Altera Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration IP Core User Manual

Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration
(ALTPLL_RECONFIG) Megafunction
UG-032405-6.0 User Guide


This user guide describes the features and behavior of the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction that you can configure through the parameter editor in the Quartus
f This user guide assumes that you are familiar with megafunctions and how to create
them. If you are unfamiliar with Altera megafunctions or the parameter editor, refer to the Introduction to Megafunctions User Guide.
Phase-locked loops (PLLs) use divide counters and voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) phase taps to perform frequency synthesis and phase shifts. In enhanced and fast PLLs, you can reconfigure the counter settings as well as phase shift the PLL output clock in real time. You can also change the charge-pump and loop-filter components, which dynamically affect the PLL bandwidth. The ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction implements reconfiguration logic to facilitate dynamic real-time reconfiguration of PLLs in Altera devices. You can use the megafunction to update the output clock frequency, PLL bandwidth, and phase shifts in real time, without reconfiguring the entire FPGA.
The ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction offers the following additional features to the ALTPLL megafunction:
Reconfiguration of pre-scale counter (N) parameters.
101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134
Reconfiguration of feedback counter (M) parameters.
Reconfiguration of post-scale output counter (C) parameters.
Reconfiguration of delay element or phase shift of each counter. For Stratix
Stratix IV, Cyclone
Dynamic adjustment of the charge-pump current and loop-filter components to
II GX devices, use the ALTPLL megafunction to access this feature.
III, Cyclone IV, HardCopy®III, HardCopy IV, and
facilitate dynamic reconfiguration of the PLL bandwidth. This feature is available only in Arria GX, HardCopy II, Stratix II, Stratix II GX, Stratix III, and Stratix IV devices.
Reconfiguration from multiple configuration files using external read-only
memory (ROM) in user mode. This feature is available only in Stratix III, Stratix IV, Cyclone III, Cyclone IV, and Arria II GX devices. The ALTPLL_RECONFIG supports reconfiguration from Memory Initialization File (.mif) and Hexadecimal File (.hex).
© 2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their
respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
February 2012 Altera Corporation
Page 2 Common Applications
f For more details about these features, refer to the Clock Networks and PLLs chapter of
the respective device handbook.

Common Applications

Use the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction in designs that must support dynamic changes in the frequency and phase shift of clocks and other frequency signals. The megafunction is also useful in prototyping environments because it allows you to sweep PLL output frequencies and dynamically adjust the output clock phase. For example, a system generating test patterns is required to generate and transmit patterns at 50 or 100 MHz, depending on the device under test. Reconfiguring the PLL components in real-time allows you to switch between two such output frequencies within a few microseconds. You can also adjust the clock-to-output (tCO) delays in real-time by changing the output clock phase shift. This approach eliminates the need to regenerate a configuration file with the new PLL settings.
Reconfigurable PLLs are very useful in DDR 2 and DDR 3 interfaces to implement the dynamic data path (via the ALTMEMPHY megafunction). The PLL is needed to drive the DLL used in the dynamic external memory interface operation. This operation requires dynamic phase-shifting.
f For more information about dynamic phase-shifting in DDR 2 and DDR 3 interfaces,
refer to the ALTMEMPHY Megafunction User Guide.
In addition, you can dynamically configure Stratix III, Stratix IV, Cyclone III, Cyclone IV, and Arria II GX PLLs by using multiple configuration files stored on the external ROM.

Device Family Support

The megafunction supports the Stratix series (excluding Stratix V), HardCopy series, Arria GX series, and Cyclone series devices.

