ASUS A7N8X-XE Specifications

A7N8X-XE technical updates
1.9 Switch and jumpers
1. CPU external frequency selection (FSB_SEL0, FSB_SEL1)
The motherboard frequency is adjusted through the jumpers. The illustration below shows the positions of the jumper caps.
The option to set the CPU core bus frequency multiple is available only on unlocked CPUs. If you are using a locked CPU, setting the switches does not produce any effect.
The jumpers tells the clock generator what frequency to send the CPU. This allows the selection of the CPU’s external frequency (or bus clock). The bus clock multiplied by the frequency multiple equals the CPU’s internal frequency (the advertised CPU speed).
The default CPU external frequency is 100MHz. If your CPU supports 200/166/133 MHz external frequency, adjust the jumper settings before installing the motherboard to the chassis.
FSB CPU External Frequency
400 200MHz 333 166MHz 266 133MHz 200 100MHz
123 123 123 123
A7N8X-XE External frequency selection
Set the CPU frequency only to the recommended settings. Frequencies other than the recommended CPU bus frequencies are not guaranteed to be stable.
ASUS A7N8X-XE technical updates