Andover Controls Infinity Configuration Guide

Controlling Tomorrow’s World
Infinity Network Configuration Guide
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Copyright 1993–1997 by Andover Contro ls .
Order No. 30-3001-169
Copyright 1997 Andover Controls Corporation 300 Brickstone Sq uare Andover, Massac husetts 01810 All Rights Reserved.
This product is subje ct to c hange wit hout notice . Thi s documen t does not co nstit ut e any warranty , e xpress or implied. Andove r Co ntro ls Corp oration rese rves the rig ht t o alte r capa bi litie s, pe rforma nce, and prese ntati on of this product at any time.
The following trademarks are used in this manual: CROSSTALK is a registered trademark of Digital Communications Associates, Inc.
IBM PS/2, PC/AT, and NETBI OS are a reg i stered trademarks of I n ternational Bu siness Machines, Inc. MS-OS/2 is a trademark of Mic r osoft Corporation. VT is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. ARCNET is a trademark of Datapoint Corporation. Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation.
ii Andover Controls Corporation


The Infinity Network Configuration Guide presents instructions for planning and in- stalling an ARCNET- or Ethernet-EnergyNet and multiple Infinets.
It first presents basic information on local area networks (LANs), then introduces the ARCNET-EnergyNet and how to set up an EnergyNet configuration. Next, it in­troduces the Ethernet-EnergyNet. It th e n presents information on Infinets, the smaller networks that branch off of the EnergyNet.
Finally, it presents how to interpret the LEDs on EnergyLinks and InfiLinks and how to interpret errors that may be related to t he network on the keypads of 900 or 810 controllers.
At the end is a glossary of LAN terminology that encompasses both ARCNET and Ethernet concepts.
Infinity Network Configuration Guide iii
iv Andover Controls Corporation
Chapter 1—Introducing Local Area Networks
What Is a Local Area Network? ......................................................................... 1-2
What Is a Controller? .................................................................................... 1-2
What Is a Workstation? ................................................................................. 1-2
What Is a File Server? ................................................................................... 1-2
What Is a Node? ............................................................................................ 1-2
What Is Network Topology? ............................................................................... 1-3
What Is Bus Topology? ................................................................................1-4
What Is Star Topology? ................................................................................1-4
What Is Ring Topology? ............................................................................... 1-6
What Are the Types of Active Hubs? ................................................................. 1-7
Modular Active Hubs ....................................................................................1-7
Non-modular Active Hubs ............................................................................ 1-7
Active Links .................................................................................................. 1-7
EnergyNet Active Hubs ................................................................................ 1-7
What Types of Cables Form LANs? ................................................................... 1-9
What Is Coaxial Cable? ................................................................................ 1-9
What Is Twisted Pair Cable? ........................................................................ 1-9
What Is Fiber Optic Cable? .......................................................................... 1-9
How Fast Is Data Transmitted? ........................... .......... .......... .......... .........1-10
How Is Data Transmitted on LANs? ................................................................1-11
What Is Token Passing? .............................................................................. 1-11
What Is CSMA/CD? ................................................................................... 1-11
What Are Signaling Methods? ............................................ .......... .......... .... 1-12
What Is Baseband? ...................................................................................... 1-12
What Is Broadband? .................................................................................... 1-13
What Is Carrierband? .................................................................................. 1-13
Advan tages of Ba seband O v er Broadb a n d .......... .................. .....................1-13
How Do You Establish Communication on LANs? .........................................1-14
What Are Software Drivers? ....................................................................... 1-14
What Is a Network Operating System? .......................................................1-14


