c The POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core is scheduled for product obsolescence and discontinued
support as described in PDN1410. Therefore, Altera does not recommend use of this IP
in new designs. For more information about Altera’s current IP offering, refer to Altera’s
Intellectual Property website.
Document last updated for Altera Complete Design Suite version:
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
The Altera® POS-PHY Level 4 MegaCore® function is an IP core that performs highspeed cell and packet transfers between physical and link-layer devices.
Release Information
Tab le 1– 1 provides information about this release of the Altera® POS-PHY Level 4 IP
Table 1–1. POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core Release Information
Release DateDecember 2014
Ordering CodeIP-POSPHY4
Product ID0088
Vendor ID6AF7
1. About This IP Core
f For more information about this release, refer to the MegaCore IP Library Release Notes
and Errata.
Altera verifies that the current version of the Quartus
previous version of each IP core. The MegaCore IP Library Release Notes and Errata
report any exceptions to this verification. Altera does not verify compilation with IP
core versions older than one release.
Device Family Support
IP cores can provide the types of support for target Altera device families described in
Tab le 1– 2.
Table 1–2. Altera IP Core Device Support Levels
Preliminary—The core is verified with preliminary timing models for this device family. The core
meets all functional requirements, but might still be undergoing timing analysis for the device
family. It can be used in production designs with caution.
Final—The core is verified with final timing models for this device family. The core meets all
functional and timing requirements for the device family and can be used in production designs.
FPGA Device Families
II software compiles the
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
1–2Chapter 1: About This IP Core
Tab le 1– 3 shows the level of support offered by the POS-PHY Level 4 IP core to each
Altera device family.
Table 1–3. Device Family Support
Device FamilySupport
II GXPreliminary
Arria II GZPreliminary
Cyclone IVPreliminary
Stratix IVFull
Stratix VPreliminary
Other device familiesNo support
■ Compliant with all applicable standards, including:
■Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF), System Packet Interface Level 4 (SPI-4)
Phase 2 Revision 1: OC-192 System Interface for Physical and Link Layer Devices,
OIF-SPI4-02.1, October 2003.
■PMC-Sierra Inc., POS-PHY
Specification for OC-192 SONET/SDH and 10 GB/s Ethernet Applications, Issue 5
(Draft): June 2000.
Level 4 A Saturn Packet and Cell Interface
■ Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V device support up to 1,250 Mbps and Stratix II
device support up to 1,040 Mbps, including integrated dynamic phase alignment
(DPA) hardware module
■ Cyclone III, device support up to 622 Mbps for 64 bit data path; support up to 250
Mbps for 32-bit data path width
■ Configurable data path width—affecting the IP core size and speed—for various
performance requirements and applications:
■128 bits
■64 bits
■32 bits (quarter rate)
■ Supports up to 256 ports
■ Fixed start of packet (SOP) alignment to the most significant byte lane eases
subsequent packet processing
■ First-in first-out (FIFO) buffer status management and indications
■ Configurable FIFO buffer modes
■Shared buffer with embedded addressing
■Individual buffers
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
Chapter 1: About This IP Core1–3
SPI-4.2 Interface
User Packet
POS Framer
10 GbitE MAC
Fabri c
Atlantic Interface
POS-PHY Level 4
POS-PHY Level 4
OC-192 or
10 GbitE
Framer or MAC
SPI-4.2 InterfaceAtlantic Interface
POS-PHY Level 4
POS-PHY Level 4
General Description
■ Error detection and handling
■Protocol checking—SPI-4.2 datapath state machine check and repair
■Atlantic FIFO buffer overflow handling
■Status framing hysteresis (good and bad thresholds)
■DIP-4 hysteresis (good and bad thresholds)
■ IP functional simulation models for use in Altera-supported VHDL and Verilog
HDL simulators
■ I-Tested certification
General Description
The packet over SONET/SDH physical layer (POS-PHY) Level 4 interface, first
developed by the SATURN
Development Group, was adopted by the Optical
Internetworking Forum (OIF) as the System Packet Interface Level 4—Phase 2 (SPI-
4.2). Therefore, POS-PHY Level 4 and SPI-4.2 are synonymous.
The POS-PHY Level 4 IP core uses the SPI-4.2 interface for high-speed cell and packet
transfers between physical (PHY) and link-layer devices. The SPI-4.2 interface
supports a data width of 16 bits (LVDS solution) and can be a PHY-link, link-link, linkPHY, or PHY-PHY connection in multi-gigabit applications, including: asynchronous
transfer mode (ATM) and packet over SONET/SDH (STS-192/STM-64), 10 Gigabit
Ethernet, and multi-channel Gigabit and Fast Ethernet.
In compliance with the SPI-4.2 interface specification, the POS-PHY Level 4 IP core
allows you to implement transmit and receive functions.
Figure 1–1 shows a full-duplex POS-PHY Level 4 IP core configured for the link layer
in an Altera FPGA device.
Figure 1–1. POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core as Link Layer Configuration
Figure 1–2 shows a full-duplex POS-PHY Level 4 IP core configured for the PHY layer
in an Altera FPGA device.
Figure 1–2. POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core as PHY Layer Configuration
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
1–4Chapter 1: About This IP Core
General Description
Interfaces & Protocols
The following three interfaces support the POS-PHY Level 4 IP core:
■ SPI-4.2 interface
■ Atlantic
■ Av al on
You can use multiple Atlantic interfaces, but the SPI-4.2 interface only supports a
single transmitter and a single receiver.
