The IP described in this document is scheduled for product obsolescence and
discontinued support as described in PDN0906. Therefore, Altera® does not
recommend use of this IP in new designs. For more information about Altera’s
current IP offering, refer to Altera’s Intellectual Property website.
101 Innovation Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
The POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler generates MegaCore functions for use in linklayer or physical layer (PHY) devices that transfer data to and from packet over
SONET/SDH (POS) devices using the standard POS-PHY bus.
The POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler comprises separately configurable modules,
which can be easily combined via the IP Toolbench to generate a highly
parameterized module, allowing POS-PHY compliant interfaces (and non-standard
interfaces) to be included in custom designs.
The compiler supports POS-PHY level 3 operating at up to 3.2 Gbps, and level 2
operating at up to 832 Mbps.
The POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler is compliant with all applicable standards,
■ POS-PHY Level 3 Specification, Issue 4, June 2000
■ POS-PHY Level 2 Specification, Issue 5, December 1998
■ Optical Internet working Forum (OIF), System Packet Interface Level 3 (SPI-3)
■ Altera Corporation, Atlantic Interface Specification
This allows efficient translation between the different formats, including mapping
between different bus speeds and bus widths, as well as customizable FIFO buffer
The compiler allows configurations such as PHY-PHY, link-link bridges, or packet
multiplexing MegaCore functions, and SPHY and MPHY applications. Figure 1–1 on
page 1–3 shows the possible interfaces. Figure 1–2 on page 1–4 shows the possible
fFor more information on the Atlantic interface, refer to FS 13: Atlantic Interface.
Level 2/3
Level 2/3
Level 2/3
Level 2/3
Level 2/3
Level 2/3
The Atlantic interface allows a consistent interface between all Altera cell and packet
MegaCore functions. The Atlantic interface supports a point-to-point connection.
OpenCore Plus Evaluation
With Altera's free OpenCore Plus evaluation feature, you can perform the following
■ Simulate the behavior of a megafunction (Altera MegaCore function or AMPP
megafunction) within your system
■ Verify the functionality of your design, as well as evaluate its size and speed
quickly and easily
■ Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that include
■ Program a device and verify your design in hardware
You only need to purchase a license for the megafunction when you are completely
satisfied with its functionality and performance, and want to take your design to
fFor more information on OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation using the POS-PHY
Level 2 and 3 Compiler, see “OpenCore Plus Time-Out Behavior” on page 3–6 and AN
320: OpenCore Plus Evaluation of Megafunctions.
Performance and Resource Utilization
Tab le 1– 3 through 1–7 show typical expected performance for SPHY and 4-port POS-
PHY MegaCore functions. All results are push-button performance and use a FIFO
buffer size of 512 bytes. These results were obtained using the Quartus
version for the following devices:
■ Cyclone II (see tables for device details)
■ Cyclone III (EP3C5F256C6 for POS-PHY level 3)
■ Stratix III (EP3SL70F484C2 for POS-PHY level 2; EP3SL50F484C2 for POS-PHY
level 3)
II software
■ Stratix IV (EP4SGX70DF29C2X )
Table 1–3. Performance—POS-PHY Level 2 Link Layer—Cyclone II Device
Memory Blocks
MegaCore FunctionLEs
Device: EP2C5F256C6
SPHY receive4162176
SPHY transmit4072149
Device: EP2C15AF484C6
MPHY 4-port receive1,2678167
MPHY 4-port transmit1,2728128
Table 1–4. Performance—POS-PHY Level 2 Link Layer—Stratix III Device
Memory Blocks
MegaCore FunctionALUTs
SPHY receive1773482344
SPHY transmit2103262310
MPHY 4-port receive5581,0518320
MPHY 4-port transmit6241,0248221
Table 1–5. Performance—POS-PHY Level 2 PHY Layer—Cyclone II Device (Part 1 of 2)
To evaluate the POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler using the OpenCore Plus feature
include these steps in your design flow:
1. Obtain and install the POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler.
The POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 MegaCore function is part of the MegaCore IP
Library, which is distributed with the Quartus
from the Altera
fFor system requirements and installation instructions, refer to Quartus II
Installation & Licensing for Windows and Linux Workstations.
Figure 2–1 on page 2–1 shows the directory structure after you install the POS-
PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler, where <path> is the installation directory. The default
installation directory on Windows is c:\altera\90; on Linux it is /opt/altera90.
II software and downloadable
Figure 2–1. Directory Structure
Installation directory.
Contains the Altera MegaCore IP Library and third-party IP cores.
Contains the Altera MegaCore IP Library.
Contains shared components.
Contains the POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler files and documentation.
Contains the documentation for the MegaCore function.
Contains encrypted lower-level design files.
Contains the MegaCore function simulation models.
Contains the ModelSim simulation models.
Contains the testbench.
