Anritsu 373XXA User Manual

P/N: 10410-00185
The ANRITSU product(s) listed on the title page is (are) warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for one year from the date of shipment. ANRITSU’sobligation covers repairing or replacing products which prove to be defective during the warranty period. Buyers shall prepay transportation charges for equipment returned to ANRITSU for warranty repairs. Obligation is limited to the original purchaser.ANRITSU is not liable for con sequential damages.
The foregoing warranty does not apply to ANRITSU connectors that have failed due tonormal wear. Also, the warranty does not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by the Buyer, unauthorized modification or misuse, or operation outside of the environmental specifi­cations of the product. No other warranty is expressed or implied, and the remedies provided herein are the Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies.
V Connector and K Connector are registered trademarks of ANRITSU Company. ANACAT is a registered trademark of EEsof, Inc. Ink Jet and Think Jet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Co. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
ANRITSU Company has prepared this manual for use by ANRITSU Company personnel and cus tomers as a guide for the proper installation, operation and maintenance of ANRITSU Company equipment and computer programs. The drawings, specifications, and information contained herein are the property of ANRITSU Company, and any unauthorized use or disclosure of these drawings, specifications, and information is prohibited; they shall not be reproduced, copied, or used in whole or in part as the basis for manufacture or sale of the equipment or software programs without the prior written consent of ANRITSU Company.
Table of Contents, Narrative
Chapter 1 — General Service Information
This chapter provides a general description of Series373XXA Vector Network Analyzer systems, sys tem serial numbers, and frequency ranges. It explains the level of maintenance covered in this man ual and the service strategy used throughout this manual. It also contains static-sensitive component handling precautions and a list of recommended test equipment.
Chapter 2 — Replaceable Parts
This chapter lists all replaceable subassemblies and components for all373XXA models. It explains the ANRITSUexchange assembly program and provides parts ordering information.
Chapter 3 — Operational Tests
This chapter contains procedures that provide a means of fully testing the373XXA VNA system for proper operation and signal stability. These tests are intended to be used as a periodic check of the operational functionality of the373XXA.
Chapter 4 — Performance Verification Procedures
This chapter provides detailed procedures for verifying that the performance of the373XXA meets minimum performance standards.
Chapter 5 — Troubleshooting
This chapter provides information for troubleshooting Series373XXA Vector Network Analyzer sys­tems. The troubleshooting procedures contained in this chapter support fault isolation down to a re­placeable subassembly.
Chapter 6 — Adjustments
This chapter provides adjustment procedures for all models of Series373XXA Vector Network Ana lyzer systems. These procedures are used after replacement or repair of one or more critical subas semblies, or as indicated by the Performance Verification Procedures contained in Chapter 4.
Chapter 7 — System Description
This chapter provides descriptions of the functional operation of the major assemblies contained in Series373XXA Vector Network Analyzer systems. The operation of all major circuit blocks is de scribed so that the reader may better understand the function of each assembly as part of the overall operation.
Chapter 8— Removal and Replacement Procedures
This chapter describes how to gain access to all of the major assemblies and major parts for ¬trouble shooting and/or replacement.
Appendix A — Diagnostic Menus
This appendix contains descriptions and usage information for the Diagnostic Menus that are avail able via the front panel Option Menu key.
Appendix B — Error Codes/Messages
This appendix contains a listing of the Error Codes/Messages. Also included is a description of the in formation fields that are part of the error messages.
373XXA MM i
Appendix C — Connector Maintenance Check Procedures
This appendix contains procedures and information needed to perform maintenance checks (includ ing pin-depth measurements) for the connectors on all ANRITSU supplied Calibration/Verification Kit components, Through-cables, and other associated RF/microwave components.
Appendix D — Performance Specifications
Appendix E — Verification Software Users Guide
This appendix contains the Model 360X/372XXB VNA Performance Verification Software Users Guide, P/N: 10410-00208. This Software Users Guide explains in detail the procedures to be used for the installation and operation of the 373XXA VNA Verification Software on your computer/controller.