SPI-4.2 Interface
The SPI-4.2 interface is an external interface protocol developed by the Optical
Internetworking Forum (OIF). The SPI-4.2 interface features a high-speed data
portion and a FIFO buffer status portion. The high-speed portion comprises a 16-bit
data bus, a 1-bit control line, and a double data rate (DDR) clock. The FIFO buffer
status portion comprises a 2-bit status channel and a clock.
Figure 1–3 shows a full-duplex SPI-4.2 configuration.
Figure 1–3. SPI-4.2 Top-Level View
Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) interface.
f For further information on this interface, refer to the System Packet Interface Level 4
(SPI-4) Phase 2 Revision 1: OC-192 System Interface for Physical and Link Layer Devices,
available at www.oiforum.com.
Atlantic Interface
The Atlantic interface is an Altera-developed synchronous protocol supporting both
packets and cells. The POS-PHY Level 4 IP core is an Atlantic interface slave that
transfers packets to or from the user-side logic. The Atlantic interface provides a
connection between the FIFO buffer and user logic.
f For further information on this interface, refer to the Atlantic Interface Functional
Avalon-MM Interface
The Altera Avalon-MM interface is a simple bus architecture that connects on-chip
processors (or external processor interfaces) and peripherals. The Avalon-MM
interface specifies the port connections between master and slave components, and
specifies the timing by which these components communicate.
All Avalon-MM signals are synchronized to the Avalon-MM clock (
This synchronization simplifies the relevant timing behavior of the Avalon-MM
interface and facilitates integration with high-speed peripherals.
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
Chapter 1: About This IP Core1–5
IP Core Verification
In this version of the POS-PHY Level 4 IP core, the Avalon-MM module is a discrete
unit that is instantiated with the parameter editor, when Asymmetric Port Support is
turned on.
f For further information on this interface, refer to the Avalon Interface Specifications.
IP Core Verification
The POS-PHY Level 4 IP core has been rigorously tested and verified in hardware for
different platforms and environments. Each environment has individual test suites
that are designed to cover the following five categories of testability:
■ Sanity
■ Flow Control
■ Error Management
■ Performance
■ Stress
These test suites contain several testbenches that are grouped and focused on testing
specific features of the POS-PHY Level 4 IP core. These individual testbenches set
unique parameters for each specific feature test.
Results of the hardware verification tests are gathered in I-tested reports available for
different ASSP devices. For example, SPI-4.2 Interoperability with PMC-Sierra’s S/UNI 9953 and SPI-4.2 Interoperability with PMC-Sierra’s S/UNI 10×GE (PM3388).
f For these reports, contact your local Altera sales representative or FAE.
Performance and Resource Utilization
Tab le 1– 4 lists the resources and internal speeds for variations using the shared buffer
with embedded addressing mode.
Tab le 1– 5 lists the resources and internal speeds for a selection of variations using the
individual buffers mode.
All of the results use the Quartus II software version 8.1 for the following devices:
■ Stratix IV GX (EP4SGX70DF29C3 and EP4SGX230DF29C3ES)
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
1–6Chapter 1: About This IP Core
Performance and Resource Utilization
Table 1–4. Performance—Shared Buffer With Embedded Addressing Mode—Stratix IV Devices
Data Flow
Data Path
Width (bits)
Number of
Table 1–5. Performance—Individual Buffers Mode—Stratix IV Devices
Data Flow
Data Path
Width (bits)
Number of
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
Chapter 1: About This IP Core1–7
quartus - Contains the Quartus II software
ip - Contains the Altera IP Library and third-party IP cores
altera - Contains the Altera IP Library source code
<IP core name> - Contains the IP core source files
Installing and Licensing IP Cores
Installing and Licensing IP Cores
The Quartus II software includes the Altera IP Library. The library provides many
useful IP core functions for production use without additional license. You can fully
evaluate any licensed Altera IP core in simulation and in hardware until you are
satisfied with its functionality and performance.
Some Altera IP cores, such as MegaCore
separate license for production use. After you purchase a license, visit the Self Service
Licensing Center to obtain a license number for any Altera product. For additional
information, refer to Altera Software Installation and Licensing.
Figure 1–4. IP core Installation Path
1The default installation directory on Windows is <drive>:\altera\<version number>;
on Linux it is <home directory>/altera/<version number>.
functions, require that you purchase a
OpenCore Plus IP Evaluation
Altera's free OpenCore Plus feature allows you to evaluate licensed MegaCore IP
cores in simulation and hardware before purchase. You need only purchase a license
for MegaCore IP cores if you decide to take your design to production. OpenCore Plus
supports the following evaluations:
■ Simulate the behavior of a licensed IP core in your system.
■ Verify the functionality, size, and speed of the IP core quickly and easily.
■ Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that include IP cores.
■ Program a device with your IP core and verify your design in hardware.
OpenCore Plus evaluation supports the following two operation modes:
■ Untethered—run the design containing the licensed IP for a limited time.
■ Tethered—run the design containing the licensed IP for a longer time or
indefinitely. This requires a connection between your board and the host
All IP cores using OpenCore Plus in a design time out simultaneously when any IP
core times out.
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
1–8Chapter 1: About This IP Core
Installing and Licensing IP Cores
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
Design Flow
Specify Parameters
Compile Design
Program Device
Simulate with
Te st bench
Apply Timing
2. Getting Started
Figure 2–1 shows the stages for creating a system with the POS-PHY Level 4 IP core
and the Quartus
Figure 2–1. Design Flow
II software. The sections in this chapter describe each stage.
