The Must-Have Reference for Wireless Communication
This reference will help you understand the terminology associated with wireless telecom and data communications
to let you make more informed decisions about new technology, products, and services. In addition, it shows which
Anritsu products provide test and measurement solutions in each area. Some of the terms referenced here go
beyond wireless applications and are explained in Anritsu Company’s Must-Have Reference For IP and Next Generation Networking. Furthermore, the online version of this document is updated frequently and may contain
new terminology or more recent information. Both reference documents plus an overview of Anritsu wireless test
and measurement products are available at
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The Must-Have Reference for Wireless Communication
Terms and Mnemonics
1G First Generation Cellular Wireless
The first generation of cellular wireless (1G) was based on analog technology. The systems were designed only t o carry
voice technology.
1xEV-DO 1x Evolution Data Only
1xEV-DO (cdma2000) is a 3G mobile standard that is the next EVolution of cdma2000 (1xRTT), intended to provide
powerful dat a transmission capabilities for mobile phones using a second 1.25 MHz channel exclusively for non-real time
data applications. 1xEV-DO is a TDMA technology. Multiple users are supported by gi ving all available radio li nk power t o
users one at a time. It i s not backwar d com patible to 1xRTT and does not support voi ce.
Most cdma2000 network operators are expected to combine 1x and 1xEV-DO channels in their systems to pr ovide varying
voice and data capacities as required by customer dem and. Qualcomm was originall y dri ving this standard. Verizon began
deploying 1xEV-DO ser vice trials in 2003, and 1xEV-DO had 4.2 million subscribers at the end of 2003. Veri zon expects to
offer a version of 1XEV- DO service to in-flight airli ne passengers in 2007, based on trials begun in 2004 with peak speeds
of 2.4 Mbps.
Rev. 0 provides a peak dat a rat e of 2.4 Mbps downstream and 153.6 kbps upstream, alt hough actual downstream rates
are often 300- 600 kbps. It uses adaptive coding and modulat ion based on r adio conditions: QPSK, 8-PSK, or 16QAM.
Rev. A (or 1xEV-DOrA) increases peak data rates to 3.1 Mbps downstream and 1.8 Mbps upstream, enabling more
applications and improving capabilities for services such as VoIP and video calling. It also adds QoS, im portant for VoIP,
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and multicast capabilities, important for live video streami ng. Rev. A has 1.2 times the Rev. 0 sector capacity on the
forward li nk and 2.0 times the sector capacity on the reverse link within the same 1.25 MH z, supporting more users. It is
fully backward com patible and interoperabl e wit h Rev. 0 systems. First Rev. A chipset samples were available in April
2005, with likel y availability for carri er services to be launched in 2006.
Rev. B, whose definition will not likely be completed unt il lat e 2006, proposes multiple carriers to improve bandwidth,
somewhat like HSDPA.
1xEV-DV 1X Evolution Data and Voice
1xEV-DV (cdma2000) is a 3G mobile standard that promises to provi de data-rate speeds of 1.2 Mbps for mobil e users,
with peak data speeds up to 5.2 Mbps for stationary users. It is a true CDMA technology that integrat es voice and
simultaneous hi gh-speed packet data multi media services on the same frequency channel, based on a combination of
1xRTT and 1xEV-DO technologies. It uses adaptive coding and modulation based on radio conditions: QPSK, 8-PSK, or
Nokia and Motorol a were key backers of this standard. Sprint originally proposed thi s service for 2005-2006. There is som e
recent lack of interest in pursuing 1xEV-DV quickly, however, due to the improved performance of 1xEV-DO Rev. A. Also,
both base and mobile st ations need significant enhancements to support dynami c decisions and higher speeds, requi ring
the BTS to dynamically al locate the radio link power.