Infinity Network Configuration Guide v
Chapter 2—Understanding ARCNET-EnergyNet
What Is ARCNET-EnergyNet? .......................................................................... 2-2
What Are the Nodes on ARCNET-EnergyNet? ...........................................2-2
Why Is Token Passing Effective? ................................................................. 2-3
What Is the Hub of ARCNET-EnergyNet? ........................................................ 2-4
What Are Components of EnergyLink 2000? ..............................................2-4
What Is the Active Link/Repeater of ARCNET-EnergyNet? .............................2-7
What Is the ARCNET-EnergyNet Network Interface Card? .............................. 2-8
Chapter 3—Selecting a Cabling Arrangement for ARCNET-EnergyNet
Preparing Coaxial Cables .................................................................................... 3-2
Forming Simple Bus Configurations .................................................................. 3-4
Point-to-Point Connections with Coaxial Cable ...........................................3-4
A Simple Coaxial Cable Bus Topology ........................................................ 3-5
A Coaxial Cable Bus Topology with Workstations ...................................... 3-6
Rules for All Coaxial Cable Bus Topology Networks ................................. 3-7
A Simple Coaxial Cable Star Topology ....................................................... 3-9
Switching Cable Types with EnergyLink 2000s ..............................................3-10
Fiber Optic Bus Topology with EnergyLink 2000s and 2101s ..............................3-10
Rules for Fiber Optic Networks .................................................................. 3-11
Employing EnergyLink 2000s in Complex Configurations ............................. 3-12
Distributed Star Topology with EnergyLink 2000s .................................... 3-12
Expanding the Network with EnergyLink 2000s ....................................... 3-14
Rules When Using EnergyLink 2000s in a Distributed Star Topology ...... 3-14
Cascading EnergyLink 2000s .....................................................................3-15
Extending a Bus with an EnergyLink 2000 ................................................ 3-16
Planning Your Cabling Configuration .............................................................. 3-17
Measuring Cable Lengths ........................................................................... 3-17
Selecting a Cable Type ............................................................................... 3-17
Calculating Total Delays on Long Networks ............................................. 3-18
Summary of Node Connection Rules for All ARCNET-
EnergyNet Topologies ........................................ .......... .......... .......... .......... ...... 3-19
Chapter 4—Understanding Ethernet-EnergyNet
What Is Ethernet-EnergyNet? ............................................................................. 4-2
What Are the Nodes on Ethernet-EnergyNet? .............................................. 4-3
Why Is the CSMA/CD Access Method Effective? ....................................... 4-4
What Is the Hub of Ethernet-EnergyNet? ........................................................... 4-4
What Are Components of EnergyLink 2500? ..............................................4-6
What Is the Ethernet-EnergyNet Network Interface Card? ........................ .. .... .. 4-9
vi Andover Controls Corporation
Chapter 5—Selecting a Cabling Arrangement for Ethernet-EnergyNet
Understanding Cable Types ................................................................................ 5-2
Characteristics of Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable .......................................5-2
Characteristics of Thick Coaxial Cable ........................................................ 5-3
Chara c t e r istics o f Th i n n e t Co a x i al Cable .......... .................. ........................ .5-4
Characteristics of Fiber Optic Cable ............................................................. 5-5
Summary of Characteristics of Cable Types ................................................ 5-7
Forming a Simple Point-to-Point Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable .........5-9
Twisted Pair (10Base-T) Ethernet-EnergyNet .............................................. 5-9
Forming a Star Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable ...................................5-11
Forming a Distributed Star Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable ................5-12
Rules for Twisted Pair Networks ................................................................ 5-15
Understanding Thin Coaxial Cable ................................................................... 5-16
Using Coa x i a l Ca b l e s ........... ........ ............... .............. .............. .............. ...... 5-16
Forming a Simple Two-Node Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable
Using T Con n e ct o rs ....... ........ .............. ............... ........ .............. .............. ........ .. 5 - 1 7
Expanding the Simple Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable Using T Connectors ...... 5-20
Lengthening the Thin Coaxial Cable Bus ......................................................... 5-21
Forming a Simple Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable Using Cable Taps ................ 5-23
Forming a Star or Distributed Star Configuration with
Thin Coaxial Cable Using EnergyLink 2500 ................................................... 5-27
EnergyLink 2500 as a Node on Each Bus ................................................ .. 5-31
Rules for Thin Coaxial Cable Distributed Star Topology Networks .......... 5-32
Forming a Two-Node Bus Configuration with Fiber Optic Cable ................... 5-34
Lengthening the Fiber Optic Bus ...................................................................... 5-36
Forming a Star Configuration with Fiber Optic Cable .....................................5-37
Connecting Fiber Optic Cable to EnergyLink 2500 ................................... 5-40
Cascading EnergyLink 2500s Using Fiber Optic Cable ............................. 5-42
