Two Preset Mode, you need to set User Setting 4 to 2 PRESET.
(See section 12.4 Setting 4. Run Modes).
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If you want to run the desk in Wide mode, repeating the above directions on
the SWOP buttons will 1 to 1 patch Channels 31 - 60 onto the top set of
Preset Faders, leaving the original 30 Channels patched on the bottom
Preset Faders. You can repeat this on each of the four Pages of Fixtures,
allowing you to patch up to 240 Dimmer Presets in this way.
2.2.2 Patching individual Dimmers
• Turn the Key to Program. Puts you in LIVE PROGRAM MODE.
• Press the PATCH button on the blue Program Select bank. Puts you in the
If you have the VGA option the VGA Screen will automatically change to show which DMX
addresses are in use.
• Select the Page of Fixtures that you want to patch onto.
Selecting page 0 will allow you to patch Preset Faders 001 – 060.
Selecting page 1 will allow you to patch Preset Faders 101 – 160
Selecting page 2 will allow you to patch Preset Faders 201 – 260.
Selecting page 3 will allow you to patch Preset Faders 301 – 360
• Press Softbutton A [DIMMER]. Screen asks you to enter a DMX number and
patch it to an ADD or SWOP button.
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• Using the Numeric Keypad type the number of the lowest DMX channel
you are going to use. The Screen suggests the lowest DMX channel number
available (1), but you can type over this.
• Press a grey Preset ADD button to patch a DMX address onto any of the
Preset Faders 1 to 30 or a blue Preset SWOP button to patch a DMX
address onto any of the Preset Faders 31 to 60. The DMX address
automatically increments each time you patch a channel. This allows you to easily patch
sequential addresses. You can type over the incremented values if you need to.
⇒ You can patch any number of Dimmer DMX Channels onto any Preset
• Continue patching in this way until you have patched all the Dimmer
Channels that you want to patch on this Page of Fixtures. If you are only
patching a sequential series of DMX Channels, this should simply involve pressing the
ADD or SWOP buttons of the destination Preset Faders.
•Select another Page of Fixtures and repeat the process if required. You
can patch a maximum of 240 Dimmer Presets in this way.
• Press the EXIT button or Softbutton F [QUIT THIS MENU] to leave the
patch. Puts you in the PATCH DIMMER OR DEVICE menu.
• Press EXIT or the PATCH button again. Puts you back in LIVE PROGRAM
MODE menu.
⇒ Do this as soon as you have finished patching since it is easy to leave
the desk in Patch and then to inadvertently patch a Dimmer or Fixture
when meaning to recall a Preset Focus! (See Chapter Eight Preset
⇒ If you have anything more complicated to patch or you have made a
mistake, go to Chapter 5, Patching for further help.
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The Preset Fader on which you have patched a Dimmer Channel is called its
Once patched Handles are immediately active and so can be used to bring
up Channels straight away to check your patch.
2.3 Controlling Dimmer Channels
2.3.1 Raising a Preset Fader
• Make sure all the Master Faders are at full.
• Select the appropriate Page of Fixtures.
• Raise and lower the Preset Faders.
The channel will output to the level of the Preset Fader.
2.3.2 Controlling Dimmers on Different Pages
You can use Fixtures from any pages to build your Memories and Chases. If
the channel you want to control is on the same Preset Fader but a different
page to another channel you are using, you will need to :
Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page 23
• Select the Page of Fixtures of the first channel you want to use.
• Raise the Preset Fader of the first channel. The VDU will display the output
• Select the Page of Fixtures of the second channel.
• Bring the Preset Fader down to zero, then back up to the desired value
of the second channel. The VDU will display the output value of the first channel
unchanged, and also the value of a new channel.
⇒ To change the value of a Channel on a different Page of Fixtures, it is
necessary to match the Preset Fader to the original value of the channel
by raising or lowering the Preset Fader. The VDU display shows the
value of the Channel and the Preset Fader separately until the values
are matched and the Preset Fader takes control.