1xRTT 1X Radio Transmission Technology
1xRTT indicates cdma2000, the next generation of standar d CDMA that of fers between 1.5 and 2 times the number of
voice channels as a standard CDM A system – see cdma2000. It has peak data rat es of 153 kbps and backwar ds
compatibil it y with cdmaOne networks. 1x stands for one ti m es 1.25 MHz carrier, as used in 2G CDMA. RTT stands for
Radio Transmissi on Technology. cdma2000 1x is 21 times more ef ficient than analog cellular and 4 times more efficient
than TDMA networks. 1xRTT pr ovides for a 307.2 kbps peak data rate in both the downst ream and upstream directi ons.
Multipl e users are supported by distributing the available radio link power among them all.
2G Second Generation Cellular Wireless
2G cellular wireless technology convert s voice to digital data for transmission over t he air and t hen back to voice. Most 2G
systems provide 9.6-14.4 Kbps circuit- switched data service.
2.5G Enhanced Second Generation Cellular Wireless
2.5G refers to technology that is added to a 2G network to provide packet-data service. In pract ice, 2.5G is synonymous
with the GPRS technology that has been added to GSM networks, defined by 3GPP Release 97 (see 3GPP).
3G Third Generation Cellular Wireless
3G systems have been designed for both voice and data. By International Telecommunications Union (ITU) definit ion, 3G
systems must provide a minimum of 144 kbps packet-data service. Regarding 3G Release specifications, see 3GPP.
3.5G Enhanced Third Generation Cellular Wireless
3.5G refers t o evolut ionary upgrades to 3G services starting in 2005-2006 that pr ovide significantl y enhanced perf ormance.
High Speed Downlink Packet Access is expected to become the most popular 3.5G technology (see HSDPA).
See Super 3G.
3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project
3GPP is a global body dedicated to developing 3G specificat ions. In 1997-98, Nokia was acti ve in establishing 3GPP as
the organization for developing global 3G st andards based on W-CDMA technology. Specif ications for W-CDMA radio
access networks were r apidly established and in 2000, Nokia promoted the transfer of GSM/EDGE standardization to
3GPP. The first commercial W-CDMA products were released based on the 3GPP Rel ease 99. Standardization conti nues
with Releases 4, 5, 6, and 7.
3GPP standard releases, also referred to as UMTS or GSM/EDGE releases, are described on the 3GPP Specifi cati ons
Web page. These include:
Release 97 or R97 (1997) Introduced GPRS for delivering data over GSM.
Release 99 or R99 (1999) First release of the 3G UMTS standard, incl uding W-CDMA.
Release 4 or Rel-4 (2001) Introduced separate ci rcuit switched and packet switched dom ains.
Introduced EDGE.
Release 5 or Rel-5 (Mar’03) Introduced I M S as the packet domain control struct ure. Updated GSM
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specificati ons. Introduced HSDPA. (See IMS, HSDPA.)
Release 6 or Rel-6 (Dec’04-Mar’05) Enhances IMS specifi cations, including QoS improvements.
Release 7 Definition st arted in mid-2005. Will add to IMS specif ications.
3GPP2 Third Generation Partnership Project 2
3GPP2 is a collaborati ve Thir d G eneration (3G) telecommunicati ons specification-setting project comprising North
American and Asian i nter ests on the development of the next generat ion cdma2000 wireless comm unications. 3GPP2 is
largely based on Qual com m cdm a2000 product standards.
3GSM is another name for the W-CDMA 3G standard. (See 3G.)
3GSP 3G Service Provider
A mobile operator that has a 3G license t o provide 3G services to custom ers.
3xEV-DO/DV 3X Evolution Data Only/Data and Voice
Enhanced versions of 1XEV-DO or 1xEV-DV with three channels of data/voi ce. The det ails of 3xEV are unclear.
4G Fourth Gen era ti on Cellular Wir eless
4G technologies ar e still in the early research st age and no consist ent industry definition exists yet. NTT DoCoMo has
described technology for a possible future 4G standard based on a 101.5 MHz bandwidth downlink and 40 MHz bandwidth
uplink. The downlink scheme uses VSF (Variable Spreading Factor) OFCDM (Orthogonal Frequency and Code Division
Multipl exing) with a target data rate over 100 Mbps, and the upli nk uses VSF CDM A wit h a target data rate over 20 Mbps.
