APC BIOM34-EC User Manual

Biometric Password Managers
BIOM34-EC Installation
APCs’ Biometric Mouse Password Manager (BioM34, Figure
1) enables users to log on to a system or Internet website simply by placing their fingertip on the Biometric Sensor. Use the APC Biometric hardware and software to record and store fingerprint identification for use when accessing password­protected systems, applications, and web sites.
Figure 1. The APC BioM34
Caution: Do not allow metal or sharp objects to contact
the sensor surface, as they could damage the unit.
• Attached USB cable for easy connection to laptops and PCs
• Easy-to-use Master password for all types of Windows® applications, and on-line passwords
• Compatible with Microsoft Passport®
• Support for Internet Explorer®
• Compatible with Windows XP® Credential Manager
• Yser-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) that is easy to install, customize and use • Full Windows OS support including Windows 2000®, and XP (Windows 95®, 98®, and ME® are not supported)
• International language support
• TruePrintTM compliant
• Full-Function mouse with rotating scroll wheel.
User function when restoring your database after the software is installed. Please refer to the User Manual located on the software CD for more indepth information.
During software installation, the software will search for, and detect previous versions of the Omnipass software. If a previous version of the software is installed, you must use the Uninstall
Software function in the computer’s Control Panel, or the Uninstall Omnipass function - go to: Start/Programs/Softex/Uninstall Omnipass. Once the previous version of the software has been
removed, you must restart your computer. Once the restart is complete, either re-install the software CD into the computer, or open the CD and double-click the Setup.exe icon. Advanced users perform the following:
A. Insert the APC OmniPass software CD into the CDROM drive. The software will automatically start the installation proces. Within a few seconds, the Starting InstallShield Wizard screen will be displayed (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Starting InstallShield Wizard Screen
B. The software will then display the Preparing Setup screen (Figure 4). During setup, a progress bar is displayed.
1. Connect the BioM34.
Note: Before connecting the BioM34, uninstall any previously installed biometric hardware or related security software. To connect the BioM34, plug it into the USB port (Figure 2) of your laptop or CPU tower. You do not have to turn the computer off.
Note: Newer versions may have a
black USB plug.
Figure 2. Connecting the BioM34
2. Install the driver.
A. Insert the software CD. B. The Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears. Select Next,
then select Search for a Suitable Driver; select Next. C. Check the CD-ROM Drive’s check box only; select Next. D. Once the driver is found, select Next to install it. The
Hardware Wizard sends a message once installation is
3. Install the APC OmniPass® software.
Note: If an earlier version of the Omnipass software is installed on your computer, you should perform an Export User function in order to maintain your current database of websites and passwords.
Ensure to note your current User Name, Domain, and Password. You will need this information in order to perform an Import
Figure 4. Preparing Setup Screen
C. Once the InstallShield Setup is complete, the software displays the Welcome screen (Figure 5). Click Next to continue installation.
Figure 5. Welcome Screen D. Once the Setup Preparation is complete, the software displays the License Agreement screen (Figure 6). Please read the entire agreement. If you agree to the terms, Click Yes to continue the installation. If you disagree with its terms, click Cancel to stop.
Figure 6. License Agreement Screen
E. Once you have accepted the terms of the License Agreement the Choose Location Destination screen is displayed (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Choose Destination Location Screen
For most users, the destination location identified by the software is sufficient. If this is the case, click the Next button. Advanced users may want to select an alternate location for the software files by clicking the Browse button and locating the desired location. To stop the software installation, click the Cancel button.
F. Once you have chosen the destination location for the files, the Setup Status screen is displayed (Figure 8). During setup, a progress bar is displayed.
Biometric Password Managers
Figure 11. Logon User Authentication Screen
J. The software will then display the Verify Username and Password screen (Figure 12). Enter your Windows Username, Domain, and Password.
Figure 12. Verify User Name and Password Screen
Figure 8. Setup Status Screen
G. Once setup is complete, the Installing/Updating Driver for Devices... screen is displayed (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Installing/Updating Driver for Devices... Screen
H. After the software installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen is displayed (Figure 10). In order to the software installation to take affect, you must restart your computer. Click the circle next to “Yes. I want to restart my computer now”, then click Finish to perform a restart. To restart your computer at a later time, click the circle next to “No, I will restart my computer later”.
