Altera Phase-Locked Loop User Manual

101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134
Altera Phase-Locked Loop (Altera PLL) IP Core User
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The Altera PLL megafunction IP core allows you to configure the settings of PLL. Altera PLL IP core supports the following features:
• Generates up to 18 clock output signals for the Arria® V and Stratix® V devices and nine clock output signals for the Cyclone® V device.
• Switches between two reference input clocks.
• Supports both the adjacent PLL (adjpllin) and the C-Counter clock source (cclk) inputs to connect with an upstream PLL in PLL cascading mode.
• Supports PLL output cascading.
• Generates the Memory Initialization File (.mif) and allows PLL dynamic reconfiguration.
Related Information
Introduction to Altera IP Cores Provides more information about the Altera IP cores and the parameter editor.
Operation Modes on page 9
Output Clocks on page 9
Reference Clock Switchover on page 10
PLL-to-PLL Cascading on page 10
PLL Output Counter Cascading on page 14

Device Family Support

The Altera PLL IP core supports the Arria V, Cyclone V, and Stratix V device families.

Altera PLL IP Core Parameters

The Altera PLL IP core parameter editor appears in the PLL category of the IP Catalog.
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Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - General Tab

Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - General Tab
Table 1: Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - General Tab
Parameter Legal Value Description
Device Speed Grade Stratix V: 1–4,
Arria V: 3–6,
Specifies the speed grade for a device. The lower the number, the faster the speed grade.
Cyclone V: 6–
PLL Mode Integer-N PLL
or Fractional-
Specifies the mode used for the Altera PLL IP core. The default mode is Integer-N PLL.
Reference Clock Frequency Specifies the input frequency for the input clock, refclk, in
MHz. The default value is 100.0 MHz. The minimum and maximum value is dependent on the selected device. The PLL reads only the numerals in the first six decimal places.
Altera Corporation
Altera Phase-Locked Loop (Altera PLL) IP Core User Guide
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Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - General Tab
Parameter Legal Value Description
Operation Mode direct,
zero delay
buffer, or lvds
Specifies the operation of the PLL. The default operation is direct mode.
• If you select the direct mode, the PLL minimizes the
length of the feedback path to produce the smallest possible jitter at the PLL output.The internal-clock and external-clock outputs of the PLL are phase-shifted with respect to the PLL clock input. In this mode, the PLL does not compensate for any clock networks.
• If you select the normal mode, the PLL compensates for
the delay of the internal clock network used by the clock output. If the PLL is also used to drive an external clock output pin, a corresponding phase shift of the signal on the output pin occurs.
• If you select the source synchronous mode, the clock
delay from pin to I/O input register matches the data delay from pin to I/O input register.
• If you select the external feedback mode, you must
connect the fbclk input port to an input pin. A board­level connection must connect both the input pin and external clock output port, fboutclk. The fbclk port is aligned with the input clock.
• If you select the zero delay buffer mode, the PLL must
feed an external clock output pin and compensate for the delay introduced by that pin. The signal observed on the pin is synchronized to the input clock. The PLL clock output connects to the altbidir port and drives
zdbfbclk as an output port. If the PLL also drives the
internal clock network, a corresponding phase shift of that network occurs.
• If you select the lvds mode, the same data and clock
timing relationship of the pins at the internal SERDES capture register is maintained. The mode compensates for the delays in LVDS clock network, and between the data pin and clock input pin to the SERDES capture register paths.
Enable locked output port
Turn on or
Turn off
Enable physical output clock parameters
Turn on or
Turn off
Number of Clocks Stratix V and
Arria V: 1–18, Cyclone V: 1–
Altera Phase-Locked Loop (Altera PLL) IP Core User Guide
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Turn on to enable the locked port.
Turn on to enter physical PLL counter parameters instead of specifying a desired output clock frequency.
Specifies the number of output clocks required for each device in the PLL design. The requested settings for output frequency, phase shift, and duty cycle are shown based on the number of clocks selected.
Altera Corporation

Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - Clock Switchover Tab

Parameter Legal Value Description
Desired Frequency
Specifies the output clock frequency of the corresponding
output clock port, outclk[], in MHz. The default value is
100.0 MHz. The minimum and maximum values depend on the device used. The PLL only reads the numerals in the first
six decimal places. Actual Frequency Specifies the actual value for the output clock frequency. Phase Shift units ps or degrees Specifies the phase shift unit for the corresponding output
clock port, outclk[], in picoseconds (ps) or degrees. Phase Shift Specifies the requested value for the phase shift. The default
value is 0 ps. Actual Phase Shift Specifies the actual value for the phase shift. Duty Cycle 1–99 Specifies the duty cycle in percentage for the corresponding
output clock port, outclk[]. The default value is 50%. Fractional carry out
8, 16, 24, or 32 Specifies the fractional carry out (Fcout) for the Delta Sigma
Modulator (DSM) mode for PLL. The fractional carry out
determines the denominator in the equation K/2^Fcout. DSM Order
Specifies the DSM order for shifting the fractional noise to
be filtered out by the PLL to high frequencies.
3rd_order, or
Multiply Factor (M­Counter)
Fractional Multiply Factor
(K) Divide Factor (N-
Make this a cascade counter
Divide Factor (C­Counter)
1-512 Specifies the multiply factor of M-counter.
1 to (2^Fcout-1)Specifies the fractional multiply factor of DSM. Fcout is the
value of fractional carry out parameter.
1-512 Specifies the divide factor of N-counter.
Turn on or
Turn off
Turn on to cascade this counter into the next counter
output for larger division factor.
1-512 Specifies the divide factor for the output clock (C-counter)
Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - Clock Switchover Tab
Table 2: Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - Clock Switchover Tab
Parameter Legal Value Description
Create a second input clk ‘refclk1’
This parameter is only available when Enable physical output clock parameters is turned off.
This parameter is only available in Fractional-N PLL mode.
This parameter is only available when Enable physical output clock parameters is turned on.
This feature is only supported in Quartus® II version 13.1 and onwards.
Turn on or
Turn off
Turn on to provide a backup clock attached to your PLL
that can switch with your original reference clock.
Altera Corporation
Altera Phase-Locked Loop (Altera PLL) IP Core User Guide
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Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - Clock Switchover Tab
Parameter Legal Value Description
Second Reference Clock Frequency
Switchover Mode
Switchover, or
with Manual
Selects the frequency of the second input clock signal. The
default value is 100.0 MHz. The minimum and maximum
value is dependent on the device used. The PLL reads only
the numerals in the first six decimal places.
The PLL is automatically configured to satisfy its legality
requirements for the primary reference clock only. If the
second reference clock frequency is different, this may cause
an illegal VCO or PFD frequency error. To avoid this error,
you can turn on Enable physical output clock parameters
and manually configure the PLL such that the frequency is
legal for both refclk inputs.
Specifies the switchover mode for design application. The IP
supports three switchover modes:
• If you select the Automatic Switchover mode, the PLL
circuitry monitors the selected reference clock. If one clock stops, the circuit automatically switches to the backup clock in a few clock cycles and updates the status signals, clkbad and activeclk.
• If you select the Manual Switchover mode, when the
control signal, extswitch, changes from logic low to logic high, and stays high for at least three clock cycles, the input clock switches to the other clock. The
extswitch can be generated from FPGA core logic or
input pin.
• If you select Automatic Switchover with Manual Override mode, when the extswitch signal is high, it overrides the automatic switch function. As long as
extswitch remains high, further switchover action is
blocked. To select this mode, your two clock sources must be running and the frequency of the two clocks cannot differ by more than 20%. If both clocks are not on the same frequency, but their period difference is within 20%, the clock loss detection block will detect the lost clock. The PLL most likely drops out of lock after the PLL clock input switchover and needs time to lock again.
Switchover Delay
Create an ‘active_clk’ signal to indicate the input clock
0–7 Adds a specific amount of cycle delay to the switchover
Turn on or
Turn off
in use
Create a ‘clkbad’ signal for each of the input clocks
Altera Phase-Locked Loop (Altera PLL) IP Core User Guide
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Turn on or
Turn off
process. The default value is 0. Turn on to create the activeclk output. The activeclk
output indicates the input clock which is in use by the PLL. Output signal low indicates refclk and output signal high indicates refclk1.
Turn on to creates two clkbad outputs, one for each input clock. Output signal low indicates the clock is working and output signal high indicates the clock is not working.
Altera Corporation

Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - Cascading Tab

Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - Cascading Tab
Table 3: Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - Cascading Tab
Parameter Legal Value Description
Create a ‘cascade out’ signal to connect with a downstream PLL
Specifies which outclk to be used as cascading source
Turn on or
Turn off
Stratix V and
Arria V: 1–18,
Turn on to create an output port, which indicates that this PLL will be used as a source and it connects with a destina‐ tion (downstream) PLL.
Specifies the cascading source.
Cyclone V: 1–
Create an adjpllin or cclk signal to connect with an upstream PLL
PLL Cascading Mode Create an
Turn on or
Turn off
adjpllin signal
to connect
with an
upstream PLL
or Create a
cclk signal to
Turn on to create an input port, which indicates that this PLL will be used as a destination and it connects with a source (upstream) PLL.
• If you select Create an adjpllin signal to connect with an upstream PLL, the adjpllin signal is created to connect with an upstream PLL during cascading.
• If you select Create a cclk signal to connect with an upstream PLL, the cclk with an upstream PLL during cascading.
connect with
an upstream

Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - MIF Streaming Tab

signal is created to connect
Table 4: Altera PLL IP Core Parameters - MIF Streaming Tab
Parameter Legal Value Description
Generate MIF file Turn on or
Turn off
Turn on to generate the .mif for the current PLL profile. You must turn on the Enable dynamic reconfiguration of PLL parameter in the Settings tab before selecting this function. The generated .mif contains a PLL profile, and a collection of physical parameters—such as M, N, C, K, bandwidth, and charge pump—that defines that PLL. You can then load this .mif into the Altera PLL Reconfig IP core.
Enable Dynamic Phase Shift for MIF Streaming
Turn on or
Turn off
Turn on to store dynamic phase shift properties for PLL reconfiguration. You must turn on the Enable dynamic reconfiguration of PLL parameter in the Settings tab before selecting this function.
DPS Counter Selection C0–C17, All
Selects the counter to undergo dynamic phase shift.
C, or M
Not supported in Cyclone V devices.
Altera Corporation
Altera Phase-Locked Loop (Altera PLL) IP Core User Guide
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