ii 373XXA MM
Table of Contents, Detailed
Chapter 1 General Information
1-1 SCOPE OF MANUAL ·······················1-3 1-2 INTRODUCTION ·························1-3 1-3 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ··················1-3 1-4 ONLINE MANUAL ························1-3 1-5 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ·····················1-4 1-6 RELATED MANUALS·······················1-4 1-7 STANDARD OPTIONS ······················1-4 1-8 SERVICE STRATEGY·······················1-5
Functional Assembly Level Troubleshooting ···········1-5 Internal Hardware Adjustments and Calibrations········1-5 Internal Service Log ························1-5 System Test/Certification ·····················1-6 Preventive Service ·························1-6 Servicing Specially Modified Instruments ············1-6
1-9 SERVICE SUPPORT ·······················1-6
Technical Support ·························1-7 Field Service Kits ·························1-7 Service Software ··························1-7 Verification Kits ··························1-8 Test Fixtures/ Aids·························1-8
Failed Assembly Exchange Program ···············1-8 1-10 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS ··············1-9 1-11 SERVICE CENTERS ·······················1-9 1-12 STATIC SENSITIVE COMPONENT HANDLING
PROCEDURES ··························1-9 1-13 RECOMMENDED TEST EQUIPMENT ·············1-9
373XXA MM iii
Chapter 2 Replaceable Parts
2-1 INTRODUCTION ·························2-3 2-2 EXCHANGE ASSEMBLY PROGRAM ··············2-3 2-3 REPLACEABLE SUBASSEMBLIES AND PARTS ·······2-3 2-4 PARTS ORDERING INFORMATION ··············2-4
Chapter 3 Operational Tests
3-1 INTRODUCTION ·························3-3 3-2 CHECKING THE SERVICE LOG ················3-4 3-3 SELF TEST ····························3-5 3-4 PERIPHERALS AND INTERFACES ··············3-6
LCDTest······························3-6 Front Panel Test ··························3-7 External Keyboard Interface Test·················3-7 Printer Interface Test ·······················3-7 GPIB Interface Test ························3-9
3-5 SIGNAL PATH ··························3-10
Chapter 4 Performance Verification
4-1 INTRODUCTION ·························4-3 4-2 CALIBRATION AND MEASUREMENT CONDITIONS ····4-3
Standard Conditions························4-3 Special Precautions: ························4-4
4-3 MEASUREMENT ACCURACY··················4-4
Verification Software ·······················4-4
Verification Result Determination ················4-5 4-4 VERIFICATION PROCEDURE ·················4-5 4-5 KEY SYSTEM PARAMETERS ·················4-6
Measurement Environment Considerations ···········4-6
Measurement Technique ·····················4-7
iv 373XXA MM
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
5-1 INTRODUCTION ·························5-3 5-2 ASSOCIATED INFORMATION IN THIS MANUAL ······5-3 5-3 RECOMMENDED TEST EQUIPMENT ·············5-4 5-4 SYSTEM DOES NOT POWER-UP ················5-4
Line Source and Interface Checks ················5-4 Power Supply Voltages Check ···················5-4 Power Supply Module Check ···················5-6
5-5 SYSTEM DOES NOT BOOT-UP ·················5-7
Boot-up Process Sequence·····················5-7 Troubleshooting Boot-up Problems ················5-8 Hard Disk Problem 1 ·······················5-8 Hard Disk Problem 2 ·······················5-9 Floppy Disk Problems ·······················5-9 Screen Display Problems·····················5-10
5-6 SYSTEM HAS ERROR CODE ·················5-10
Phase Lock Error Codes (6000 Series)··············5-11 Service Log Snap Shot Data ···················5-12
5-7 SOURCE/TEST SET/RECEIVER ················5-17
Signal Source Phase Lock Loop Assemblies···········5-17 Signal Source/Test Set Module Error Codes···········5-18 Isolation Procedures ·······················5-19
5-8 PERIPHERALS/ INTERFACE ·················5-21
CRT Display Test Failures: ···················5-21 Front Panel Test Failures: ····················5-22 External Keyboard Interface Test Failures:···········5-22 Printer Interface Test Failures: ·················5-22 GPIB Interface Test Failures: ··················5-22
5-9 MEASUREMENT IN QUESTION ···············5-22
Measurement Conditions Check List ··············5-23
Chapter 6 Adjustments
6-1 INTRODUCTION ·························6-3 6-2 LO1 CALIBRATION························6-3
Calibration Procedure ·······················6-3 Post Calibration Actions······················6-3
373XXA MM v
6-3 LO 2 CALIBRATION ·······················6-4
Calibration Procedure ·······················6-4
Post Calibration Actions······················6-5 6-4 FREQUENCY CALIBRATION ··················6-5
Calibration Procedure ·······················6-6
Post Calibration Actions······················6-7 6-5 RF POWER/ALC CALIBRATION·················6-8
Calibration Procedure ·······················6-9
Post Calibration Actions ·····················6-10 6-6 SOURCE LOCK THRESHOLD ·················6-11
Calibration Procedure ······················6-12
Post Calibration Actions ·····················6-12 6-7 A8 ADJUSTMENT (37397A) ··················6-13
Calibration Procedure ······················6-13
Post Calibration Actions ·····················6-13 6-8 A21A2 ADJUSTMENT (37397A) ················6-14
Calibration Procedure ······················6-14
Post Calibration Actions ·····················6-15
Chapter 7 System Description
7-1 INTRODUCTION ·························7-3 7-2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ·······················7-3 7-3 ANALOG SUBSYSTEM ASSEMBLIES ·············7-7
Signal Source Module ·······················7-7
Test Set Module ··························7-8
A7PCB, 10 MHz Timebase ···················7-9
Receiver Module ·························7-10
A8, Source Lock/ Signal Separation and Control PCB ·····7-11
IF Section ·····························7-11