IP Catalog and Parameter Editor
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
The Quartus II IP Catalog (Too ls > I P C a t a l o g) and parameter editor help you easily
customize and integrate IP cores into your project. You can use the IP Catalog and
parameter editor to select, customize, and generate files representing your custom IP
The IP Catalog automatically displays the IP cores available for your target device.
Double-click any IP core name to launch the parameter editor and generate files
representing your IP variation. The parameter editor prompts you to specify your IP
variation name, optional ports, architecture features, and output file generation
options. The parameter editor generates a top-level .qsys or .qip file representing the
IP core in your project. Alternatively, you can define an IP variation without an open
Quartus II project. When no project is open, select the Device Family directly in IP
Catalog to filter IP cores by device.
1The IP Catalog is also available in Qsys (View > IP Catalog). The Qsys IP Catalog
includes exclusive system interconnect, video and image processing, and other
system-level IP that are not available in the Quartus II IP Catalog.
Use the following features to help you quickly locate and select an IP core:
2–2Chapter 2: Getting Started
Using the Parameter Editor
■ Filter IP Catalog to Show IP for active device family or Show IP for all device
■ Search to locate any full or partial IP core name in IP Catalog. Click Search for
Partner IP, to access partner IP information on the Altera website.
■ Right-click an IP core name in IP Catalog to display details about supported
devices, installation location, and links to documentation.
Figure 2–2. Quartus II IP Catalog
Search and filter IP for your target device
Double-click to customize, right-click for information
1The IP Catalog and parameter editor replace the MegaWizard
the Quartus II software. The Quartus II software may generate messages that refer to
the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. Substitute “IP Catalog and parameter editor” for
“MegaWizard Plug-In Manager” in these messages.
Using the Parameter Editor
The parameter editor helps you to configure your IP variation ports, parameters,
architecture features, and output file generation options:
■ Use preset settings in the parameter editor (where provided) to instantly apply
preset parameter values for specific applications.
■ View port and parameter descriptions and links to detailed documentation.
Plug-In Manager in
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–3
View IP port
and parameter
Apply preset parameters for
specific applications
Specify your IP variation name
and target device
Legacy parameter
Upgrading Outdated IP Cores
■ Generate testbench systems or example designs (where provided).
Figure 2–3. IP Parameter Editors
Upgrading Outdated IP Cores
IP cores generated with a previous version of the Quartus II software may require
upgrade before use in the current version of the Quartus II software. Click Project > Upgrade IP Components to identify and upgrade outdated IP cores.
The Upgrade IP Components dialog box provides instructions when IP upgrade is
required, optional, or unsupported for specific IP cores in your design. Most Altera IP
cores support one-click, automatic simultaneous upgrade. You can individually
migrate IP cores unsupported by auto-upgrade.
The Upgrade IP Components dialog box also reports legacy Altera IP cores that
support compilation-only (without modification), as well as IP cores that do not
support migration. Replace unsupported IP cores in your project with an equivalent
Altera IP core or design logic.Upgrading IP cores changes your original design files.
Before you begin
■ Migrate your Quartus II project containing outdated IP cores to the latest version
of the Quartus II software. In a previous version of the Quartus II software, click
Project > Archive Project to save the project. This archive preserves your original
design source and project files after migration. le paths in the archive must be
relative to the project directory. File paths in the archive must reference the IP
variation .v or .vhd file or .qsys file, not the .qip file.
■ Restore the project in the latest version of the Quartus II software. Click Project >
Restore Archived Project. Click Ok if prompted to change to a supported device
or overwrite the project database.
To upgrade outdated IP cores, follow these steps:
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
1. In the latest version of the Quartus II software, open the Quartus II project
containing an outdated IP core variation.
2–4Chapter 2: Getting Started
Displays upgrade
status for all IP cores
in the Project
Upgrades all IP core that support “Auto Upgrade”
Upgrades individual IP cores unsupported by “Auto Upgrade”
Checked IP cores
support “Auto Upgrade”
“Auto Upgrade”
Double-click to
individually migrate
Upgrading Outdated IP Cores
1File paths in a restored project archive must be relative to the project
directory and you must reference the IP variation .v or .vhd file or .qsys file,
not the .qip file.
2. Click Project > Upgrade IP Components. The Upgrade IP Components dialog
box displays all outdated IP cores in your project, along with basic instructions for
upgrading each core.
3. To simultaneously upgrade all IP cores that support automatic upgrade, click
Perform Automatic Upgrade. The IP cores upgrade to the latest version. The
Status and Ve rs i on columns reflect the update.
Figure 2–4. Upgrading IP Cores
Upgrading IP Cores at the Command Line
Alternatively, you can upgrade IP cores at the command line. To upgrade a single IP
core, type the following command:
1IP cores older than Quartus II software version 12.0 do not support upgrade. Altera
verifies that the current version of the Quartus II software compiles the previous
version of each IP core. TheMegaCore IP Library Release Notes reports any verification
exceptions for MegaCore IP. The Quartus II Software and Device Support Release Notes
reports any verification exceptions for other IP cores. Altera does not verify
compilation for IP cores older than the previous two releases.