K. Once logged into the Omnipass software, the Select Authentication Device screen is displayed (Figure13).
Figure 13. Select Authentication Device Screen
L. Click on the APC Biometric Device Icon (fingerprint graphic, Figure 13 and 14), the fingerprint box will change color (Figure 14).
Figure 10. InstallShield Wizard Complete Screen
I. After restarting your computer, the Windows log-in screen will appear. The Omnipass software will also display a Logon User Authentication screen (Figure 11). Enter your User Name and Password in the Windows logon screen. You do not have to do anything with the Logon User Authentication screen at this time.
Figure 14. Select Authentication Device Screen
4 ENROLL FINGERPRINT Once you have selected the APC Biometric Device icon, the
Choose Finger screen (Figure 15) will be displayed.
Figure 15. Choose Finger Screen
A. Click on the fingertip of the fingerprint you wish to enroll; a red arrow will appear above the selected finger (Figure 16). Click Next or Cancel.
Biometric Password Managers
Figure 19.Finger Placement
Figure 20. Capture Fingerprint Screen
D. Once the device has successfully recorded your fingerprint, the system will display the Verify Fingerprint screen (Figure 21). Place your finger on the Sensor and Drive Ring.
Figure 16. Selected Finger Screen
B. The software will then display the Blank Capture Fingerprint screen (Figure 17). Place the choosen finger over the Sensor and Drive Ring (Figure 18).
Figure 17. Blank Capture Fingerprint Screen
Note: Place the finger on the BioM34 sensor and drive ring (Figure 18) for scanning. Use light, but firm and steady pressure. Ensure the finger makes contact with the BioM34 sensor and the surrounding drive ring. APC OmniPass works best when it has an image of the center of a fingerprint (core image). Capture the full area of the fingerprint by placing the finger flat on the BioM34 sensor. Do not place only the fingertip on the sensor, as it contains insufficient image data for a high-quality fingerprint
Figure 21. Verify Fingerprint Screen
E. After the system has verified your fingerprint, it will then ask if you would like to enroll additional fingerprints (Figure 22). To enroll additional fingerprints, click Yes . To stop, click No.
Figure 22. Additional Fingerprints Prompt
5. SELECT AUDIBLE AND TASKBAR SETTINGS After enrolling and verifying your fingerprint, the system will
allow you to set certain audible prompts, as well as what is displayed in the taskbar located at the bottomright side of your display (Figure 23).
Figure 18. Sensor and Drive Ring
C. As you place your fingertip on the Sensor and Drive Ring (Figure 19), the system will record your fingerprint and display it in the gray box (Figure 20) and the box numbered “1” will turn green. You must raise the finger straight up and put it back on the sensor up to 8 times before the fingerprint is successfully recorded. Each time the fingerprint is recorded, another numbered box will turn green.
Figure 23. Audio and Taskbar Settings Screen
A. Click on the circle next to the desired selection, then click
on Next, Cancel, or Start Over.
B. Once the settings have been chosen, select Next and the
Congratulations screen (Figure 24) will be displayed. Click Done to complete the enrollment process; the Logon New User screen (Figure 25) is displayed. Click Yes to logon the
new user, or click No to stop the installation process.
Figure 23. Congratulations Screen
Figure 24. Audio and Taskbar Settings Screen
C. If you clicked on Yes to logon the new user, the Logon User
Authentication screen (Figure 11) is displayed. Place your finger on the Sensor and Drive Ring. The system will read your fingerprint and log you onto your computer.
At this time, you should restart your computer to ensure the setup is complete. During restart, your Windows logon screen will appear. Within a few seconds, the Logon User Authentication screen (Figure 11) will also appear. You can either enter your Username and Password, or simply place your finger on the Sensor and Drive Ring of the BioM34. Upon authentication, the BioM34 will automatically fill in the Windows logon screen and log you onto the computer.
Once Windows has finished the restart process, a new icon will appear in the taskbar at the bottomright of your display (Figure 25).
