Altera QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Manual

101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134
QDRII SRAM Controller
MegaCore Function User Guide
MegaCore Version: 9.1 Document Date: November 2009
Copyright © 2009 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device des­ignations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Al­tera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the ap­plication or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published in­formation and before placing orders for products or services.
ii MegaCore Version 9.1 Altera Corporation QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide


Chapter 1. About This MegaCore Function
Release Information ............................................................................................................................... 1–1
Device Family Support ......................................................................................................................... 1–1
Features ................................................................................................................................................... 1–2
General Description ............................................................................................................................... 1–2
OpenCore Plus Evaluation .............................................................................................................. 1–3
Performance and Resource Utilization ............................................................................................... 1–4
Chapter 2. Getting Started
Design Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 2–1
QDRII SRAM Controller Walkthrough .............................................................................................. 2–2
Create a New Quartus II Project .................................................................................................... 2–3
Launch IP Toolbench ....................................................................................................................... 2–4
Step 1: Parameterize ......................................................................................................................... 2–5
Step 2: Constraints ............................................................................................................................ 2–7
Step 3: Set Up Simulation ................................................................................................................ 2–7
Step 4: Generate ................................................................................................................................ 2–8
Simulate the Example Design ............................................................................................................ 2–11
Simulate with IP Functional Simulation Models ....................................................................... 2–11
Simulating With the ModelSim Simulator ................................................................................. 2–11
Simulating With Other Simulators .............................................................................................. 2–12
Simulating in Third-Party Simulation Tools Using NativeLink ............................................. 2–17
Edit the PLL .......................................................................................................................................... 2–18
Compile the Example Design ............................................................................................................ 2–19
Program a Device ................................................................................................................................ 2–21
Implement Your Design ..................................................................................................................... 2–21
Set Up Licensing .................................................................................................................................. 2–21
Chapter 3. Functional Description
Block Description ................................................................................................................................... 3–1
Control Logic .................................................................................................................................... 3–2
Resynchronization & Pipeline Logic ............................................................................................. 3–3
Datapath ............................................................................................................................................ 3–5
OpenCore Plus Time-Out Behavior .................................................................................................. 3–10
Interfaces & Signals ............................................................................................................................. 3–10
Interface Description ...................................................................................................................... 3–10
Signals .............................................................................................................................................. 3–22
Device-Level Configuration ............................................................................................................... 3–26
PLL Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 3–26
Example Design .............................................................................................................................. 3–27
Constraints ...................................................................................................................................... 3–29
Altera Corporation MegaCore Version 9.1 iii
Parameters ............................................................................................................................................ 3–29
Memory ............................................................................................................................................ 3–30
Board & Controller ......................................................................................................................... 3–31
Project Settings ................................................................................................................................ 3–33
MegaCore Verification ........................................................................................................................ 3–34
Simulation Environment ............................................................................................................... 3–34
Hardware Testing ........................................................................................................................... 3–34
Additional Information
Revision History ............................................................................................................................... Info–i
How to Contact Altera ..................................................................................................................... Info–i
Typographic Conventions .............................................................................................................. Info–ii
iv MegaCore Version 9.1 Altera Corporation QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide

1. About This MegaCore Function

Release Information

f For more information about this release, refer to the MegaCore IP Library

Device Family Support

Table 1–1 provides information about this release of the Altera® QDRII
SRAM Controller MegaCore® function.
Table 1–1. Release Information
Item Description
Ver si on 9. 1
Release Date November 2009
Ordering Code IP-SRAM/QDRII
Product ID 00A4
Vendor ID 6AF7
Release Notes and Errata.
Altera verifies that the current version of the Quartus® II software compiles the previous version of each MegaCore function. The MegaCore
IP Library Release Notes and Errata report any exceptions to this
verification. Altera does not verify compilation with MegaCore function versions older than one release.
MegaCore functions provide either full or preliminary support for target Altera device families:
Full support means the MegaCore function meets all functional and
timing requirements for the device family and may be used in production designs
Preliminary support means the MegaCore function meets all
functional requirements, but may still be undergoing timing analysis for the device family; it may be used in production designs with caution.
Altera Corporation MegaCore Version 9.1 1–1 November 2009