2.4 Programming a first Memory
• Turn the Key to Program. Puts you in LIVE PROGRAM MODE menu.
• Press CLEAR to empty the Programmer. (See Section 1.6 The
Programmer for more details.)
• Make sure all the Master Faders are at full and all the Playback Faders
are at zero.
• Create the scene you wish to record by selecting the appropriate Pages
of Fixtures and raising Preset Faders. See section 2.3.2 Controlling
Dimmers on Different Pages if required.
• Turn the Roller to the Facet you wish to record onto.
• Select Roller Page one, two or three. The Roller Page Buttons are
located to the left of the Roller.
• Press the blue MEMORY buttonon the Program Select bank. Its LED will
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• Press the SWOP button of the Playback Channel you want to record the
Memory onto. The Memory is now recorded. The LED on the Playback Channel will
light to indicate it has something recorded on it and the LED on the MEMORY button
goes out.
You may wish to bring up the Playback Fader you have just programmed
(If it was up you should take it down then put it up) and take down any
preset faders that are up.
• Press CLEAR to release Channels from the Programmer.
⇒ If the Playback Fader is not at zero, you must lower it to zero before you
raise it again to recall the Memory.
It is very important to get into the habit of pressing CLEAR, to ensure
that you do not end up recording Channels into your next Memory or
Chase that are not intended.
That’s it. You have just programmed a basic Memory. There are many other
things you can do with a Memory, all of which are detailed in Chapter 6
Programming Memories.
Let’s try programming a simple Chase.
2.5 Programming a first Chase
• Turn the Key to Program. Puts you in LIVE PROGRAM MODE menu.
• Press CLEAR to empty the Programmer. (See Section 1.6 The
Programmer for more details.)
• Make sure all the Master Faders are at full and all the Playback Faders
are at zero.
• Turn the Roller to the Facet you wish to record onto.
• Select Roller Page one, two or three. The Roller Page Buttons are
located to the left of the Roller. There is no need to press ENTER.
• Press the blue CHASE buttonon the Program Select bank. Its LED will light
up and you can see which Playback Faders are free because their SWOP button LED’s
will flash.
• Press the flashing SWOP button of the Playback Channel you want to
record the Chase onto. All the other Playback Fader LED’s will stop flashing.
• Create the scene you wish to record by selecting the appropriate Pages
of Fixtures and raising Preset Faders to create the look you wish to use
for Step 1 of your Chase. See section 2.3.2 Controlling Dimmers on
Different Pages if required.
• Press the flashing SWOP button of the Playback Channel to record the
Step. The prompt line on the Screen tells you your next step number.
• Repeat the previous two directions for as many Steps as you wish to
record. There is no limit to the number of Chase Steps provided that there is enough
storage memory left in the desk.
• Press the CHASE button again. The Chase is now recorded. The LED on the
Playback Channel will light to indicate it has something recorded on it and the LED on the
CHASE button goes out.
• Press CLEAR to release Channels from the Programmer.
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⇒ If the Playback Fader is not at zero, you must lower it to zero before you
raise it again to recall the Memory.
It is very important to get into the habit of pressing CLEAR, to ensure
that you do not end up recording Channels into your next Memory or
Chase that are not intended.
2.5.1 Connecting a Chase
You can alter aspects of the Chase by CONNECTING it.
• Turn the Roller to select the Roller Facet of the Chase you wish to
• Raise the Chase Playback Fader above the Trigger Point. This is the point
at which the Chase will start to run
• Press the blue CONNECT button in the Sequence Control area. The LED’s
of all the Chases on this page of the Roller will flash.
• Press the SWOP button of the Chase you want to Connect. The Chase
LED’s stop flashing.
We say the Chase is now CONNECTED.
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2.5.2 Adjusting the Speed and Crossfade of your Chase
Connect the Chase. You can now control the Speed and Crossfade times
of your Chase using the two Wheels.
