APC GALAXY 7000 User Manual

Galaxy 7000: Unitary Specification guide: Single UPS, three-phase, 160 to 500 kVA
1. UPS definition ............................ .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... ......................2
1.1. Purpose.......................................................................... .........................................................2
1.2. Brief description .............................. ........................................................................................2
2. Operating principles .............................. .. .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... ..... .. .. ....................2
2.2. Operation on battery power ....................................................................................................2
2.3. Battery recharging......................... ..........................................................................................2
2.4. Transfer to bypass AC source ................................................................................................2
2.5. UPS maintenance...................................................................................................................2
2.6. Battery maintenance...............................................................................................................3
2.7. Cold start (normal AC source absent) ....................................................................................3
3. Sizing and general characteristics ................................................................................................3
3.1. Technology..............................................................................................................................3
3.2. Rating......................................................................................................................................3
3.3. Battery backup time .......................................................................................................... ......3
3.4. Types of loads accepted.................................. .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ........3
3.5. PFC sinusoidal-current input rectifier ............................ .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... ...3
3.6. Output without a transformer ........................................................................................ ..........3
3.6. Efficiency................................................................................................................................ .3
3.7. Noise level...............................................................................................................................3
4. AC sources .......................................................................................................................... .............4
4.1. Normal AC source...................................................................................................................4
4.2. Bypass AC source ........................................... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .... ... ..........4
5. Electrical characteristics ......................... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ... .................4
5.2. Battery.....................................................................................................................................4
5.3. Inverter....................................................................................................................................5
5.5. Discrimination......................................... ............................... ..................................................6
5.6. System earthing arrangements (SEA)..................................................... ...............................6
6. Mechanical characteristics .............................................................................................................7
6.1. Mechanical structure...............................................................................................................6
6.2. Dimensions .......................................................................................................................... ...6
6.3. Connection................................. .............................................................................................6
6.4. Ventilation ...............................................................................................................................6
6.5. Safety........................................................................ ..............................................................7
7. Environment conditions ........................................... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. .............7
7.1. UPS (not including battery).....................................................................................................7
8. Protection ............... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. .........................7
8.1. UPS.........................................................................................................................................7
8.3. Inverter....................................................................................................................................7
8.4. Battery.....................................................................................................................................7
9. Battery management........... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ...............8
9.1. Self-tests .................................................................................................................................8
9.2. Measurement of actual backup time.......................................................................................8
9.3. Battery digital management....................................................................................................8
9.4. Block by block monitoring.......................................................................................................8
10. User interface and communication ..............................................................................................8
10.1. User interface........................................................................................................................8
10.2. Communication.....................................................................................................................9
11. Maintainability.................................................................................................................................10
12. Standards and tests ................................. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... ..
12.1. Standards......................... ............................................ .........................................................10
12.2. Certification of conformity .....................................................................................................10
13. Quality system and test procedures ............. ... .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ......10
14. Services ................ .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... .........................10
14.1. Maintenance..........................................................................................................................10
14.2. Technical competency ..........................................................................................................10
14.3. Functional components - organization of supplier services ........................ ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .10
14.4. System start-up.....................................................................................................................10
14.5. Replacement parts................................................................................................................10
14.6. Recycling and renovation .....................................................................................................10
15. Warranty ............................. ............................................................. ................................................11
16. Further services..............................................................................................................................12
17. Electrical diagram................................. .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... ......................12
Appendix Check list ..................................... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... ..... .. .. ....................13
APC by Schneider Electric Edition - 01/2010 Single UPS spec - p.
Specification guide
Single UPS, three-phase, 160 to 500 kVA
1. UPS definition
1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this specif ication is to define the design, manufacture and testing characteristics required in view of supplying, putting into operation and maintaining an Uninterruptible Power Supply (referred to as a UPS hereinafter). The UPS shall be designed to supply dependable electric po wer to :
1.2. Brief description
The UPS shall be a single UPS, operating in double-conversion mode (also called on-line mode); it shall be a VFI­type UPS (as per standa rd IEC 62040-2), made up of the fol lowing components, described in detail in this specification:
ω Rectifier ω Battery charger ω Inverter ω Battery ω Automatic bypass (via a static switch) ω Manual bypass (for maintenance) ω User and communications interface ω Battery management system ω Any and all other devices required for safe operation and maintenance, including circuit breakers, switches, etc.
2. Operating principles
The UPS shall operate in double-conversion mode as indicated below.
2.1. Normal operation
(normal AC source available)
The rectifier shall supply the inverter and the charger with DC current. The inverter shall continuously supply the load with backed up electrical energy and the charger shall float charge the battery.
2.2. Operation on battery power
(normal AC source not available or outside tolerances)
Upon failure or excessive deterioration of the normal AC source, the inverter shall continue to supply the load from battery power without interruption or disturbance, within the limi ts i mpose d b y the bat ter y back up time.
2.3. Battery recharging
(normal AC source restored)
When the normal AC source is restored, the rectifier shall again power the inverter, without interruption or disturbance to the load, while the charger automatica lly recharges the battery.