Table 1–2 shows the level of support offered by the QDRII SRAM
Controller MegaCore function to each Altera device family.
Table 1–2. Device Family Support
Device Family Support
HardCopy® II
II Full
Stratix GX Full
Other device families (1) No support
Note to Ta b l e 1– 2 :
(1) For more information on support for Stratix III or Stratix IV devices, contact

General Description

Support for burst of two and four memory type
Support for 8-, 18-, and 36-bit QDRII interfaces
Support for two-times and four-times data width on the local side
(four-times for burst of four only)
Operates at 300 MHz for QDRII and QDRII+ SRAM
Automatic concatenation of consecutive reads and writes (narrow
local bus width mode only)
Easy-to-use IP Toolbench interface
IP functional simulation models for use in Altera-supported VHDL
and Verilog HDL simulators
Support for OpenCore Plus evaluation
The QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore function provides an easy-to-use interface to QDRII SRAM modules. The QDRII SRAM Controller ensures that the placement and timing are in line with QDRII specifications.
The QDRII SRAM Controller is optimized for Altera Stratix series. The advanced features available in these devices allow you to interface directly to QDRII SRAM devices.
Figure 1–1 shows a system-level diagram including the example design
that the QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore function creates for you.
1–2 MegaCore Version 9.1 Altera Corporation QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide November 2009
Figure 1–1. QDRII SRAM Controller System-Level Diagram
Example Design
Control Logic
or Fail
About This MegaCore Function
Notes to Figure 1–1:
(1) Optional, for Stratix II devices only. (2) Non-DQS mode only.
DLL (1)
The IP Toolbench-generated example design instantiates a phase-locked loop (PLL), an optional DLL (for Stratix II devices only), an example driver, and your QDRII SRAM Controller custom variation. The example design is a fully-functional example design that can be simulated, synthesized, and used in hardware. The example driver is a self-test module that issues read and write commands to the controller and checks the read data to produce the pass/fail and test complete signals.
& Pipeline Logic
(Clear Text)
(Clear Text)
QDRII SRAM Controller
You can replace the QDRII SRAM controller encrypted control logic in the example design with your own custom logic, which allows you to use the Altera clear-text resynchronization and pipeline logic and datapath with your own control logic.

OpenCore Plus Evaluation

With Altera’s free OpenCore Plus evaluation feature, you can perform the following actions:
Altera Corporation MegaCore Version 9.1 1–3 November 2009 QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide

Performance and Resource Utilization

Simulate the behavior of a megafunction (Altera MegaCore function
or AMPPSM megafunction) within your system
Verify the functionality of your design, as well as evaluate its size
and speed quickly and easily
Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that
include megafunctions
Program a device and verify your design in hardware
You only need to purchase a license for the megafunction when you are completely satisfied with its functionality and performance, and want to take your design to production.
f For more information on OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation using the
QDRII SRAM Controller, refer to “OpenCore Plus Time-Out Behavior”
on page 3–10 and AN 320: OpenCore Plus Evaluation of Megafunctions.
Performance and Resource Utilization
Table 1–3 shows typical expected performance for the QDRII SRAM
Controller MegaCore function, with the Quartus II software version 9.1.
1 The example driver, which only demonstrates basic read and
write operation, can limit the performance, particularly in wide interfaces. To improve performance, replace the example driver or remove it and use the virtual pins on the controller.
Table 1–3. Performance
Stratix II (EP2S60F1020C3) 300
Stratix II GX (EP2SGX30CF780C3) 300
Stratix (EP1S25F780C5) 200
Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices support QDRII SRAM at up to 300 MHz/1,200 Megabits per second (Mbps). Stratix and Stratix GX devices support QDRII SRAM at up to 200 MHz/800 Mbps. Tables 1–4 through 1–6 show the clock frequency support for each device family, with the Quartus II software version 9.1.
1–4 MegaCore Version 9.1 Altera Corporation QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide November 2009
About This MegaCore Function
1 These numbers apply to both commercial and industrial
Table 1–4. QDRII SDRAM Maximum Clock Frequency Support in Stratix II & Stratix II GX Devices (1)
Speed Grade
Frequency (MHz)
DLL-Based Implementation PLL-Based Implementation
–3 300 200
–4 200 167
–5 200 167
Notes to Ta b l e 1– 4 :
(1) This analysis is based on the EP2S90F1020 device. Ensure you perform a timing analysis for your chosen FPGA.
Table 1–5. QDRII SRAM Maximum Clock Frequency Supported in Stratix & Stratix GX Devices (EP1S10 to EP1S40 & EP1SGX10 to EP1SGX40 Devices)
Speed Grade Frequency (MHz)
–5 200
–6 167
–7 133
Notes to Ta b l e 1– 5 :
(1) This analysis is based on the EP1S25F1020 device. Ensure you perform a timing
analysis for your chosen FPGA.
Table 1–6. QDRII SRAM Maximum Clock Frequency Supported in Stratix Devices (EP1S60 to EP1S80 Devices) (1)
Speed Grade Frequency (MHz)
–5 167
–6 167
–7 133
Notes to Ta b l e 1– 6 :
(1) This analysis is based on the EP1S60F1020 device. Ensure you perform a timing
analysis for your chosen FPGA.
Altera Corporation MegaCore Version 9.1 1–5 November 2009 QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide
Performance and Resource Utilization
Table 1–7 shows typical sizes in combinational adaptive look-up tables
(ALUTs) and logic registers for a QDRII SRAM controller with a burst length of 4 in narrow mode.
Table 1–7. Typical Size (1)
Device Memory Width (Bits)
Stratix II 9 360 598 1
18 369 633 1
36 390 708 2
72 (2 × 36) 459 880 4
Notes to Ta b l e 1– 7 :
(1) These sizes are a guide only and vary with different choices of parameters.
Memory Blocks
M4K M512
1–6 MegaCore Version 9.1 Altera Corporation QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide November 2009