2.5.3 Stopping and Starting your Chase
The STOP and GO buttons stop and start a Connected Chase.
The STOP button steps through a Stopped Chase.
⇒ Note that when stepping through a Chase in this fashion, the steps will
be executed without any timing information that may be programmed in
2.5.4 Changing the direction of a Chase
You can change the direction of a Connected Chase by using the three
Arrow Keys at the bottom of the Sequence Control area.
The Right and Left Arrows send the Chase Forwards and Backwards
respectively, and the Double-Ended Arrow makes the Chase Bounce
backwards and forwards, with the Right or Left Arrow indicating which
direction it is currently going in.
A number of Chase Parameters are definable for each Chase. Details of
these can be found in section 7.27 Setting the Chase Parameters.
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3. Getting started with Intelligent Fixtures
3.1 Getting ready
Congratulations. Presumably you have managed to power up correctly and
avoided blowing up the desk. If you have not yet powered up, go back to
Section 1.3.1 The important stuff and follow the instructions then come back
and join us.
If you are programming a new show from the beginning, you should to clear
all the old junk out of the desk that the previous user left behind. To clear the
desk, do a WIPEALL. See 1.7.1 To do a WIPEALL.
3.2 Using Intelligent Fixtures
Pearl 2000 is designed to control Intelligent Fixtures and has many powerful
features to allow fast programming combined with hands on control. This
starts with the Patch system, which uses Personality Files to define how
Intelligent Fixtures will be controlled by the console. These are stored on the
3.5 inch Personality Disks supplied with your desk.
Each different type of Fixture has a different Personality File built for it.
Updates can be supplied from Avolites Ltd. or picked up from the Website
(, or they can easily be customised if you have access to
a PC. See the Personality Disk Programmer’s Manual for more details.
3.3 Patching Intelligent Fixtures
In order to control an Intelligent Fixture, you first need to patch it. We have
used the ‘Hotel Room’ theory of numbering our Preset Faders
ie. On Page 0 you find Preset Faders 1– 60, on Page 1 you find Preset
Faders 100 – 160 and so on.
When patching Intelligent Fixtures using a Pearl, you can either enter the
DMX addresses for Fixtures that have already been addressed, or let the
desk generate an address for each Instrument, write it down and then go
around and address your rig.
Either way, it is useful to write the addresses down.
The desk will normally create addresses from DMX Channel 1 upwards.
Each of the red Preset Faders and the associated SWOP and ADD buttons
can used to control an Intelligent Fixture. It is called its Handle. There are 30
handles on each of the four Pages of Fixtures, so you can control a
maximum of 120 Intelligent Fixtures on a Pearl 2000. It is also possible to
control up to 120 Dimmer Presets as well on the blue Preset Faders,
provided you have sufficient DMX channels. See section 5.20 How many
Fixtures or Dimmer Channels can I control?
• Turn the key to Program. Puts you in LIVE PROGRAM MODE menu.
• Put the Personality Disk in the disk drive.
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• Press the blue PATCH button on the Program Select bank. You are asked
to choose DIMMER or DEVICE.
If you have the VGA Screen option this will now display which DMX addresses are in
use, and which Fixture type is using them.
• Press Softbutton B [CHOOSE A FIXTURE]. The disk is now read and a list of
available Personalities is presented on SoftbuttonsA to E. More Fixtures can be listed by
pressing Softbutton F [MORE]. Softbutton G [GO BACK] takes you back one page of
• Select the Instrument you wish to patch from the list on the Softbuttons.
• You will now be presented with a menu asking if you want to
automatically create Preset Focuses. Select Yes or No using the
Automatically creating Preset Focuses allows you to quickly create a show when
programming time is limited. In general the pre-programmed Preset Focuses are
arranged as 10 colours, 10 gobos and 10 positions on Preset Focus buttons 1 to 30.
If you wish to totally customise how the Preset Focus buttons are used selecting NO
will probably be best. You cannot load automatically generated Preset Focusesexcept when initially patching.