Calculat ing Total Si g n al Lo ss .... ............... ........ .............. .............. ........ ...... 5-4 3
Rules for Fiber Optic Networks .................................................................. 5-44
Employing Multiple Cable Types in Long/Complex Networks ..........................5-45
Determining Total Network Length ...................................................................... 5-45
Calculating Total Delay on Long Networks ......................................................... 5-46
Employing Bridges in Long Networks ................................................................. 5-48
Using Local Bridges .............................................................................................. 5-48
Using Remote Bridges ........................................................................................... 5-48
Planning and Setting Up a Long Network ............................................................ 5-50
General Guidelines for Mixed-Cable Distributed Star
Topology Ethernet-EnergyNets ............................................................................. 5-60
Infinity Network Configuration Guide vii
Chapter 6—Understanding and Cabling Infinet
What Is Infinet? .................................................................................................. 6-2
What Are the Nodes on Infinet? ................................................................... 6-2
Why Is Token Passing Effective? ................................................................. 6-3
What Is the Twisted Pair Hub of Infinet? ........................................................... 6-4
What Is the Fiber Optic Link of Infinet? ............................................................ 6-5
Forming Twisted Pair Infinet Configurations .....................................................6-6
Extending the Infinet with InfiLink 200 ....................................................... 6-6
Employing InfiLink 200 in Star Configurations ................................................. 6-7
Using Modems with InfiLink 200 ................................................................6-7
Forming Mixed Fiber Optic and Twisted Pair Infinet Configurations ............... 6-9
Extending the Infinet with InfiLink 210 ....................................................... 6-9
Employing InfiLink 210 in an Extended Daisy-Chain ..................................... 6-11
Employing InfiLink 210 in Star Configurations ............................................... 6-12
Limiting Cable Signal Loss Over Fiber Optic Cable ..................................6-15
Planning Your Cabling Configuration .............................................................. 6-16
Infinet Map Drawing Conventions ............................................................. 6-16
Selecting a Cable Type ............................................................................... 6-17
Chapter 7—Interpreting LEDs on EnergyLinks and InfiLinks
Understanding EnergyLink 2000 LEDs ............................................................. 7-2
Interpreting Normal LED Responses ............................................................ 7-3
Interpreting Flashing Lights .......................................................................... 7-3
Responding When +PWR and –PWR LEDs Do Not Light Up .......................... 7-4
Understanding InfiLink 200 LEDs ..................................................................... 7-6
Interpreting Normal LED Responses ............................................................ 7-6
Baud Rate Setting on InfiLink 200 ...............................................................7-7
Checking Fuse on InfiLink 200 ....................................................................7-7
Understanding EnergyLink 2500 LEDs ............................................................. 7-8
Interpreting LED Responses ......................................................................... 7-8
Responding to Excessive Collisions ........................................................... 7-10
Understanding InfiLink 210 LEDs ................................................................... 7-11
Interpreting Normal LED Responses .......................................................... 7-11
Baud Rate Setting on InfiLink 210 .............................................................7-12
Understanding Keypad Errors on 900 or 810 ................................................... 7-13
Error 1 ........ .............. .............. ........ ............... .............. ........ .............. .......... 7-13
Error 2 ........ .............. .............. ........ ............... .............. ........ .............. .......... 7-13
Error 3 ........ .............. .............. ........ ............... .............. ........ .............. .......... 7-13
Error 4 ........ .............. .............. ........ ............... .............. ........ .............. .......... 7-13
Error 5 ........ .............. .............. ........ ............... .............. ........ .............. .......... 7-13
viii Andover Controls Corporation
Appendix A—RS-232 Port Pinouts for Controllers and Workstations Appendix B—Using Thick Coaxial Cable for Ethernet-EnergyNet
Forming a Simple Bus Configuration w ith Thick Coax ial Ca ble ..........................B-2
Using a Transceiver to Tap into Ethernet-EnergyNet ..................................B-4
Tapping Directly into Ethernet-EnergyNet ...................................................B-5
Installing Thick Coaxial Transceivers ..........................................................B-5
Lengthening the Thick Coaxial Cable Backbone ...............................................B-7
Rules for Thick Coaxial Cable Bus Topology Networks . ...... .......... .......... ..B-8
Appendix C—Totaling Propagation Delays for Ethernet-EnergyNet Appendix D—Mapping Conventions for Andover Networks
ARCNET-EnergyNet Map Drawing Conventions ............................................ D-2
Ethernet-EnergyNet Map Drawing Conventions ............................................... D-4
Glossary—LAN Terminology
Infinity Network Configuration Guide ix
x Andover Controls Corporation