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–5
Specify Parameters
Specify Parameters
To specify the parameters, follow these steps:
1. In the Quartus II software, create a new Quartus II project with the New Project Wizard.
2. In the IP Catalog (Tools > IP Catalog), locate and double-click the POSPHY4 IP
core. The parameter editor appears.
3. Click Step 1: Parameterize.
4. Determine your design’s constraints and performance requirements and then
parameterize the POS-PHY Level 4 IP core in the parameter editor.
1Not all parameters are supported by, or are relevant for, every IP core variation.
5. Click Step 2: Set Up Simulation.
An IP functional simulation model is a cycle-accurate VHDL or Verilog HDL
model produced by the Quartus II software.
c You may only use these simulation model output files for simulation purposes and
expressly not for synthesis or any other purposes. Using these models for synthesis
creates a nonfunctional design.
6. Turn on Generate Simulation Model.
7. Choose the language in the Language list.
8. Some third-party synthesis tools can use a netlist that contains only the structure
of the IP core, but not detailed logic, to optimize performance of the design that
contains the IP core. If your synthesis tool supports this feature, turn on Generate netlist.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Step 3: Generate in IP Toolbench.
Tab le 2– 1 describes the generated files and other files that may be in your project
directory. The names and types of files specified in the IP Toolbench report vary
based on whether you created your design with VHDL or Verilog HDL
1If you want to change your project from a receiver to a transmitter, delete all
the HDL files before you regenerate the IP core.
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
2–6Chapter 2: Getting Started
1. If supported and enabled for your IP variation
2. If functional simulation models are generated
<Project Directory>
<your_ip>.html - IP core generation report
<your_ip>_testbench.v or .vhd - Testbench file
<your_ip>.bsf - Block symbol schematic file
<your_ip>_syn.v or .vhd - Timing & resource estimation netlist1
<your_ip>_bb - Verilog HDL black box EDA synthesis file
<your_ip>.vo or .vho - IP functional simulation model
<your_ip>.qip - Quartus II IP integration file
<your_ip>.v or .vhd - Top-level HDL IP variation definition
<your_ip>_block_period_stim.txt - Testbench simulation data
<your_ip>-library - Contains IP subcomponent synthesis libraries
Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor)
Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor)
The Quartus II software version 14.0 and previous parameter editor generates the
following output file structure for Altera IP cores:
Figure 2–5. IP Core Generated Files (Legacy Parameter Editor)
Table 2–1. Generated Files (Part 1 of 2)
<variation name>_atlfifo_concat.v
<variation name>_dpa_concat.v
<variation name>_pl4_rx_core_constraints.tcl
<variation name>_refresh_model.tcl
<variation name>_run_modelsim.tcl
<variation name>_rx_data_proc.ocpAn OpenCore Plus file, for time limited or tethered hardware evaluation.
<variation name>_rx_modules.v
<variation name>_rx_data_phy_altlvds.v
<variation name>_rx_core.v
variation name>_syn.v or
variation name>_syn.vhd
<variation name>_tb.vA Verilog HDL testbench for the requested parameterization.
<variation name>.bsf
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
An encrypted HDL file for Quartus II synthesis. This file is automatically added
to your Quartus II project. You should not modify this file.
A generated HDL file for Quartus II synthesis. This file is automatically added to
your Quartus II project. You should not modify this file.
Constraint settings file for Quartus II synthesis. Use this file to specify
constraints required to achieve performance requirements.
A Tcl script that regenerates the IP functional simulation model, in both Verilog
HDL (.vo) and VHDL (.vho) formats.
A Tcl script that automates the process of running the testbench with the IP
functional simulation model.
An encrypted HDL file for Quartus II synthesis. This file is automatically added
to your Quartus II project. You should not modify this file.
A generated HDL file for Quartus II synthesis. This file is automatically added to
your Quartus II project. You should not modify this file.
A generated HDL file for Quartus II synthesis. This file is automatically added to
your Quartus II project. You should not modify this file.
A timing and resource netlist for use in some third-party synthesis tools.
Quartus II symbol file for the IP core variation. You can use this file in the
Quartus II block diagram editor.
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–7
Simulate the Design
Table 2–1. Generated Files (Part 2 of 2)
<variation name>.htmlThe IP core report file.
XML file that describes the IP core pin attributes to the Quartus II Pin Planner. IP
<variation name>.ppf
<variation name>.sdc
<variation name>.v or .vhd
<variation_name>.vo or .vhoVerilog HDL IP functional simulation model.
core pin attributes include pin direction, location, I/O standard assignments, and
drive strength.
TimeQuest SDC constraint settings file for timing analysis. Use this file to
specify constraints required for TimeQuest analysis.
A IP core variation file, which defines a Verilog HDL top-level description of the
custom IP core. Instantiate the entity defined by this file inside of your design.
Include this file when compiling your design in the Quartus II software.
1. After you review the generation report, click Exit to close the parameter editor.
The custom IP core variation is integrated into your design. You are now ready to
simulate and compile.
Simulate the Design
You can simulate your design using the VHDL and Verilog HDL IP functional
simulation models.
f For more information on IP functional simulation models, including NativeLink, refer
to “Simulate the Design” on page 2–7 and the Simulating Altera IP in Third-Party
Simulation Tools chapter in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook.
Altera provides models you can use for functional verification of the POS-PHY Level
4 IP core within your design. A Verilog HDL testbench, including scripts to run it, is
also provided. This testbench, for use with the ModelSim-Altera simulator or other
simulator tools via NativeLink, demonstrates how to instantiate a model in a design.