2. Getting Started

Design Flow

To evaluate the QDRII SRAM Controller using the OpenCore Plus feature, include these steps in your design flow:
1. Obtain and install the QDRII SRAM Controller.
The QDRII SRAM Controller is part of the MegaCore IP Library, which is distributed with the Quartus II software and downloadable from the Altera website,
f For system requirements and installation instructions, refer to Altera
Software Installation and Licensing.
Figure 2–1 shows the directory structure after you install the QDRII
SRAM Controller, where <path> is the installation directory. The default installation directory on Windows is c:\altera\<version>; on Linux it is /opt/altera<version>.
Figure 2–1. Directory Structure
Installation directory.
Contains the Altera MegaCore IP Library and third-party IP cores.
Contains the Altera MegaCore IP Library.
Contains shared components.
Contains the QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore function files and documentation.
Contains scripts that generate an instance-specific Tcl script for each instance of the QDRII SRAM Controller in various Altera devices.
Contains a data file for each Altera device combination that is used by the Tcl script to generate the instance-specific Tcl script.
Contains the documentation for the QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore function.
Contains encrypted lower-level design files and other support files.
2. Create a custom variation of the QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore function using IP Toolbench.
Altera Corporation MegaCore Version 9.1 2–1 November 2009

QDRII SRAM Controller Walkthrough

1 IP Toolbench is a toolbar from which you quickly and easily
3. Implement the rest of your design using the design entry method of your choice.
4. Use the IP Toolbench-generated IP functional simulation model to verify the operation of your design.
f For more information on IP functional simulation models, refer to the
Simulating Altera IP in Third-Party Simulation Tools chapter in volume 3 of
the Quartus II Handbook.
5. Edit the PLL(s).
6. Use the Quartus II software to add constraints to the example design and compile the example design.
7. Perform gate-level timing simulation, or if you have a suitable development board, you can generate an OpenCore Plus time-limited programming file, which you can use to verify the operation of the example design in hardware.
view documentation, specify parameters, and generate all of the files necessary for integrating the parameterized MegaCore function into your design.
8. Either obtain a license for the QDRII SRAM controller MegaCore function or replace the encrypted QDRII SRAM controller control logic with your own logic and use the clear-text data path.
1 If you obtain a license for the QDRII SRAM controller, you
must set up licensing.
9. Generate a programming file for the Altera device(s) on your board.
10. Program the Altera device(s) with the completed design.
QDRII SRAM Controller Walkthrough
2–2 MegaCore Version 9.1 Altera Corporation QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide November 2009
This walkthrough explains how to create a QDRII SRAM controller using the Altera QDRII SRAM controller IP Toolbench and the Quartus II software. When you are finished generating a custom variation of the QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore function, you can incorporate it into your overall project.
1 IP Toolbench only allows you to select legal combinations of
parameters, and warns you of any invalid configurations.
This walkthrough requires the following steps:
Getting Started
“Create a New Quartus II Project” on page 2–3
“Launch IP Toolbench” on page 2–4
“Step 1: Parameterize” on page 2–5
“Step 2: Constraints” on page 2–7
“Step 3: Set Up Simulation” on page 2–7
“Step 4: Generate” on page 2–8

