Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP Core User
The Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core controls the strobe-based capture I/O elements in
Arria® 10 devices. Use each instance of the IP core to support an interface with up to 18 individual data/
strobe capture groups. Each group can contain up to 48 data I/Os as well as the strobe capture logic.
Device Family Support
The Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core supports Arria® 10 devices only.
For Arria V, Cyclone® V, and Stratix® V devices, use the ALTDQ_DQS2 IP core instead.
Related Information
• ALTDQ_DQS2 IP Core User Guide
For more information about the ALTDQ_DQS2 IP core
The Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core:
• Supports input, output, and bidirectional data channels
• Supports DQS-group based data capture, with up to 48 I/Os (including strobes) per group and DQS
gating/ungating circuitry for strobe-based interfaces
• Supports output delays via interpolator
• Supports dynamic on-chip termination (OCT) control
• Supports quarter-rate to half-rate and half-rate to full-rate conversions. Also supports input, output,
and read/DQS/OCT enable paths
• Supports single data rate (SDR) and double data rate (DDR) at the I/Os
• Supports PHY clock tree
• Supports dynamically reconfigurable delay chains using Avalon interface
• Supports process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) or non-PVT compensated input and DQS delay
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are
trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as
trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance
of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any
products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information,
product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
The non-PVT compensated component of the input delay is not set in the Quartus II software
version 14.1 and will only be set in a future release of the Quartus II software.
I/O Bank
I/O Bank
I/O Bank
The Arria 10 I/O subsystem is located in the I/O columns. Each column consists of up to 13 I/O banks
and one I/O aux.
Figure 1: I/O Column for Arria 10 Devices
Each bank is a group of 48 I/O pins, organized into four I/O lanes with 12 pins for each lane.
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Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP Core User Guide
This figure shows a detailed view of the I/O bank in Arria 10 devices.
Each I/O lane contains the DDR-PHY input and output path logic for 12 I/Os as well as a DQS logic
block. All four lanes in a bank can be combined to form a single data/strobe group or up to four groups in
the same interface. Under certain conditions, two groups from different interfaces can also be supported
in the same bank.
Related Information
• Placement Restrictions on page 15
For more information about placement restrictions
• Functional Description—Arria 10 EMIF
For more information about the architecture
The Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core uses four clock domains for the output and input paths.
Refer to Figure 4 for the clock domain boundaries.
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VCO Clock Frequency : External Memory Clock Frequency : Core/PHY Clock Frequency
VCO Frequency MultiplierUser Specified Core Clock Rate
Clock Frequency Relationships
Clock DomainDescription
Core clockThis clock is generated internally by the IP core and output to the core to be used for
all transfers between the FPGA core and the IP core.
PHY ClockThis clock is used internally by the IP core for PHY circuitry running at the same
frequency as the core clock. The PHY circuitry ensures that this clock is kept in phase
with the core clock for core-to-periphery and periphery-to-core transfers.
VCO clockThis clock is generated internally by the PLL. It is used by both the input and output
paths to generate PVT compensated delays.
External Memory
This is the user specified frequency at which the FPGA I/Os connected to the
external device operate.
Clock Frequency Relationships
Figure 3: Clock Frequency Relationships
VCO Frequency Multiplication Factor
The relationship between the VCO clock frequency and the user specified external memory clock
frequency is calculated during generation of the IP core based on the this table.
Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP Core User Guide
Maximum Frequency
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I/O Lane
I/O Lane
Tile Control
I/O Lane
I/O Lane
Data to/from Core
Reference Clock
Core Clock
PHY Clock
Figure 4: Top-Level Interface
This figure shows the top-level diagram of the Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core interface.
The Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core consists of the following interfaces:
• Clocks and Reset
• Core Data and Control (broken down into input and output paths)
• I/O (broken down into input and output paths)
• Avalon Configuration Bus
Related Information
• Output Path on page 5
For more information about the output path
• Input Path on page 8
For more information about the input path
• Signals on page 37
For more information about core data, control, and I/O interfaces signals
Output Path
The output path consists of a FIFO and an interpolator.
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Write FIFO
VCO clock
Output Path
Figure 5: Output Path
This figure shows the output path for the Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core.
Table 2: Blocks in Output Path
This table lists the blocks in the output path.