A5 A/D Converter PCB······················7-12 7-4 DIGITALSUBSYSTEM ASSEMBLIES·············7-13
A9 Main Processor PCB Assembly················7-13
A13 I/O Interface #1 PCB Assembly···············7-15
A14 I/O Interface #2 PCB Assembly···············7-15
A15 Graphics Processor PCB Assembly ·············7-16
A16 Hard Disk PCB Assembly··················7-16
Floppy Disk Drive Assembly···················7-16
A24 VME Bus Terminator PCB ·················7-16
vi 373XXA MM
7-5 MAIN CHASSIS ASSEMBLIES·················7-16
A17 System Motherboard Assembly···············7-16 Front Panel Assembly ······················7-16 Rear Panel Assembly·······················7-17 A18 Rear Panel Interface PCB··················7-17 Power Supply Module ······················7-18 Internal VGA Monitor ······················7-19
Chapter 8 Remove and Replace Procedures
8-1 INTRODUCTION ·························8-3 8-2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ····················8-3 8-3 COVERS ······························8-4 8-4 A1–A9 AND A13–A16 PCBS ···················8-6
A1 – A9 PCBs ···························8-6
A13 – A16 PCB’s ··························8-6 8-5 A9 PCB BBRAM CHIP······················8-6 8-6 A9 PCB SRAM BATTERY····················8-10 8-7 A24 VME BUS TERMINATOR PCB ··············8-12 8-8 FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY ··················8-12 8-9 VGA DISPLAY MONITOR ····················8-14 8-10 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD) ··············8-16 8-11 FLOPPY DISK DRIVE······················8-17 8-12 REAR PANEL ASSEMBLY ···················8-19 8-13 FAN ASSEMBLY ·························8-21 8-14 POWER SUPPLY MODULE···················8-21 8-15 A18 REAR PANEL PCB ·····················8-22 8-16 TEST SET MODULE ASSEMBLIES ··············8-25
Transfer Switch··························8-25
Input Coupler(s)/ Low Freq Bridge(s) ··············8-26
Power Amplifier ·························8-26
Buffer Amplifier/ Sampler(A31) ·················8-27
Switched Doubler Module Assembly···············8-28
373XXA MM vii
8-17 SIGNAL SOURCE MODULES ·················8-29
Removal of Signal Source Module ················8-29 A21A2 Source Control PCB ···················8-31 A21A1 Source YIG Bias Control PCB ··············8-32 Switched Filter Assembly ····················8-33 Down Converter Assembly····················8-33 YIG Oscillator Assembly ·····················8-34
Appendix A Diagnostics Menus
A-1 INTRODUCTION ·························A-3 A-2 DIAGNOSTICS MENUS ·····················A-3
Start Self Test ···························A-3 Read Service Log ·························A-3 Installed Options ·························A-4 Peripheral Tests ··························A-4 Troubleshooting ··························A-4 H/W Calibrations ·························A-5
Appendix B Error Messages
B-1 INTRODUCTION ·························B-3 B-2 OPERATIONALERROR MESSAGES ··············B-3 B-3 DISK RELATED ERROR MESSAGES··············B-3 B-4 GPIB RELATED ERROR MESSAGES··············B-3 B-5 SERVICE LOG ERROR MESSAGES ··············B-3
0000 - 0099 ····························B-3 0100 - 3999 ····························B-3 4000 - 4999 ····························B-4 5000 - 5999 ····························B-4 6000 - 6999 ····························B-4 7000 - 7999 ····························B-4 8000 - 8999 ····························B-4
viii 373XXA MM
Appendix C Connector Maintenance Check Procedures
C-1 INTRODUCTION ·························C-3 C-2 PRECAUTIONS ·························C-3
Pin Depth Problems ························C-3
Pin-Depth Tolerance························C-4
Avoid Over Torquing Connectors ·················C-4
Teflon Tuning Washers ······················C-4
Avoid Mechanical Shock ·····················C-4
Keep Connectors Clean ······················C-4
Visual Inspection ·························C-5 C-3 REPAIR/ MAINTENANCE···················C-5
Appendix D Performance Specifications Appendix D Performance Specifications Appendix E Performance Verification Software User’s Guide Subject Index
373XXA MM ix/x

Chapter 1 General Information

Table of Contents
1-1 SCOPE OF MANUAL ·······················1-3 1-2 INTRODUCTION ·························1-3 1-3 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ··················1-3 1-4 ONLINE MANUAL ························1-3 1-5 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ·····················1-4 1-6 RELATED MANUALS·······················1-4 1-7 STANDARD OPTIONS ······················1-4 1-8 SERVICE STRATEGY·······················1-5
Functional Assembly Level Troubleshooting ···········1-5
Internal Hardware Adjustments and Calibrations········1-5
Internal Service Log ························1-5
System Test/Certification ·····················1-6
Preventive Service ·························1-6
Servicing Specially Modified Instruments ············1-6 1-9 SERVICE SUPPORT ·······················1-6
Technical Support ·························1-7
Field Service Kits ·························1-7
Service Software ··························1-7
Verification Kits ··························1-8
Test Fixtures/ Aids·························1-8
Failed Assembly Exchange Program ···············1-8 1-10 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS ··············1-9 1-11 SERVICE CENTERS ·······················1-9 1-12 STATIC SENSITIVE COMPONENT HANDLING
PROCEDURES ··························1-9 1-13 RECOMMENDED TEST EQUIPMENT ·············1-9
Figure 1-1. Series 373XXA Vector Network Analyzer System
Chapter 1 General Information
1-1 SCOPE OF MANUAL This manual provides general service and preventive maintenance in
formation for the ANRITSU 373XXA family of Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) systems. It contains procedures for:
Testing the instrument for proper operation.
