CCW MK VII - 120V (43593-01)
CCW MK VII - 240V (43593-25)
RCCW MK VII - 120V (43593-90)
LCCW MK VII - 120V (43593-00)
RLCCW MK VII - 120V (43593-95)
RLCCW MK VII - 220V/240V (43593-20)
cause property damage, injury or death. Read the Installation, Operating and
Maintenance Instructionsthoroughlybeforeinstallingorservicingthisequipment.
Please complete this information and retain this manual for the life of the equipment.
ForWarranty Service and/or Parts, this information is required.
ModelNumber SerialNumber DatePurchased
This equipment has been engineered to provide you with year-round dependable service when used
according totheinstructionsinthismanualandstandard commercial kitchen practices.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can
Phone: +1
Fax: +1 (307) 637-8071
Toll Free: +1 (800) 752-0863
Website: www.apwwyott.com
E-mail: info@apwwyott.com
(307) 634-5801
P/N 88828-07 9/05
P.O. Box 1829
Cheyenne, WY 82003

APW Wyott
care and maintenance,you will experience years of reliable operation from this equipment. To ensure best
results,it is importantthat you read and follow the instructions in this manual carefully.
Installation and start-upshould be performedby a qualifiedinstaller who thoroughly read,understands and
followsthese instruction.
If you have questions concerning the installation, operation, maintenance or service of this product, write
Technical Service Department APW/Wyott Foodservice Equipment Company, P.O. Box 1829, Cheyenne,
takes pride in the design and quality of our products. When used as intended and with proper
Before installing and operating this equipment be sure everyone involved in its operation are fully trained
and are aware of all precautions.Accidentsand problems can resultby a failureto follow fundamental rules
The following words and symbols, found in this manual, alert you to hazards to the operator, service
personnelor the equipment.The words are definedas follows:
seriousinjury or death.
moderateinjuryor productor propertydamage.
eventhough not dangerous.
positioned so the general public can use the equipment make sure that cautions, warnings, and
operating instructions are clearly posted near each unit so that anyone using the equipment will
useit correctlyand not injure themselves or harm the equipment.
equipment.The electricianshould be familiar with all local and national electricalcodes.
andfrequency listed onthe dataplate. Connect only to 1 or 3 phase aslisted on the dataplate.
the absence of local codes, with the national electrical code ANSI/NFPA70- latest edition.
Canadian installation must comply with CSA-STANDARD C.22.2 Number 0 M1982 General
Requirements-CanadianElectrical CodePart II,109-M1981-Commercial CookingAppliances.
Thissymbol warns of imminent hazard whichwill resultin seriousinjury or death.
This symbol refers to a potential hazard or unsafe practice, which could result in
Thissymbol refers to a potentialhazard or unsafe practice, which may result in minor or
This symbol refers to information that needs special attention or must be fully understood
These models are designed, built, and sold for commercial use. If these models are
We strongly recommend having a licensed electrician install this
Checkthe dataplate on this unit before installation.Connectthe unitonly to the voltage
The unit when installed, must be electricallygrounded and comply with local codes, or in
powerplug, indicating that you are working on the circuit.
strongly recommend having a competent professional install the equipment. A licensed electrician
should make the electrical connections and connect power to the unit. Local codes should always
be used when connecting these units to electrical power. In the absence of local codes, use the
latestversion of the National ElectricalCode.
propertydamage, injury or death.Read the Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instructions
thoroughlybeforeinstallingor servicingthis equipment.
anymaintenanceor repair, contactAPWWyott.
Disconnect device from electrical power supply and place a Tag Out-Lockout on the
Installper the spacing requirementslisted in the installationsection of this manual. We
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause
Maintenance & repair should be handled by a factory authorized agent. Before doing

All containers should be examined for damage before and during unloading. The freight carrier has
assumed responsibility for its safe transit and delivery. If equipment is received damaged, either apparent
or concealed, a claim must be made with the deliveringcarrier.
A) Apparent damage or loss must be noted on the freight bill at the time of delivery. It must then be signed
by the carrier representative (Driver). If this is not done, the carrier may refuse the claim. The carrier can
supplythe necessary forms.
B) Concealed damage or loss if not apparent until after equipment is uncrated, a request for inspection
must be made to the carrier within 15 days. The carrier should arrange an inspection. Be certain to hold all
contentsand packagingmaterial.
Installationand start-up should be performed by a qualified installer who thoroughly read, understands and
followsthese instructions.
Safety Precautions 2
General Information 3
Cleaning The Dispenser 4
Cleaning The Pump 4
Sanitizing Guidelines 5
Parts Lists w/Exploded Views 6
Warranty 7
1. Alwaysclean equipment thoroughlybefore first use. (See general cleaning instructions.)
2. Checkrating label for your model designation & electricalrating.
3. Forbest results, use stainless steel countertops.
4. Attachlegs to units,if needed.
GeneralOperation Instructions
1. Allfoodservice equipment shouldbe operated by trained personnel.
2. Do not allow your customers to come in contact with any surface labeled "CAUTION HOT".
3. Whereapplicable, never pour cold water Into dry heatedunits.
4. Where applicable, do not cook, warm or hold food directly in liner pans (well) pans.Always
usesteam table pans/insets,etc. .
5. NEVERhold food below 140°F.
GeneralCleaning Instructions
1. NEVER clean any electrical unit by Immersing it in water.Turnunit off and allow to cool down
beforesurface cleaning.
2. Always clean equipment thoroughly before first use. Clean unit daily.Except where noted on
charts: Use warm, soapy water. Mild cleansers & PLASTIC scouring pads may be used to
removebaked-on food and waterscale on metal units.
3. Unplug electrical units before cleaning or servicing. All service should be performed by an
APWWYOTT authorizedservice agency.
Alwaysask & check:
1. Is the unit connected to alive power source.
2. Checkcircuit breaker.
3. Is power switch on?
4. Checkrating label.Are you operatingunit on proper voltage?.
If the above checks out andyou still have problems,call anAPW WYOTTauthorized service agency.