This section tells you how to use the testbench with the ModelSim simulator or with
other simulators via NativeLink.
f For a list of the simulators that you can use with NativeLink, refer to the Simulating
Altera IP in Third-Party Simulation Tools chapter in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook.
c The testbench is in Verilog HDL, so you require a license to run mixed language
simulations to run the testbench with the VHDL model. If you edit any of your
variation’s clear-text Verilog HDL files, you must update the IP functional simulation
model before running the simulator. To update the model, run the quartus_sh -t <variation_name>_refresh_model.tcl script in the Quartus II software.
Use the Testbench with the ModelSim Simulator
To use the testbench with IP functional simulation models in the ModelSim simulator,
follow these steps:
1. Start the ModelSim simulator.
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
2–8Chapter 2: Getting Started
Simulate the Design
2. In the simulator, change the working directory to the location of the
<variation_name>_run_modelsim.tcl file.
3. To run the script type the following command at the simulator command prompt:
source <variation_name>_run_modelsim.tcl
Use the Testbench with NativeLink
To use the testbench with third-party IP functional simulation models using
NativeLink, follow these steps:
1. Create a new custom variation in your Quartus II project. Generate your IP core
for this variation using the parameter editor.
2. Check that the absolute path to your third-party simulation tool is set. Set the path
by clicking Tools > Options > EDA Tool Options.
1If the analysis and elaboration is not successful, fix the error before moving
to the next step.
4. Click Assignments > Settings. The Settings dialog box appears. Expand EDA Tool Settings and select Simulation.
5. In Too l n a m e, select a simulator tool from the list.
6. In EDA Netlist Writer options, select VHDL from the list for Format for output netlist.
7. In NativeLink settings, select the Compile test bench option and then click Te s t Benches. The Test Benches dialog box appears.
8. In the Tes t B e n ch es dialog box, click New. The New Test Bench Settings dialog
box appears.
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–9
Compile the Design and Program a Device
9. In the New Test Bench Settings dialog box, enter the information described in
Table 2–2 on page 2–9 (refer also to Figure 2–6 on page 2–9). To enter the files
described in the table, browse to the files in your project.
Table 2–2. NativeLink Test Bench Settings
ParameterSetting and File Name
Test bench name<any name>
Top-level module in test benchtb
Design instance name in test bench<variation name>
Run for100 ns
Test bench files<variation name>_tb.v
Figure 2–6 on page 2–9 shows an example of the testbench settings whxen the
<variation_name> is example.
Figure 2–6. Example of New Test Bench Settings for NativeLink
10. When you have entered the required information for your new testbench, click OK
in the New Test Bench Settings dialog box.
11. Click OK in the Test Benches dialog box and then click OK in the Settings dialog
12. Click Tools > EDA Simulation Tool, and then click Run EDA RTL Simulation Tool. The simulation now begins with your chosen simulation tool.
Compile the Design and Program a Device
You can use the Quartus II software to compile your design. Refer to Quartus II Help
for instructions on compiling your design.
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
2–10Chapter 2: Getting Started
Compile the Design and Program a Device
After you have compiled your design, program your targeted Altera device and
verify your design in hardware.
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
3. Parameter Settings
You customize the POS-PHY Level 4 IP core by specifying parameters using the
parameter editor
c This chapter describes the parameters and how they affect the behavior of the IP core.
Each section corresponds to a tab when you click Parameterize in the parameter
Basic Parameters
Figure 3–1 shows the basic parameters tab.
Figure 3–1. Basic Parameters
in the Quartus®II software.
Device Family
Select the device family. Table 1–3 on page 1–2 shows the device families that the POS-
PHY Level 4 IP core supports.
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
3–2Chapter 3: Parameter Settings
Basic Parameters
Tab le 3– 1 shows the maximum LVDS data rates supported by the POS-PHY Level 4 IP
core for each device family.
Table 3–1. Supported LVDS Data Rates
Device FamilyLVDS Rate (Mbps)
Arria II GX and Arria II GZ1,000
Cyclone III622
Cyclone IV622
Stratix III1,250
Stratix IV1,250
Stratix V1,250
Stratix GX 1,000
The POS-PHY Level 4 IP core operates either as a receiver where data flows from the
SPI-4.2 interface to the Atlantic
interface, or as a transmitter where data flows from
the Atlantic interface to the SPI-4.2 interface.
1The receiver and transmitter variations are separate building blocks in a design, with
no dependency on each other, so you select the parameters independently. For the IP
core to act as a full-duplex, bidirectional transceiver, instantiate one for each direction.
Typical designs may include one or more receivers and one or more transmitters per
1After you have generated a custom variation, you can re-open the parameter editor
and change the parameters. However, do not change a receiver variation to a
transmitter variation, or a transmitter variation to a receiver variation, otherwise the
Quartus II software generates errors during compilation.
If your receiver design requires dynamic phase alignment (DPA), turn on Dynamic Phase Alignment.
DPA is recommended for data rates exceeding 622 Mbps, and considered essential for
high-quality signaling above 800 Mbps, or across connectors at 700 Mbps.
DPA is only available in Stratix III, Stratix II, and Stratix GX devices.
f For further information about DPA, refer to “DPA Channel Aligner
(rx_data_phy_dpa)” on page 4–2.
LVDS Data Rate
For a transmitter, the LVDS d ata r ate specifies the data rate out of the FPGA, on each
LVD S pai r.