Verifying measurement accuracy and traceability to National In
stitute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Troubleshooting a failed instrument to the exchange subassem
bly level or the subsystem requiring adjustment. Adjusting instrument internal sub-systems.
Locating and replacing failed parts.
Throughout this manual, the terms “373XXA” and “373XXA VNA” will be used interchangeably to refer to all Series 37300A Network Analyzer system models, unless otherwise noted.
1-2 INTRODUCTION This chapter of the manual provides a general description of 373XXA
VNAsystems, system serial numbers, frequency ranges, and related manuals. Also included is information about the level of maintenance cov ered in this manual, service strategy,available service facilities, and static-sensitive component handling precautions. Alist of recommended test equipment is also provided.
All ANRITSU instruments are assigned a six-digit ID number, such as “401001”. This number appears on a decal affixed to the rear panel. Please use this identification number during any correspondence with ANRITSU Customer Service about this instrument.
1-4 ONLINE MANUAL This manual is available on CD ROM as an Adobe Acrobat™ (*.pdf)
file. The file can be viewed using Acrobat Reader™, a free program that is also available on the CD ROM. This file is “linked” such that the viewer can choose a topic to view from the displayed “bookmark” list and “jump” to the manual page on which the topic resides. The text can also be word-searched. Contact ANRITSU Customer Service for price and availability.
373XXA MM 1-3
1-5 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The 373XXA Analyzers are microprocessor controlled Vector Network
373XXA Model Frequencies
Model Freq Range
37317A 22.5 MHz to 8.6 GHz 37325A 40.0 MHz to 13.5 GHz 37347A 40.0 MHz to 20.0 GHz 37369A 40.0 MHz to 40.0 GHz 37397A 40.0 MHz to 65.0 GHz
Analyzers. Each is a single-instrument system that contains a built-in signal source, a test set, and an analyzer subsystem. A typical model (37369A) is shown in Figure 1-1. These analyzers are produced in five models that cover a range of from 22.5 MHz to 65 GHz. The table at left lists the frequencies for each model.
1-6 RELATED MANUALS The 373XXA Vector Network Analyzer Operation Manual (10410-00183)
describes the front panel operation for all 373XXAmodels. It also con tains general information, specifications, and Performance V erification procedures for all models.
The 37XXX Series Vector Network Analyzer Programming Manual (10410-00200) describes all 373XXAGPIB commands and provides programming information for operation of the 373XXA remotely via the IEEE-488 General Purpose Interface Bus. Included at the rear of this manual is the 37XXX Series Vector Network Analyzer GPIB Quick Reference Guide (10410-00201).
Model 360X/373XXA VNA Performance Verification Software Users Guide, P/N: 10410-00208 (located in Appendix E at the rear of this manual). This Software Users Guide explains in detail the procedures to be used for the installation and operation of the 373XXA VNA Veri fication Software on your computer/controller.
1-7 STANDARD OPTIONS The standard 373XXA VNA options and their respective Upgrade Kit part
numbers are:
Option* Description Upgrade Kit
Opt 1 Rack Mount with slides ND39486 Opt 1A Rack Mount ND40916 Opt 2A Time Domain (Microwave
Units) Opt 2B Time Domain (RF Units) ND40914 Opt 10A High Stability Ovenized Time
All options listed can be installed at ANRITSU Service Centers
1-4 373XXA MM
1-8 SERVICE STRATEGY This paragraph provides an overview of the 373XXAVNAservice strat
egy and available service facilities. It also provides references to the infor mation in various locations in this manual needed to accomplish the serv ice functions required for the 373XXA VNA.
Appendices - Refer to the Appendices at the rear of this manual for de tailed descriptions of the following:
Diagnostics Menus and GPIB Commands.
Error Messages.
System Block Diagrams.
Parts Locator Diagrams.
Functional Assembly
Level Troubleshooting
The 373XXA modular design, extensive built-in diagnostics, and auto mated service tools are designed to support fast exchange of functional as sembly level repairs.
Failed assemblies are not field repairable. Once an assembly is found to be faulty, it should be returned to an authorized ANRITSU Service Center for exchange. Refer to the description of the Exchange Assem­bly Program in Chapter 2, Replaceable Parts.
The procedures for troubleshooting a failed 373XXA VNA are de­scribed in this manual in Chapter 5, Troubleshooting.
Internal Hardware
Adjustments and
Internal Service Log The 373XXA continuously monitors itself for proper operation. Should a
There are five automated internal hardware field calibrations. Two of them are used to characterize the 373XXA frequency and power genera tion sub-systems. These calibrations insure fast, consistent phase lock of system frequencies and proper compensation, leveling, and flatness of system power at the front panel test ports.