Chapter 1

Introducing Local Area Networks

Local Area Networks
This chapter covers the following:
What Is a Local Area Network?
What Is Network Topology?
Active Hub Types
LAN Cable Types
LAN Data Transmission
LAN Communications
Infinity Network Configuration Guide 1-1
Local Area Networks

What Is a Local Area Network?

A local area network (LAN) is a minimum of two controllers or a controller and a workstation connected with cabling and running software.
The LAN lets multiple workstations and controllers communicate with (“talk to”) one another, sharing data, storage space, programs, printers, terminals, other soft­ware, and other equipment.
A LAN transmits data much faster than a point-to-point link, such as one over an RS-232C cable. Where RS-232C usually cannot transmit data faster than 19,200 baud, a LAN can transmit data at the rate of 1 to 10 Mb/sec, hundreds of times faster.
With a LAN you can also connect many different types of equipment, which is why a LAN is the perfect method for connecting a building control, process control, or security system network.
Also, while LANs do not usually extend beyond a mile in length, they can extend much further than an RS-232C connection.

What Is a Controller?

A controller is a computerized piece of equipment that you use to control an HVAC system, building access, or process.

What Is a Workstation?

A workstation is a computer complete with a screen and a built-in storage dis k that you use to access and modify the controller or controllers on your network.

What Is a File Server?

A file server is a workstation that stores files for other workstations or controllers on the network. You can store all your controllers’ programs on the file server if you choose.

What Is a Node?

Each workstation, file server, or controller of the LAN is called a “node.”
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What Is Network Topology?

Network “topology” is the way you arrange the nodes of the network and connect them with the cables. Three types of topology available on most LANs are as follows:
Bus Topology
Star Topology
Ring Topology

What Is Bus Topology?

Bus topology is an arrangement of nodes on a single cable (also called a “bus”). Each node is connected to the bus with a connector. A bus sends each message to all nodes at once. This system of transmission is called a “broadcasting” system.
Figure 1-1. Bu s Topolo gy LAN. This is a “standa rd” Ener gyNet configuration.
Local Area Networks
Infinity Network Configuration Guide 1-3
Local Area Networks

What Is Star Topology?

Star topology is an arrangement where all nodes are connected to a central hub that is a communications device.
You can add nodes to the network by connecting them to the central hub. After the LAN becomes active, you can still add another node. You can configure an EnergyNet in this topology.
Figure 1-2. St ar Topology LAN
Central Hub
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Local Area Networks

What Is a Central Hub?

A central hub in a star topology LAN is either a series of wires connected at one location (passive hub) or a communications device that transmits data to all nodes connected to it (active hub).
In simple terms, an active hub requires power to function, whereas a passive hub is merely a location where multiple wires connect.
An “active hub” is one that acts like a “network repeater,” an electronic device that retransmits signals that have traveled a long distance. It regenerates signals over distances of up to 6,561 ft (2,000 m). Active hubs let you isolate networ k nodes so that if an error occurs on one node or noise interferes with the functioning of one cable, the rest of the network is minimally affected.
A “passive hub” is one that merely connects several nodes, but does not retransmit signals. In a passive hub, you must use all ports on the hub, or properly terminate them.
If one node or one port on a passive hub is not terminated, the entire network is dis­rupted. Under such a system, you could not isolate a network node. Problems on one node would reverberate over the network.
So that you can easily remove nodes from the network, Andover
Controls supports only active hubs.
Infinity Network Configuration Guide 1-5
Local Area Networks

What Is Ring Topology?

Ring topology is an arrangement of nodes in a single continuous loop. Data trans­mits from node to node in one particular direction. The ring topology is not supported by EnergyNet because if a single node fails, the entire network fails.
Figure 1-3. Ring Topology LA N
Never attempt to form a ring topology with EnergyNet.
1-6 Andover Controls Corporation

Active Hubs Types

The following are the most common types of active hubs used in star topology networks:
Modular Active Hubs
Nonmodular Active Hubs
Active Links

Modular Active Hubs

Also called “variable port hubs,” modular active hubs let you determine how many ports you want connected to them. You insert a module with the number and type of ports you want into one of the connectors on the hub.
The modules can be for various types of cables, so you can have fiber optic cable on one module, coaxial cable on another, and so on—all connected at one hub.

Nonmodular Active Hubs

Local Area Networks
Also called “fixed port hubs,” nonmodular active hubs have a fixed number of ports, usually eight. To connect more than eight nodes to a network using nonmod­ular active hubs, you cascade other hubs from a port on one hub to a port on another.