Create a New Quartus II Project

Before you begin, you must create a new Quartus II project. With the New Project wizard, you specify the working directory for the project, assign the project name, and designate the name of the top-level design entity. You will also specify the QDRII SRAM Controller user library. To create a new project, follow these steps:
You need to create a new Quartus II project with the New Project Wizard, which specifies the working directory for the project, assigns the project name, and designates the name of the top-level design entity. To create a new project follow these steps:
1. Choose Programs > Altera > Quartus II <version> (Windows Start menu) to run the Quartus II software. Alternatively, you can use the Quartus II Web Edition software.
2. Choose New Project Wizard (File menu).
3. Click Next in the New Project Wizard Introduction page (the introduction page does not display if you turned it off previously).
4. In the New Project Wizard: Directory, Name, Top-Level Entity page, enter the following information:
a. Specify the working directory for your project. For example,
this walkthrough uses the c:\altera\temp\qdr_project directory.
b. Specify the name of the project. This walkthrough uses project
for the project name.
1 The Quartus II software automatically specifies a top-level
design entity that has the same name as the project. Do not change it.
5. Click Next to close this page and display the New Project Wizard: Add Files page.
Altera Corporation MegaCore Version 9.1 2–3 November 2009 QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide
QDRII SRAM Controller Walkthrough
1 When you specify a directory that does not already exist, a
6. If you installed the MegaCore IP Library in a different directory from where you installed the Quartus II software, you must add the user libraries:
a. Click User Libraries.
b. Type <path>\ip into the Library name box, where <path> is the
c. Click Add to add the path to the Quartus II project.
d. Click OK to save the library path in the project.
7. Click Next to close this page and display the New Project Wizard: Family & Device Settings page.
8. On the New Project Wizard: Family & Device Settings page, choose the target device family in the Family list.
9. The remaining pages in the New Project Wizard are optional. Click Finish to complete the Quartus II project.
message asks if the specified directory should be created. Click Yes to create the directory.
directory in which you installed the QDRII SRAM Controller.
You have finished creating your new Quartus II project.

Launch IP Toolbench

To launch IP Toolbench in the Quartus II software, follow these steps:
1. Start the MegaWizard® Plug-In Manager by choosing MegaWizard Plug-In Manager (Tools menu). The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager dialog box displays.
1 Refer to Quartus II Help for more information on how to
use the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager.
2. Specify that you want to create a new custom megafunction variation and click Next.
3. Expand the Interfaces > Memory Controllers directory then click QDRII SRAM Controller-v8.1.
4. Select the output file type for your design; the wizard supports VHDL and Verilog HDL.
2–4 MegaCore Version 9.1 Altera Corporation QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide November 2009
Getting Started
5. The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager shows the project path that you specified in the New Project Wizard. Append a variation name for the MegaCore function output files <project path>\<variation name>.
1 The <variation name> must be a different name from the
project name and the top-level design entity name.
6. Click Next to launch IP Toolbench.