To conduct these calibrations, you need only connect the appropriate test equipment (counter or power meter) to the 373XXA and initiate the calibration. The 373XXAwill control itself and the externally con nected test equipment to perform measurements and store calibration constants in its internal battery backed RAM (BBRAM).
The procedures for adjusting the 373XXA VNA are described in this manual in Chapter 6, Adjustments.
failure occur, it notifies the user via a failure message on the display screen. (In remote-only operation, it also sets the GPIB Status Byte, if enabled.) It also writes the error message along with some data pertinent to the failure to an internal service log stored in battery backed memory .
The service log can be checked at any time to view (without erasing) all error messages that were written into it. It is capable of storing
373XXA MM 1-5
more than 30 pages of service messages and data. The 373XXA will automatically remove the oldest errors first to make room for new er rors, if necessary. To check the contents of the service log, use the pro cedure described in Chapter 3, Operational Tests.
A printed or disk file copy of the Service Log (with the fail ure in question) must be made available to ANRITSU when exchanging a failed assembly, or when requesting service support. Refer to Chapter 2, Replaceable Parts, for further information.
Preventive Service The 373XXA A9 Processor PCB contains a battery backed memory/real
Quick operational checkout of the system may be accomplished by the system user or for incoming inspection purposes using the “Operational Checkout” chapter in the 373XXAOperations Manual. Those procedures are useful in quickly verifying that the instrument’s primary measure ment functions are operational and stable.
Full operational testing of the system is detailed in Chapter 3, Opera­tional Tests. These tests should be performed annually, or more often depending on system use.
Verification of the system’s measurement accuracy and other key per­formance parameters may be done using the procedures in Chapter 4, Performance Verification. This should be performed annually, or more often depending on system use.
time clock chip (BBRAM) and a static memory (SRAM) backup battery. These have a finite life span and should be replaced periodically per the procedures in Chapter 8, Removal and Replacement Procedures.
The BBRAM chip has a rated life span of 4 years. The SRAM backup battery has a worst case elapsed time for SRAM battery protection of 200 days. The SRAM battery life span will vary according to how the system is used; that is, how often the system is powered off for ex tended periods of time.
Servicing Specially
Modified Instruments
Instruments with customer requested special modifications performed by ANRITSU will have an identifying Specials Modification number printed on the rear panel. This number will be preceded with the letters SM, i.e., SM1234 is special modification number 1234.
Special instruments may have service requirements different from those specified in this manual. Contact your local Service Center if you need more information when servicing such instruments.
1-9 SERVICE SUPPORT The following paragraphs briefly describe the various service support
services and aids available to you to help you maintain your 373XXA.
1-6 373XXA MM
Technical Support Technical service support is available by contacting any ANRITSU
WorldwideService Center (refer to paragraph 1-11). Or, service support may be obtained directly from the factory by contacting:
ANRITSU Company ATTN: Customer Service 490 Jarvis Drive Morgan Hill, CA95037-2809
Telephone: (408)-778-2000 FAX: (408)-778-0239
If servicing or repairing your own system and you need technical sup
­port, you will need to FAX or mail a printout of the items listed below to the ANRITSU Customer Support Engineer:
Measurement data in question
“Operational Tests” results
System state (from UTILITY menu)
Service Log (from DIAGNOSTICS menu)
Field Service Kits The field service kit listed below is available through your local ANRITSU
Sales or Service Center:
ND37200A-2, Field Service Kit
This kit provides for automated field test and performance verification of the 373XXA. It is packaged in a hardened rolling case that also has space for two, user supplied, verification and calibration kits and other accessories.
The ND37200A-2, Field Service Kit is comprised of all major subas
semblies of all models 40 Ghz and below high-end frequency.
ND53269, Field Service Kit
This kit provides for automated field test and performance verification of the 373XXA50 and 65 GHz models (37397A). It supplements kit ND37200A-2.
Service Software The service software listed below is contained on the diskette located at
the rear of this manual:
ANRITSU 37XXX Test Software (2300-178).
This software contains a series of automated tests designed to insure the 373XXA signal paths are functioning properly and capable of sup
­porting stable calibrations and measurements. See Operational Tests Chapter for details.
ANRITSU 37XXX Performance Verification Software (2300-237).
This software is used to verify the 373XXA published measurement ac curacy and traceability to the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). See Chapter 4, Performance Verification, for de
373XXA MM 1-7
Verification Kits The ANRITSU V erificationKits listed below are used in conjunction with
the 37XXX Performance V erificationSoftware (above). See Chapter 4, Per formance Verification, for further information.
N Verification Kit (Model 3663)
Contains precision N Connector components with characteristics that are traceable to the NIST. Use for Models 37317Aand below with Option 7N and 7 NF.
3.5 mm Verification Kit (Model 3666)
Contains precision 3.5 mm Connector components with characteristics that are traceable to the NIST. Use for Models 37347Aand below with Option 7A.