Biometric Password Managers
Figure 27. Features and Functions Drop-Down Menu
For information about how to use all of the features and functions of the BioM34, refer to the User’s Manual located on the software CD-ROM. Additioanal functions include: Open,
Log On User, Log Off Current User, Switch User Identity, Remember Password, as well as Help, and About information. Under the Open function, the screen displayed provides a tab which allows
you to unmask a password in the Password Vault, which is helpful in instances where you to change an existing password because it will expire, or it has been compromised and you have forgotten the original password.
Note: You need to use the Remember Password function (shown in Figure 27) each time you go to a new website or database requiring a username and password entry.
F. When APC Omnipass encounters a website or database
requiring a username and password entry for the first time, enter your username and password, then right-click on the APC Omnipass icon. APC Omnipass will display the Remember Password dialog (Figure 28), and your cursor will become an icon that looks like a key.
Figure 28. Remember Password Dialog
Place the key icon over the screen which now contains your username and password and rightclick the BioM34. The APC Omnipass software will then display the Friendly Name screen (Figure 29).
Figure 25. Taskbar and APC Omnipass Icon
D. Hold your cursor over the APC Omnipass icon in the taskbar,
and the system will display which user is currently logged on (Figure 26).
Figure 26. Logged On User Dialog
E. Right-click on the APC Omnipass icon, and you can access
other features and functions provided by the BioM34 (Figure 27).
Figure 29. Friendly Name Screen
This screen provides two setting options:
1. Automatically enter the password protected sites when it is
activated. Do not prompt for authentication.
2. Automatically click the “OK” or “Submit” button for this
password protected site once the user is authenticated. Enter a name for the website or database, or leave the name entered by the APC Onmipass software, then select the desired setting for the website and click Finish.
The website or database username and password are now stored in the Password Vault, and will automatically be entered each time your fingerprint is verified.
Biometric Password Managers
If the Biometric hardware is installed on a system using a screensaver password, use a fingerprint to log back into Windows after the screensaver starts. APC Omnipass adds a fingerprint box to the screensaver password dialog box if it detects a Biometric sensor. Place the appropriate finger on the sensor to log in.
Place the finger on the BioM34 sensor and drive ring (Figure
18) for scanning. Use light, but firm and steady pressure. Ensure the finger makes contact with the BioM34 sensor and the surrounding drive ring. APC OmniPass works best when it has an image of the center of a fingerprint (core image).
Capture the full area of the fingerprint by placing the finger flat on the BioM34 sensor. Do not place only the fingertip on the sensor, as it contains insufficient image data for a high­quality fingerprint.
Each time a user logs on with the BioM34 installed, a fingerprint window is displayed with the Logon User Authentication screen (Figure 11). Simply place the correct finger on the Biometric Sensor and Drive Ring. If authentication is successful, the fingerprint will turn green. If authentication is not successful, the fingerprint will turn red. When this occurs, raise and slightly reposition your finger, then lower it again. Continue this process until authentication is successful.
To encrypt a file or folder: A. Browse to the file or folder, and right-click on it. B. From the drop-down menu, select Omnipass Encrypt
File(s); left-click the mouse.
C. Enter the user name and password/fingerprint scan when
prompted to encrypt the file or folder. If a folder containing multiple files is selected, a window appears with a list of the files in the folder and their encryption status. Select OK when the encryption is complete.
Note: Certain files and folders cannot be encrypted, such as those inside the Windows directory and the program files directory, as well as the folder where the APC OmniPass software is installed.
To unlock an encrypted file or folder:
A. Browse to the file or folder, and right-click on it.
B. From the drop-down menu, select OmniPass Decrypt
File(s); left-click the mouse.
C. Enter the user name and password/fingerprint scan when
prompted to unlock the file or folder. If a folder containing multiple files is selected, a window appears with a list of the files and their status. Select OK once all files are unlocked.
To clean the BioM34 sensor and drive ring: A. Disconnect the BioM34 from the computer. B. Wet one end of a cotton swab with a water-based
household cleaner (Formula 409®, Windex®, or Fantastik®). DO NOT use chlorine-based cleaners such as bleach, or solvents such as acetone, paint thinner or turpentine.