FIFOSerializes the output data from the core with a serialization factor of up to 8
InterpolatorWorks with the FIFO block to generate the desired output delay. You can
(in DDR quarter-rate).
dynamically configure the delay through the Avalon interface. For more
information, refer to Dynamic Reconfiguration on page 20.
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Figure 6: Output Path - Write Latency 0
Figure 7: Output Path - Write Latency 3
These figures show the waveform diagrams for the output path.
Output Path Data Alignment
Related Information
Output Path Signals on page 38
For more information about output path signals
Output Path Data Alignment
The data_from_core and oe_from_core signals are arranged in time slices, which are broken down into
the individual pins in the group. The first time slice is on the LSBs of the busses, which matches the Altera
PHY interface (AFI) bus ordering of the Arria 10 External Memory Interfaces IP core.
Where time0 = {...,pin1,pin0}
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Delay Chain
Delay Chain
Input Path
Figure 8: Example Output for Quarter Rate DDR
Related Information
• External Memory Interface Handbook
For more information about the AFI 3.0 specification
Input Path
Figure 9: Input Path
This figure shows the input path of the IP core.
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The input path of the IP core consists of a data path, a strobe path, and read enable path.
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Table 3: Blocks in Data, Strobe, and Read Enable Paths
This table lists the information about these paths.
Data PathConsists of a PVT compensated delay chain, a DDIO and a read FIFO.
• PVT compensated delay chain—Allows per-bit deskew. You can only control the
PVT compensated delay chain over Avalon-MM interface. For more information,
refer to Dynamic Reconfiguration.
• DDIO and read FIFO—Responsible for deserialization with a factor of up to 8 (in
DDR quarter-rate). The transfer between the DDIO and the read FIFO is a zerocycle transfer.
The IP core supports SDR input by dropping every other bit of data going to the core.
Strobe PathConsists of pstamble_reg (a gating component) and a PVT compensated delay chain.
• pstamble_reg—This gating circuitry ensures that only clock edges associated with
valid input data are used.
• PVT compensated delay chain—Provides a phase offset between the strobe and the
data (for example, center aligning edge-aligned inputs).
Input Path
Read Enable PathConsists of VFIFO, FIFO, and an interpolator.
• VFIFO—takes the rdata_en signal from the core and delays it separately for two
outputs, one for the read enable on the read FIFO, and one for the strobe enable.
These delays are calculated at generation time based on the read latency that you
provide. Individual control is not necessary, but if you are modifying these delays
you can do so individually using dynamic reconfiguration.
• FIFO and interpolator—used for the strobe enable delay, the FIFO and interpo‐
lator are identical to the FIFO and interpolator circuitry in the output path. The
FIFO and interpolator are configured to match the output delay for a group with
no additional output delay (Write latency = 0). During dynamic reconfiguration,
the FIFO and interpolator can be used for fine grained control of the strobe enable
signal. Both of these delays are controlled by the Read latency parameter for the
Table 4: Read Operation Sequence
A read operation is performed as listed in this table.
Legend in Figure 9Operation
1The core asserts the read_en signal (and the external device is issued a read
2The strobe enable is delayed through the two FIFOs by the programmed read latency
(which should match the latency of the external device)
3The strobe signal is ungated by the strobe enable signal as valid data enters the read
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Input Path Data Alignment
Legend in Figure 9Operation
4The strobe is optionally delayed to create a phase offset between the strobe and the
input data (for example, 90° phase shift for DDR center-alignment)
5The data is clocked into the DDIO and read FIFO by the strobe
6The VFIFO asserts the read enable on the read FIFO and the rdata_valid signal to
the core simultaneously. This outputs the captured data and the associated valid signal
to the core.
Figure 10: Input Path Waveform
This figure shows a waveform diagram of the input path.
Related Information
Input Path Signals on page 40
For more information about input path signals
Input Path Data Alignment
The bus ordering of data_to_core, rdata_en, and rdata_valid is identical to the ordering of the output
path. That is, the LSBs of the bus hold the first time slice of data received.
The rdata_valid delay is always set by the IP core to match the rdata_en alignment. For example,
quarter-rate delays are multiples of four external memory clock cycles (one quarter rate clock cycle).
Unaligned reads will result in unaligned rdata_valid and data_to_core with data and valid signals
packed to the LSBs.