4G is likely to include M IMO technol ogies (see MIMO). NTT does not expect 4G ut il ization until 2010.
802.11 Wireless LANs (Wi-Fi)
802.11, known as Wi-Fi , def ines standards for wirel ess LANs (W LANs) and was approved in Jul’97. WLANs provide halfduplex (not sim ultaneous bidirectional) connections that are shared, not switched. IEEE 802.11a and 802.11b
(standardized in Sept’99) and 802.11g (standar dized in mid-2003) define dif ferent physical layer standards for WLANs, and
the 802.11 standar d offers no provisions for i nteroperability between t hese physical layers. Microsoft certifi cation applies to
both 802.11a and 802.11b. The IEEE 802.11 Working Group
industry’s fi rst laptop PC with built-i n dual 802. 11a/b connectivity in Dec’ 02. The Wi- Fi Al li ance (
known as WECA, promotes the standar d, tests products for interoperability, and awards t he “W i- Fi” m ark to those that
past. Wi-Fi Alliance certified over 500 product s by Novem ber ‘02. Security is one of the biggest issues with wireless LANs
– see WPA and WEP, as well as 802.11i (below).
By the end of 2003, unit shipments of 802.11g interfaces surpassed shipments of 802.11b and cont inued to grow while
802.11b shipments decl ine. By the end of 2004, nearly all chip set s being supplied by manufact urers support either
802.11b or a combination of 802.11b/802.11g. An 802.11g device t ypically uses four times t he power of an 802.11b
device, so 802.11b is often preferred for mobile unit s and handheld data terminals. 802. 11b implementations ar e also less
expensive, so 802.11b is often used in wirele ss gam ing products and toys.
802.11a operates at 5 G Hz and provi des data rates up to 54 Mbps using OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multipl exing) modulation, like European digital TV. 802.11a supports a maxim um of 24 unique connections per access
point, far more than t he three connections supported by 802.11b and 802. 11g. Compared to 802.11b, 802. 11a offers
higher (2X- 5X) theor etical throughput, mor e available frequencies, avoi ding multipath echoes, but shorter range (60100 feet). Actual throughput at typical operating distances is often only 1-2 Mbps. 802.11a products did not become
available from most U.S. vendors until early 2002.
802.11b operates at 2.4 GHz (along with cordless phones and microwave ovens) and provides theoretical data rates
up to 11 Mbps over links of 150-300 feet using Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSMM) modulation. Actual
throughput i s typi cally never more than 5 Mbps. 802.11b support s a m aximum of three unique connections per access
point, and 802.11b-compatible products were the first ones to become available i n the U.S. Regarding 802.11a vs.
802.11b, Wi- Fi Planet
differ ences.
Similar to 802.11b wi th options to adjust frequency, power level, and signal bandwidth for use in countries where the
other 802.11 st andards are not allowed.
has a helpful paper on making choices and Linksys has helpful inf ormation on the technical
page has helpful information. Toshiba said it shipped the
), previously
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Provides QoS (Quali ty of Service) that will be important for voice and multimedia transmi ssion by describing error
correcti on and bandwidth management to be used in 802.11a and 802.11b. There are two versions. EDCA (Enhanced
Digital Control Access) mode, called WME (Wireless Multimedia Extensions), wil l become available first with
certification testing planned st arting Sept’04. WME defines eight levels of access priorit y and provides more access to
higher-pr iority packets than to lower-priority packets but provides no bandwidth guarantees, and i s probabl y best suited
for one-way audi o. HCCA (HCF Coordinated Channel Access), also known as WSM (Wirel ess Scheduled Multimedia),
is a polled access met hod that includes WME and provides guaranteed bandwidth scheduling reservations. WSM, with
certification testing planned st art ing Dec’04, is probably best suited for two-way streaming voice and video. The IEEE
approved 802.11e in Septem ber 2005. Regarding QoS for Voice Over WLAN (VoWLAN), see Spect raLink Voice
Priority (SVP). Also see Wi- Fi Multimedia (WMM).