Resource Utilization and Performance

For details about the resource usage and performance of the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction in various devices, refer to the compilation reports in the Quartus II software.
To view the compilation reports for the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction in the Quartus II software, follow these steps:
1. On the Processing menu, click Start Compilation to run a full compilation.
2. After compiling the design, on the Processing menu, click Compilation Report.
3. In the Table of Contents browser, expand the Fitter folder by clicking the “+” icon.
4. Under Fitter, expand Resource section, and select Resource Usage Summary to view the resource usage information.
5. Under Fitter, expand Resource section, and select Resource Utilization by Entity to view the resource utilization information.
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) Megafunction February 2012 Altera Corporation
Parameter Settings Page 3

Parameter Settings

Altera recommends that you configure the megafunction using the MegaWizard™ Plug-In Manager. This section describes the parameters in the ALTPLL_RECONFIG parameter editor.
Expert users may choose to instantiate and configure the megafunction using the clear box generator.
Tab le 1 lists the parameter settings for the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction.
Table 1. ALTPLL_RECONFIG Parameter Settings
Page Options Description
Currently Selected Device Family
Which scan chain type will you be using?
Parameter Settings
Do you want to specify the initial value of the scan chain?
Add ports to write to the scan chain from external ROM during run time
Specifies the chosen device family.
Scan chain is serial shift register chain that is used to store settings. It acts like a cache. When you assert the reconfig signal, the PLL is reconfigured with the values in the cache. The type of scan chain must follow the type of PLL to be reconfigured.
For Arria GX, Stratix II, Stratix II GX, and HardCopy II devices—Specifies the scan chain type as either Enhanced or Fast.
For Stratix and Stratix GX devices—Specifies the scan chain type as either Long chain or Short chain.
For Stratix III, Stratix IV, HardCopy III, and HardCopy IV devices—Specifies the scan chain type as either Top/Bottom or Left/Right. For Cyclone III, Cyclone IV, and Arria II GX devices—The scan chain type has a default value of Left/Right.
Specifies the initial value of the scan chain. Select No, leave it blank to not specify a file or select Yes, use this file for the content data to browse for a .hex or .mif file.
For Arria GX, Arria II GX, Stratix, Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II GX,Stratix III, Stratix IV, HardCopy II, HardCopy III, and HardCopy IV devices—You can also choose to initialize from ROM by turning on Do not use pre-initialized RAM - initialize from ROM instead.
For Cyclone III and Cyclone IV devices—The option to initialize from a ROM is not available. However, you can choose to add ports to write to the scan chain from an external ROM during runtime by turning on Add ports to write to the scan chain from external ROM during run time.
This option is only available for Stratix III, Stratix IV, Cyclone III, Cyclone IV, HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, and Arria II GX devices. This option takes advantage of cycling multiple configuration files, which are stored in external ROMs during user mode. This capability is demonstrated in the functional description section,
“Functional Description—Implementing Multiple Reconfiguration Using an External ROM” on page 6.
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) MegafunctionFebruary 2012 Altera Corporation
Page 4 Parameter Settings
Table 1. ALTPLL_RECONFIG Parameter Settings
Page Options Description
Specifies the libraries needed for functional simulation.
Generate netlist
Specifies whether to turn on the option to generate synthesis area and timing estimation netlist.
Specifies the types of files to be generated. A gray checkmark indicates a file that is automatically generated; a red checkmark indicates an optional file.
Choose from the following types of files:
AHDL Include file (<function name>.inc)
VHDL component declaration file (<function name>.cmp)
Quartus II symbol file (<function name>.bsf)
Instantiation template file (<function name>_inst.v or <function
Verilog HDL block box file (<function name>_bb.v)
If Generate netlist option is turned on, the file for that netlist is also available (<function name>_syn.v).
You c a n op e n a .mif in a text editor to make use of the comments embedded within the file. These comments show you the scan chain values and positions based on your design parameterization (see Figure 1). If you open a .mif in the Quartus II software, you can regenerate the .mif in the ALTPLL parameter editor to restore the comments.
Figure 1. MIF file
f For more information about implementing PLL reconfiguration in the supported
Stratix series, refer to AN 282: Implementing PLL Reconfiguration in Stratix & Stratix GX
Devices, AN 367: Implementing PLL Reconfiguration in Stratix II Devices and AN 454: Implementing PLL Reconfiguration in Stratix III Devices.
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) Megafunction February 2012 Altera Corporation
Checking Design Violations With the Design Assistant Page 5

