Model type:
Commercial code:

General notes
Technical Documentation guidelines
You can find herewith some generic information to simplify cunsulting of technical documentation:
1. Models of same range share the same exploded views, which report the richest set of spare parts:generally, a model does not
necessarly have a related spare part for each particular shown on exploded views.
2. Some spare parts can not be represented directly on the exploded views (instruction booklets, specific kit, etc...). You can find
those codes in the spare parts list with the same reference of particular where spares are installed or with references 099, 999.
Instruction booklets, once managed, appear with 000 reference.
3. On the higher right site of each exploded view there is a serial number which indicates the beginning of the production of
certain range:some models might have more than an exploded view for a given category, each distinguished by a different serial
no.and linked to another spare parts list, In this case, serial no. is required to supply the right spare part code. Exploded view to be
considered is the one with a more recent serial no. but previous than the one of the model that needs assistance.
4.Exploded views might require further updates even after publishing. Addition of new spares will go on following the already
existing numeration references. Revision number of an exploded view is shown into last four digits of serial number into upper
right hand corner.
5.The spare parts list associated to an exploded view shows related codes of spares managed for a certain model; for each spare
part other informations are available:
REF: reference no of spare into a table; SUBSTITUTE: list of spare(s) which can replace a code but that keeps same functional
INDUSTRIAL CODE: list of variables of a model (shown into model label) where such spare is used; NOTICE: code of
information(s) to refer to complete technical intervention, track for changes or to find correct spare part code.
6. Some notices, into a same section are generic therefore cannot be directly linked to a spare part. In order to assist a model in
the best way as possible, it is helpful to pay attention to all notices and constantly verify documentation updates
7.Technical documentation cover shows model name and its commercial codes
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2170110 Exploded views
mod.LS630EX50-60 page 3

2170110 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
000 C00082489 instruction book
001 C00092823
001 C00092864 edge cover left white
002 C00075715
003 C00033591
004 C00057509 worktop white 27
005 C00057504 hook - top cover retention
006 C00078613
007 C00141317
008 C00092824
008 C00092863 edge cover right white
1 x C00092833
1 x C00085024
1 x C00092833
left side panel lh white27
rear cover
rear support - top
catch plate (cabinet)
top and side door seal (1638mm)
right side panel white27
009 C00054811
010 C00040994
010 C00094191
011 C00056396
011 C00108980
017 C00056438
019 C00054825
4 x C00109840
1 x C00109840
1 x C00058164
1 x C00297566
1 x C00275698
side support - front rh
upper basket wheel n1045107
upper basket roller evo3 n1045107
upper basket 8/12 'ariston incasso' n1045107
upper basket noclik/clak markii n1045107
flap upper basket 'ariston'
lower basket
mod.LS630EX50-60 page 4

019 C00091694
settore reclinabile cesto inferiore
022 C00054810
025 C00076659
026 C00079023
027 C00054830
028 C00054838
029 C00061989
029 C00092554
030 C00057507 plinth panel swell white
031 C00054833
032 C00056010
1 x C00091600
1 x C00143383
1 x C00094297
1 x C00054874
1 x C00118842
rear support - middle
radio interference suppressor
cutlery basket
drain hose fastener
base moulding cover plate rhs
tray kit n1045062
tray on bottom of tub 60cm
top for front support
foot support x
033 C00104611
034 C00065836
034 C00092555
035 C00054837
036 C00040288
036 C00066632
1 x C00143584
1 x C00142905
1 x C00037135
adjustable foot - all plastic
adjustable front foot + screw nut n1045062
foot 155mm N1045072
base moulding cover plate lhs
lock nut m4
fixing nut
mod.LS630EX50-60 page 5