2. Create a custom variation of a POS-PHY Level 2 or 3 MegaCore function using IP
1IP Toolbench is a toolbar from which you can quickly and easily view
documentation, specify parameters, and generate all of the files necessary
for integrating the parameterized MegaCore function into your design.
3. Implement the rest of your design using the design entry method of your choice.
4. Use the IP Toolbench-generated IP functional simulation model to verify the
operation of your design.
fFor more information on IP functional simulation models, refer to the Simulating
Altera IP in Third-Party Simulation Tools chapter in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook.
5. Use the Quartus II software to compile your design.
1You can also generate an OpenCore Plus time-limited programming file,
which you can use to verify the operation of your design in hardware.
6. Purchase a license for the POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler.
After you have purchased a license for the POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 compiler, the
design flow requires these additional steps:
1. Set up licensing.
2. Generate a programming file for the Altera
device(s) on your board.
3. Program the Altera device(s) with the completed design.
4. Perform design verification.
POS-PHY Level 2 & 3 Walkthrough
This walkthrough explains how to create a POS-PHY Level 2 or 3 MegaCore function
using the Altera POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler IP Toolbench and the Quartus II
software. When you finish generating a POS-PHY Level 2 or 3 MegaCore function,
you can incorporate it into your overall project.
1IP Toolbench only allows you to select legal combinations of parameters, and warns
you of any invalid configurations.
This walkthrough involves the following steps:
■ Create a New Quartus II Project
■ Launch IP Toolbench
■ Step 1: Parameterize
■ Step 2: Set Up Simulation
■ Step 3: Generate
Create a New Quartus II Project
You need to create a new Quartus II project with the New Project Wizard, which
specifies the working directory for the project, assigns the project name, and
designates the name of the top-level design entity.
1. Choose Programs >Altera > Quartus II <version> (Windows Start menu) to run
the Quartus II software. Alternatively, you can also use the Quartus II Web
Edition software.
2. Choose New Project Wizard (File menu).
3. Click Next in the New Project Wizard Introduction page (the introduction does
not display if you turned it off previously).
4. In the New Project Wizard: Directory, Name, Top-Level Entity page, enter the
following information:
a. Specify the working directory for your project. For example, this walkthrough
uses the c:\altera\projects\pl2pl3_project directory.
1The Quartus II software automatically specifies a top-level design entity
that has the same name as the project. This walkthrough assumes that the
names are the same.
b. Specify the name of the project. This walkthrough uses example for the project
5. Click Next to close this page and display the New Project Wizard: Add Files page.
6. Click Next to close this page and display the New Project Wizard: Family &
7. On the New Project Wizard: Family & Device Settings page, choose the target
8. The remaining pages in the New Project Wizard are optional. Click Finish to
You have finished creating your new Quartus II project.
Launch IP Toolbench
To launch IP Toolbench in the Quartus II software, follow these steps:
1. Start the MegaWizard
1When you specify a directory that does not already exist, a message asks if
the specified directory should be created. Click Yes to create the directory.
Device Settings page.
device family in the Family list.
complete the Quartus II project.
Plug-In Manager by choosing MegaWizard Plug-In
Manager (Tools menu). The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager dialog box displays.
1Refer to the Quartus II Help for more information on how to use the
2. Specify that you want to create a new custom megafunction variation and click
3. Expand the Communications > POS-PHY directory then click POS-PHY Level 2 & 3 Compiler.
4. Select the output file type for your design; the wizard supports VHDL, and
Ver il og HD L.
5. The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager shows the project path that you specified in the
New Project Wizard. Append a variation name for the MegaCore function output
files <project path>\<variation name>. Figure 2–3 shows the wizard after you have
made these settings.
To parameterize your MegaCore function, follow these steps:
1. Click Parameterize in the IP Toolbench (see Figure 2–4 on page 2–5).
Figure 2–4. IP Toolbench—Parameterize
2. Select your architecture options where the POS-PHY ‘A’ interface is a data source
or sink (see Figure 2–5).
1Source indicates that interface ‘A’ is an output from the MegaCore function.
Sink indicates that interface ‘A’ is an input to the MegaCore function.
Figure 2–5. Select the ‘A’ Interface Direction
3. In a MPHY architecture there is a ‘B’ interface for each supported channel
(maximum eight). Select the number of supported channels that you require.
1To create a design that supports source and sink data directions, you must
run IP Toolbench twice, to create the source and sink designs separately.
9. Select the parity settings of the interfaces (see Figure 2–8).
1If parity is used the polarity setting must be the same for all interfaces.
Figure 2–8. Select the Parity Settings
fFor more information on the parity settings, see “Parity Settings” on page 3–8.
10. Click Next.
11. Choose the first-in first-out (FIFO) buffer settings (see Figure 2–9).
Figure 2–9. Choose the FIFO Buffer Settings
If you select the Fixed Burst option, you must also set the burst size by entering a
value in the Burst field. Data is then sent in bursts of the specified burst size only,
or in bursts containing an end of packet.