IP Toolbench uses this parameter to instantiate and configure the ALTLVDS IP core
that includes the fast PLL. For example, to configure a transmitter with a data rate of
700 Mbps on the
This rate corresponds to a 350 MHz DDR clock on
For a receiver, the LVDS data rate specifies the data rate into the FPGA, on each LVDS
pair, and sets the phase-locked loop (PLL) clock rate.
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
line, enter
in the LVDS Data Rate field of IP Toolbench.
Chapter 3: Parameter Settings3–3
Basic Parameters
IP Toolbench uses the LVDS data rate to instantiate and parameterize the ALTLVDS
IP core that includes the fast PLL. For example, for a receiver with a data rate of
700 Mbps on each
350 MHz double-data rate (DDR) clock on
line, enter
in LVDS data rate. This value corresponds to a
PLL Input Frequency
For a transmitter only, you can enter the PLL input frequency. To enter the PLL
frequency, you must click Import PLL Frequency, to open the ALTLVDS wizard and
view the available input PLL frequencies.
1When you change the data path width, the PLL input frequency changes.
1Do not type the PLL frequency into the box.
Data Path Width
The Data path width affects two important aspects of the IP core: size and
performance. The IP core offers the following options:
■ 128 bits running at a frequency of 1/8 the LVDS data rate
■ 64 bits running at 1/4 the LVDS data rate
■ 32 bits (quarter rate) running at 1/2 the LVDS data rate (for non-standard
applications at a maximum of 250 Mbps)
f For approximate resource usage and performance of example POS-PHY Level 4
variations, refer to “Performance and Resource Utilization” on page 1–5.
Buffer Mode
The POS-PHY Level 4 IP core supports the following two buffer modes:
■ Shared buffer with embedded addressing
■ Individual buffers
With Shared buffer with embedded addressing, all ports share a single Atlantic
buffer with an 8-bit address field that supports up to 256 ports. The data is read from
the Atlantic buffer in the same order as it is received. The shared buffer with
embedded addressing mode is smaller than the individual buffers mode, and allows
you to develop your own buffering and status generation implementation.
With Individual buffers, the POS-PHY Level 4 IP core provides an Atlantic first-in
first-out (FIFO) buffer for each port. Therefore, there are as many Atlantic FIFO
buffers of the same depth and width—each with a unique Atlantic interface on the
user end—as the number of ports that you select. The individual buffers supports up
to 16 ports.
1Timing and routing difficulties may occur when using 16 ports for 128 bit variations;
thus a maximum of 10 ports is recommended for 128-bit variations.
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
3–4Chapter 3: Parameter Settings
Basic Parameters
For transmitters for individual buffers variations, a credit-based scheduler is
provided. This scheduler decodes the incoming status channel and decides from
which FIFO buffer (port) to transmit.
The individual buffers for transmitters offer the following advantages:
■ A simple user interface
■ Full scheduler
■ No head-of-line blocking
■ Per-port backpressure
f For further information on individual buffers for transmitters, refer to “Individual
Buffers” on page 5–3.
For receivers, the individual buffers offer the following advantages:
■ A simple user interface
■ No head-of-line blocking
■ The POS-PHY Level 4 IP core handles all of the backpressure automatically
f For further information on individual buffers for receivers, refer to “Individual
Buffers” on page 4–6.
The SPI-4.2 protocol supports from 1 to 256 ports. When you select the number of
ports, you determine the mode of operation. Single-PHY operation for one port; or
multi-PHY for two to 256 ports. For example, when interfacing to a 10-channel Gbit
Ethernet MAC device the number of ports is 10.
When you use the shared buffer with embedded addressing, the Number of ports
determines the number of port addresses supported by the POS-PHY Level 4 protocol
portion of the IP core, such as the status generator and error checker. Port addresses 0
to 255 can always be sent and received when using Shared buffer with embedded addressing.
For the shared buffer with embedded addressing, the Buffer size defines the size of
the shared embedded address buffer. For the individual buffers, the Buffer size
defines the size of each buffer. The POS-PHY Level 4 IP core supports the following
sizes (per buffer):
■ 512 bytes
■ 1,024 bytes
■ 2,048 bytes
■ 4,096 bytes
■ 8,192 bytes
■ 16,384 bytes
■ 32,768 bytes
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
Chapter 3: Parameter Settings3–5
Basic Parameters
Atlantic FIFO Buffer Clock
The Atlantic FIFO buffer clock sets the clock mode for the Atlantic FIFO buffers. Two
choices are available: Single or Multiple.
With a single Atlantic FIFO buffer clock, the Atlantic FIFO buffers are instantiated as
single clock domain buffers that do not include any clock crossing logic and therefore
consume fewer logic resources.
With a multiple Atlantic FIFO buffer clocks, the Atlantic FIFO buffers are instantiated
as multiple clock domain buffers. Each buffer has two independently operated clock
inputs, thus each Atlantic interface has a separate clock input. Multiple Atlantic FIFO
buffer clocks consume more logic resources.
Atlantic Interface Width
The Atlantic interface width includes 32, 64, or 128 bits, and depends on the internal
data path width. Tab le 3– 2 shows the Atlantic data widths supported for each internal
data path width.
1For the individual buffers mode, all buffers have the same data path width.