Active Lin ks

You can use an active link as either a repeater or as an interface to switch to another type of cabling.
When you’ve reached your maximum cable length on a bus, you can use a repeater to extend the cabling a further distance.
You can use another type of active link to switch from fiber optic cabling to coaxial cabling or twisted pair cabling. (For more on cabling, see the next section, What Types of Cables Form LANs?)

EnergyNet Active Hubs

Andover Controls has two active hubs, one for an ARCNET-EnergyNet and the oth­er for an Ethernet-EnergyNet.

EnergyLink 2000 (ARCNET-EnergyNet)

EnergyLink 2000 is the Andover Controls modular active hub for an ARCNET- EnergyNet networking 9000 and 9500 controllers. It can have up to four modules
and up to 16 ports. You use EnergyLink 2000 as either an active hub or a multiport cable-switching active link. To use it as a cable-switching active link, you would replace some of the modules with modules for a different cable type.
Infinity Network Configuration Guide 1-7
Local Area Networks
You can also extend the network length with an EnergyLink 2100 as a network re­peater. Or you can purchase EnergyLink 2101(for both coaxial and fiber optic cable) as either a network repeater or an active link for cable switching.
Essentially, EnergyLink 2100 and 2101 are active hubs with only four ports. You’ll find out more about EnergyLink 2000, EnergyLink 2100, and EnergyLink
2101 in the next chapter.

EnergyLink 2500 (Ethern et-EnergyNet)

EnergyLink 2500 is the Andover Controls modular active hub for an Ethernet- EnergyNet networking 9200 and 9300 controllers. It can have up to seven modules,
each with a single port. You use EnergyLink 2500 as both an active hub and a mul­tiport cable-switching hub. To use it as a cable-switching hub, you use modules for various different cable types.
You’ll find out more about EnergyLink 2500 in subsequent chapters.
1-8 Andover Controls Corporation

LAN Cable Types

Three types of cable form LAN connections:
•Twisted Pair
Fiber Optic The type of cable you should use often changes with the particular circumstances
of your installation.

What Is Coaxial Cable?

Coaxial cable is a shielded cable and is the most commonly used cabling for LANs because its shield protects data being transmitted from outside noise. Shielding is necessary when running cables through equipment rooms where HVAC controllers reside. It offers the best noise protection at the lowest cost.

What Is Twisted Pair Cable?

Local Area Networks
Twisted pair cable is an unshielded and less expensive cable than coaxial. It is sometimes the choice in a low noise environment or for use with Ethernet networks. However, data transmits less reliably over twisted pair cabling and the controller must often retransmit the data. Although it is perfectly acceptable for Ethernet­EnergyNet, because it is less reliable than other types of cable, we do not recom- mend or support twisted pair cabling for ARCNET-EnergyNet.

What Is Fiber Optic Cable?

Fiber optic cable is a shielded cable and o ften used where the LAN requires outdoor cables. Fiber optic cable is used to protect against lightning damage and other electrical disturbances. It offers the best noise protection possible, but at a high cost.
Table 1-1. Compared Characteristics of Coaxial, Fiber Optic, and Twisted Pair Cabling
Characteristic Coaxial Twisted Pair Fiber Optic
Installed Cost Low Low High Distance Medium Low High Topologies Star, Bus Star, Bus Star Noise Immunity Medium Low High Outdoor Use Good Poor Excellent Transmit Speed Medium Low High
Infinity Network Configuration Guide 1-9
Local Area Networks

How Fast Is Data Transmitted?

Each of the three types of cables transmits data at different rates:
Coaxial—Between 1 and 15Mb/sec.
Twisted Pair—Maximum of 10Mb/sec.
Fiber Optic—200 Mb/sec. ARCNET-En ergy Net transmits data at a rate of 2.5Mb/sec. Ethernet-EnergyNet
transmits data at 10 Mb/sec. Although one may appear to have obvious advantage over the other, you may want to consider some of the other differences between ARCNET and Ethernet before you choose which one to use in your installation.
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LAN Data Transmission

Each node on the network accesses the network to transmit and receive data. The method of access is a set of rules called “protocols.” Two types of protocols used on LANs are as follows:
Token Passing
Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection

What Is Token Passing?