Checking Design Violations With the Design Assistant

The Design Assistant is a design rule checking tool that allows you to check for design issues early in the design flow. When you run the Design Assistant in the Quartus II software for the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction, you might receive the warning message shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Warning Message in Design Assistant
This message appears because there is a combinational logic in the megafunction that connects the synchronous signal to the asynchronous external reset signal. To fix the issue, you must synchronize the external reset signal outside the megafunction.
To synchronize the external reset signal, use the sample Verilog HDL code shown in
Example 1. In the example, the input of
reset pin, and the output of
is connected to the
is connected to the external
input port of
the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction.
Example 1. Code to Synchronize External Reset Signal
module synch_reg (reset, reconfig_clk, sync_reset_dffe2);
input reset, reconfig_clk; output sync_reset_dffe2; reg sync_reset_dffe1, sync_reset_dffe2; always @(posedge reconfig_clk) begin
sync_reset_dffe1 = reset; end always @(posedge reconfig_clk) begin
sync_reset_dffe2 = sync_reset_dffe1;
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) MegafunctionFebruary 2012 Altera Corporation
Page 6 Simulation


You can perform functional and gate-level timing simulations of the megafunction.
f For more information, refer to the appropriate chapter in the Simulation section in
volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook.
If phase-shifting occurs after a PLL reconfiguration, use gate-level timing simulation instead of functional simulation to verify the correct counter settings and phase shifts. For non-zero PLL phase shifts, the frequency of the output clocks after a reconfiguration is correct, but the phase may be incorrect. If the phase shift is significant, use gate-level timing simulation to verify the timing behavior.

Functional Description—Implementing Multiple Reconfiguration Using an External ROM

The ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction allows you to reconfigure the PLL using an external ROM with multiple configuration files. With this feature, you can perform the following:
Specify an external ROM and feed its content to the ALTPLL_RECONFIG
Use the megafunction with multiple PLL configuration settings that are stored in
configuration files during user mode.
Use the megafunction with applications that require flexible dynamic-shifting of
PLL settings during user mode.
Reconfigure the initial PLL settings from a source other than an embedded
random-access memory (RAM), such as an off-chip flash device, which is useful in HardCopy-type applications.
1 This feature is available for Stratix III, Stratix IV, Cyclone III, Cyclone IV,
HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, and Arria II GX devices only.
To support reconfiguration from multiple configuration files, the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction has three input ports and two output ports:
input port signals the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction
instantiation to write to the scan cache from the ROM.
input port holds data from the ROM.
input port lets you restart the read process from the ROM.
The data arrives serially from the ROM, starting from bit 0.
output bus holds the current address of the ROM data to be
written to the scan cache.
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) Megafunction February 2012 Altera Corporation
output port enables the intended ROM to be read out.
Functional Description—Implementing Multiple Reconfiguration Using an External ROM Page 7
The input and output ports to support reconfiguration using multiple configuration files are shown in Figure 3, circled in red.
Figure 3. Ports to Support Reconfiguration Using Multiple Configuration Files
reconfig read_param write_param
data_in[8:0] counter_type[3:0]
counter_param[2:0] pll_scandataout
clock reset
write_from_rom rom_data_in reset_rom_address
The reconfiguration feature using multiple configuration files allows you to feed data from multiple ROMs to a multiplexer that feeds the a sample design. In this scheme, the
signal feeds back to the ROM as
the enable signal, which allows the ROM to be read out. The
port. Figure 4 shows
provides the intended ROM address, which determines the exact ROM data.
Figure 4. Typical Scheme for Reconfiguring PLLs from External ROMs
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) MegafunctionFebruary 2012 Altera Corporation
Page 8 Functional Description—Implementing Multiple Reconfiguration Using an External ROM
To copy the data from a ROM to the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction scan cache (a memory location that stores the PLL reconfiguration settings), you must hold the
signal on the first rising edge of the clock after the
signal high for 1 clock cycle. The megafunction asserts the busy
signal goes high.
The busy signal remains asserted until all the bits are written into the scan cache.
On the second rising edge of the clock after the
signal goes low
again, the intended ROM address for the write operation appears on the
rom_address_out rom_address_out
megafunction instantiation. The rising edge of the clock after the
port. The data of the ROM specified by the intended address on is fed to the rom_
input port of the ALTPLL_RECONFIG
write_rom_ena write_from_rom
signal is also asserted on the second
signal goes low again (refer to
Figure 5).
Figure 5. Beginning Write to the Scan Cache of the ALTPLL_RECONFIG Megafunction from the ROM
The writing-to-scan cache process continues until the address reaches the specific size of the scan cache (234 for Stratix III device top and bottom PLL, 180 for Stratix III device left and right PLL, and 144 for Cyclone III PLL). This process is completed when the
signal is deasserted. This means that the scan cache of the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction is written with the intended reconfiguration settings from the ROM.
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) Megafunction February 2012 Altera Corporation
Functional Description—Implementing Multiple Reconfiguration Using an External ROM Page 9
After this, the
signal can be asserted for 1 clock cycle to reconfigure the PLL to the intended settings that have been written to the scan cache of the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction (refer to Figure 6).
Figure 6. Completing Write to the Scan Cache of the ALTPLL_RECONFIG Megafunction from the ROM
Note to Figure 6:
(1) This figure also shows the beginning of the reconfiguration process.
If you assert the 1 clock cycle and the asserted, the write process then restarts from address
signal, the
signal resets. When the
(refer to Figure 7).
signal is deasserted for
Figure 7. Asserting the reset_rom_address Signal
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) MegafunctionFebruary 2012 Altera Corporation
Page 10 Design Example