GPC-7 Verification Kit (Model 3667)
Contains precision GPC-7 Connector components with characteristics that are traceable to the NIST. Use for Models 37317Aand below with Option 7A.
K Verification Kit (Model 3668)
Contains precision K Connector components that are traceable to the NIST.
V Verification Kit (Model 3669B)
Contains precision V Connector components that are traceable to the NIST.
Test Fixtures/ Aids The test fixtures and test aids listed below are available through your lo-
cal ANRITSU Sales or Service Center:
Rear Panel Printer Port Test Fixture (B39553).
This test fixture is used to check out digital printer interface circuits on the rear panel assembly.
GPIB Cable (2100-2).
This cable is used to check out digital GPIB interface circuits on the rear panel assembly.
Failed Assembly
Exchange Program
The exchange program allows a customer to quickly exchange a failed subassembly for a factory refurbished, fully system-tested and unit that is under warranty.This results in significant time and price savings as com pared with ordering a new assembly.
Refer to Chapter 2, Replaceable Parts, for a complete list of exchange able assemblies for all Series 373XXA models.
When sending a failed assembly to the factory for ex change, a copy of the Service Log must always accom pany the failed assembly. Refer to Chapter 2, Replaceable Parts, for further information.
1-8 373XXA MM
The performance specifications for all Series 373XXA models are con tained in the Technical Data Sheets that are located in Appendix D, Performance Specifications.
1-11 SERVICE CENTERS ANRITSU Company offers a full range of repair and calibration services
at fully staffed and equipped service centers throughout the world. Table 2-1, located on page 2-4, lists all ANRITSU services centers.
The 373XXA contains components that can be damaged by static electric ity. Figure 1-2 illustrates the precautions that should be followed when handling static-sensitive subassemblies and components. If followed, these precautions will minimize the possibilities of static-shock damage to these items.
Table1-1 lists the recommended test equipment to be used for all mainte nance activities for all Series 373XXA models. Note the “Use” codes listed in the right hand column of the table. These codes list the appli­cable maintenance activities for the equipment listed.
373XXA MM 1-9
Table 1-1. Recommended Test Equipment (1 of 2)
Computer/Controller PC with Windows 95 or later and National In
struments GPIB hardware and software. Test Software ANRITSU 2300-178 Floppy Disk Formatted, IBM PC format DS/HD 1.44 Mbyte GPIB Cable ANRITSU 2100-2, or equivalent
RF/Microwave Cable DC – 40 GHz, K type connectors (male
or female), Length, 3 ft. BNC Cable Length, 4 ft., 2 each Any Printer Port Test
Fixture Thru Line For models 37317A and below
For models 37325A and above:
Calibration Kit For models 37317A and below, with Opt 7A:
For models 37317A and below, with Opt 7N or 7NF: For models 37325A and above: For models 37325A and below, with Opt 7S: For model 37397A
Performance Verifica­tion Software
Connector Verification Kit
For models 37217B and below w/Opt 7A: For models 37217B and below, with Opt 7N or 7NF: For models 37225B and above: For models 37247B and below, with Opt 7S:
For model 37397A
ANRITSU 3670A50-2, 3671A50-2 ANRITSU 3670K50-2, 3671K50-2
ANRITSU 3651-1* ANRITSU 3653
ANRITSU 3652-1* ANRITSU 3650-1* ANRITSU 3654B
ANRITSU 2300-237
O, P
O, P,
P, A
O, P
O, P
Calibration Kit sliding load (Option {-1}), required for Performance Verification only. ∗∗ USE CODES:
A Adjustment / Internal Hardware Calibration O Operational Testing P Performance Verification T Troubleshooting
1-10 373XXA MM
Table 1-1. Recommended Test Equipment (2 of 2)
Assurance Air Line For models 37317A and below w/Opt 7A:
For models 37317A and below w/Opt 7N: For models 37317A and below w/Opt 7NF: For models 37317A and above: For models 37317A and below w/Opt 7S:
Offset Termination For models 37317A and below w/Opt 7A, 7N,
7NF: All other models
Frequency Counter Frequency: 0.1 to 26.5 GHz
Input Impedance:50
Digital Multimeter Resolution: 4
DC Accuracy: 0.1 % AC Accuracy: 0.1 %
Oscilloscope Bandwidth: DC to 100 MHz
Sensitivity: 2mV Horiz. Sensitivity: 50 ns/division
Power Meter 1, with: Power Range: –30 to +20 dBm
Other: GPIB controllable
Power Sensor 1
Power Meter 2, with: Power Sensor 2
Power Meter and Power Sensor
Gauging Set GPC-7 Gauging Set
Frequency Range: 0.05 to 50 GHz Power Range: –70 to +47 dBm
Other: GPIB controllable Frequency Range: 0.01 to 40 GHz
Frequency Range: to 65 GHz Anritsu Model ML24xxA Power Meter
K Connector Gauging Set
(1 mW to 100 mW)
(100 pW to 50 W)
ANRITSU 29A50-20 ANRITSU 29KF50-15
EIP Microwave, Inc., Model 578B
Tektronix, Inc. Model 2445
HP 437B with Option 22 (GPIB)
HP 8487A Gigatronics 8541 or 8542
Gigatronics 80304A
and MA2474A (40 GHz and below) and Model SC6230 (to 65 GHz) Power Sensors
ANRITSU 01-161 ANRITSU 01-162
P, A
P, A
P, A
P, A
O, T
A Adjustment / Internal Hardware Calibration O Operational Testing P Performance Verification T Troubleshooting
373XXA MM 1-11
Do not touch exposed contacts on
any static sensitive component.