C. Gently rub the sensor surface and the drive ring with the
cotton swab. Do not allow any cleaner to drip into the electronics around the sensor.
D. After cleaning, gently rub the surface again with a dry
cotton swab.
Note: Cleaning is not required on a regular basis. If material does accumulate, the normal wiping action of a finger is usually adequate to clean the sensor.
Windows 2000 and Windows XP users may experience a problem adding a Windows user to the APC OmniPass database. If this happens, adjust the local security settings, as follows: A. Log into Windows as an administrator. B. From the Windows Start menu, select: Start> Settings>
Control Panels> Administrative Tools> Local Security Settings> Security Options.
C. Then select:
Network Access: Sharing and Security Model for Local Accounts. The setting should be: Classic - local users authenticate as
If the fingerprint sensor does not work while logging into Windows XP, try changing the Windows user settings: A. From the Windows Start menu, select Start> Settings>
Control Panels> User Accounts.
B. Select Change the way users log on or off, and ensure the
settings for both the Logon Screen and Fast User Switching options are the same (enabled or disabled).
The standard warranty is two (2) years from the date of purchase. APC’s standard procedure is to replace the original unit with a factory reconditioned unit. APC will ship the replacement unit once the defective unit has been received by the repair department, or cross-ship upon the receipt of a valid credit card number. The customer pays for shipping the unit to APC. APC pays ground freight transportation costs to ship the replacement unit to the customer.
To register this product for purposes of the warranty, please go to warranty.apc.com.
Biometric Password Managers
BIOPOD Installation
The APC Biopod (Figure 1) enables users to log on to a system simply by placing their fingertip on the Biopod sensor. Use the Biopod hardware and software to provide fingerprint identification to access passwordprotected systems, applications, and web sites, without password authorization.
Figure 1. The APC Biopod
Caution: Do not allow metal or sharp objects to come in contact with the sensor surface, as they could damage the unit.
• Attached USB cable for easy connection to laptops and
• Easy-to-use Master password for all types of Windows,
application, and on-line passwords
• Compatible with Microsoft Passport®
• Support for Internet Explorer®
• Compatible with Windows XP® Credential Manager
• User-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) that is easy
to install, customize and use
• Full Windows OS support including Windows 98®, ME®,
2000®, and XP® (Windows 95® is not supported)
• International language support
• TruePrintTM compliant
1. Connect the Biopod.
Note: Before connecting the Biopod, remove any previously installed biometric or related security software. To connect the Biopod, plug the Biopod into the USB port as shown in Figure 2. You do not have to turn the computer off.
Hardware Wizard sends a message once installation is complete.
3. Install the APC OmniPass software.
If a previous version of the software is installed on the system, it must be removed before installing the APC OmniPass software.
A. Insert the APC OmniPass software CD into the CD-ROM
drive and follow the on-screen installation instructions.
B. Specify a path name for the location of software when
C. Restart the system when prompted. An APC OmniPass icon
appears on the Windows Control Panel, the Windows Start menu, and in the task bar.
4. Select the Enroll Wizard to add fingerprints to the database.
The Enroll Wizard initial screen appears (Figure 3).
Figure 3. The Enroll Wizard Initial Screen
5. Select the Enroll button. The Verify Password screen
(Figure 4) appears.
Figure 4. The Verify Password Screen
6. On some systems, the current Windows user name is filled
in. (Windows 98/ME users must type the user name.) If a user does not have a Windows user name, one is created during this process.
Enter the Windows password in the Password field. This is the same password that is used to log into Windows. Select Next to continue or Cancel to exit.
The Choose a Finger screen (Figure 5) appears. Select a finger to enroll by highlighting and selecting the finger. A green check mark indicates that a particular finger has already been enrolled.
Figure 2. Connecting the Biopod
2. Install the driver.
A. Insert the software CD. B. The Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears. Select Next,
then select Search for a Suitable Driver, and select Next. C. Check the CD-ROM Drives check box only, and select Next. D. Once the driver is found, select Next to install it. The
Figure 5. The Choose a Finger Screen
+ 12 hidden pages