Design Example

You can download design examples for this megafunction from the following locations:
On the Documentation: Quartus II Development Software page, in the Using
Megafunctions section under I/O
On the Documentation: User Guides webpage, with this user guide
The designs are simulated using the ModelSim waveform display of the device behavior. For more information about the ModelSim­Altera software, refer to the ModelSim-Altera Software Support page on the Altera website. The support page includes links to such topics as installation, usage, and troubleshooting.

Frequency Division

This design example uses the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction to change the clock frequency of an enhanced PLL. This example demonstrates how to reconfigure the counter using the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction to vary the frequency of this counter by changing the c value. Figure 8 shows the formula for changing the c value for different PLL output frequencies.
-Altera software to generate a
Figure 8. Frequency Division Formula
Divide-by value = c = (Fin * m)/(Fout * n)
Where: c value = High time count = Low time count Fin = Input frequency m = m modulus value n = n modulus value Fout = Required output frequency
This example reconfigures the output frequency of
from 100to50MHz by
changing the divide-by value from 3 to 6.

Generating the ALTPLL and ALTPLL_RECONFIG Megafunctions

To generate the ALTPLL and ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunctions, follow these steps:
1. Open the file and extract
2. In the Quartus II software, open the pll_recon_ex1_1.1.qar file and restore the
archive file into your working directory.
3. On the Tools menu, click MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. Page 1 of the
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears.
4. Select Create a new custom megafunction variation.
5. Click Next. Page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears.
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) Megafunction February 2012 Altera Corporation
Design Example Page 11
6. In the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager pages, select or verify the configuration
settings listed in Tab le 2. Click Next to advance from one page to the next.
Table 2. Configuration Settings for the ALTPLL Megafunction (Part 1 of 2)
MegaWizard Plug-In
Manager Page
Parameter Settings
Parameter Settings (Scan/Inputs/Lock)
Output Clocks
(clk c0)
EDA Generate netlist Turned off
Settings Value
Megafunction Under the I/O category, select ALTPLL
Which device family will you be using? Stratix
Which type of output file do you want to create?
What name do you want for the output file? reconfig_pll
Return to this page for another create operation
Turned on
Currently selected device family Stratix
Match project/default Turned on
Which device speed grade will you be using?
What is the frequency of inclk0 input 100 MHz
Which PLL type will you be using? Enhanced PLL
How will the PLL outputs be generated?
Which output clock will be compensated for?
Create optional inputs for dynamic reconfiguration
Long chain: All 6 core and 4 external clocks are available
Create an ‘pllena’ input to selectively enable the PLL
Create an ‘areset’ input to asynchronously reset the PLL
Create an ‘pfdena’ input to selectively enable the phase/frequency detector