Wear a static-discharge wristband
when working with static sensitive components.
Do not slide static sensitive compo
nent across any surface.
Label all static sensitive devices.
Do not handle static sensitive com
ponents in areas where the floor or work surface covering is capable of generating a static charge.
Keep component leads shorted to-
gether whenever possible.
Handle PCBs only by their edges.
Do not handle by the edge connec tors.
Lift & handle solid state devices by
their bodies – never by their leads.
Transport and store PCBs and
other static sensitive devices in static-shielded containers.
Keep workspaces clean and free of any objects capable of holding or storing a static charge.
Connect soldering tools to an earth ground.
Use only special anti-static suction or wick-type desoldering tools.
Figure 1-2. Static Sensitive Component Handling Procedures
1-12 373XXA MM

Chapter 2 Replaceable Parts

Table of Contents
2-1 INTRODUCTION ·························2-3 2-2 EXCHANGE ASSEMBLY PROGRAM ··············2-3 2-3 REPLACEABLE SUBASSEMBLIES AND PARTS ·······2-3 2-4 PARTS ORDERING INFORMATION ··············2-4
Chapter 2 Replaceable Parts
2-1 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides replaceable parts information for all 373XXA
models. The major replaceable 373XXA assemblies and parts are listed in Tables2-2 through 2-8. The locations of these assemblies/parts are shown in Figures 2-1 through 2-4.
ANRITSU maintains a module exchange program for selected subassem blies. If a malfunction occurs in one of these subassemblies, the defective item can be exchanged. Upon receiving your request, ANRITSU will ship the exchange subassembly to you, typically within 24 hours. Y outhen have 45 days in which to return the defective item. All exchange subas semblies or RF assemblies are warranted for 90 days from the date of shipment, or for the balance of the original equipment warranty ,which­ever is longer.
When sending a failed assembly to the factory for ex­change, a copy of the Service Log must always accom­pany the failed assembly. This copy may be a printout, or a saved disk copy. Due to the importance of the service log information to the ANRITSU factory Service Engineers, the exchange prices are only valid if the service log data is included with the failed assembly.
Please have the exact model number and serial number of your unit available when requesting this service, as the information about your unit is filed according to the instrument’s model and serial number. For more information about the program, contact your local sales rep resentative or call ANRITSU Customer Service direct (refer to para graph 2-4.
Tables2-2 through 2-5, (starting page 2-5) list the major replaceable sub assemblies and parts for the 373XXA. These assemblies/parts are pres ently covered by the ANRITSU exchange assembly program. Table 2-6 (page 2-6) lists disposable parts for the 373XXA, and Table 2-7 and 2-8 lists factory-repairable parts for the 373XXA. (The parts listed in Tables 2-6 through 2-8 are not presently on the exchange assembly program.)
The 373XXA A17 Motherboard PCB Assembly is not a field-replaceable item.
373XXA MM 2-3
Table 2-1. ANRITSU Service Centers
ANRITSU COMPANY 490 Jarvis Drive Morgan Hill, CA 95037-2809 Telephone: (408) 778-2000 FAX: (408) 778-0239
ANRITSU ANRITSU COMPANY 685 Jarvis Drive Morgan Hill, CA 95037-2809 Telephone: (408) 776-8300 FAX: (408) 776-1744
ANRITSU ANRITSU COMPANY 10 Kingsbridge Road Fairfield, NJ 07004 Telephone: (201) 227-8999 FAX: (201) 575-0092
ANRITSU PTY. LTD. Level 2, 410 Church Street North Parramatta NSW 2151 Australia Telephone: 026-30-81-66 Fax: 026-83-68-84
ANRITSU ANRITSU ELECTRONICA LTDA. Praia de Botafogo, 440-SL 2401-Botafogo 2225-Rio de Janeiro-RJ-Brasil Telephone: 021-28-69-141 Fax: 021-53-71-456
ANRITSU ANRITSU INSTRUMENTS LTD. 215 Stafford Road, Unit 102 Nepean, Ontario K2H 9C1 Telephone: (613) 828-4090 FAX: (613) 828-5400
