Analog Devices ee-112 Application Notes

a Engineer To Engineer Note EE-112
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools
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Class Implementation in Analog C++
A "class" is a type in the C++ programming language. The most simple form of this type is likened directly to a struct type in C. In fact, the keyword "class" can be replaced with the
class A{ public: // public access
int x; double y;
All the examples described in this note show equivalent layouts in C++ and C terms. The examples demonstrate how an object representation in C++ translates to C, so there is a direct correspondence to the generated code.
keyword "struct" with no effect on the layout of the internal representation of the object. The difference is that C++ can place restrictions on the accessibility of its class members. A struct that is valid in C is valid in C++, and the same rules of layout and parameter passing exist in both C and C++. Member functions declared within a class have no effect on the layout of a given class object unless the member function is declared virtual. When inheritance, virtual base classes, and virtual functions are present, the layout of C++ classes is more complicated.
A C struct is a valid C++ construct with the same object layout:
struct A{
int x; double y;
If the keyword "struct" is replaced with "class" in C++, then the members x and y are implicitly
defined as private . Access specifiers define the
A class can be derived from one or more classes. The classes from which it is derived are called base classes. An object of a derived class inherits all the members of the base classes. A derived class can have base classes, which themselves are derived, and each class may have more than one base class. The layout of class objects follows a simple pattern. This pattern is illustrated by the following examples, which show the underlying class layout in terms of C.
Example 1. Base & Derived Classes
class A{
int a1; double a2;
}; class B:A{
int b1; int b2;
C layout equivalents:
rules for using these members with the '->' and '.' operators. The keyword "struct" makes these
members implicitly public in C++. In C++, the previous example could be equally
written as:
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struct A{
int a1; double a2;
}; struct B{
struct A base_A; int b1; int b2;
Example 2. Inheritance Using Classes A & B from Example 1
class C{
char c1[10];
}; class D : B{
float d1; short d2;
}; class E: C ,D {
unsigned int e1:2; unsigned int e2:6; unsigned e3:17;
C layout equivalents:
struct A {
int a1; double a2;
}; struct B {
struct A __b_A; int b1; int b2;
}; struct C {
char c1[10];
class object layout to point to the instance of the base.
In Example 2, class B has class A as a base class, and class C has class A as a base class. If class D has both B and C as base classes, then there would be two class A parts of class D. However, if class A is declared to be a virtual base of class
B and of class C, then only one A sub-object is
present in a D object.
Example 3. Virtual Base Classes
class Z{
int z1; int z2;
}; class A: Z{
int a1;
}; class B : virtual A{
int b1;
}; class C : virtual A{
int c1;
}; class D: B, C{
int d1;
struct D {
struct B __b_B; float d1; short d2;
}; struct E {
struct C base_C; struct D base_D; unsigned int e1: 2; unsigned int e2: 6; unsigned int e3: 17;
Virtual Base Classes
Every class in a hierarchy that specifies a base class to be virtual, shares a single object of that base class within a derived object. In terms of the layout, the compiler adds pointers to the
EN-112 Page 2
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools
Phone: (800) ANALOG-D, FAX: (781) 461-3010, EMAIL:, FTP:,
C layout equivalents:
struct Z {
int z1; int z2;
}; struct A {
struct Z __b_Z; int a1;
}; struct B {
int b1; struct A *__p_A; /* pointer to A part of a B object */ struct A __v_A; /* instance of A part in B object */
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