Figure 11: Example Input (Quarter Rate DDR) - Aligned
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Figure 12: Example Input (Quarter Rate DDR) - Unaligned
I/O Standards
I/O Standards
The Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core allows you to set I/O standards on the pins associated
with the generated configuration. The I/O standard controls the available strobe configurations and OCT
settings for all groups.
When you select an I/O standard in the I/O standard parameter, the reference clock assigns the I/O
standard as a single-ended input. For a differential reference clock, override the single-ended Quartus II
IP File (.qip) setting in the .qsf.
If you want to assign I/O standards manually at the system level (in the .qsf), then set the I/O standard to
none, which will not output any I/O standard related .qip assignments from the IP generation.
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Input Buffer Reference Voltage (VREF)
I/O StandardValid Input
Terminations (Ω)
1.2-V POD34, 40, 48, 60, 80,
Valid Output
Differential/Complementary I/O
34, 40, 48, 60240Yes
120, 240
Input Buffer Reference Voltage (VREF)
The 1.2-V POD I/O standard allows a configurable VREF. By default, the externally provided VREF is
used and using an internal VREF requires the following .qsf assignments:
Note: The VREF settings are at the lane level, so all pins using a lane must have the same VREF settings
(including GPIOs).
Table 6: VREF_MODE Description
VREF ModeDescription
EXTERNALUse the external VREF. This is the default.
CALIBRATEDUse internal VREF generated using VREF codes from the Avalon reconfiguration bus.
VCCIO_45Use internal VREF generated using static VREF code. VREF is 45% of VCCN
VCCIO_50Use internal VREF generated using static VREF code. VREF is 50% of VCCN
VCCIO_55Use internal VREF generated using static VREF code. VREF is 55% of VCCN
VCCIO_65Use internal VREF generated using static VREF code. VREF is 65% of VCCN
VCCIO_70Use internal VREF generated using static VREF code. VREF is 70% of VCCN
VCCIO_75Use internal VREF generated using static VREF code. VREF is 75% of VCCN
0 is equivalent to none.
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Input Buffer
Internal VREF
6 bits binary weighted resistors dividor
6 bits Static VREF Code
6 bits calibrated VREF code from Avalon bus
VREF Calibration Block
External VREF
Figure 13: VREF
Calibrated VREF Settings
Calibrated VREF Settings
Table 7: Calibrated VREF Settings
This table lists the calibrated VREF settings that you can set over the Avalon calibration bus.
Place each group in the interface into a set of lanes in the same bank, the number of which depends on the
number of pins used by the group. All groups in an interface must be placed across a contiguous set of
Table 8: Group Pin Placement
Number of Pins in GroupValid DQS Group in a BankValid Indices in a Bank
1-12DQS for X8/X9{0-11}/{12-23}/{24-35}/{36-47}
13-24DQS for X16/X18{0-23}/{24-47}
24-48DQS for X32/X36{0-47}
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Reference Clock
Related Information
• Device Pin-Out File
For specific DQS group numbers refer to the specific device Pin-Out file
Reference Clock
The reference clock must be placed on a clock input in one of the banks used by the interface. If the
reference clock is used for multiple interfaces (consisting of a combination of EMIF and Altera PHYLite
for Parallel Interfaces IPs), it can be placed in any bank used by any of the interfaces, but the banks for all
interfaces must be contiguous.
Constraining Multiple Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces to One I/O Bank
To constrain groups from separate Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core instances into the same
I/O bank, the instances must share the same reference clock and reset sources, the same external memory
frequencies and the same voltage settings.
Dynamic Reconfiguration
If you are using the dynamic reconfiguration feature, all interfaces of the Arria 10 External Memory
Interfaces and Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP cores in the same I/O column must share the
The Quartus II software version 14.1 generates the required timing constraints to analyze the timing of
the Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core on the Arria 10 device.
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Timing Components
Table 9: Timing Components
Timing Components
Circuit CategoryTiming
Source Synchronous
Read PathMemory
and optionally
Source Synchronous
Write PathFPGA DQ/
and optionally
DQ Capture
Source synchronous timing paths—
paths where clock and data signals are
passed from the transmitting devices
to the receiving devices.
Optionally calibrated paths—paths
with delay elements that are
dynamically reconfigurable to achieve
timing closure, especially at higher
frequency, and to maximize the
timing margins. You can calibrate
these paths by implementing an
algorithm and turning on the
optional dynamic reconfiguration
feature. An example of the calibrated
path is the FPGA to memory device
write path, in which you can
dynamically reconfigure the delay
elements to, for instance, compensate
the skew due to process voltage
temperature variation.