2170110 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
040 C00054812
side support - front lh
041 C00066629
043 C00054836
044 C00079013
046 C00104638
047 C00056347
048 C00040996
049 C00077001
051 C00091599
1 x C00119016
post piece
kit runner support - upper n1045107
door spring adjuster
basket roller axis n1045107
lower basket wheel
runner stop - upper basket n1045107
basket runner - upper n1045107
front support lower 60cm
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2170210 Exploded views
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2170210 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
001 C00056001
upper wash arm feed pipe
002 C00054925
003 C00054862
004 C00075686
005 C00054871
006 C00056342
007 C00054926
008 C00075746
009 C00041092
012 C00076658
1 x C00144315
1 x C00285074
1 x C00094134
1 x C00110526
1 x C00110527
1 x C00083706
upper was basket guide casing
ring-nut fasten.external hose top
water supply distribution assembly n1045084
steel pin fixing upper wash arm
upper wash arm curved set
radio interference suppressor
jet gasket
feed pipe
upper wash arm feed pipe n1045084
supply cable
015 C00054927
017 C00063788
018 C00063790
019 C00063792
020 C00063791
021 C00041086
022 C00054854
1 x C00144335
1 x C00097871
ring-nut for air-flow body
lock nut m8 inox
washer d.8 mm inox
seal o-ring
temperature sensor
thermostat safety 78ønc (dw)
sump fixing ferrule
mod.LS630EX50-60 page 8

023 C00054828
gasket - sump fixing ring
024 C00076660
025 C00089827
026 C00054917
027 C00054870
028 C00054869
029 C00081162
030 C00037205
031 C00058843
032 C00063239
032 C00066677
1 x C00091601
1 x C00090536
1 x C00084421
1 x C00143107
1 x C00041086
lower rear support hot or cold
drain pump 220v 50/60hz
seal 'o'ring (23,81x2,62)
set sump
drain hose
container - overflow unit
float - overflow unit
thermostat safety 78ønc
set thermostat 50-58øc
033 C00066470
034 C00076622
035 C00044543
036 C00054841
037 C00041088
038 C00073917
1 x C00041484
1 x C00063834
tube 620mm - pressure switch
wheelpressure switch hose
softener + ev
pressure switch 1 level
salt cap
clamp for pump cover
mod.LS630EX50-60 page 9

2170210 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
039 C00079016
pipe rubber sump-pump
041 C00005819
042 C00041090
043 C00103610
044 C00043737
045 C00033618
046 C00054868
048 C00092578
050 C00042134
051 C00018315
053 C00054985
1 x C00144235
1 x C00009415
1 x C00005781
salt funnel
retaining ring - softener
seal - softener/wash chamber
switch - salt light (eledro)
electrovalve (water softener)
tube - softener/sump l.(480mm)
electrovalve 1e 1u
mains inlet hose h/c-10bar 90ø
sealing washer+filter - mains inlet
solenoid valve half-load n4514k00
053 C00087279
054 C00077140
056 C00105360
057 C00076628
058 C00079385
059 C00080518
060 C00075695
octagonal seal 'o'ring
wash motor/pump assy 220v-75w
capacitor 5mf
tub spring
overflow hose
container connection overflow
connection gasket overflow
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061 C00075726
bodytop overflow
062 C00075057
063 C00066643
064 C00066642
065 C00075108
067 C00076233
068 C00103689
069 C00054866
074 C00046319
075 C00054872
076 C00074714
1 x C00075111
1 x C00075111
1 x C00075111
1 x C00084600
1 x C00066598
cap corner for support washing
blade hub
support - lower wash arm bush
ring-nut for fastening bottom
spacer ring
lower wash arm inox 60cm
pump junction pipe
jet gasket
water inlet air break
heating element 2000w/230v
support bracket - heating element
terminal protection - heating
078 C00054863
079 C00054851
080 C00081164
081 C00061929
085 C00075879
086 C00054979
1 x C00142344
1 x C00145075
1 x C00142344
central filter
outlet filter stainless lvs2000
filter cylindrical
outer fine rotating polyester filter
pump cover
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