2.4. Transfer to bypass AC source
In case of a major overload or if the UPS shuts down, the static swit ch shall instantaneously tran sfer the load, without a break in the supply of power, to the bypass AC source if it is available and within tolerances. Transfer of the load back to the UPS output, synchronized with the bypass AC source, shall be automatic or manual. During transfer, the load sh al l not suffer an outage or disturbance in the supply of power. On request, the UPS system may automatically transfer the load with a micro-interruption (adjustable from 15 to 1000 ms) if a major faul t occurs on the UPS system and if synchronization with the bypass source has not been established.
2.5. UPS maintenance
For maintenance purposes, the UPS shall include a mechanical manual bypass system with one-button operation. For personnel safety during servicing or testing, this system shall be designed to isolate the UPS while continuing to supply power to the load from the bypa ss AC source. The UPS shall also include a device making it possible to isolate the rectifier and the charger from the normal AC source.
APC by Schneider Electric Edition - 01/2010 Single UPS spec - p.
Specification guide
Single UPS, three-phase, 160 to 500 kVA
All power and control electronics shall be accessible from t he front of the UPS.
2.6. Battery maintenance
For safe maintenance on t he battery, the system shall include a circuit breaker to isolate the battery from the rectifier, the charger and the inverter. When the battery is isolated from the system, the UPS shall continue to supply the load without interrupt io n or dist ur ba nc e, exc ept in the eve nt of a norm a l AC source outa ge .
2.7. Cold start (normal AC source absent)
The battery shall be capable of starting the UPS if the normal AC source is ab sent and continue supply ing power to the load within the specified backup time. Cold start on battery power shall be possible on the condition that the system shall have started at least once on normal AC power.
3. Sizing and general characteristics
3.1. Technology
UPS technology shall be based on IGBT transistors for all the power converters (rectifier, charger and inverter with variable chopping frequency).
3.2. Rating
The UPS shall be sized to continuously supply a load of…[160/200250 / 300 / 400 / 500] kVA at a power factor of
3.3. Battery backup time
The battery backup time in the event of a normal AC source outage shall be _______ minutes, for a load power factor of 0.9. The battery shall be designed for a service life of …[ 10 / 12 ]…years. It shall be selected and sized correspondingly, for a load power factor of 0.9.
3.4. Types of loads accepted
The UPS shall accept high crest factors (3:1) without derating (kW) to ensure correct operation with computer loads and loads where the leading power factor can reach 0.9. The total harmonic volt age distortion at UPS output (THDU downstream) shall resp ect the following limits: ω THDU downstream ph/ph 3% for non-linear loads.
3.5. PFC sinusoidal-current input rectifier
The UPS system shall not draw a level of harmoni c cu rrents that could disturb the upstream AC system, i. e. it shall comply with the stipulations of guide IEC 61000-3-4. The PFC input rectifier using sinusoidal-current IGBTs shall have the following performance levels:
ω Total harmonic current distortion (THDI) upstream of the rectifier not exceeding 5%, ω Input power factor (PF) greater than 0.99 from 50% load upwards.
3.6. Output without a transformer
To reduce losses, dimensions and weight, the UPS output shall be of the transformerless type and the neutral shall be recreated electronically.
3.7. Efficiency
Overall efficiency (between the rectifier input and the U PS output) shall be greater than or equal to: ω 94.5% from 50% load to full rated load (In).
3.8. Noise level
The noise level, measured as per standard ISO3746, shall be less than …[75 dBA (for160, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500
APC by Schneider Electric Edition - 01/2010 Single UPS spec - p.
Specification guide
Single UPS, three-phase, 160 to 500 kVA
4. AC sources
4.1. Normal AC source
(rectifier input)
The normal AC source supplying the UPS shall, under normal operating conditions, have the following characteristics:
ω Rated voltage: 380 - 400 or 415 Volts rms at full rated l oad Pn ω Input voltage range: 250 V (a t 30% load) to 470 V ω Number of phases: 3, a neutral is not required ω Frequency:
4.2. Bypass AC source
(automatic-bypass input)
The characteristics of the bypass AC source supplying the UPS in the event of an inverter shutdown (maintenance, failure) or an overload (short-circuit, very high inrush current) shall be the following:
ω Voltage: / ω Number of phases: 3 ph + N + earth (a non-distributed neutral is possible) ω Frequency:
Outside these tolerances, it shall be possible to supply the load, but in downgraded mode.
5. Electrical characteristics
5.1. Rectifier and charger
5.1.1. Power supply
The PFC rectifier, drawing sinusoidal current, shall be supplied by the normal AC source, without a neutral. It shall provide power for the load as well as charge or float charge the battery. The battery charger shall be supplied by the rectifier to avoid transmitting any AC fluctuations to the battery.
5.1.2. Inrush current
A device shall be provided to limit inrush currents. When AC power fails and during genset start, the rectifier shall limit the power drawn by implementing a walk-in for ten seconds.
5.1.3. Phas e sequence
A device shall check that the phase sequence is correct to protect the power system from the effects of incorrect connections. The device shall also check the bypass AC input.