See Chapter 8 Preset Focuses for more details.
• The disk is now read again and the Fixture is ready to patch. Screen shows
how the different Attributes of the Fixture are presented, and displays a DMX address at
the top.
If you do not have the magnetic Attribute Bank label, it is worth copying this
information onto the Attribute Bank select buttons. (Use tape to prevent damage.)
You can use the address suggested by the desk or you can enter a new address on
the Numeric Keypad. (The advantage of using the provided address is that there is
no risk of conflict with previously patched Fixtures or Dimmers.)
• Select the Page of Fixtures that you want to patch onto.
Selecting page 0 will allow you to patch Handles 001 – 030.
Selecting page 1 will allow you to patch Handles 101 – 130
Selecting page 2 will allow you to patch Handles 201 – 230.
Selecting page 3 will allow you to patch Handles 301 – 330
• Press a Preset FaderADD button to patch the Fixture.That Fixture is now
patched onto this Handle. The Screen will now show the next free DMX address. Again
you can use this or enter another address and patch more Fixtures by pressing PresetFader ADD buttons.
• If desired, you can select another Page of Fixtures and continue
patching in the same way. You can use Preset Faders on the new page
that you have used on a previous Page of Fixtures.
• When you have finished patching all your Fixtures of that type, you can
either press Softbutton A [SELECT ANOTHER DEVICE], to patch more
devices of a different kind, or Softbutton F [QUIT] or EXIT.
⇒ Exit as soon as you have finished patching since it is easy to leave the
desk in patch and then to inadvertently patch a Dimmer or Fixture when
meaning to recall a Preset Focus!
These are only available for patching Dimmer Channels onto. (See
Chapter 5 Patching.)
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⇒ If you have anything more to patch or you have made a mistake, go to
Chapter 5 Patching for further help.
3.4 Controlling Intelligent Fixtures
Now you have patched your Intelligent Fixtures, you will want to be able to
control them. The various Attributes of each Fixture are accessed via the
Attribute Bank. You can then use the Wheels to set the level of an
Attribute. Intensities can be controlled either using the Wheel A in the
LAMPS Attribute Bank or the Preset Faders. The Preset Faders control
intensities only.
On a Pearl 2000 fully loaded with 120 Intelligent Fixtures and 120 Dimmer
Presets, the Intensities of the Dimmers will all be on the blue Preset Faders,
and the Intensities of the Intelligent Fixtures will all be on the red PresetFaders. Thus, an Intellabeam patched onto Handle 14 will have its Intensity
on Preset Fader 14.
3.4.1 Controlling Intelligent Fixtures using Wheels
To do this you need to connect the Wheels to the desired Handles.
3.4.2 Selecting a Fixture
Press the SWOP button of the Handle you have patched them on to. This
will Select whatever Fixture or Dimmer Channel has its intensity patched
onto the red Preset Faders on this Page of Fixtures. The LED on the button
will light up. (If this does not happen, press Softbutton B [USER SETTINGS] followed by
Softbutton A [FIXTURES OR MIMICS] then EXIT.)
You have Selected this Fixture. You can Select further Fixtures by pressing
more SWOP buttons.
The Fixture will now respond to the Wheels. You can choose an Attribute
from the Attribute Bank and control these Channels.
3.4.3 Selecting a series of Fixtures
To select a group of adjacent Fixtures :
• Press the Preset SWOP button of the first Fixture you want to select and
hold it down.
• Press the Preset SWOP button of the last Fixture you want to select.
• Release the first Preset Swop selected, then the second. The LED’s of
all the buttons between the two will light up, indicating that they are
3.4.4 Using the AVO button as a Select Shift key
You can use the AVO button as a shift key to Select one or more adjacent
Dimmer Presets on any of the blue Preset Faders, using the SWOP buttons
method as above.
• Hold down the AVO button while pressing the appropriate SWOP button.
You have Selected a Dimmer Channel patched onto the blue Preset Faders.