The token is an electronic signal. Token passing access sends a single token to each node. The token checks to see if the node has data to transmit. The network passes the token sequentially, from node to node.
One node receives the token and immediately transmits any data it wants to submit. The data broadcasts over the network to all other nodes, but only the node that should receive it responds to it. The network then passes the token along to the next node where the process repeats. If a node has no data to transmit, it merely passes the token to the next node.
Local Area Networks
Under the token passing system, each node on the network is an equal. No single central controller or workstation is required. For this reason, the length of time re­quired to pass a piece of data through the token passing system is always consistent for a given data size. For example, all messages that are 10 bytes transmit in the same number of seconds. If the message is longer, it takes more time, shorter, it takes less time. Heavy network traffic (network activity) does not slow down the rate data transmits at.
Another advantage to token passing is that should a node fail, the network automat­ically skips it when passing the token, so that communication continues among all nodes that are functioning.
Similarly, when you add a new node to the network, the network automatically rec­ognizes that node and passes the token to it at its time in the sequence.
If you cut the network into two parts, each automatically becomes a separate net­work. Breaking the network becomes a useful tool when troubleshooting.
Both ARCNET-EnergyNet and Infinet are token passing access networks. For the most efficient token-passing network, Andover recommends you use up to 50 con­trollers on ARCNET-EnergyNet.

What Is CSMA/CD?

CSMA/CD networks bring messages onto a cable “highway.” Just as on an automo­bile highway, as long as traffic is normal, cars (nodes) can cut into the flow easily.
Infinity Network Configuration Guide 1-11
Local Area Networks
As long as the quantity of traffic is correct for that network highway, information moves readily along the network paths from node to node.
However, when traffic builds up, as in downtown rush hour, the cars must compete to be the first in line. The same happens on a CSMA/CD network when the traffic builds up. Whenever the active node (car) pauses, another node must cut it off and force its way in to gain access to the network. Thus, when traffic is heavy, CSMA/ CD network nodes compete for access to the network.
In extreme cases, cars become bottlenecked trying to get into the same narrow street and it becomes impossible to get in. The same can occur on a CSMA/CD network, so that in excessively heavy network traffic, some messages may not transmit as quickly as they ought to.
Also, in traffic jams there are sometimes collisions. The same can occur on the net­work. Network collisions are not fatal, and after they occur, the nodes whose data collide simply pause and try once again to get onto the network highway.
As you have probably figured out, in heavy traffic, you might have a hard time estimating the time required to transmit a piece of data over a CSMA/CD access network. However, on this type of network, the size of the data does not influence the rate at which it is tr ansmitted. Since network traffic increases as you add nodes to the network, CSMA/CD access networks are practical as long as the volume of traffic is not extremely high. The highest traffic networks might achieve better re­sults using token passing.
Ethernet-EnergyNet is a CSMA/CD network that you might choose for EnergyNets with up to 50 controllers.
One of the best reasons to choose Ethernet, as dis cussed earlier, is speed. At 10 Mb/ sec, Ethernet is considerably faster than an ARCNET operating at 2.5 Mb/sec. In the right installation, Ethernet is a reasonably priced alternative, because you can form it using twisted pair cable, the lowest-priced cable available for a LAN.

What Are Signaling Methods?

Three methods of transmitting data on LANs are as follows:
Carrierband Each method uses a different type of signal.

What Is Baseband?

Baseband networks transmit either analog or digital signal s over the cabling system on a single channel. The baseband system encodes digital signals in pulse form be-
1-12 Andover Controls Corporation
Local Area Networks
fore entering the cable and decodes them back to their digital for m when they reach the destination node. EnergyNet is a baseband network.

What Is Broadband?

Broadband networks send data over tot ally separate channels depending on the type of data it is. They can transmit voice over one channel and video over another, using digital and analog signals as required.
Before a broadband network sends a signal, it modulates the signal into noninter­fering frequencies through a radio frequency (RF) modem. When it the signal reaches its destination, the broadband demodulates the signals back to their digital or analog form.

What Is Carrierband?

Carrierband is like a single channel on a broadband network. It requires a modem and modulates the signal when it sends it out, but does not demodulate the signal when it reaches its destination.