Select Use the feedback path inside the PLL. Select In normal mode
Turned on
Turned off
Turned on
Turned off
Create ‘locked’ output Turned on
Create output file(s) using ‘Advanced’ PLL parameters
Turned off
Use this clock Turned on
Enter output clock frequency 100 MHz
Clock phase shift 0 degrees
Clock duty cycle (%) 50
Create a clock enable input Turned off
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) MegafunctionFebruary 2012 Altera Corporation
Page 12 Design Example
Table 2. Configuration Settings for the ALTPLL Megafunction (Part 2 of 2)
MegaWizard Plug-In
Manager Page
Variation file Turned on
PinPlanner ports PPF file Turned on
AHDL Include file Turned on
VHDL component declaration file Turned on
Quartus II symbol file Turned on
Instantiation template file Turned on
7. Click Finish. The
Settings Value
module is built.
8. Click OK. The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager resets to page 2a to allow you to
create a new custom megafunction variation.
9. In the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager pages, select or verify the configuration
settings listed in Tab le 3. Click Next to advance from one page to the next.
Table 3. Configuration Settings for the ALTPLL_RECONFIG Megafunction
MegaWizard Plug-In
Manager Page
Parameter Settings
Parameter Settings
(General 2)
EDA Generate netlist Turned off
Which device family will you be using? Stratix
Which type of output file do you want to create?
What name do you want for the output file? pll_reconfig
Return to this page for another create operation
Currently selected device family Stratix
Match project/default Turned on
Which scan chain type will you be using Long chain
Do you want to specify initial value of the scan chain?
File name pll_j1__clk0.mif
Do not use pre initialized RAM - initialize from ROM instead
Variation file Turned on
AHDL Include file Turned on
VHDL component declaration file Turned on
Quartus II symbol file Turned on
Instantiation template file Turned on
Settings Value
Under the I/O category, select ALTPLL_RECONFIG
Turned off
Select Yes, use this file for the content data
Turned off
10. Click Finish. The
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) Megafunction February 2012 Altera Corporation
module is built.
Design Example Page 13

Compiling the ALTPLL and ALTPLL_RECONFIG Megafunctions

To add the ALTPLL megafunction to the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction, and then compile the design in the Quartus II software, follow these steps:
1. On the Project menu, click Add/Remove File in Project. The Settings dialog box
2. In the Category list, select Files.
3. Click Browse (...) after File name and select pll_recon_ex1.vhd from the project
folder. This file is the top-level module that contains the port-mapping between the
4. Click Add to add the top-level file to the project.
5. Click OK.
6. On the File menu, click Save Project.
The top-level file is added to the project.
7. To compile the design, on the Processing menu, click Start Compilation.
8. When the Full Compilation was successful message box appears, click OK.
You have now created and compiled the complete design file, which can be viewed in the RTL Viewer (Figure 9). To display the RTL Viewer, in the Tools menu, select Netlist Viewers, and click on RTL Viewer.
Figure 9. RTL Viewer — Complete Design File