You can also Select a series of adjacent Dimmer Presets using the AVO
button and the two SWOP button Selection method above.
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3.4.5 How the Wheels control the Attributes
The Pearl has two Wheels.
The top Attribute on the Attribute Bank is controlled by the Right Hand
Wheel (Wheel B) and the bottom Attribute is controlled by the Left Hand
Wheel (Wheel A).
For example, here is how an eight channel Intellabeam Moving Mirror light is
controlled. I have assumed that the Fixture is Selected.
Choosing Attribute Bank 1 (LAMPS) and moving Wheel A will turn on the
Dimmer Channel.
Choosing Attribute Bank 3 (PAN / TILT) and moving Wheel A will move the
Tilt axis of the mirror. Wheel B will alter the Pan.
Selecting Attribute Bank 4 (COLOUR / COLOUR) and moving Wheel A will
move the colour Wheel of the Fixture. Using Wheel B will not affect the
Fixture as it only has one colour Wheel.
3.4.6 High resolution Pan and Tilt control of 16 – bit Fixtures
Pressing the Pan / Tilt Attribute button a second time toggles the Fine control
of Pan and Tilt for Fixtures with 16 bit Pan and Tilt. The LED on the Pan / Tilt
Attribute Bank flashes to show that it is operating in Fine mode. The mode
will be retained when you change Attribute Banks.
Sometimes you want to quickly be able to find a Fixture. Some Fixtures have
features that make it difficult to tell if the unit is working or not as you can’t
see any light coming out. This may be for any number of reasons.
eg. The shutter is in, or the Fixture is in colour black.
Locate Fixture puts the unit to Open White, no gobos or effects and with
the Pan and Tilt both at 50% to help you find it.
Locate Fixture does not place LTP Channels in the Programmer, you must
still do this in the usual way. See Section 4.2 How HTP and LTP Channels
behave in the Programmer.
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To use Locate Fixture :
• Put the Key to Program. Puts you in LIVE PROGRAM MODE menu.
• Select the Fixtures you wish to Locate. Their LED’s light up.
• Press Softbutton H - M.L. Menu. Accesses the Moving Light menu.
• Press Softbutton A [LOCATE FIXTURE].
3.6 Programming a first Memory
When you are comfortable controlling Intelligent Fixtures, you are ready to
build your first Memory.
• Turn the Key to Program. Puts you in LIVE PROGRAM MODE menu.
• Press CLEAR to clear the Programmer. (See 1.6 The Programmer for
more details.)
• Make sure all the Master Faders are at full and all the Playback Faders
are at zero.
• Create the scene you wish to record by selecting the appropriate Pages
of Fixtures and raising Preset Faders, and connecting the Wheels to
different Attributes to create LTP looks.
Alternatively use a Preset Focus to create a look. See Chapter 8 Preset
Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page 30
• Turn the Roller to the Facet you wish to record onto.
• Select Roller Page one, two or three. The Roller Page Buttons are
located to the left of the Roller. There is no need to press ENTER.
• Press the blue MEMORY buttonon the Program Select bank. Its LED will
light up and you can see which Playback Faders are free because their SWOP button
LED’s will flash.
• Press the SWOP button of the Playback Channel you want to record the
Memory onto. The Memory is now recorded. The LED on the Playback Channel will
light to indicate it has something recorded on it and the LED on the MEMORY button
goes out.
• Press CLEAR to release Channels from the Programmer.
⇒ If the Playback Fader is not at zero, you must lower it to zero before you
raise it again to recall the Memory.
It is very important to get into the habit of pressing CLEAR, to ensure
that you do not end up recording Channels into your next Memory or
Chase that are not intended.
That’s it. You have just programmed a basic Memory. There are many other
things you can do with a Memory, all of which are detailed in Chapter 6
Programming Memories.
Let's try programming a simple Chase.
3.7 Programming a first Chase
• Turn the Key to Program. Puts you in LIVE PROGRAM MODE menu.
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