Advantages of Baseband Over Broadband

Although broadband networks are flexible in transmitting signals, they are difficult to add a node to. You must reengineer the portion of the broadband network you want to add the node to.
Baseband networks, on the other hand, are easy to install and add nodes to. You never need to reengineer the network when adding a node.
Also, baseband networks require only a few components that almost anyone can as­semble, while broadband networks require many more components and engineering expertise to install.
Infinity Network Configuration Guide 1-13
Local Area Networks

LAN Communications

After you have connected your network with the appropriate cables, how do you ac­tually get the controllers and workstations talking? You use two types of software:
Software Drivers
Network Operating System

What Are Software Drivers?

Software drivers provide the instructions to transmit data over the network. The ARCNET-En ergy Net software driver is a NETBIOS c ompatible driver. The Ether­net-EnergyNet software driver is a NETBEUI compatible driver. NETBIOS and NETBEUI are standard drivers used by common network operating systems.

What Is a Network Operating System?

The network operating system is the software that lets workstations and controllers on a network share hardware resources, such as disk drives and printers.
Two types of environments exist in the operating s ystem: shared resource and peer­to-peer.
A shared resource environment has a file server that distributes data as required to the nodes on the network. The software on each node accepts requests from the us­ers and sends those requests to the file server whenever required. EnergyNet has the Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager for its network operating system whenever worksta­tions are on the network.
When two controllers communicate with each other (without a workstation), they use the peer-to-peer environment. They do not have a central file server. Instead, nodes access files through Andover network protocols. Protocols are rules that gov­ern communication on the network.
Andover Controls combines shared resources and peer-to-peer communication forming a unique environment for building control. Andover Controls equipment uses shared resources for graphics and long term storage and peer-to-peer for con­troller to controller data exchange.
1-14 Andover Controls Corporation

Chapter 2

Understanding ARCNET-EnergyNet

This chapter covers the following:
What Is ARCNET-EnergyNet?
What Is the Hub of ARCNET-EnergyNet?
What Is the Active Link/Repeater of ARCNET-EnergyNet?
What Is the ARCNET-EnergyNet Network Interface Card?
Infinity Network Configuration Guide 2-1

What Is ARCNET-EnergyNet?

The ARCNET EnergyNet1 is a high-performance, token-passing local area network (LAN) of Andover Controls controllers and workstations and the network software that makes them communicate. Over a million ARCNET nodes are currently in­stalled worldwide.
The ARCNET-EnergyNet network drivers are NETBIOS. The workstations on the network communicate through the operating system, the Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager software. The LAN Manager uses a shared resource environment, with a file server serving all other workstations on the network.
ARCNET-En ergy Net has a minimum of two controllers or a controller and a work­station, usually connected with RG-62/u coaxial cable. It can connect up to 254 nodes. Data transmits over the ARCNET-EnergyNet at a rate of 2.5 Mb/sec when you use coaxial cable. Depending on your particular installation, you may want to use fiber optic combined with coaxial cabling instead. You can use both types to construct ARCNET-EnergyNet.
Although ARCNET-EnergyNet has a token-passing data access syst em, it has a combination bus and star topology called “distributed star” topology.
ARCNET-EnergyNet is a baseband network, connected by up to 4 miles (6.4 km) of coaxial cabling. The number of nodes on the network inf luences the length of c a­ble that connects the entire network, but the maximum distance you can have between two nodes is 1,428 ft (435 m) with coaxial cabling and 6,000 ft (1,828.8 m) with fiber optic cabling.
As with any baseband network, ARCNET-EnergyNet is easy to install. It requires only cabling and interface modules. You may also use EnergyLink 2100 or 2101, electronic repeaters, to extend the amount of cabling beyond the limit for a given number of nodes. EnergyLink 2100 (or 2101) amplifies and retransmits signals so that they can travel further on the network.

What Are the Nodes o n ARCNET-Ener gyNet?

The two types of nodes on ARCNET-EnergyNet are controllers and workstations. The 9000 and 9500 controllers are ARCNET-EnergyNet controllers. (Other con-
trollers, called Infinet controllers, are not directly connected to the ARCNET­EnergyNet. See Chapter 6 for more o n the Infinet controller network.) Each 9000 controller counts as a single node on ARCNET-EnergyNet. You give an ID to each controller by setting a DIP switch inside it. How to set the EnergyNet ID is in the installation guide for the 9000 controllers.
1. ARCNET­Control s s o ftwa re.
2-2 Andover Controls Corporation
is ARCNET, developed by Datapoint Corporation, combined with Andover
The 8000 workstation is a user-friendly IBM PC workstation with detailed color graphics that connects to the network. The 8000 workstation can also be a file serv­er, storing files for other workstations on the ARCNET-EnergyNet. You can program all your controllers from a single workstation that operates as a file server, if you choose. Each workstation or server counts as a single node on ARCNET­EnergyNet. You give each workstation an ID by setting a switch on its network in­terface card. How to set the switch is detailed in the ins tructions you received with the card.
Each active hub is also considered a node on the network. You set the ID of the hub as described in the EnergyLink Installation Guide.