802.11g is an extension to 802.11b to provide data rat es up to 54 Mbps whil e operating at 2.4 GHz like 802.11b but
using OFDM modulation like 802.11a. Products ar e expected t o have RF interference problems similar to 802.11b. Like
802.11b, 802.11g suppor ts a maximum of three unique connections per access point. The IEEE approved t he
specification in June ‘03, and the first product s claiming compatibility with the draft standar d shipped in Jan’03. In July
’03 the Wi-Fi Alli ance com pleted successful interoperability testing of the first products. 802.11 Planet has a helpful
comparing 802.11a wit h 802.11g.
Defines processes t hat 802.11a systems can use to comply with ITU recommendations for avoiding conflict with other
users of the 5 GHz spectrum such as military radar systems. These processes include DFS (Dynamic Frequency
Selection), for using channels unifor mly and avoi ding channel conflict; and TPC (Transmit Power Control), for reducing
the radio transmit power of Wi-Fi devices. See TPC.
A standard approved i n June’04 that provides securi ty enhancements based on WPA, TKIP, and AES. AES is the new
U.S. Government dat a encryption standard and is far mor e secure t han WPA, the previous 802.11 securi ty mechanism.
802.11i incorporates key management and authentication, and may eventuall y replace WEP and WPA for WLAN
security. The Wi-Fi Alliance planned to start cer tifying 802.11i products in September’04 under the name “WPA2”,
indicating that the security is enhanced r elative to WPA. 802.11i includes provisions for fast authenticat ion needed to
enable practical Voice Over Wireless LAN (VoWLAN) operation.
A standard approved i n Nov’04 that adds the 4.9 GHz band to the 5 GHz frequency band available for 802.11a
networks. 4. 9 GHz is not available in the U.S. but is important for Japan, although the IEEE insists that the “j” in 802.11j
does not stand for “Japan”. In the U.S. the FCC has allocated this same band for use related to public safety and
homeland securit y.
A proposed standard t o improve WLAN traffic distribution by optimizing channel sel ection, roaming decisions, and
transmit power so that a wireless device does not necessarily connect to the access poi nt having the strongest signal.
It defines Layer 1 and Layer 2 statistics that wirel ess clients report to WLAN switches and access points. Software
implementati on should allow upgrading existing equipment to support 802.11k. An 802.11k first draft was publ ished in
March’04, but progress has slowed and various proprietary solutions, incl uding Cisco CCX, are available (see CCX).
A standard in developm ent to provide WLANs with at least 100 Mbps thr oughput, measured at the interface between
the 802.11 media-access control (MAC) and higher layers. Speeds up to 300-600 Mbps are theoretically possible.
802.11n is founded on Mul ti ple-Input Multipl e-Output technology (see MIMO) and OFDM modulati on. The IEEE began
debating various proposals in Sept’04. TGn Sync and WWiSE were alliances of major compani es wit h dif ferent
proposals; see WW iSE and TGn Sync. A different group of at least 26 vendor s called Enhanced Wireless Consortium
(EWC) – includi ng Atheros, Broadcom, Intel, and Marvell – converged late in the process and proposed a PHY layer
with actual throughput up to 100 Mbps and interoperabi li ty with 802.11a/b/g that was accepted in Jan’06 as the basis
for 802.11n. Some pr e-st andard products are shipping now, but ratification of t he standard and standards-based
products are unlikely before 2007.
A working group that is developing extensions applicable to automobiles in the 5. 9 GHz spect rum allocated to vehicles.
Considerati ons include better security, mobile operation, identification, and a more sophisticated handoff system.
802.11p will be the basis of DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications), a system intended for communications
from one vehicl e to anot her or t o a roadsi de network. See DSRC.
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