Analog Devices EE238v01 Application Notes

Engineer-to-Engineer Note EE-238
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Configuring the C/C++ Run-Time Header for Blackfin® Processors
Contributed by Steve K Rev 1 – May 18, 2004


The C/C++ run-time header (CRT) is the library code that is executed when the processor jumps to the machine into a known state and calls
start address on reset. The CRT sets the
. This EE-Note describes the Blackfin® processor’s CRT, and explains how to rebuild or reconfigure it.
The document begins with an overview of the CRT, which describes what the CRT does and does not do. Each CRT activity is then examined, followed by configuration instructions.

CRT Overview

global data declared by the application have been initialized as required by the C/C++ standards. It arranges things so that
_main appears to be
“just another function” invoked by the normal function invocation procedure.
Not all applications require the same configuration. For example, C++ constructors are invoked only for applications that contain C++ code. The list of optional configuration items is long enough that determining whether to invoke each one in turn at runtime would be overly costly. As a convenience, the Blackfin processor’s CRT is supplied pre-built in several different configurations, which can be specified at link-time via LDF macros.
The CRT:
The CRT is used for projects that use C or C++. Projects configured with VDK use a different
Sets up required system services, such as
stack and event-handling
Disables system services that power up in an
undefined state, such as circular buffers and hardware loops
Initializes standard library facilities, such as
standard input/output (
Invokes C++ constructors, as required The CRT ensures that when execution enters
_main, the processor’s state obeys the C
Application Binary Interface (ABI), and that
In this document, all symbols are written with assembly linkage, except where otherwise noted. Thus, used, rather than
Copyright 2004, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices applications and development tools engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.
_main is
run-time header, not described here (although the principles are the same). Assembly language projects do not provide a default run-time header; you must provide your own.
The source for the Blackfin processor’s CRT is located under the VisualDSP++® installation directory, in the file
basiccrt.s, in the directory
The list of operations performed by the CRT can include (not necessarily in the following order):
Setting registers to known/required values
Disabling hardware loops
Disabling circular buffers
Setting up default event handlers and
enabling interrupts
Initializing the Stack and Frame Pointers
Enabling the cycle counter
Configuring the memory ports used by the
two DAGs
Setting the processor clock speed
Copying data from flash to RAM
Initializing device drivers
Setting up memory protection and caches
Changing processor interrupt priority
Initializing profiling support
Invoking C++ constructors
_main, with supplied parameters _exit on termination

What the CRT Does Not Do

The CRT does not set up physical memory hardware. For example, external SDRAM is not configured by the CRT in any way. This is left to the boot loader because it is possible (and even likely) that the CRT itself will need to be moved into external memory before being executed.

The CRT in Detail

The CRT is provided as a single assembly source file. It is assembled different ways to serve different types of applications, running on different processors. One source file is used to generate CRTs for the following devices:
ADSP-BF531 Blackfin processors
ADSP-BF532 Blackfin processors
ADSP-BF533 Blackfin processors
ADSP-BF535 Blackfin processors
ADSP-BF561 Blackfin processors
AD6532 processors
platform-definition header and set up a few constants:
IVBl and IVBh give the address of the Event
Vector Table.
UNASSIGNED_VAL is a bit pattern that indicates that
the register/memory location has not yet been written to by the application. This value forms a marker at the end of the call stack, and, if
UNASSIGNED_FILL is non-zero, will be written into
the Dregs and Pregs.
INTERRUPT_BITS is the default interrupt mask.
By default, it enables the lowest-priority interrupt,
IVG15. This default mask can also be
overridden at runtime by your own version of
__install_default_handlers; see the Default
Event Handlers section for details.
For some platforms,
initialization value for the System Configuration register (
SET_CLOCK_SPEED determines whether the CRT
will attempt to improve the processor’s default clock speed. For ADSP-BF561 Blackfin processors, ADSP-BF535 Blackfin processors, and AD6532 processors, the clock speed is not altered. For other processors, clock speed depends on the silicon revision; a number of accompanying definitions follow which may be used to change the clock speed up to approximately 600 MHz.
start and Register Settings
The CRT declares its first code label as start. This required label is referenced by
.LDF files,
which explicitly resolve this label to the processor’s reset address.
First, the CRT disables facilities that could be enabled on start-up, due to their random power­up states, as follows:
The CRT begins with a number of preprocessor directives that “include” the appropriate
Configuring the C/C++ Run-Time Header for Blackfin® Processors (EE-238) Page 2 of 8
SYSCFG is set to SYSCFG_VALUE, according to
#42 for ADSP-BF532 Blackfin
processors, anomaly #22 for ADSP-BF531 and ADSP-BF533 Blackfin processors, and
anomaly #12 for ADSP-BF561 Blackfin processors.
Hardware loops are disabled. This prevents
the jump-back-to-loop-start behavior should the “loop bottom” register correspond to the start of an instruction.
Circular buffer lengths are set to zero. The
CRT makes use of the Iregs and calls functions that may use them. Furthermore, the C/C++ ABI requires that circular buffers are disabled on entry to (and exit from) compiled functions, so the circular buffers must be disabled before invoking
Event Vector Table
The Event Vector Table is cleared. No event handlers are defined except the reset vector (fixed), emulation events (not touched by the C ABI), and event,
IVG15. The processor’s lowest-priority
IVG15, is set to point to supervisor_mode,
a label that appears later in the CRT. The
___cplb_ctrl control variable is examined to
determine whether caching or memory protection is required. If it is, an exception handler is required to process possible events raised by the memory system. Therefore, the default handler,
___cplb_hdr, is installed into the exception entry
of the Event Vector Table. For details on
___cplb_ctrl, refer to “Caching
and Memory Protection” in the VisualDSP++
3.5 C/C++ Compiler and Library Manual for Blackfin Processors [1].
Stack Pointer and Frame Pointer
The Stack Pointer (SP) is set to point to the top of the stack, as defined in the symbol
ldf_stack_end. Specifically, the Stack
.LDF file by the
Pointer is set to point just past the top of the stack. Because stack pushes are pre-decrement operations, the first push first moves the Stack Pointer so that it refers to the actual stack top.
The User Stack Pointer ( (
FP) are set to point to the same address.
USP) and Frame Pointer
Twelve bytes are then claimed from the stack. This is because the C ABI requires callers to allocate stack space for the parameters of callees, and that all functions require at least twelve bytes of stack space for registers
R0-R2. Therefore, the
CRT claims these twelve bytes as the incoming parameters for functions called before invoking
Default Event Handlers
The CRT sets up one or two event handlers (one for changing processor mode; optionally, another for handling memory system events), as reflected by the event-enable bit mask. You may install additional handlers; for your convenience, the CRT calls a function to do this. The function,
__install_default_handlers, is an empty stub,
which you may replace with your own function that installs additional or alternative handlers, before the CRT enables events.
The function’s C prototype is:
short _install_default_handlers(short mask);
The CRT passes the default enable mask, (
INTERRUPT_BITS) as a parameter, and considers
the return value to be an updated enable mask; if you install additional handlers, you must return an updated enable mask to reflect this.
Cycle Counter
The CRT enables the cycle counter, so that the
CYCLES and CYCLES2 registers are updated. This is
not necessary for general program operation, but is desirable for measuring performance.
DAG Port Selection
For ADSP-BF531, ADSP-BF532, ADSP-BF533, and ADSP-BF561 Blackfin processors, the CRT configures the DAGs to use different ports for accessing memory. This reduces stalls when the DAGs issue memory accesses in parallel.
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