Why Is Token Passing Effective?

Token passing, as discussed in Chapter 1, is one of the best methods for real-time building control systems because data of a particular length is always transmitted in a given amount of time. Token passing allows ARCNET-EnergyNet to not only ac­cept data of any length, but also automatically acknowledge receiving data and automatically check for errors, giving all nodes equal access to the network.
ARCNET-EnergyNet handles all network control so that 9000 and 8000 software can ignore network control and operate more efficiently.
If you remove a controller or workstation from the network, the ARCNET­EnergyNet automatically reconfigures itself and continues operating without interruption.
Infinity Network Configuration Guide 2-3

What Is the Hub of ARCNET-EnergyNet?

The hub of ARCNET-EnergyNet is EnergyLink 2000. EnergyLink 2000 is a 16-port modular active hub that retransmits messages to the
spokes (arms) of the hub just the way an electronic network repeater would. The hub has four modules, with four ports each. You can have coaxial, fiber optic,
or mixed coaxial and fiber optic modules on the EnergyLink 2000. Because you can interchange modules, you can have EnergyLink 2000 function as a cable switching center, if you connect the appropriate modules to it.
You do not have to terminate unused ports on the EnergyLink 2000. Because the ports are always properly terminated, you can later disconnect one node from the network without interrupting the building control system.
When EnergyLink 2000 connects several nodes, it controls communication on two fronts:
Between the nodes in the star.
Between the nodes in the star and the other hubs on the network. Because each node has a separate transceiver, you do not encounter problems with
cable loading. See also the EnergyLink 2000 Installation Guide supplied with the unit.

What Are Components of EnergyLink 2000?

Figure 2-1. EnergyLink 2000 Before Modules are Connected
6 inches (15.24 cm)
Where Four Modules Connect
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You can mount the EnergyLink 2000 inside another NEMA enclosure or mount it on a wall as is.
When you first see EnergyLink 2000, you see four slots. You insert a module with four ports in each those slots. Then you have 16 ports in all. If you need only 12 ports, you need only use three modules.
When you order EnergyLink 2000, you order at least one module with either all four ports coaxial, all four ports fiber optic, or two ports coaxial and two ports fiber op­tic. To order EnergyLink 2000 and the modules, use the following Andover Controls model numbers:
Andover Controls Model # 2000—16 port hub (115/230V 50/60 Hz)
Andover Controls Model # 2001— Module with 4 coaxial ports
Andover Controls Model # 2002— Module with 2 coaxial ports, 2 fiber optic ports
Andover Controls Model # 2003—Module with 4 fiber optic ports
You can order a maximum of four modules per hub. Figure 2-1 shows ports on the modules. Each coaxial port connects to the male end
of a BNC connector and each fiber optic port connects to the end of a fiber optic cable.
Figure 2-2. Ports for Different Cables on Various Modules
Four Coaxial Ports on Module
Two Coaxial, Two Fiber Opt ic
Four Fiber Optic Ports on Module
Ports on Module
Although the hub behaves the way a repeater would, you would not want to use it as a repeater, because you would not take advantage of the 16 ports. Andover Con­trols has a repeater with four coaxial ports called EnergyLink 2100. If you want to
Infinity Network Configuration Guide 2-5
switch from coaxial to fiber optic cable, you can pur chase the EnergyLink 2101 ac­tive link, with two coaxial and two fiber optic cable ports.

How Do You Read EnergyLink 2000’s LEDs?

EnergyLink 2000 also has LED lights on top that correspond to each module. The LEDs to the right of the rightmost module are for timing and reconfiguration. The timing light indicates ARCNET-EnergyNet is receiving and transmitting signals. The reconfiguration light turns on to indi cate that the network has been configured. The network reconfigures itself when you remove a node.
The activity LEDs on the rest of the modules blink to indicate that ports on that module are receiving and transmitting data. See Chapter 7 or the EnergyLink Instal- lation Guide for more details on how to interpret the LEDs.
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