Step 1: Parameterize

To parameterize your MegaCore function, follow these steps:
1. Click Step 1: Parameterize in IP Toolbench.
f For more information on the parameters, refer to “Parameters” on
page 3–29).
2. Set the memory type:
a. Choose the Memory device.
b. Select either QDRII or QDRII+.
c. Set the Clock speed.
d. Choose the Voltage.
e. Choose the Burst length.
f. Choose the Data bus width.
g. Choose the Address bus width.
h. Choose the Memory Latency.
i. Select the Narrow mode or Wide mode to set the local bus
3. Set the memory interface.
a. Set Device width.
b. Set Device depth.
c. Turn off Use ALTDDIO pin, if you are targeting HardCopy II
Altera Corporation MegaCore Version 9.1 2–5 November 2009 QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide
QDRII SRAM Controller Walkthrough
4. Click Board & Controller tab or Next.
f For more information on board and controller parameters, refer to
“Board & Controller” on page 3–31.
5. Choose the number of pipeline registers.
6. To set the read latency, turn on Manual read latency setting and specify the latency at Set latency to clock cycle.
7. Turn on the appropriate capture mode—DQS or non-DQS capture mode. If you turn off Enable DQS mode (non-DQS capture mode), you can turn on Use migratable bytegroups.
8. Enter the pin loading for the FPGA pins.
9. Click Project Settings tab or Next.
f For more information on the project settings, refer to “Project Settings”
on page 3–33.
10. Altera recommends that you turn on Automatically apply QDRII SRAM controller-specific constraints to the Quartus II project so that the Quartus II software automatically applies the constraints script when you compile the example design.
11. En sure Update the example design that instantiates the QDRII SRAM controller variation is turned on, for IP Toolbench to automatically update the example design file.
12. Turn off Update example design system PLL, if you have edited the PLL and you do not want the wizard to regenerate the PLL when you regenerate the variation.
1 The first time you create a custom variation, you must turn
on Update example design system PLL.
13. The constraints script automatically detects the hierarchy of your design. The constraints script analyzes and elaborates your design to automatically extract the hierarchy to your variation. To prevent the constraints script analyzing and elaborating your design, turn on Enable hierarchy control, and enter the correct hierarchy path to your variation. The hierarchy path is the path to your QDRII SRAM controller, without the top-level name. Figure 2–2 shows the following example hierarchy:
2–6 MegaCore Version 9.1 Altera Corporation QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide November 2009
Figure 2–2. System Naming
Other Logic
Example Design
QDRII SRAM Controller
Getting Started
14. IP Toolbench uses a prefix (e.g., qdrii_) for the names of all memory interface pins. Enter a prefix for all memory interface pins associated with this custom variation.
15. Click Finish.

Step 2: Constraints

To choose the constraints for your device, follow these steps:
1. Click Step 2: Constraints in IP Toolbench.
2. Choose the positions on the device for each of the QDRII SRAM byte groups. To place a byte group, select the byte group in the drop-down box at your chosen position.
1 The floorplan matches the orientation of the Quartus II
floorplanner. The layout represents the die as viewed from

Step 3: Set Up Simulation

An IP functional simulation model is a cycle-accurate VHDL or Verilog HDL model produced by the Quartus II software. The model allows for fast functional simulation of IP using industry-standard VHDL and Verilog HDL simulators.
Altera Corporation MegaCore Version 9.1 2–7 November 2009 QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide
above. A byte group consists of a cq pin and a number of q pins (the same number as the data width).
QDRII SRAM Controller Walkthrough
c You may only use these simulation model output files for
To generate an IP functional simulation model for your MegaCore function, follow these steps:
1. Click Step 3: Set Up Simulation in IP Toolbench.
2. Turn on Generate Simulation Model.
3. Choose the language in the Language list.
4. Some third-party synthesis tools can use a netlist that contains only the structure of the MegaCore function, but not detailed logic, to optimize performance of the design that contains the MegaCore function. If your synthesis tool supports this feature, turn on Generate netlist.
5. Click OK.