Simulating the Design Example

To simulate the design example using the ModelSim-Altera software, follow these steps:
1. Unzip the file to any working directory on your
2. Browse to the folder in which you unzipped the files.
3. Open in a text editor.
4. In line 1 of the file, ensure that the directory path of
the library files is correct. For example, C:/Modeltech_ae/altera/verilog/stratix.
5. On the File menu, click Save.
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) MegafunctionFebruary 2012 Altera Corporation
Page 14 Design Example
6. Launch the ModelSim-Altera software.
7. On the File menu, click Change Directory.
8. Select the folder in which you unzipped the files.
9. Click OK.
10. On the Tools menu, click Execute Macro.
11. Select the file and click Open. This is a script file for
ModelSim-Altera software to automate all the necessary settings for the simulation.
12. Verify the results shown in the Wave window.
You can rearrange, remove, and add signals, and change the radix by modifying the script
Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the expected simulation results in the ModelSim-Altera
software. Figure 11 shows the change in
Figure 10. Simulation Results in the ModelSim-Altera Software (8.9 to 9.5 ms)
frequency starting from 12.75 ms.
Figure 11. Simulation Results in the ModelSim-Altera Software (9.5 to 13.5 ms)
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) Megafunction February 2012 Altera Corporation
Design Example Page 15
Duty cycle = (Ch/Ct) % high time count and (Cl/Ct) % low time count with RSELODD = 0
Where: Ch = High time count Cl = Low time count Ct = Total time
When you set RSELODD = 1, you subtract 0.5 cycles from the high time and you add 0.5 cycles to the low time.
For example, if: Ch = 2 cycles Cl = 1 cycle (Note: For odd division factors, the larger number is for the Ch counter; the smaller number is for the CI counter.)
Setting RSELODD = 1 effectively changes the Ch and Cl to: High time count = 1.5 cycles
Low time count = 1.5 cycles Duty cycle = (1.5/3) % high time count and (1.5/3) % low time count

Pulse Width Variation

This design example uses the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction to modify the pulse width of an enhanced PLL. This example demonstrates how to reconfigure the counter using the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction to vary the pulse width of this counter by changing the high-count and low-count values. The formula for changing the duty cycle is shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12. Changing the Duty Cycle Formula
In this example, the pulse width is programmed to change from 50% to 25% , and then to 75% of the duty cycle.

Generating the ALTPLL and ALTPLL_RECONFIG Megafunctions

To generate the ALTPLL and ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunctions, perform the following steps:
1. Open and extract
2. In the Quartus II software, open pll_recon_ex2_1.1.qar and restore the archive file
into your working directory.
3. On the Tools menu, click MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. Page 1 of the
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears.
4. Select Create a new custom megafunction variation.
5. Click Next. Page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears.
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) MegafunctionFebruary 2012 Altera Corporation
Page 16 Design Example
6. In the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager pages, select or verify the configuration
settings listed in Tab le 4. Click Next to advance from one page to the next.
Table 4. Configuration Settings for the ALTPLL Megafunction (Part 1 of 2)
Plug-In Manager
Settings Value
Megafunction Under the I/O category, select ALTPLL
Which device family will you be using? Stratix
Which type of output file do you want to create?
What name do you want for the output file? reconfig_pll
Return to this page for another create operation
Tur n e d o n
Currently selected device family Stratix
Match project/default Turned on
Parameter Settings
Parameter Settings (Scan/Inputs/Lock)
Which device speed grade will you be using?
What is the frequency of inclk0 input 20 MHz
Which PLL type will you be using? Enhanced PLL
How will the PLL outputs be generated?
Which output clock will be compensated for?
Create optional inputs for dynamic reconfiguration
Long chain: All 6 core and 4 external clocks are available
Create an ‘pllena’ input to selectively enable the PLL
Create an ‘areset’ input to asynchronously reset the PLL
Create an ‘pfdena’ input to selectively enable the phase/frequency detector
Select Use the feedback path inside the PLL. Select In normal mode
Tur n e d o n
Tur n e d o f f
Tur n e d o n
Tur n e d o f f
Create ‘locked’ output Turned on
Create output file(s) using ‘Advanced’ PLL parameters
Tur n e d o f f
Use this clock Turned on
Output Clocks
(clk c1)
Enter output clock frequency 15 MHz
Clock phase shift 0 degrees
Clock duty cycle (%) 50
Create a clock enable input Turned off
EDA Generate netlist Turned off
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) Megafunction February 2012 Altera Corporation
+ 35 hidden pages