Table 3–2. Atlantic Interface Data Width Limitations
Internal Data Path Width (Bits)Supported Atlantic Data Width (Bits)
6464 and 128
32 32 and 64
The Status channel clock edge determines on which clock edge—positive (rising),
negative (falling), or programmable—the 2-bit status channel is transmitted (by the
receiver IP core) in reference to the
(for the transmitter) or
(for the
receiver) pin. When you turn on Programmable Edge, an input pin,
for the transmitter;
for the receiver), controls the
status channel clocking edge statically at reset.
1To ensure proper sampling of the status information, you should typically set this
parameter to be the opposite of the sampling clock edge on the adjacent device.
For the Status channel I/O standard, either LVTTL or LV DS , select LVD S to
implement the optional lower bandwidth LVDS status operation (refer to the OIF-SPI4-02.1 specification).
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
3–6Chapter 3: Parameter Settings
Optional Features
Optional Features
Figure 3–2 on page 3–6 shows the Optional Features tab.
Figure 3–2. Receiver Optional Features
These parameters allow you to enable additional features that the IP core provides.
Each parameter may increase or decrease the number of logic resources.
Turn on Atlantic error checking to add a packet filtering module to the write side of
every Atlantic FIFO buffer. The packet filtering module ensures that only properly
formatted packets are passed through the Atlantic FIFO buffer. When you turn off
Atlantic error checking, the packet filtering module is not added.
The packet filtering module corrects start-of-packet (SOP) and end-of-packet (EOP)
errors before writing packets into the FIFO buffer. For a missing SOP (where data or
an EOP is received for a port without first having received a SOP), an error output is
asserted, and data is not written to the buffer until a SOP is received. For a missing
EOP (where a SOP is received before the previous packet’s EOP), the current packet is
terminated by an EOP, and ERR is asserted. The next packet is stored normally.
For individual buffers variations with a large number of ports, the Atlantic error
checking increases the amount of logic.
Atlantic error checking is often desirable for receivers, but less applicable for
transmitters because the incoming user-Atlantic data may be presumed correct.
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
Chapter 3: Parameter Settings3–7
Optional Features
The missing SOP and missing EOP error indicators are always zero if you turn off
Atlantic error checking.
Turn on Parity protected memory to protect all Atlantic FIFO buffers in the IP core by
byte-lane parity. The parity is calculated across every byte of data that is written to
memory in the buffers, and is checked for correctness when it is read. If a parity error
is detected, an error signal is raised. Turn off Parity protected memory, to deactivate
the parity protection.
1In the receive direction, the parity error signal is 2 clock cycles delayed (compared to
Atlantic FIFO read data). In the transmit direction, the parity error signal is 1 or 2
clock cycles delayed (compared to Atlantic FIFO read data) depending on the
parameters selected.
Transmitter Options
When you turn on Lite transmitter, the transmitter pads packets with
to a multiple of 16 bytes for 128-bit variations, or 8 bytes for 64-bit variations.
Although using the lite transmitter feature lowers the effective bandwidth rate on the
SPI-4.2 data bus, it greatly reduces the logic consumption.
When you turn off Lite transmitter, the transmitter packs the packets more tightly
together and pads them with
characters to a multiple of 4 bytes. SOP,
continuation of packet (COP) and EOP may be combined into a single control word,
or may be in adjacent control words. Turning off the lite transmitter feature increases
the effective bandwidth rate on the SPI-4.2 data bus, but increases the logic
1COP means no SOP. COP can be pure continuation (control word bits [15:12] =
word bits [15:12] =
, so no SOP and no EOP, but payload follows) or EOP + continuation (control
, so end current packet, but continue other packets).
For the transmitter IP core you can select Pessimistic or Optimistic for the Status interpretation mode.
In the Pessimistic mode, the latest status information is captured and is stored inside
the status processor block until a DIP-2 status is received. If the DIP-2 is valid, the
buffered status is passed on to the scheduler or user logic. If the DIP-2 is invalid, the
scheduler and user logic do not receive an update, and the next incoming status
overwrites the errored buffered status.
In the Optimistic mode, the status information is provided to the user logic and
scheduler through a clock-crossing buffer as it arrives on the status channel. DIP-2
errors cause the
flag to be asserted, but do not affect the status reception.
1The Pessimistic mode causes the latency in receiving a valid status message to be
calendar multiplier × calendar length
cycles longer than the optimistic mode. This
length is significant for systems with large calendar length or large calendar
multiplier values.
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
3–8Chapter 3: Parameter Settings
Optional Features
If you turn on Ignore backpressure (only available when you turn on Shared buffer
with embedded addressing), the IP core ignores the backpressure from the receiver
and simply sends data whenever the buffer is not empty. The IP core stops reading
from the buffer only when the status framer is out of synchronization, when a training
pattern is inserted, or when there is not enough data to complete a burst. The user
logic is responsible for using the status outputs from the IP core to schedule data
writes into the buffer appropriately.
If you turn off Ignore backpressure, a simple scheduling algorithm is employed. If
the status received for any port is satisfied, the transmitter stops reading from the
buffer on the next EOP or burst unit size boundary. If all ports are hungry or starving,
the transmitter sends the data in the buffer. So a satisfied status received for one port
prevents transmission for any port, leading to head-of-line blocking.
If you turn on Switch on end-of-packet, the scheduler stops sending from the current
port, and switches ports at the end of burst (that is, when the credits have all been
consumed), as well as when an EOP is sent. If you turn off Switch on end-of-packet,
the scheduler switches ports at the end of the burst (also includes switching when the
buffer is empty).