Internal FPGACore to
Internal FPGAPHYLite to
Read FIFOCore
Timing Constraints and Files
To enable you to successfully timing constrain the Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core, the IP
core generates a set of timing files. You can locate these timing files in the <variation_name> directory:
• <variation_name> .sdc
• <variation_name> _ip_parameters.tcl
• <variation_name>_pin_map.tcl
Can be optionally calibrated by using dynamic reconfiguration.
Write FIFO
The internal FPGA paths are paths in
the FPGA fabric. The TimeQuest
timing analyzer reports the
corresponding timing margins.
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You can find the location of the <variation_name>.sdc file in the .qip, which is generated during the IP
generation. The <variation_name>.sdc allows the Fitter to optimize timing margins with timing driven
compilation and allows the TimeQuest timing analyzer to analyze the timing of your design.
The IP core uses <variation_name>.sdc for the following operations:
• Creating clocks on PLL inputs
• Creating generated clocks
• Calling derive_clock_uncertainty
• Creating set_output_delay and set_input_delay constraints to analyze the timing of the read and
write paths
The <variation_name>_ip_parameters.tcl file lists the Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core
parameters and is read by the <variation_name>.sdc.
The <variation_name>_pin_map.tcl is a TCL library of functions and procedures that
<variation_name>.sdc uses.
Timing Analysis
Table 10: Timing Analysis
This table lists the timing analysis performed in the I/O and FPGA for the Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces
IP core.
I/OThe Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core generation creates the appropriate
generated clock settings for the read strobe on the read path and the write strobe of the write
path, according to their strobe type (singled-ended, complementary, or differential) and their
interface type (SDR or DDR) in the following format:
• Clock name for read strobe—<pin_name>_IN.
• Clock name for the write path—<pin_name> for positive strobe.
• Clock name for the write path—<pin_name>_neg for negative strobe.
The set_false_path, set_input_delay and set_output_delay constraints are also
generated to ensure proper timing analysis of the Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP
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FPGAThe Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core generation creates the clock settings for the
user core clock and the periphery clock in the following formats:
• user core clock—<variation_name>_usr_clk
• periphery clock— <variation_name>_phy_clk*
The user core clock is for user core logic and the periphery clock is the clock for the PHYLite
periphery hardware. With these clock settings, the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer analyzes the
timing of the Altera PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core interface transfer and within core
transfer correctly.
Timing Closure Guidelines
Timing Closure: Dynamic Reconfiguration
You can dynamically reconfigure the delay elements in the I/O to optimize process, voltage, temperature
variations by implementing a calibration algorithm that modifies the input and output delays (refer to
Dynamic Reconfiguration on page 20).
Timing Closure Guidelines
The SDC cuts the I/O transfer paths and you must verify the reconfiguration algorithm to ensure that
your I/O transfers are working. The Quartus II software issues the following critical warning:
Dynamic Reconfiguration is ON but user has not set var(dynamic_reconfiguration_algorithm_verified) to 1. Please set to 1 after calibration algorithm is
extensively verified. I/O timing analysis may not represent the system.
After verifying the algorithm, you can disable the critical warning by editing the .sdc file and set the
following variable to 1:
Timing Closure: Non Edge-Aligned Input Data
If the input data is not edge-aligned, modify the timing settings of the group to match the system. Convert
input strobe phase shift to nanosecond and subtract it from Input Strobe Setup Delay Constrain and
Input Strobe Hold Delay Constrain parameters.
If the input data is center-aligned with the input strobe, subtract the 90° phase shift from the Input StrobeSetup Delay Constrain and Input Strobe Hold Delay Constrain parameters in the
<variation_name>.sdc. For example, if the memory speed is 800 MHz and the value of the Input Strobe
Setup Delay Constrain parameter is 0.1, change the value to 0.1-1.25*(90/360) = -0.2125.
Ensure that you make the changes in the Input Strobe Setup Delay Constrain and Input Strobe
Hold Delay Constrain parameters.
I/O Timing Violation
At high frequency configuration, it is difficult to achieve timing closure at I/O. Consider using the Arria
10 External Memory Interface IP core or the dynamic reconfiguration feature to calibrate the I/O path.
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