Step 4: Generate

simulation purposes and expressly not for synthesis or any other purposes. Using these models for synthesis will create a nonfunctional design.
1. To generate your MegaCore function, click Step 4: Generate in IP To ol be n ch .
1 The Quartus II IP File (.qip) is a file generated by the
MegaWizard interface, and contains information about a generated IP core. You are prompted to add this .qip file to the current Quartus II project at the time of file generation. In most cases, the .qip file contains all of the necessary assignments and information required to process the core or system in the Quartus II compiler. Generally, a single .qip file is generated for each MegaCore function or system in the Quartus II compiler.
2–8 MegaCore Version 9.1 Altera Corporation QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide November 2009
Getting Started
Table 2–1 describes the generated files and other files that may be in your
project directory. The names and types of files specified in the IP Toolbench report vary based on whether you created your design with VHDL or Verilog HDL
Table 2–1. Generated Files (Part 1 of 2) (1), (2) & (3)
Filename Description
<variation name>.bsf Quartus II symbol file for the MegaCore function
variation. You can use this file in the Quartus II block diagram editor.
<variation name>.html MegaCore function report file.
<variation name>.vhd, or .v A MegaCore function variation file, which defines a
VHDL or Verilog HDL top-level description of the custom MegaCore function. Instantiate the entity defined by this file inside of your design. Include this file when compiling your design in the Quartus II software.
<variation name>_bb.v Verilog HDL black-box file for the MegaCore function
variation. Use this file when using a third-party EDA tool to synthesize your design.
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram.vhd or .v File that instantiates the control logic and the datapath.
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_addr_cmd_reg.vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_avalon_controller_ipfs_
wrap.vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_avalon_controller_ipfs_
wrap.vho or .vo
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_capture_group_wrapper.
vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_clk_gen.vhd or .vThe clock output generators.
The address and command output registers.
File that instantiates the controller.
VHDL or Verilog HDL IP functional simulation model.
File that contains all the capture group modules (CQ and CQN group modules and read capture registers).
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_cq_cqn_group.vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_datapath.vhd
or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_dll.vhd or .v DLL.
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_example_driver
.vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_read_group.vhd or .v
Altera Corporation MegaCore Version 9.1 2–9 November 2009 QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide
The CQ and CQN module.
The example driver.
The read capture registers.
QDRII SRAM Controller Walkthrough
Table 2–1. Generated Files (Part 2 of 2) (1), (2) & (3)
Filename Description
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_pipe_resynch_wrapper.v
hd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_pipeline_addr_cmd.vhd
or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_pipeline_rdata.vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_pipeline_wdata.vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_read_group.vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_resynch_reg.vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_train_wrapper.vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_test_group.vhd or .v
<variation name>_auk_qdrii_sram_write_group.vhd or .v
<variation name>.qip Contains Quartus II project information for your
<top-level name>.vhd or .v (1) Example design file.
qdrii_pll_stratixii.vhd or .v Stratix II PLL.
<variation name>.tcl The add constraints script.
File that includes the write data pipeline and includes the address and command, read command, write data, and write command pipeline.
Address and command pipeline.
Read data pipeline.
Write data pipeline.
The read registers.
The resynchronization FIFO buffers.
File that contains all the training group modules.
Training module, which realigns latency.
The write registers.
MegaCore function variations.
Notes to Ta b l e 2– 1 :
(1) <top-level name> is the name of the Quartus II project top-level entity. (2) <variation name> is the name you give to the controller you create with the Megawizard. (3) IP Tooblench replaces the string qdrii_sram with qdriiplus_sram for QDRII+ SRAM controllers.
2. After you review the generation report, click Exit to close IP To ol be n ch .
You have finished the walkthrough. Now, simulate the example design (refer to “Simulate the Example Design” on page 2–11), edit the PLL(s) (refer to “Edit the PLL” on page 2–18), and compile (refer to “Compile the
Example Design” on page 2–19).
2–10 MegaCore Version 9.1 Altera Corporation QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide November 2009
Getting Started

Simulate the Example Design

f For more information on the testbench, refer to “Example Design” on
This section describes the following simulation techniques:
Simulate with IP Functional Simulation Models
Simulating With the ModelSim Simulator
Simulating With Other Simulators
Simulating in Third-Party Simulation Tools Using NativeLink

Simulate with IP Functional Simulation Models

You can simulate the example design using the IP Toolbench-generated IP functional simulation models. IP Toolbench generates a VHDL or Verilog HDL testbench for your example design, which is in the testbench directory in your project directory.
page 3–27.
You can use the IP functional simulation model with any Altera-supported VHDL or Verilog HDL simulator. The instructions for the ModelSim simulator are different to other simulators.

Simulating With the ModelSim Simulator

Altera supplies a generic memory model, lib\qdrii_model.v, which allows you to simulate the example design with the ModelSim simulator. To simulate the example design with the ModelSim® simulator, follow these steps:
1. Copy the generic memory model to the <directory name>\testbench directory.
2. Open the memory model and the testbench (<top-level name>_vsim.v or .vhd) in a text editor and ensure the signal names have the same capitalization in both files.
3. Start the ModelSim-Altera simulator.
4. Change your working directory to your IP Toolbench-generated file directory <directory name>\testbench\modelsim.
5. To simulate with an IP functional simulation model simulation, type the following command:
source <variation name>_vsim.tcl
Altera Corporation MegaCore Version 9.1 2–11 November 2009 QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide
+ 47 hidden pages