5.1.4. Oper ating mode
The standard charger shall be sufficient to charge the battery rapidly. For a backup time of …[5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 30]
… minutes, battery recharging shall take less than …[4 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 hours]… (values after discharge to Pn/2 and
recovery of 90% of total battery charge for a recent battery).
5.1.5. Input power factor
The performance level shall be that mentioned in section 3.5, i.e. PF > 0.99.
5.1.6. Charger regulation and monitoring
The battery recharge system shall include independent regulation and monitoring devices to ensure conformity with standard NFC 58311. The battery recharge voltage shall be a function of the ambient temperature in the battery room.
5.2. Battery
The UPS shall be equipped with a battery of the …[sealed lead-acid type, mounted and wired in a cabinet identical
in aspect to that of the UPS]…[sealed lead-acid type, mounted on shelves] …[vented lead-acid type mounted on racks]… and shall have a service life of …[10 / 12]… years.
The battery shall be sized to ensure a continuous supply to the inverter for at least …[5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 30…]… minutes, in the event the normal AC source fails, given that the inverter is at full rated load, i.e. for a power factor PF = 0.9. Sizing calculations shall assume an ambient temperature between 0°C and 35°C.
Hz ± 10%
volts, ± 10% Hz ± 8% (adjustable up to ± 2 Hz)
APC by Schneider Electric Edition - 01/2010 Single UPS spec - p.
Specification guide
Single UPS, three-phase, 160 to 500 kVA
5.3. Inverter
The inverter shall be sized to supply a rated loa d of …[160/200/250 / 300 / 400 / 500]… kVA at 0.9 PF and shall satisfy the specifications listed below.
5.3.1. Output voltage
ω Rated voltage …[380 / 400 / 415 / 440]… volts rms, adjustable via the user interface (see section 10), within tolerances of +/- 3% in order to take into account voltage drops in the cables. ω Number of phases 3 phases + neutral + earth. ω Steady-state conditions Variations in the rated voltage shall be limited to ± 2% for a balanced load between 0 and 100% of the rated load, whatever the voltage level on the normal AC source and the DC voltage lev el, withi n the li mits defined in sections
4.1 and 5.1.4. ω Voltage variations for load step changes Output voltage transients shall not exceed ± 1% of rated voltage for 0 to 100% or 100 to 0% step loads. In all cases, the voltage shall return to within stead y-stat e tolerances in less than 100 milliseconds. ω Unbalanced conditions For a load unbalance between phases, the variation in the output voltage shall be less than 1%.
5.3.2. Output frequency
ω Rated frequency
-50 or 60 Hz. ω Variations in the free-running frequency
- ± 0.5 Hz.
5.3.3. Synchronization with bypass power
ω When bypass power is within tolerances To enable transfer to bypass power (see conditions in section 5.4), the inverter output voltage shall be synchronized with th e bypass source voltage whenever possible. To that end, during normal operation, a synchronization system shall automatically limit the phase deviation between the voltages to 3 degrees, if the bypass source frequen cy is sufficiently stable (within adjustable toleran ces of 0.5% to 8% with respect to the rated frequency). ω Synchronization with an external source It shall be possible to synchronize with all types of external source. ω Autonomous operation following loss of synchronization with bypass power When the bypass source frequency deviates beyond these limits, the inverter shall switch over to free-running mode with internal synchronization, regulating its own frequency to within ± 0.02 Hz. When bypass power returns to within tolerances, the inverter sha l l aut omatically resynchronize. ω Variation in frequency per unit time To avoid transmitting to the inverter any excessive f requency variations on the bypass AC source when it is within tolerances, inverter frequency variations per unit time (dF/dt) shall be limited to 1 Hz/s or 2 Hz/s (user defined).
5.3.4. Overload and short-circuit capacity
The UPS shall be capable of supplying for at least:
ω 10 minutes a load representing 125% of the rated load ω 1 minutes a load representing 135 % of the rated load ω 30 second a load representing 150% of the rated load . ω For the specified power rating of …[ 160 / 200 /250 / 300 / 400 / 500 ]… kVA, the inverter shall be capable of
current limiting to a peak capacity of ... [290 / 235 / 277 / 230 / 234 / 245% ] ... for 150 ms to allow highly disturbed transient operating state s without transferring the load to th e bypass. ω The overload capacity sh all be capable of taking into ac cou nt temperature conditions for more than ten minutes, by allowing a continuous, 10% overload when the temperature is less than or equal to 20°C.
5.3.5. Higher power ratings for lower temperatures
It shall be possible to increase the power rating when the temperature is less than 35°C. The rating can be raised by +3% for 30°C, +5% for 25°C and +8% for 20°C.
5.4. Automatic bypass
5.4.1. Load transfer to the automatic bypass
The UPS shall be equipped with an automatic bypass comprising a static switch. Instantaneous transfer of the load from the inverter to bypass power and back shall t ake place without a break or disturbance in the supply of power to the load, on the condition that the bypass source voltage and frequency are within the tolerances specified in section 4.2 and that the inverter i s synch r on ized. Transfer shall take place automatically in the event of a major overload or an internal inverter fault. Manually
APC by Schneider Electric Edition - 01/2010 Single UPS spec - p.
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