1This option applies only to the individual buffers mode, and allows you to
parameterize the port switching capabilities of the transmit scheduler.
f For more information, refer to “Individual Buffers Transmit Scheduler (tx_sched)” on
page 5–3.
Turn on Burst Limit Enable, if you want the transmitter to limit the maximum size of
bursts it sends. Set the maximum burst value with the Burst Limit option (on the
Protocol Parameters tab). At the end of a burst limit a control word is inserted.
Receiver Options
If you turn off Ignore LVDS DPA locked after training, which is only available for
Stratix II devices, a loss of
sends framing, and there is data loss and the possibility of MSOP/EOP errors. If you
turn on Ignore LVDS DPA locked after training, a loss of
trigger stop and framing, and data continues to process normally. You must monitor
the DIP4 error signal to assess if the data is correct or not and trigger a retrain or not.
1For Stratix III and Stratix IV devices, the
the IP core behaves as if you turned on Ignore LVDS DPA locked after training.
If the signal
assumes that the lock is lost due to external conditions such as jitter. This signal goes
low if the capture phase of the hardware DPA block changes by two or more phases.
The two phases correspond to a amount that is lower than the accepted threshold for
the SPI4.2 Specification. When the signal goes low, the IP core states it is out of
synchronization and requests a new training sequence.
causes the IP core to stop processing data,
signal never goes low, so
goes low during operation (after training), the IP core
does not
In some cases, it is better to ignore this signal and rely on the error checking
mechanisms or SPI4.2, by checking the DIP4 calculation. You then have to externally
request the retraining and unlock the DPA block.
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
Chapter 3: Parameter Settings3–9
Optional Features
It is normal during the normal data transfer in SPI-4.2 that
signal can
become de-asserted due to some jitter that is still within 0.44 UI of LVDS data. The
DPA has a low pass filter that filters out very high frequency jitter from affecting the
lock signal and phase of
8 jump in one direction),
. If the jitter is detected to be 0.25 UI (two phases out of
is de-asserted and it is still within 0.44 UI.
The DIP-4 error marking determines how the receiver handles DIP-4 errors. The
receiver uses the following three modes to mark received DIP-4 errors:
■ None—no error marking is performed.
■ Optimistic mode—the receiver IP core marks the preceding and succeeding burst
as errored. If these bursts are payload (that is, if a DIP-4 occurs followed by
then only the preceding control word payload is marked as errored. Bursts going
into the Atlantic FIFO buffer are marked with the Atlantic error signal. If a burst is
not an EOP, it is up to the user logic to detect it.
■ Pessimistic mode—the receiver IP core marks all open packets as errored. Packets
going into the Atlantic FIFO buffer are marked with the Atlantic error signal. This
feature increases in resource utilization as the number of ports increases.
End-of-packet-based data available controls the
FIFO buffer. Turn on so the
signal is asserted (high) when at least one EOP
is in the buffer, or the fill level is above FIFO threshold low (
signal is asserted (high) only if the fill level of the FIFO buffer is above
signal on the Atlantic
). Turn off so
the FIFO threshold low value.
The Status source option applies only to variations using the shared buffer with
embedded addressing mode and provides the following two status channel control
■ Buffer Fill Level—the status for each channel is controlled by the single buffer’s
status. Every calendar time slot contains the result of the almost empty (AE) and
almost full (AF) comparison to the buffer level.
■ User Controlled—to add extra pins, which allows you to directly control the
transmitted buffer status and allows you to send a status irrespective of the fill
level of the internal FIFO buffers, which avoids the situation where the FIFO
buffer is not emptied quickly enough, and if you still request data, the FIFO buffer
Turn on Safe External (User Controlled) Status, to ensure the sent status avoids FIFO
buffer overflow (refer to Table 3–3). Turn off Safe External (User Controlled) Status,
to ensure the sent status is always the user status (refer to Table 3–3), irrespective of
buffer fill level.
1If you turn off Safe External (User Controlled) Status, you can overflow the internal
FIFO buffer.
Table 3–3. User-Controlled Option (Part 1 of 2)
User Status ValueFIFO Buffer Status ValueSent Status Value
December 2014 Altera CorporationPOS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User Guide
3–10Chapter 3: Parameter Settings
Optional Features
Table 3–3. User-Controlled Option (Part 2 of 2)
User Status ValueFIFO Buffer Status ValueSent Status Value
HungryStarving or HungryHungry
f For more information, refer to “Status Processor” on page 4–7.
The option to select 2 FIFO RAM blocks depends on the parameters you select on the
Basic Parameters tab. These parameters affect the FIFO buffer size and FIFO buffer
width, both of which play a role in memory utilization.
When you select 2 FIFO RAM blocks, the timing performance of the IP core may
decrease (because the memory
4 FIFO RAM blocks). Altera recommends that you do full compilations for both
configurations before deciding which one to choose.
bus is unregistered, as opposed to registered for
1Use 2 FIFO RAM block only if it gives an improvement in memory utilization and if
your timing requirements are still met.
Tab le 3– 3 shows the support for the 2 FIFO RAM block. 4 FIFO RAM block supports
all configuration.
Table 3–4. 2 RAM Block Support
Data Flow
Buffer ModeData Path Width
Shared Buffer
with Embedded
Atlantic Interface
Lite Transmitter2 RAM Block Support
POS-PHY Level 4 IP Core User GuideDecember 2014 Altera Corporation
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