All parts listed in T ables2-2 through 2- 8 may be ordered from your local ANRITSU service center (Table2-1). Or ,they may be ordered directly from the factory at the following address:
ANRITSU Company ATTN: Customer Service 490 Jarvis Drive Morgan Hill, CA95037-2809
Telephone: (408)-778-2000 FAX: (408)-778-0239
416W Beijing Fortune Building 5 Dong San Huan Bei Lu Chao Yang Qu, Beijing 100004, China Telephone: 86-1-50-17-559 FAX: 86-1-50-17-558
ANRITSU ANRITSU S.A 9 Avenue du Quebec Zone de Courtaboeuf 91951 Les Ulis Cedex Telephone: 016-44-66-546 FAX: 016-44-61-065
ANRITSU ANRITSU GmbH Rudolf Diesel Strabe 17 8031 Gilching Telephone: 08-10-58-055 FAX: 08-10-51-700
MEERA AGENCIES (P) LTD. A-23 Hauz Khas New Delhi 110 016 Telephone: 011-685-3959 FAX: 011-686-6720
TECH-CENT, LTD Haarad St. No. 7, Ramat Haahayal Tel-Aviv 69701 Telephone: (03) 64-78-563 FAX: (03) 64-78-334
ANRITSU ANRITSU Sp.A Roma Office Via E. Vittorini, 129 00144 Roma EUR Telephone: (06) 50-22-666 FAX: (06) 50-22-4252
1800 Onna Atsugi-shi Kanagawa-Prf. 243 Japan Telephone: 0462-23-1111 FAX: 0462-25-8379
ANRITSU CORPORATION #2103 Korea World Trade Center 159-1 Samsung-Dong Kangnam-ku, Seoul Telephone: (02) 551-2250 FAX: (02) 551-4941
ANRITSU ANRITSU (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD 3 Shenton Way #24-03 Shenton House Singapore 0106 Telephone: 011-65-2265206 FAX: 011-65-2265207
ANRITSU ANRITSU AB Box 247 S-127 25 Skarholmen Telephone: (08) 74-05-840 FAX: (08) 71-09-960
ANRITSU CO., LTD. 8F, No. 96, Section 3 Chien Kuo N. Road Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Telephone: (02) 515-6050 FAX: (02) 509-5519
ANRITSU ANRITSU LTD. 200 Capability Green Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 3LU, England Telephone: 05-82-41-88-53 FAX: 05-82-31-303
2-4 373XXA MM
Table 2-2. Printed Circuit Board Assemblies
A1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A4 A5 A6 A7 A7 A8 A8 A9 A13 A14 A15 A16 A18 A19** A20** A21A1 A21A1 A21A2 A21A2 A24
LO1 LO1 LO2 Test A IF Reference IF Reference IF A/D TestBIF LO3
Opt 10 LO3
Source Lock/ Separation Control Source Lock/ Separation Control Main Processor I/O #1 I/O #2 Graphics Processor Hard Disk (w/ PCB) Rear Panel PCB Front Panel Switch PCB See Table 2-5 Front Panel Control PCB Source YIG/Bias Control (p/o Signal Source Module) Source YIG/Bias Control (p/o Signal Source Module) Source Control (p/o Signal Source Module) Source Control (p/o Signal Source Module) VME Bus Terminator
Assembly / Part Part Number
D46866-3 D86866-4* D50725-3 D38503-4 D41794-3 D41794-4* D38505-3 D38503-5 D38507-3 D38507-4 D47488-3 D49334-3* B38509 D38513-3 D38514-3 D44281-3 D41041-3 D44255-3
D48516-3 D48512-3* D41841-3 D48513-3* D38524-3
Required for 37397A ∗∗ Part of the Front Panel Assembly (refer to Table 2-5).
373XXA MM 2-5
Table 2-3. Test Set Assembly RF/Microwave Components, 37317A, 37325A, 37347A, 37369A
Assembly / Part 373XXA Model / Option Part Number
Transfer Switch
Step Attenuator, 70 dB Low Frequency Bridge w/ Bias Tee 37311A,37317A D28985 Coupler w/ Bias Tee 37325A and higher D28967 40 GHz Quad Buffer Amp/Power Amplifier Switched Doubler Module (SDM) Port 2 Step Attenuator 6dBPad 20 dB Pad 20 GHz Quad Buffer Amp/Power Amplifier * Used on serial numbers 975004, 975101, 975103, 980102, 980104, 980201, 980302, 980402, 980403, 980405,
980406, 980407, 980602, 980603, 980701, and above.
Table 2-4. Test Set Assembly RF/Microwave Components, 37397A
Assembly / Part Part Number
Pinswitch 29855 Switched Doubler Module (SDM) 47520 Quadrupler (SQM) 48998 37GHz High Pass Filter 49247 Mux Coupler (Port 1) 49470 Mux Coupler (Port 2) 49480 Shaped Pad 52956 Bias Tee 53409
16.8 GHz Lowpass Filter B28912 Access Loops (Front and Rear Panel) B35569-195 Transfer Switch D27030 3 dB Fixed Attenuator ND26178 Step Attenuator ND52564 Coupler ND52929 Quad Buffer Amplifier/Power Amplifier ND53249
37347A and below
All except 37369A
37369A only 37369A only
37369A only
D28580-1 46535*
ND47533 D28685 4612K 43KC-10 43KC-20 ND47532
2-6 373XXA MM
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